Uchihaex Uber Stall RMT

At a glance


In Depth


Deoxys-e @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 84 Atk/172 Spd/252 SAtk
Mild nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Shadow Ball
- Extremespeed
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes

Mild Deoxys-e with Shadow Ball and Extremespeed can kill opposing Deoxys-e`s and they can only Attack once set up SR or Taunt me, so I often get in an advantageous position at the start.
IMO Deoxys-e does better in Stall teams than Groudon, as I often manage to get SR and Spikes up, and Groudon doesn`t even guarantee Stealth Rock.


Mewtwo @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 236 Atk/236 Spd/36 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Selfdestruct
- Aura Sphere
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower

Choice Scarf Mewtwo, faster than anything you will encounter, I gave it 236 Atk EV`s to power up Selfdestruct (not sure about the spread) 236 spd EV`s allow me to outspeed opposing ScarfMewtwo`s by 1 point.


Forretress (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP/4 Atk/252 SDef
Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Payback

Forretress sets up entry hazards easily due to its resistances mainly Dragon and Ice.
It can also spin away opposing hazards, it often gets a free switch-in because of Scizor`s revenge-killing Deoxys.

It`s Simple. Predict resisted Attack, bring it in, and get a layer. Predict Blissey, and get a layer. Toxic Spikes is notable here as it destroys CMBliss pretty badly, as well as severely limiting Wobbuffet’s lasting power. Payback isn`t necessary, as HPFire Giratina-O`s increased (through me, lol).

Forry provides the team with an essential Dragon resist. Although Forry can not do much back to the likes of Garchomp when they’re stuck Outraging, it can build up entry hazards and when Forry dies, Mewtwo can take it`s place. That and they can’t come back in forever due to entry hazards (SR in Ray’s case, TS+ Spikes in Chomp’s case). Toxic immunity is extremely helpful as well. This little shell finds so many switch in`s its ridiculous.

The EVs are geared towards Special Defense to take on Spacial Rends and Giratina-O’s Dragon Pulses. Sometimes, being able to survive random Flamethrowers in the rain helps, while other times, not being 2HKOed by Latias’ Thunder can save the day.
(I took this from Jibaku`s Rising From the Storms RMT check it out it`s great, a little credits).


Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Def/252 SpD
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Wish
- Protect
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss

WishBliss takes hits from the likes of Dialga and Palkia (even Kyogre sometimes, as it`s hard for Latias to switch into Specsed Ice Beams), it provides the team with Wish-Support, Seismic Toss is for damage, Protect gives me a free Wish. There isn`t more to say, is there?


Giratina @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP/248 Def/12 SDef
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Will-o-wisp
- Roar
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

My Spin Blocker, and Physical Wall, paired with Mewtwo it counters almost anything on the physical Spectrum.
The Random WoW`s can help wearing the opponents team down.
Rest and SleepTalk allow Giratina to absorb status and heal itself.

Roar is IMO just better than Dragon Claw.


Latias (F) @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/196 Spd/60 SDef
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Recover
- Thunder

Latias walls Special Attackers that Blissey isn`t able to (such as Resttalk Kyogre)
The Ev`s grant me 335 speed allowing me to outspeed Garchomp (and outspeed other Latias by 1 point), Calm Mind is for beating Resttalk Kyogre and that way it can sometimes get a late game sweeper, it can take nearly all of the non-dragon attacks on the Special side.

That`s my Team.

Threat List:

Here`s a Threat List Red stands for a Threat. Sorry Jibaku.

Darkrai: I let Giratina take the sleep, and Blissey can beat it.

Deoxys-A: Most of them are Focus Sash Leads, i use Shadow Ball and Extremespeed afterwards.

Deoxys-D: never battled one before, but I don`t think it is a problem.

Deoxys-S: Mine destroys it.

Dialga: BU Dialga is taken care of Mewtwo, while Special versions are handled by Blissey.

Garchomp: Mewtwo.

Giratina: Mewtwo, can taunt it, and I can predict the next switch-in and taunt again (residual damage killing it).

