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  • I forgot to do something I should have years ago. Long time no see by the way.
    Nice to see you as well! :)
    if you're on the ps3, do you mind if you tell me your psn name so i can add you? We could squad up sometime maybe
    Hey mtr, may I ask if Weavile is still viable in Ubers? I see that you wrote a uber analysis for it (4th gen) but you never finished it. I'm interested in writing it up, if you believe its still viable. I asked Colonel M if it was viable, and he directed me to Theorymon, who directed me to you.

    ok thank you. Since I have two options and most threats are covered I should just play around with whats there until I see somethin that works for the last 2 options right?
    Alright well in my case the main Pokemon I want to sweep with is Mewtwo. Since Blisseys and other special walls ruin Mewtwo then I need a Physical Sweeper correct? I want to fit in Salamence but if I use Salamence then I should also use Rayquaza so that's already 3 pokemon right?
    Well all three of the things you said. Because I know that Uber is alot more complicated than any other tier right?
    So is your blog awesome or what? Looking forward seeing how it will evolve.
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