What Extracurriculars did you do in High School?

I just picked up a Club starting form today in my high school and recalled how disastrous last year was. The club I started (3D animation yet it included some other miscellaneous stuff) did pretty much nothing and we ended up losing money in the end.

I've done quite a bit of extracurriculars including sports and an internship but am still looking for ways to broaden my horizon, and if not for colleges, just myself.

So what all did you guys do/are doing/looking forward to doing? How far did all these extra-curriculars take you (colleges) and help you in life (jobs)?
Right now?

Student Council (member)
Student leadership council (member)
Health Awareness club (Co Founder, Senior member)
Jazz Band
Community Band

and some other stuff really. Volunteering and the like. Sports is mostly playing with some buddies and gym.
None. Extracurriculars are a waste of time. I got into every college I applied to even without these. I don't think any of those things would have helped me in the jobs I've had. Maybe they might have made me more people friendly, but i'll never know. I'm not in any, nor do I plan in joining any in college.

@Eraddd: Yes, their purpose is to waste time doing shit while learning things. I found better ways of wasting my time.
None. Extracurriculars are a waste of time. I got into every college I applied to even without these. I don't think any of those things would have helped me in the jobs I've had. Maybe they might have made me more people friendly, but i'll never know. I'm not in any, nor do I plan in joining any in college.

You do realize that extracurriculars have a purpose OUTSIDE of getting into college?
Indian Club (yes, apparenlty no Punjabi club since we're minorities in my Catholic school)

Biology Club

Flag Football (After-school activity)

Basketball (Varsity)

@Blak: There're not only important for college but fun and you do develop communication skills and meet other people.
I joined FIRST Robotics which pushed away most other extracurricular activities. Was a programmer in 11th grade and in 12th was one of the communication team leads doing writing/website/marketing. Awesome experience. A lot of my friends joined too, met some new friends, got great experience to put on my resume/scholarship applications, travelled to Portland and Toronto for competitions. Was a lot of hard work (spent 10 - 12 hours at school for 6 weeks and had to come in one weekends at times) but totally worth it. Not to mention I was able to go back to the team and do a project with them in university which got me a damn good grade =D Yay networking!
None. Extracurriculars are a waste of time. I got into every college I applied to even without these. I don't think any of those things would have helped me in the jobs I've had. Maybe they might have made me more people friendly, but i'll never know. I'm not in any, nor do I plan in joining any in college.

@Eraddd: Yes, their purpose is to waste time doing shit while learning things. I found better ways of wasting my time.
You seem... fun. Although I've seen very few large scholarships that don't need extracurriculars.
i am in the FIRST 2 train robotics team 395 really fun to say the least currently working to become a programmer of the team.note this is in high school.also we get to travel compete with other teams all in all i am having a wonderful experience.
I do improvisation, aka make crap up in games eg Whose Line is it Anyway style. My team came 3rd at this years State Finals.

That's about it though.
Two main ones are band and Boy Scouts (Drum Major in band for a second year and ASPL for third year in a row in Boy Scouts).

I do various clubs, such as MUN, but none that I'm a leader in. Oh, I also do a bit of swimming.

IB sucks the fun from your life = /
Two main ones are band and Boy Scouts (Drum Major in band for a second year and ASPL for third year in a row in Boy Scouts).

I do various clubs, such as MUN, but none that I'm a leader in. Oh, I also do a bit of swimming.

IB sucks the fun from your life = /

Especially in grade 12. Getting up at 5:30 for a 6:50 class. Fun fun fun.
Especially in grade 12. Getting up at 5:30 for a 6:50 class. Fun fun fun.

Haha, senior year is a bitch. Man, I was so lied to when people said that senior year is easier than junior year; that's so much bullshit.

And I'm with you on the whole waking up early. Fucking have to wake up a 5:25 every weekday so that I can catch the 6:16 bus that goes 30 minutes to my school. It would be so much easier with a car, haha :'(
Haha, senior year is a bitch. Man, I was so lied to when people said that senior year is easier than junior year; that's so much bullshit.

And I'm with you on the whole waking up early. Fucking have to wake up a 5:25 every weekday so that I can catch the 6:16 bus that goes 30 minutes to my school. It would be so much easier with a car, haha :'(

Unfortunately I only get a ride when I transport my Bari Sax to and from the school lol.

And having extracurriculars with IB is such a bitch. I have band every day after school except Monday, where I have my clubs. And on tuesday lunch, I have student council.

I really hate Senior Year. I'm just praying for the end of January, where I can relax a bit :P
None. Extracurriculars are a waste of time. I got into every college I applied to even without these. I don't think any of those things would have helped me in the jobs I've had. Maybe they might have made me more people friendly, but i'll never know. I'm not in any, nor do I plan in joining any in college.

I've sort of been the same way, but mostly because I was simply too lazy to join/participate in any of them. I tried writing for the school paper and playing on the rugby team (our school has a touch rugby girl's team so I was able to play) but started missing deadlines and being too lazy to go to practice. I did, however, volunteer at numerous homeless shelters and stuff all throughout high school so I guess it counts for something.
senior year right now..
spanish club- third year
student council- second year
FCA-fourth year
ecology club- Fourth year
and i lettered three years in bball and decided to give it up this year... blah.
I am always curious how much companies take extra cirricular activities seriously when they look at people's CVs.

In high school i was in the mountaineering club, (though there aren't many mountains in the UK :p)

In university was were i really did try to do as much as possible, at the cost of my degree sometimes. I joined the caving club, the scuba diving club, the electronics club, and managed to get on the committee on all three. I see so many people though who go to uni and just sit around and party and study, when there is so much more to life.
You mean culinary vocation? I'm sure they do, considering it's more useful than a club. I wouldn't use it except for emergency situations anyway.