Smogon Shoddy Server Statistics - October 2009

I agree with Abacus. As with Scizor, Machamp needs to run 248 HP EVs to be able to make 5 Subs, and I'm quite sure he's at a common HP level.
Hmm, maybe the classifications could be made better by the following:

0 to 7 EVs: None
8 to 55 EVs: Very Low
56 to 103 EVs: Low
104 to 151 EVs: Mid
152 to 199 EVs: High
200 to 247 EVs: Very High
248 to 255 EVs: Max

This way, None and Max each have a range of 8 EVs, while the others each have a range of 48 EVs. Battling-wise, this is equivalent to the following:

0 or 4 EVs: None
8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 or 52 EVs: Very Low
56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96 or 100 EVs: Low
104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144 or 148 EVs: Mid
152, 156, 160, 164, 168, 172, 176, 180, 184, 188, 192 or 196 EVs: High
200, 204, 208, 212, 216, 220, 224, 228, 232, 236, 240 or 244 EVs: Very High
248 or 252 EVs: Max

The above still has None and Max have an equal range (2 EVs) and the others having an equal range (12 possible EVs).

Just an idea.
Why would you put the 8 evs into defense???

you got a better place to put those evs? he cant get faster or else might outspeed other scizors and lose the superpower duel,and put in special defense also would give him little to nothing,i wont even talk about special atack,and defense simple because he prefer to take physical hits rather then special ones(this remind me of how much scyther sucked in RBY for no good reason....)
There's also the "Title" factor going on. Everytime a pokemon moves from UU to OU it gets a boost in usage while a pokemon takes a drop in usage should it lose the OU title.
OU usage is going to be somewhat impacted by the people who only look at the OU list when building a team and don't sniff the lower tiers for legit pokémon like Alakazam.

you got a better place to put those evs? he cant get faster or else might outspeed other scizors and lose the superpower duel,and put in special defense also would give him little to nothing,i wont even talk about special atack,and defense simple because he prefer to take physical hits rather then special ones(this remind me of how much scyther sucked in RBY for no good reason....)

I figure Scizor taking special hits is generally more desirable but maybe that's just me. More Speed might mean losing the Superpower duel or the U-Turn switch-off but it also lets you win the Bullet Punch duel and allows you to Roost first if you're at low health.
It just means that rotom-h is 16th in usage, and all rotom-A forms including Rotom-h are like 3rd or 4th in usage or whatever they are
Now i can say:

Why no one uses Cresselia anymore? Damn, she's good!
But she's good only with CM sets. Hidden Power Fire and Psychic leaves you with nice coverage for OU. Any Scizor thinking it's gonna wall Cresselia is OHKOed by a +1 HP Fire(so does Forry).

Heatran can only hope to defeat Cresselia with Toxic or Exploding itself. Starmie is walled despite the resists on both attacks.

The problem is Sandstream, Tyranitar, Blissey and Latias. But if you can get around those, you're set to go.

Seriosly, without those pokes, many teams struggle against a CM Cresselia. Even the ones that can hit it for SE(Gengar, Rotom appliances etc can't break through Cresselia defenses after a CM)

Though Houndoom handily beats it(though these days no one uses UU pokes in OU, no matter how good they are).
you got a better place to put those evs? he cant get faster or else might outspeed other scizors and lose the superpower duel,and put in special defense also would give him little to nothing,i wont even talk about special atack,and defense simple because he prefer to take physical hits rather then special ones(this remind me of how much scyther sucked in RBY for no good reason....)

and what if both scizors are low on health? i have always put those evs into speed...
There's also the "Title" factor going on. Everytime a pokemon moves from UU to OU it gets a boost in usage while a pokemon takes a drop in usage should it lose the OU title.

OU usage is going to be somewhat impacted by the people who only look at the OU list when building a team and don't sniff the lower tiers for legit pokémon like Alakazam.

People always say this, but why would anybody do that? I just can't fathom why anybody would.

Also, I don't think the statistics really back up these theories. If that were the case, we'd expect a bit of a 'jump' in usage at the cut-off point. However, we aren't getting that. If the usages were plotted on a line graph, I don't think we'd see anything noticable at the cut-off.

I'm sure there are a few people who probably do refuse to use UU Pokemon in OU, but there's also people who refuse to use OU Pokemon in OU, to 'prove a point', and demonstrate the UUs are as good as OUs, or that tiers are a bunch of garbage, although I suspect the latter are rarer than the former.

