Typing Rating

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I decided to try my hand into a typing rating. I think I've already nailed the required formulae, but I won't be as bold as saying that these are the final formulae until I have time to research this thing further.

First of all, we need to consider two facets to typing: its offensive nature and its defensive nature. Its offensive nature is due to the STAB bonus it offers, while its defensive nature is basically due to the type chart.

It should be noted that the offensive nature of the typing of a Pokemon shouldn't note movepool at all. For example, just because we have a Fighting-type Pokemon does not mean that it will have Close Combat. Conversely, just because we have a Normal/Flying type Pokemon does not mean that it won't have Close Combat (see: Staraptor). Hence, as I like to repeat over and over again, the offensive nature of a Pokemon is affected the most by its movepool, and not by its typing or stats.

Without further ado, here's the Offensive Typing Rating (OTR) formula:

OTR = (72672 + Type1 + Type2) / 68680

where Type1 and Type2 are the two types of the Pokemon whose number corresponds to the table below:

Type    Number
None         0
Bug       2080
Dark      2171
Dragon    2046
Electric  2200
Fighting  2213
Fire      2253
Flying    2351
Ghost     1902
Grass     2193
Ground    2257
Ice       2442
Normal    1804
Poison    1820
Psychic   2058
Rock      2522
Steel     1857
Water     2167

As you can see, the OTR's range is very small, from a minimum of around 1.0844 to a maximum of around 1.1304, which indicates that typing does not contribute much to the offensive nature of a Pokemon.

Now Defensive Typing Rating (DTR), which provides a number corresponding to how defensive the typing is:

DTR = 68 / Type

where Type corresponds to the typing of the Pokemon whose number corresponds to the table below:

Pokemon Typing     Type
Bug / None           74
Bug / Dark           72
Bug / Dragon         73
Bug / Electric       68
Bug / Fighting       78
Bug / Fire           77
Bug / Flying         84
Bug / Ghost          72
Bug / Grass          96
Bug / Ground         74
Bug / Ice            94
Bug / Normal         72
Bug / Poison         74
Bug / Psychic        83
Bug / Rock           76
Bug / Steel          57
Bug / Water          70
Dark / None          68
Dark / Dragon        68
Dark / Electric      66
Dark / Fighting      65
Dark / Fire          68
Dark / Flying        66
Dark / Ghost         54
Dark / Grass         84
Dark / Ground        72
Dark / Ice           86
Dark / Normal        74
Dark / Poison        60
Dark / Psychic       76
Dark / Rock          84
Dark / Steel         60
Dark / Water         68
Dragon / None        68
Dragon / Electric    67
Dragon / Fighting    70
Dragon / Fire        68
Dragon / Flying      73
Dragon / Ghost       64
Dragon / Grass       85
Dragon / Ground      74
Dragon / Ice         78
Dragon / Normal      68
Dragon / Poison      69
Dragon / Psychic     76
Dragon / Rock        77
Dragon / Steel       49
Dragon / Water       64
Electric / None      66
Electric / Fighting  66
Electric / Fire      73
Electric / Flying    62
Electric / Ghost     62
Electric / Grass     75
Electric / Ground    72
Electric / Ice       78
Electric / Normal    66
Electric / Poison    70
Electric / Psychic   74
Electric / Rock      81
Electric / Steel     58
Electric / Water     65
Fighting / None      70
Fighting / Fire      71
Fighting / Flying    71
Fighting / Ghost     65
Fighting / Grass     84
Fighting / Ground    75
Fighting / Ice       82
Fighting / Normal    70
Fighting / Poison    75
Fighting / Psychic   72
Fighting / Rock      80
Fighting / Steel     55
Fighting / Water     70
Fire / None          70
Fire / Flying        72
Fire / Ghost         67
Fire / Grass         73
Fire / Ground        72
Fire / Ice           85
Fire / Normal        70
Fire / Poison        76
Fire / Psychic       76
Fire / Rock          87
Fire / Steel         60
Fire / Water         69
Flying / None        70
Flying / Ghost       69
Flying / Grass       85
Flying / Ground      70
Flying / Ice         84
Flying / Normal      68
Flying / Poison      69
Flying / Psychic     77
Flying / Rock        74
Flying / Steel       48
Flying / Water       70
Ghost / None         64
Ghost / Grass        72
Ghost / Ground       69
Ghost / Ice          74
Ghost / Normal       56
Ghost / Poison       68
Ghost / Psychic      80
Ghost / Rock         75
Ghost / Steel        47
Ghost / Water        64
Grass / None         80
Grass / Ground       84
Grass / Ice          96
Grass / Normal       80
Grass / Poison       75
Grass / Psychic      92
Grass / Rock         80
Grass / Steel        59
Grass / Water        73
Ground / None        72
Ground / Ice         82
Ground / Normal      72
Ground / Poison      71
Ground / Psychic     80
Ground / Rock        93
Ground / Steel       57
Ground / Water       68
Ice / None           82
Ice / Normal         86
Ice / Poison         80
Ice / Psychic        88
Ice / Rock          100
Ice / Steel          73
Ice / Water          79
Normal / None        68
Normal / Poison      66
Normal / Psychic     70
Normal / Rock        84
Normal / Steel       60
Normal / Water       68
Poison / None        68
Poison / Psychic     73
Poison / Rock        81
Poison / Steel       58
Poison / Water       66
Psychic / None       76
Psychic / Rock       86
Psychic / Steel      55
Psychic / Water      76
Rock / None          80
Rock / Steel         72
Rock / Water         81
Steel / None         54
Steel / Water        52
Water / None         68

