Blindness Mafia - Game Over! Shortsighted win!

It's ok Lord Jesseus, people are always on IRC, you just need to look for the right channels (#warau is full of your Australian kin, for instance.)

Now, unfortunately, I have not received any good results. So, I am honestly just voting on gut instinct here and am going to say...

Lynch Tyranidos

He took a ridiculously long time to claim to me (the very last person in fact), and he is also the one who was responsible for the earthquakes mentioned in the update. In fact, he is Poseidon, who pretty much has the same ability as ipl. However, I seriously doubt all three of the greek god roles are ALL aligned with the shortsighted. I would imagine that at least one of them must be aiding the Farsighted, and I doubt it is the virtuous Zeus.
I will agree with Accent. I think we shouldn't try to speed lynch Tyranidos, since he is not 100% confirmed bad. For now, I will suggest that nobody else votes. I would like Tyranidos to explain why he switched Raverists' position on the player list.
Lynch Tyranidos

Doubt this will go as we think though

you are indeed correct

and i chose raverist because i felt a bit suspicious of him when he wanted to take claims very eary on

also i claimed last because i've been extremely busy this past week (because i had to help with hosting a speech and debate tournament) and i won't be too active until next thursday. however, i have had a bit of time to do night operations and briefly talk to bass
Ok, this is a desperate plan, but I hope everyone here complies.

We are going to "tie" up the vote. To do this, I will be changing my vote to Lynch Raverist. When both players have an equal number of votes, I want everyone to stop completely. I will not explicitly reveal the reason for doing this just yet, but I hope you will all be helpful!
Indeed, assuming everyone's vote counts for the usual amount of 1, we have:

1. kannon
2. tyranidos
3. lightwolf
4. bass

1. reyscarface
2. stallion
3. raverist
4. solstice

The reason the day is this long is because the night ended early, but I didn't want to speed up the game just yet since it's still in early stages and talk time should not be cut yet. But if nobody minds and a lot of people want me to, I can make days shorter if desired.
Okay, because of huge demand of making this day shorter, I will make it so by 6 hours. This means the day officially ends at 14:00 my time rather than 20:00. Which prolly sucks for Americans, but it's not like it matters much (I think).

Even if I am not present to announce this deadline, any votes made after the deadline will not count.
A lot of you decide to randomly assault Tyranidos, but others seemed to prefer Raverist. Bass shouts: "Okay, let's just keep it like this! Nobody move, and it will be fine! I promise!" Confused, you just stand there like a statue, waiting for the day to end.

When it does, you run towards each other's lynch preferences, causing one of the most retarded crashes one has ever seen. In the confusion, both lynch targets escape unscathed.

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends Wednesday, 20:00. Or when all PMs are in.
I am not positive. However, the fact that this lynch was tied was the ideal outcome, as I was not sure about either Tyranidos or Raverist. However, through this, I have learned about two people who are definitely bad, so I don't think it was a total loss.

Anyway, remember to contact me for your Night Actions!