At any rate, I don't think this effect is very prevalent.
You know, I just noticed the HUGE jump Kingler, Lickilicky and Butterfree made since last month. Like, those are some huge numbers. Kingler I can understand, because people are still testing Agility, but the other two?

Also, Pidgeot went from being terribly Neverused to ..slightly better Neverused! >_>
I'd just like to point some epic fails out

Slowking | Speed EV | Max | 2.2

Smeargle | Attack EV | Max | 15.0

I find the cresselia stats quite diturbing

| Cresselia | Move | Lunar Dance | 13.6 |
| Cresselia | Move | Sleep Talk | 10.0 |

And her's something i seem to like

| Walrein | Move | Super Fang | 21.6 |
| Walrein | Move | Brine | 7.2 |

Crobat's usage increase isn't just because of superfang

| Crobat | Move | Super Fang | 27.6 |

And here's some random fun

| Dugtrio | Item | Choice Band | 48.6 |
| Dugtrio | Item | Choice Scarf | 19.4 |
| Dugtrio | Item | Life Orb | 15.7
@x-act: I understand that it is mathematically and perhaps logically cleaner to have the same ev range for the "none" and "max" categories, I still think that none should be 0-11 and max 248+. Because of entry hazard rounding considerations, certain pokemon can end up with 10 extra evs after "maxing" two stats. These 10 evs don't represent any real investment and so should probably be placed in the "none" category.

If you really wanted to get specific, you could have different ev categories for hp (it's the only stat where 248 evs is strategic), but that would just be a mess.
Cresselia stuff.
Taunt Heatran still gives her trouble regardless of the set. A HP Ground Cresselia might be worth a lol or two though.

Personally, I think that the Flame Orb Psycho Shift/Trick/Rest/Filler variant is the best choice. Switch her in on something that Tricks a Choice Item and watch your opponent burn themselves.

Also, if played right (ex. not sending her in on CB U-Turns or CB Crunches) she can make some of her normal counters set up fodder for the rest of the team. I could go into a lot more detail, but its not like anyone listens to me about her anyway >.>
Now i can say:

Why no one uses Cresselia anymore? Damn, she's good!
But she's good only with CM sets. Hidden Power Fire and Psychic leaves you with nice coverage for OU. Any Scizor thinking it's gonna wall Cresselia is OHKOed by a +1 HP Fire(so does Forry).

Heatran can only hope to defeat Cresselia with Toxic or Exploding itself. Starmie is walled despite the resists on both attacks.

The problem is Sandstream, Tyranitar, Blissey and Latias. But if you can get around those, you're set to go.

Seriosly, without those pokes, many teams struggle against a CM Cresselia. Even the ones that can hit it for SE(Gengar, Rotom appliances etc can't break through Cresselia defenses after a CM)

Though Houndoom handily beats it(though these days no one uses UU pokes in OU, no matter how good they are).

Cresslia's good at walling, but it she really can't do much to powerful threats. You mentioned Tyranitar, because it really does give that set MASSIVE problems. Without Thunderbolt/Ice Beam, you'll lose to Gyara and Mence as well, not to mention Crocune can come in and CM alongside you.
Cresslia's good at walling, but it she really can't do much to powerful threats. You mentioned Tyranitar, because it really does give that set MASSIVE problems. Without Thunderbolt/Ice Beam, you'll lose to Gyara and Mence as well, not to mention Crocune can come in and CM alongside you.

that is probaly why she also get toxic,to stop enemys that want to setup on her,her problem is that her offensive movepool is lackluster,it dont got fighting moves,her special atack is below average and like many other pokemons,weak to pursuit
People always say this, but why would anybody do that? I just can't fathom why anybody would.

Also, I don't think the statistics really back up these theories. If that were the case, we'd expect a bit of a 'jump' in usage at the cut-off point. However, we aren't getting that. If the usages were plotted on a line graph, I don't think we'd see anything noticable at the cut-off.

I'm sure there are a few people who probably do refuse to use UU Pokemon in OU, but there's also people who refuse to use OU Pokemon in OU, to 'prove a point', and demonstrate the UUs are as good as OUs, or that tiers are a bunch of garbage, although I suspect the latter are rarer than the former.

At any rate, I don't think this effect is very prevalent.