Interestingly, the most defensive typing is Ghost/Steel (hello Kitsunoh), while the least defensive typing is Ice/Rock, which is so far non-existent. However, STAB-wise, Ice/Rock provides the best OTR, while Ghost/Steel ranks very low...

If we incorporate also the fact that types like Ice and Rock tend to deal more damage than types like Poison and Normal, the above chart changes to:

Pokemon Typing         Type
Bug / None            86.1886
Bug / Dark            84.5949
Bug / Dragon          85.3095
Bug / Electric        79.2046
Bug / Fighting        90.5112
Bug / Fire            92.8707
Bug / Flying         102.2531
Bug / Ghost           85.0204
Bug / Grass          113.2103
Bug / Ground          86.3917
Bug / Ice            111.4689
Bug / Normal          85.0427
Bug / Poison          86.7143
Bug / Psychic         95.3202
Bug / Rock            87.8140
Bug / Steel           68.4186
Bug / Water           81.3996
Dark / None           77.6204
Dark / Dragon         78.0507
Dark / Electric       75.8424
Dark / Fighting       74.5249
Dark / Fire           79.7530
Dark / Flying         78.0531
Dark / Ghost          63.0470
Dark / Grass          96.0619
Dark / Ground         83.2983
Dark / Ice            98.8909
Dark / Normal         85.4490
Dark / Poison         69.5913
Dark / Psychic        85.3852
Dark / Rock           96.4983
Dark / Steel          71.2178
Dark / Water          77.6767
Dragon / None         77.2439
Dragon / Electric     76.6520
Dragon / Fighting     79.2658
Dragon / Fire         78.6951
Dragon / Flying       86.8498
Dragon / Ghost        73.6753
Dragon / Grass        98.3177
Dragon / Ground       86.4811
Dragon / Ice          88.3026
Dragon / Normal       78.4985
Dragon / Poison       79.0663
Dragon / Psychic      85.1754
Dragon / Rock         87.9060
Dragon / Steel        57.7592
Dragon / Water        72.0425
Electric / None       75.0356
Electric / Fighting   74.3483
Electric / Fire       85.1276
Electric / Flying     72.6233
Electric / Ghost      71.4670
Electric / Grass      85.2161
Electric / Ground     83.0859
Electric / Ice        89.8150
Electric / Normal     76.2902
Electric / Poison     80.6730
Electric / Psychic    82.9671
Electric / Rock       93.7707
Electric / Steel      69.0284
Electric / Water      73.5647
Fighting / None       78.8355
Fighting / Fire       81.0314
Fighting / Flying     81.7319
Fighting / Ghost      74.0170
Fighting / Grass      96.3336
Fighting / Ground     86.0722
Fighting / Ice        92.1875
Fighting / Normal     80.0901
Fighting / Poison     84.6915
Fighting / Psychic    80.2603
Fighting / Rock       90.2034
Fighting / Steel      64.6240
Fighting / Water      78.8918
Fire / None           81.0668
Fire / Flying         86.5780
Fire / Ghost          78.5585
Fire / Grass          84.1158
Fire / Ground         82.9504
Fire / Ice           101.0548
Fire / Normal         82.3214
Fire / Poison         88.9432
Fire / Psychic        86.8777
Fire / Rock          101.9374
Fire / Steel          71.7999
Fire / Water          80.0148