Giratina-O: Annoying, Blissey can use Toxic if it hasn`t Substitute, otherwise Latias can handle it, if at full health.

Groudon: Giratina, Mewtwo, Latias if at low HP.

Ho-oh: Giratina can Roar it away, if I catch it on the Switch (with Mewtwo it`s screwed)

Kyogre: Latias can take Specsed Spouts and Blissey other Attacks, Latias counters the RestTalk and Calm Mind version without taking too much damage.

Latias: Blissey has Toxic, my own Latias can outspeed (lol the point) and win.

Latios: Blissey can handle it, and Latias can take a +0 Dragon Pulse and OHKO back.

Lugia: Simple. Forry sets up entry hazards, Blissey can Toxic, and Mewtwo can Taunt, Mewtwo and Giratina can use WoW.

Manaphy: Latias can Destroy it.

Mew: never faced one before.

Mewtwo: Substitute Calm Mind can do a lot to Blissey, I usually bring Forretress in against Taunt + Calm Mind so I can set up 1 or 2 layers and Explode.

Palkia: Blissey can take Special Attacks, Giratina Aqua Tail and Focus Punch, and Mewtwo Outrage. SubPunch Palkia does not like TSpikes.

Rayquaza: Mewtwo can take the Sword Dancer, the Dragon Dancer is annoying, I have to sacrifice Giratina (locking it into Outrage) and let Forretress Explode.

Shaymin-S: Walled by Blissey, SubSeeders are Roared away, taking more damage than regaining.

Wobbuffet: Toxic Spikes mainly. I’ve seen some dumb Wobbs trying to Encore my entry hazards early game and get punished later on. I usually don´t lose a Pokemon to It, as every member in my team has a non-damaging move.

The Non-Ubers

Blissey: Forry can set up on it, Mewtwo can prevent healing.

Forretress: Giratina can use Will o Wisp and I generally win the Forry + Gira against Forry + Gira Stall battle, because of Mewtwo.

Lucario: Mewtwo can easily survive Extremespeed and use Reflect, Recover WilloWisp and that stuff

Ludicolo: Forretress can Toxic Spikes and Spikes on it, Toxic Spikes ruins Ludicolo.

Metagross: Giratina can always wall it.

Ninjask: Ninjask in Ubers? But Giratina can Roar it away.

Scizor: Giratina, its funny seeing it switch into Mewtwo.

Skarmory: Spikes spun away by Forretress, Mewtwo can Taunt (Best move in the game).

Tyranitar: Mewtwo and Giratina, although I wouldn’t switch Mewtwo into it.
Deoxys-E is deadweight on a stall team. He's not walling anybody and Forretress has Spikes anyway. Seeing how you are quite weak to CB Tyranitar (Giratina won't like Crunch with SR and Spikes down) and a more rare LO Weavile, I recommend you replace Deo-e with Groudon. Groudon completely walls both of these Pokemon as most Weavile are unlikely to carry Ice Punch and Tyranitar really can't touch Groudon with anything. Use the set from Jibaku's uber stall team:

Groudon @ Leftovers
EV's: 252 HP / 28 Atk / 224 Def / 4 Spe
Nature: Impish (+Def, -SpAtk)
Ability: Drought
-Dragon Claw
-Stealth Rock

Earthquake is obligatory STAB while Dragon Claw puts the hurt on Rayquaza and Garchomp. Stealth Rock is awesome for obvious reasons and Roar makes it so that you aren't a Stall team lacking any form of PHazing. I'll leave the rest of the explaining to Jibaku, as he has more experience with this set than me:

The new Groudon- I don’t know it spreaded but I’m fairly sure I was the first person to use Impish Groudon lol. But anyways, this thing sets up Stealth Rock, and uhh beat up Dialga leads as well as outrunning twash’s Groudon by one point lol. Choosing between Lum Berry and Leftovers bugged me a lot; Lum berry helps me get that Stealth Rock against Darkrai, but Leftovers help against Bulk Up Dialga and surviving a Lucario assault after SR + Spikes. This leads because I don’t have a better lead, except maybe Forretress but I’d rather keep some kind of edge against Kyogre with the sunlight and all.