That's because those OU are stale. Last month before the change Alakazam and Rhyperior had 3.17 and 2.77 usage respectively while this month they took a drop. Look at past OU, Yanmega, Donphan and Dugtrio are no where near where they use to be when they were OU.
That's because those OU are stale. Last month before the change Alakazam and Rhyperior had 3.17 and 2.77 usage respectively while this month they took a drop. Look at past OU, Yanmega, Donphan and Dugtrio are no where near where they use to be when they were OU.

But how do you know that it wouldn't have happened anyway?

It's like how Umbreon rose to OU, but dropped back to UU 3 months later. Umbreon's usage was actually lower in the 3 months that it was OU, than in the 3 months previous to that, where it was UU.
@x-act: I understand that it is mathematically and perhaps logically cleaner to have the same ev range for the "none" and "max" categories, I still think that none should be 0-11 and max 248+. Because of entry hazard rounding considerations, certain pokemon can end up with 10 extra evs after "maxing" two stats. These 10 evs don't represent any real investment and so should probably be placed in the "none" category.

If you really wanted to get specific, you could have different ev categories for hp (it's the only stat where 248 evs is strategic), but that would just be a mess.
In that case, then I'd actually add the rarely used 244 EVs also to Max, so that the first and last classes have equal spreads.

0 - 11 EVs: None (12 EVs)
12 - 55 EVs: Very Low (44 EVs)
56 - 103 EVs: Low (48 EVs)
104 - 151 EVs: Mid (48 EVs)
152 - 199 EVs: High (48 EVs)
200 - 243 EVs: Very High (44 EVs)
244 - 255 EVs: Max (12 EVs)

Maybe this is better?
Cresslia's good at walling, but it she really can't do much to powerful threats. You mentioned Tyranitar, because it really does give that set MASSIVE problems. Without Thunderbolt/Ice Beam, you'll lose to Gyara and Mence as well, not to mention Crocune can come in and CM alongside you.

I assure you Gyara won't win against Cresselia. Mence can win only with Outrage, an easy switch for steels.

Many people use the evs on the Smogon set, which, at least to me, isn't effective. Just use a simple 252 hp/252 def Modest Cressy, it don't need speed at all.

Let's see some attacking threats(provided Sansstorm isn't active):

Scizor: HP Fire.
Latias: non-CM versions can't break through Cressy defenses. Can Trick it though.
Gyarados:can Taunt, but repeated psychics beat this. Even with many DD under its belt.
Salamence: needs Outrage, or it will be walled. Can be used as a lure to steel pokes.
Lucario: HP Fire. Crunch isn't strong as listed in the analysis(at least what i think)
Heatran: needs Toxic or Taunt to beat Cressy, or else it will be set up fodder.
Tyranitar: Run to the hills lol. I use Hitmontop which stops Tyranitar 100% of the time even with 6 DD under its belt.
Rotom: without Trick it's set up fodder(even with SE STAB Shadow Balls. One CM and Shadow Ball does less than 45%).
Gengar: More shaky to get CMs against this. But it is possible if Gengar switches in on a CM. Otherwise Psychic against this.
Empoleon: set up fodder. Unless it is a SD version(which only some no people use)
Flygon: Walled.
Dragonite: More tricky than Salamence. This one can stand against Cressy easier than Salamence. Especially when Dragonite don't carry Outrage as commonly as Salamence, so most of the times Cressy can't be used as a lure.
Jirachi:needs to push its luck with Iron Head. A lot of them.
Metagross: HP Fire. Explosion can take Cressy out.
Infernape: Psychic.
Machamp: Psychic.
Weavile: Run to the hills part 2. This one has to deal with HP Fire though.

Listed some of the attacking threats. It can deal with a good percent of them, right? Defensive pokes without Toxic/Taunt/Roar and are not named Blissey are all set up fodder for Cressy. That's nice to me.

If you can do a good team with a user of Sunny Day(Sunnybeam Heatran perhaps?) to clear the field of Sandstorm, you have a potent bulky poke with you.

The set:

252 hp/252 def/6 spd

Calm Mind
HP Fire

Modest to give Cresselia some power. It gets enough defense with this EVs.
Yeah, simple but VERY effective.

PS: I play UU 90% of the time so maybe i'm saying nonsense here lol. So feel free to disagree with anything said here.
that ev spread is terrible bold 252hp/136def/116sp atk/4spe gives 2 more points in defense and 11 more points in sp atk