Flying / None         81.7674
Flying / Ghost        81.6595
Flying / Grass       100.9962
Flying / Ground       83.0717
Flying / Ice          99.1488
Flying / Normal       80.6215
Flying / Poison       80.8566
Flying / Psychic      88.7785
Flying / Rock         86.0931
Flying / Steel        57.3711
Flying / Water        81.2881
Ghost / None          73.2450
Ghost / Grass         83.7012
Ghost / Ground        79.7348
Ghost / Ice           84.9138
Ghost / Normal        66.1524
Ghost / Poison        78.1613
Ghost / Psychic       89.6230
Ghost / Rock          84.9281
Ghost / Steel         55.4392
Ghost / Water         73.3013
Grass / None          91.0140
Grass / Ground        98.6276
Grass / Ice          109.5367
Grass / Normal        92.2686
Grass / Poison        86.5954
Grass / Psychic      103.1866
Grass / Rock          91.1146
Grass / Steel         70.4714
Grass / Water         82.0806
Ground / None         82.4916
Ground / Ice          92.9207
Ground / Normal       83.7461
Ground / Poison       81.5899
Ground / Psychic      90.4230
Ground / Rock        106.6983
Ground / Steel        67.1932
Ground / Water        77.2931
Ice / None            93.2832
Ice / Normal          99.3387
Ice / Poison          91.5266
Ice / Psychic         98.8143
Ice / Rock           113.0537
Ice / Steel           86.5132
Ice / Water           90.6227
Normal / None         78.0682
Normal / Poison       76.3115
Normal / Psychic      80.0529
Normal / Rock         96.9461
Normal / Steel        71.4416
Normal / Water        78.1245
Poison / None         77.4574
Poison / Psychic      82.3926
Poison / Rock         92.5822
Poison / Steel        68.6366
Poison / Water        75.1564
Psychic / None        84.7451
Psychic / Rock        96.4217
Psychic / Steel       63.9781
Psychic / Water       84.8014
Rock / None           90.8907
Rock / Steel          84.7249
Rock / Water          92.9135
Steel / None          63.6131
Steel / Water         61.1307
Water / None          76.8699

We still see that Ghost/Steel is top-notch, but the worst defensive type now is Bug/Grass. Poor Parasect. Also notice how all the numbers have increased from the previous table.

For the above table, DTR is then found by:

DTR = 36336 / (Type * 505)

Anyway, the plan is to multiply the Sweepiness by the OTR and the Tankiness by the DTR to obtain a Base Stats + Typing Rating in the future... :)
Great Work, X-Act! I will definately use this in the future as I generally like offensive sweepers with good defences and typing.
I'd like to see if there is some way to incorporate this, or some derivative of this, into the CAP process. I really have no clue how to do that. But here's my motivation -- our current type selection process is a total crapshoot. We just randomly throw out potential types, with the hope that it will support our concept, and we take it from there. If we could somehow put a more analytical framework underneath our type discussions and selection process -- perhaps we could add a bit more structure and reason to our project.