Earthquake is for the obvious STAB and the ability to break down Dialga, while Dragon Claw helps a lot against Rayquaza, Lati@s, and Giratina-O. SR is obvious enough and Roar is something I’ve been testing recently, and it works with the entry hazards flying around. Bulk Up was in Roar’s slot because it helps against RP Groudons and endgame BU Dialgas, so I might actually go back to that.
Groudon also provides weather control-which can either be good or horrible. Often times, Groudon finds itself switching into Thunders or some physical attack to remove the rain which can plague my team is thoroughly abused. This trait allows Groudon to be an incredible suicide bait, potentially changing the game’s momentum upon its last breath.

The EV spread is simple for the most part. It survives 2 CB Outrages from Jolly Rayquaza-perhaps the strongest you’ll ever see. Extras are dumped into Attack and Speed for extra oomph.

I figured you don't need Bulk Up as you already have an excellent Bulk Up Dialga counter named Mewtwo.
I agree that Deo-E is dead weight for stall, its basically attempting to stall with only 5 pokemon to handle threats, Groudon will usually do well for stall, so put that set in.

DD Ray puts a hurt on this team as +1 LO Outrage kills everyone except Fortress, who is forced to use explosion to defeat it. Simular thing with Lucario although Mewtwo can take it if it has at least 50% health. Using Groudon will patch these issues.

Also, move all of Blisseys EVs into Def and SpDef. In ubers, Blissey needs all the Special defence it can get (and even then gets owned by Specs Ogre). What are the speed EVs doing there anyway?

You also may want to consider the standard Latias EV for Special attack or you can't OHKO Palkia: 108 HP/ 204 SpA/ 196 Spe (altered the standard EV spread very slightly so you still outrun what you want to outrun).

I don't know how useful Mewtwo is to you, but one final suggestion is that you might want to put something like a scarf Palkia in that slot. Most uber teams that try to go "pure stall" like yours is run over by NP Darkrai (or worse, NP Darkrai with TAUNT) whom could 2HKO Blissey with Focus Blast. A Scarf Palkia or something simular will give you an effective revenge killer when your walls are unable to stop a certain threat.
I'd use payback on Forry so that you can actually hurt spin blockers, especially Giratina-O. Also I'm kind of iffy on Giratina's moveset, having no attacks just doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Anyway, great team, although not as good as that Shedinja team!
Just posting to say that the pure walling Giratina is quite good. Since Taunt users are quite rare in Ubers, you rarely run into trouble with them.

I'm not sure about the EV spread on your Blissey. Why don't use simply use Calm, 6 HP/252 Def/252 SDef?
This is a pretty good team and your success getting to number one on the ladder proves it. I also have a team just like it.

First, I always liked leading with deoxys. It keeps the pressure from the start setting up spikes and stealth rock. It also makes your opponent believe you're using an offensive team. I would probably stick with it since ttar isn't that common, locking dd ray onto outrage is quite easy, and sd ray is handled by mewtwo. Garchomp can be played around or mewtwo can burn it and set up reflect.

For blissey I would switch her spread to 252HP/Sp.Def with a calm nature. She won't be taking any hits from garchomp, rayquaza, or groudon any time soon so i don't see a point for defense evs. It would also help with cs surfs and water spouts from kyogre. Also if you're having problems with giritina-o I would recommend putting psyche up and ice beam on blissey. It would also help with garchomp, groudon, and raquaza switch ins that would try to set up.

Anyways good luck with the team!
Deoxys-E is deadweight on a stall team. He's not walling anybody and Forretress has Spikes anyway. Seeing how you are quite weak to CB Tyranitar (Giratina won't like Crunch with SR and Spikes down) and a more rare LO Weavile, I recommend you replace Deo-e with Groudon. Groudon completely walls both of these Pokemon as most Weavile are unlikely to carry Ice Punch and Tyranitar really can't touch Groudon with anything. Use the set from Jibaku's uber stall team:

Groudon @ Leftovers
EV's: 252 HP / 28 Atk / 224 Def / 4 Spe
Nature: Impish (+Def, -SpAtk)
Ability: Drought
-Dragon Claw
-Stealth Rock

Earthquake is obligatory STAB while Dragon Claw puts the hurt on Rayquaza and Garchomp. Stealth Rock is awesome for obvious reasons and Roar makes it so that you aren't a Stall team lacking any form of PHazing. I'll leave the rest of the explaining to Jibaku, as he has more experience with this set than me:

I figured you don't need Bulk Up as you already have an excellent Bulk Up Dialga counter named Mewtwo.

