the best feeling in the world is...

Seconding Taylor and nothing goes better with it than a huge party with lots of drinks and friends and so on, you know the deal.
When you cry 'cos you know you're shit, but it doesn't matter because you're with someone special and you trust her implicitly and you'll just get held.
Pulling off a ridiculous stick in Halo 2 after trying it a billion times many times.

The feeling of invincibility when you go 20-4 in several consecutive Halo games.

Right after you use Curse the first time with Cradily and your opponent freezes, slowly realizing it's about to sweep his 4 remaining pokemon no matter what he does.

Making an amazing goal/defensive play in any sport, especially when there's a crowd involved.

Condomless sex when you've become completely accustomed to wearing one.

Falling in love.

A big dump.
I think the feeling of having run a personal best time has to make this list somewhere. It feels physically terrible, but spiritually amazing.

I have to say amen to this one! I ran a 16:30 at state this year (5k), absolute joy.

Love is something else...not the stupid, teenager kind of "love," I mean real, pure, euphoric love. That's the best feeling in the world.
it's pretty obvious that the best feeling in the world is to accomplish anything you've been aiming to achieve.
the best feeling in the world is setting your alarm for 6am (or whenever you usually have to get up Monday-Friday) on Saturday morning and having the pleasure of turning it the fuck off and going back to sleep
posting in agreement with smugly turning alarm clocks the fuck off and going back to sleep
waking up in the middle of the night and expecting it to be time to wake up, and then realizing you have a few more hours to sleep is amazing too
Winning a robotics regional after missing eliminations in the last event. But you all wouldn't understand. :P
When every student is attentive to your lecture and they clap and/or thank you when you finish.

When the girl you really love wants to start the relationship again after a few long months of not dating each other.
stressing the fuck out about some research paper or similar large project, and then the instructor tells you (after you complete it) that it isn't due until the next week or something

this just happened to me

when at the end of the day, you can recount your day and sing to yourself:

"pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy marijuana"
Gotta be when you wake up on a Sunday morning, think, "oh fuck, Monday again", and then realise it's still Sunday and have another whole day of doing nothing! YAAAAAY!

EDIT: No-scope headshots in Call of Duty make me feel goooooooood.
Setting your clock to 6 am on Saturdays and then just being able to sleep for like 8 more hours (yes I sleep that long).

Taking a piss after holding it for hours.

When you've been kicked in the balls and the pain stopps.

Having a good mark in a test that you thought you failed.

Winning a discussion.

The crowd cheering at you.

Crawling into your bed with fresh sheets after a really hard day of work/school.

The exitment you have, a few days before summer vacation starts.

Your first real kiss.