I have a lot of random thoughts about this right now, and I don't want to go in a million directions at once. But, perhaps others can think about this stuff too and we might be able to come up with something together. Or maybe not. At the very least, it could be an interesting discussion!

Once again -- great work X-Act! I love when you present this kind of thing. It's always fascinating to see numbers that support our common "gut feelings" about this game we play.
This is pretty interesting, X-Act, but I was wondering where the numbers for the DTR came from. It seems as though the more resistances one typing has, the lower the number assigned it is, but how did you come up with numerical values for each, especially the non-existent (as of now) types?

Steel and Steel/Water both have 11 resistances, 1 immunity, 2 neutrals and 3 super effective moves against them, yet the numerical values for them are slightly different. Is this because of move type frequency in the metagame or some other reason?
DTR was actually much more easy to calculate than OTR.

For DTR, I looked at the type chart of that particular typing, and summed up the numbers, literally.

So, for Steel, we have:

1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 0 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1 = 13.5

For Water/Steel, we first multiply out the corresponding columns and then add them up (this is easily done by Excel by the SUMPRODUCT function). So we have:

1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1 + 2 + 1/4 + 1/2 + 0 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/2 = 13

The numbers listed in the table are the numbers above multiplied by 4, so that they become a whole number. (I prefer using whole numbers rather than decimals). As you can see, Water/Steel is slightly better than Steel because it has two double resistances (to Steel and to Ice) as opposed to mono-Steel, which doesn't.
DougJustDoug, I think we could incorporate it by doing this: Suppose our concept is Wallbraker. Everyone knows that it is easier to break walls if you get STAB on the moves you are using to break them. So we say, "You can not suggest a type with an OTR below 2100 (I don't know what this number should be, I just think that it is a good number)." That elimates the typings Bug, Dragon, Normal, Poison, Psychic and Steel. Name some walls that take super effective damage from these types.

Anyway, an Ice/Rock sweeper wouldn't work. In four words I will tell you why:
Scizor used Bullet Punch.
Ice/Rock, believe it or not, is the only possible typing that can be 4x weak to Steel.
Just wanted to note again that OTR is only a number between 1.0844 and 1.1304, which means that typing does not really affect the offense of a Pokemon much.
Nice work X-Act, but could you care to explain more in-depth the OTR formula? Where do "72672" and "68680" come from? And also how did you calculate the OTR of single types? Thanks for your time^^
Nice work X-Act, but could you care to explain more in-depth the OTR formula? Where do "72672" and "68680" come from? And also how did you calculate the OTR of single types? Thanks for your time^^

I considered that a hypothetical Pokemon can have any type of move in its movepool. Be it a Dark/Flying Pokemon or a Water/Dragon Pokemon, they both can learn Dragon Pulse, say. Hence I needed to consider the offense of every Pokemon from each of the 17 types. This would be equal for all Pokemon. To do this, I first took the typing of all the existing Pokemon into account, and calculated the type chart for each Pokemon. Then I added up all the Bug, Fire, Flying, etc. types separately. When I found the average of these type offenses, I got the offense for each Pokemon without taking STAB into account, and I got the number 72672/68680 (I actually got a more simple fraction but I prefer working with whole numbers, as I said before... in fact, 68680 = 17 * 505 * 8 [number of types * number of Pokemon * 8]).

Then, since STAB multiplies the offense of that particular type by 1.5, all I needed to do is to add half of the value for that particular type, because I had already considered that particular type to be multiplied by 1. So I divided each of the numbers for the types I found before by 2, and I got the numbers in the table.