Deoxys-e is just way better than Groudon, did you ever had a Stall vs. Stall battle? and even against offense it`s better often getting Spikes and SR, Pokemon like Kyogre lose 25%, and besides Forretress can`t set up that much against good players.

I agree that Deo-E is dead weight for stall, its basically attempting to stall with only 5 pokemon to handle threats, Groudon will usually do well for stall, so put that set in.

DD Ray puts a hurt on this team as +1 LO Outrage kills everyone except Fortress, who is forced to use explosion to defeat it. Simular thing with Lucario although Mewtwo can take it if it has at least 50% health. Using Groudon will patch these issues.

Also, move all of Blisseys EVs into Def and SpDef. In ubers, Blissey needs all the Special defence it can get (and even then gets owned by Specs Ogre). What are the speed EVs doing there anyway?

You also may want to consider the standard Latias EV for Special attack or you can't OHKO Palkia: 108 HP/ 204 SpA/ 196 Spe (altered the standard EV spread very slightly so you still outrun what you want to outrun).

I don't know how useful Mewtwo is to you, but one final suggestion is that you might want to put something like a scarf Palkia in that slot. Most uber teams that try to go "pure stall" like yours is run over by NP Darkrai (or worse, NP Darkrai with TAUNT) whom could 2HKO Blissey with Focus Blast. A Scarf Palkia or something simular will give you an effective revenge killer when your walls are unable to stop a certain threat.

Again Groudon, Palkia? That isn`t Jibaku`s team.
Yes Blissey`s EV`s are wrong i`ll change that.
Groudon often gets hurt at the beginning of the battle.
I don`t know if that Latias work`s that good, but I will give it a try.

I'd use payback on Forry so that you can actually hurt spin blockers, especially Giratina-O. Also I'm kind of iffy on Giratina's moveset, having no attacks just doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Anyway, great team, although not as good as that Shedinja team!

Haha. Payback seems better. Pure walling Giratina is good.

Just posting to say that the pure walling Giratina is quite good. Since Taunt users are quite rare in Ubers, you rarely run into trouble with them.

I know and the Pokemon taunting me are Special Attacking Threats.

I'm not sure about the EV spread on your Blissey. Why don't use simply use Calm, 6 HP/252 Def/252 SDef?

Yeah, I changed that.

This is a pretty good team and your success getting to number one on the ladder proves it. I also have a team just like it.

First, I always liked leading with deoxys. It keeps the pressure from the start setting up spikes and stealth rock. It also makes your opponent believe you're using an offensive team. I would probably stick with it since ttar isn't that common, locking dd ray onto outrage is quite easy, and sd ray is handled by mewtwo. Garchomp can be played around or mewtwo can burn it and set up reflect.

For blissey I would switch her spread to 252HP/Sp.Def with a calm nature. She won't be taking any hits from garchomp, rayquaza, or groudon any time soon so i don't see a point for defense evs. It would also help with cs surfs and water spouts from kyogre. Also if you're having problems with giritina-o I would recommend putting psyche up and ice beam on blissey. It would also help with garchomp, groudon, and raquaza switch ins that would try to set up.

Anyways good luck with the team!

I would have a problem against FirePunch Deoxys-f and Aqua Tail Palkia when changing Blissey`s spread. WishBliss somehow seems better.
I got number 2 on the leaderboard, Tyranitar`s are easy to handle
Try signal beam instead of shadow ball on deoxys. Allows you to hit both Darkrai and opposing deoxys super effectively.
Well I've got nothing to do atm so...