Let's give an example. If I have a Water/Ice Pokemon, I considered that if it attacked by a Water move, its power would be 1.5 times the usual power, and the same thing would happen if it were an Ice move. For all the other moves it uses, the power would be the usual amount of power. Hence its ODB is:

Bug x 1 + Dark x 1 + Dragon x 1 + Electric x 1 + Fighting x 1 + Fire x 1 + Flying x 1 + Ghost x 1 + Grass x 1 + Ground x 1 + Ice x 1.5 + Normal x 1 + Poison x 1 + Psychic x 1 + Rock x 1 + Steel x 1 + Water x 1.5

And this can be written as

(Bug x 1 + Dark x 1 + Dragon x 1 + Electric x 1 + Fighting x 1 + Fire x 1 + Flying x 1 + Ghost x 1 + Grass x 1 + Ground x 1 + Ice x 1 + Normal x 1 + Poison x 1 + Psychic x 1 + Rock x 1 + Steel x 1 + Water x 1) + Ice x 0.5 + Water x 0.5

The thing in brackets will be the same for every Pokemon, and I found that to be equal to 72672 / 68680. Ice x 0.5 and Water x 0.5 can then be found from the table (and then divided by 68680 as well). This way, I simplified the calculation considerably.
Skarmory has the best DTR of all existing Pokemon, but Special Fire and Electric moves are not all that uncommon. Is there any way of combining your DTR results with the actual % of use of specific types of moves in the OU metagame?

Results like these are a great read, and worth keeping in mind when creating our CAPs, but I'd hesitate to consider applying a formulaic approach when it comes to deciding Type. With our concept tending to be more complex than just 'sweeper' or 'wall', how do you justify calculating an optimal Typing one way or the other without some serious polljumping?

In any case, Typing is one of those attributes we deem least critical to the success or failure of our CAPs. Syclant was at one point monstrous with its Bug/Ice combination, today it is going through a Revision process in order to buff it up. Even there, changing it's Typing to something that might help it deal more easily with the Scizor problem is not on the table.
Skarmory has the best DTR of all existing Pokemon, but Special Fire and Electric moves are not all that uncommon. Is there any way of combining your DTR results with the actual % of use of specific types of moves in the OU metagame?
It would be possible to do this, yes, but we need to be as objective as possible here. And that means that the typing rating (and the base stats ratings also) should be independent of the metagame the Pokemon are used in.

For example, you mention that Fire and Electric moves are common in the metagame. Maybe they're common just because Steel types are such good defensive types? In other words, the fact that Fire moves are common in a metagame does not make Steel types any less defensive - if anything, it underlines the fact that, since they are so defensive, drastic measures are required to stop them, and one of these measures is, apparently, spamming Fire moves left, right and centre.
In response to X-Act's post after mine, doesn't STAB affect the damage a move does by 1.5? So shouldn't this affect the OTR? If we made two pokemon, one having Ice/Rock typing and the other having Normal/Poison typing, but everything else the same, it's obvious that the Ice/Rock would do better than the Normal/Poison by a good amount, because of its STABs.

I considered that a hypothetical Pokemon can have any type of move in its movepool. Be it a Dark/Flying Pokemon or a Water/Dragon Pokemon, they both can learn Dragon Pulse, say. Hence I needed to consider the offense of every Pokemon from each of the 17 types. This would be equal for all Pokemon. To do this, I first took the typing of all the existing Pokemon into account, and calculated the type chart for each Pokemon. Then I added up all the Bug, Fire, Flying, etc. types separately. When I found the average of these type offenses, I got the offense for each Pokemon without taking STAB into account, and I got the number 72672/68680 (I actually got a more simple fraction but I prefer working with whole numbers, as I said before... in fact, 68680 = 17 * 505 * 8 [number of types * number of Pokemon * 8]).

Then, since STAB multiplies the offense of that particular type by 1.5, all I needed to do is to add half of the value for that particular type, because I had already considered that particular type to be multiplied by 1. So I divided each of the numbers for the types I found before by 2, and I got the numbers in the table.

Let's give an example. If I have a Water/Ice Pokemon, I considered that if it attacked by a Water move, its power would be 1.5 times the usual power, and the same thing would happen if it were an Ice move. For all the other moves it uses, the power would be the usual amount of power. Hence its ODB is:

Bug x 1 + Dark x 1 + Dragon x 1 + Electric x 1 + Fighting x 1 + Fire x 1 + Flying x 1 + Ghost x 1 + Grass x 1 + Ground x 1 + Ice x 1.5 + Normal x 1 + Poison x 1 + Psychic x 1 + Rock x 1 + Steel x 1 + Water x 1.5

And this can be written as

(Bug x 1 + Dark x 1 + Dragon x 1 + Electric x 1 + Fighting x 1 + Fire x 1 + Flying x 1 + Ghost x 1 + Grass x 1 + Ground x 1 + Ice x 1 + Normal x 1 + Poison x 1 + Psychic x 1 + Rock x 1 + Steel x 1 + Water x 1) + Ice x 0.5 + Water x 0.5

The thing in brackets will be the same for every Pokemon, and I found that to be equal to 72672 / 68680. Ice x 0.5 and Water x 0.5 can then be found from the table (and then divided by 68680 as well). This way, I simplified the calculation considerably.

Wow, thanks for the explaination man^^ Where do you teach? One of these days I should attend a course of yours after I finish with philosophy!:-)
X-Act, is it not reasonable to assume that moves that have good offensive type will be used more than moves of poor offensive type? As such, it would seem like having a resistance to a good offensive type would be more useful than a resistance to a poor one. After all, Hippowdon's rock resist is a very important part of its walling ability. Its Poison resist...not so much.

A possible way to handle this is to divide each weakness/resistance by the offensive type rating of each type in question. In other words,

DTR ~ 1/sum(type1mod*type2mod/OTR)

Where the sum is carried out over all types and ~ here means "is proportional to".

This also reminds me of two other modifications. Abilities that affect type interaction (Flash Fire, Dry Skin, Thick Fat, Levitate, etc), and Stealth Rock weakness should probably factor in somehow as well.
I am glad you went through with this and I am liking the results! Objectifying things we already know from experience is a pretty great thing, now we have another dimension to add to our CAP process.

*Is happy*
In response to X-Act's post after mine, doesn't STAB affect the damage a move does by 1.5? So shouldn't this affect the OTR? If we made two pokemon, one having Ice/Rock typing and the other having Normal/Poison typing, but everything else the same, it's obvious that the Ice/Rock would do better than the Normal/Poison by a good amount, because of its STABs.
The OTR formula provides a higher number for an Ice/Rock Pokemon than for a Normal/Poison Pokemon already, so what is the problem?

(Also I'd argue that an Ice/Rock Pokemon would always be a better attacker than a Normal/Poison Pokemon - you're assuming that an Ice/Rock Pokemon will have a good Ice move and a good Rock move, which, while a natural assumption, is not always the case [see: Flareon]. This emphasizes once again that movepool is what makes a Pokemon offensive.)

X-Act, is it not reasonable to assume that moves that have good offensive type will be used more than moves of poor offensive type? As such, it would seem like having a resistance to a good offensive type would be more useful than a resistance to a poor one. After all, Hippowdon's rock resist is a very important part of its walling ability. Its Poison resist...not so much.
I'll think about this.
I was just about to bring that up too.

Imagine two hypothetical types, henceforth known as A and B. A is immune to ice and rock, and weak to poison, while B resists poison, normal, steel, and ghost, and is weak to ground. Both have defensive typing ratings of 64, yet I'm pretty sure A is a better type, especially because of the stealth rock immunity.

If we were to adjust the numbers used in the ratios to signify just how useful a resist or immunity to a specific type is, or just how bad each specific weakness is, the DTR would probably be a bit more accurate.
I was just about to bring that up too.

Imagine two hypothetical types, henceforth known as A and B. A is immune to ice and rock, and weak to poison, while B resists poison, normal, steel, and ghost, and is weak to ground. Both have defensive typing ratings of 64, yet I'm pretty sure A is a better type, especially because of the stealth rock immunity.