1) I don't see why you need to have Deoxys-S to beat opposing Deoxys-S leads. You have Forretress to deal with that already and I think it would be better if you use HP Fire somewhere to deal with Forretresses that would try to spin yours away. Yes, you have Giratina, but Forretress can pull off more entry hazards on it.

2) Just max HP on Forretress

Here`s a Threat List Red stands for a Threat. Sorry Jibaku.
It's okay ^_^

Right now, I am seeing a ridiculous weakness to Darkrai. Darkrai may despise Toxic Spikes, but it can swap in once if it has a Lum Berry (alternatively, swap in on Forretress). It can set up Nasty Plot right up on Forry as you swap Giratina in to take the Dark Void, and murder it with Dark Pulse. It becomes even worse if it has Substitute, where it outright tears apart your team with a bit of prediction on Blissey's part. If it is holding a Dread Plate, a +6 Dark Pulse can easily 2HKO Blissey.

However, fixing it seems a bit difficult. The easiest way out is to change Mewtwo to the offensive variant to deal with Darkrai. However, I am not sure you want to do that considering Taunt/Will-o-Wisp Mewtwo helps frustrate the opponent much more. Palkia, Ho-oh, and Kyogre can handle Darkrai to an extent (you still need someone to take the Void, though), but they're hard to fit in. Scarf palkia can go over Latias to help soften the Darkrai weakness, but Calm Mind Kyogre becomes a pain.

Ho-oh doesn't seem to work in this team since you don't have Groudon and your team despises Dragon Dance Tyranitar.

Kyogre, on the other hand, -could-, go over Mewtwo (again, not sure if you'd want this), to cover both the Tyranitar and Darkrai, as well as softening your Mewtwo issue. With loads of defense EVs (252/252 Bold or something), Kyogre can take on Swords Dance Rayquaza with Ice Beam. However, your team will despise Bulk Up Dialga, unless you switch Deoxys-S over to Groudon, but this will essentially turn your team into standard stall which I believe you'd want to avoid.

I would sort of disagree with Deoxys lead giving you an edge over other stall teams (unless you use HP Fire), because Forretress can still set up its own entry hazards in front of Giratina who blocks the Rapid Spin. You have the slight advantage of getting SR + Spikes down first but eventually the advantage will wear off as you proceed to to play stall normally. However, I will not say that Deoxys is dead weight, as it's a good way to fool opponents to thinking you are using an offensive team, and this might just work for you.

Just my two cents here.
thanks for the post.
Forretress takes less Stealth Rock damage with that Spread, at least I think so.

I put SB and ES on Deoxys, as I can`t afford losing it without putting up Stealth Rock.

Yes I have a Mewtwo and Darkrai weakness, so i figured i should run a Scarfed Mewtwo instead, it survíves SDRay Extremespeed.
if i use signal beam i often cant kill deoxys-e`s with signalbeam + exspeed

Actually, assuming they are running max HP, you never get to kill them with Shadow Ball + E-Speed or Signal Beam + E-Speed.

317 Atk vs 216 Def & 304 HP (80 Base Power): 170 - 200 (55.92% - 65.79%)

247 Atk vs 216 Def & 304 HP (80 Base Power): 66 - 78 (21.71% - 25.66%)

Shadow Ball deals 61% on average, and Extremespeed deals 23% on average. That's 84%, and even if you roll maximum damage twice, you only get 92% maximum, never an OHKO. Signal Beam is obviously the superior choice, as it lets you at least hit Darkrai, while only being weaker than Shadow Ball by five measly points (80 vs. 75). I guess there's the 0 HP versions that you win against, but I always run max HP, so I can't really voice my opinion on that matter.

As for the team itself, I question the need for two Spikers on the same team, though obviously whatever works for you works for you.
you are running hpmax most deoxys aren`t, seeing as I kill about 90% of them, and I can`t really hit Giratina-O that way.
Forretress takes less Stealth Rock damage with that Spread, at least I think so.
With your spread Forretress takes a full 1/8th of his HP away, but with max HP he takes very slightly less.