If we were to adjust the numbers used in the ratios to signify just how useful a resist or immunity to a specific type is, or just how bad each specific weakness is, the DTR would probably be a bit more accurate.

I agree with you after thinking about it, and I've managed to fix it. Your particular example now yields a DTR of 65.727 for Type A and 69.112 for Type B.

I'll update the table in the original post shortly.
Would it be possible to make a "combined rating", much like you did for the Base Stats Rating? I'd like to see which typing is the overall best.
Ha! Very interesting concept, nice work. I'll probably end up consulting the chart in the future.

The obvious point that's been mentioned is the divide between theory and results in the actual environment. Strategies will compensate and increase the priorities of some typing and decrease others. And being a dynamic environment, this constantly shifts. (Not saying anything that isn't obvious)

I can see this chart as a useful tool looking from a broad perspective.
Of course you can't use it as the definitive answer of course, because that's where this project's creative and innovative sides come to play.

Long time lurker, thought I might as well go ahead and say something.
Thanks for your work.
I was thinking, since DTR=68/type, and "type" is so much larger when adjusted (for instance, 68->78 for normal), should the DTR equation be changed for adjusted stats as well? Maybe something like DTR=~78/type? Because there are several pretty defensive types with adjusted DTRs above 1 (even bug/steel), while the only typings that really should be above 1 are the defensively below average ones.
I was thinking, since DTR=68/type, and "type" is so much larger when adjusted (for instance, 68->78 for normal), should the DTR equation be changed for adjusted stats as well? Maybe something like DTR=~78/type? Because there are several pretty defensive types with adjusted DTRs above 1 (even bug/steel), while the only typings that really should be above 1 are the defensively below average ones.
68 was chosen for a very specific reason. Originally, it was 17 (the number of different types), but since I had multiplied each number on the table by 4 to make them whole numbers, I had to multiply 17 by 4 as well to compensate. Now that the numbers are all weird decimals, this step is redundant, but we can't just replace the 68 without changing the decimals written on the table as well.
The more I look at the new chart, the more I'm satisfied by it.

Here are the new numbers for the DTRs that previously all corresponded to '68':

Typing           New DTR  Old DTR
Water / None     76.8699       68
Dragon / None    77.2439       68
Ground / Water   77.2931       68
Poison / None    77.4574       68
Dark / None      77.6204       68
Dark / Water     77.6767       68
Dark / Dragon    78.0507       68
Normal / None    78.0682       68
Normal / Water   78.1245       68
Ghost / Poison   78.1613       68
Dragon / Normal  78.4985       68
Dragon / Fire    78.6951       68
Bug / Electric   79.2046       68
Dark / Fire      79.7530       68
Flying / Normal  80.6215       68

Mono-Water now becomes the best out of these, since it resists Ice and Fire and is neutral to Rock. Normal/Flying becomes the worst since it is weak to both Ice and Rock and is neutral to Fire. Exactly as we wanted!

So thank you to all those people who suggested improving the DTR measure.

By the way, to get these new numbers, I took the type chart again, but, before I summed up the values in the type chart corresponding to the types, I first multiplied each value by the number of the OTR chart of the type that's attacking it divided by 2020 (= 505 x 4). For example, if a type was neutral to Bug, I added the OTR corresponding to Bug in the OTR chart divided by 2020 (= 2080/2020 = 1.03) instead of adding 1.
What I meant was, shouldn't we use (2080/2020+2171/2020+2046/2020+2200/2020+...)x4 instead of (1+1+1+1+...)x4? When unadjusted, a typeless (and therefore defensively average) will take 1x damage from all attacks, and thus 68 is an excellent unadjusted base number. But when using adjusted numbers, it's not (4, 2, 1, .5, .25 or 0)x1 plus 16 others, but instead (4, 2, 1, .5, .25, or 0)xOTR plus 16 others.
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