Double Alias Mafia - Game Over! The Core wins!

You are laying back on your comfortable beachchair. Two dark-skinned servants at your side, one of them waving a palm tree leaf to cool your body, not entirely accustomed to the soft climate of the Bahama's. The other is offering to refill your glass of wodka lime. There's still a little in it, but nonetheless you nod. As the servant hurries to the cooler to grab you more beverage, you close your eyes and imagine sounds. Sounds of a television. A broadcast of sorts. You don't really care. You've done it. You've made it. You are rich, and rich men can afford to be lazy and not care.

Your servant comes back, going through his knees to offer you your ice cold drink on the correct height. As you extend your hands to accept it, suddenly the other servant slaps you in the face with the leaf. Baffled, you get ready to throw a racist slur at him, but you are interrupted by your other servant emptying your drink all over you. Furious, you get up from your seat to deliver what is coming to them, but your voice is drowned by the television sounds which are getting louder and louder. Your servants are screaming. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! QUICK! WAKE UP!"

And with a shock, you wake up.

Your eyes are still half closed, but nonetheless you have a good idea of what happened. Someone is in your room. Someone interrupted your comfortable dreams with your own television, and when that didn't work, threw a bucket of water all over you. You and your bed are soaked. This someone is standing with his back towards you, watching your television. He did notice the end of your slumber...but regardless feels the need to ask. "Are you awake?"

When he turns around to make sure, you are even more surprised than when your servant hit you with a palm tree leaf. You are more surprised than you have ever been in your life.

You are face to face with...yourself.

Even if you were not too surprised to answer, your identical twin gives you no chance to, as he turns his back towards you again. "You should watch the news, it's pretty important."

You manage to utter a couple of words. "What"

"Sh! I'm trying to follow!" he interrupts.

"For those who have only just joined us, scientists have just confirmed that the status of the new virus form is epidemic." the bearded news anchor says, trying to sound sensational, but his eyes tell you he doesn't mean any of it. Your alter ego is still watching closely. You presume that he might be more willing to explain it all after the news broadcast is over.

The news presenter continues: "With us is one of these scientists, who will attempt to explain the details concerning the epidemic." You attempt to poke fun at the situation by joking: "Scientist is LonelyNess, right?" but your clone makes another hushing sound, so you just keep listening.

"This virus is not just a normal every day virus~. It is a reaction between two of them~..." only now that you hear the voice, you notice the scientist explaining this all is a female. If only the TV screen wasn't so blurry. "...between the common cold, which many people contact at this time of the year, and the ebola virus...~" With the mention of the latter, her eyes glow up brightly. You're pretty sure you know this person, but not from where.

"If somebody with a cold contacts the ebola virus, they react with the body fluids to make an altogether new virus~. Symptons include sneezing, coughing, a running nose and thinking there's two of you~"

Well, looks like you got your explanation. Or did you? That guy over there didn't look like an illusion. After voicing this concern to your other self, he answers: "I'm part of the real world, just like you. I can do real things. Just like you, I have a social security number, I pay my taxes, and I help my landlady carry out her garbage." You nod in agreement, and turn towards the TV again. The news anchor and the scientist had been silent the whole time, seemingly listening to the director explaining things.

"We interrupt the explanation of the virus details for a more urgent message. A group has claimed responsibility for the virus. They claim to have spread ebola throughout the country, and want everyone to collect their alter ego and join their quest for world domination! They call themselves...the Core. Heh, they must think they're hardcore or something. Listeners, do not be fooled into joining this rebel organization. Me and my alter ego agree it is much better to stick with the the Rest. We may not be as organized, but if you all just listen to me, there will be more of us!"

The rest of the day, you discuss your options with yourself. Do you join this mysterious and ambitious organization called the Core? Do you stay at home, just like the Rest? Or will you have some other things in mind, and remain Neutral?

Welcome to Double Alias Mafia!
Smogon Players (7)
2. Agape
10. Fishin
13. Jimbo
15. Lesm46
19. Outlaw
24. RB Golbat (entered Night 1)
25. Class (entered Night 2)

Anonymous Players (5)
24. Athens
26. Cape Town
32. Jail
35. Luxury Tax
38. Monopoly Rail

* = complete elimination

Day 1 Update
18. moi - Genpei Yukoi - Variable Win Condition Man - Neutral - Zapped During Night 1
42. Shanghai - JK Rowling - Resurrector - the Rest - Paralyzed and suffocated in space Night 1
12. Gmax - Board James - Battleships Player - the Rest - Died to a mysterious potion Night 1
41. Paris - Barack Obama - Bodyguard - the Core - Bruised and died a watery death Night 1
34. London - Animal - Caps Enforcer - the Rest - HP bar stretched, name changed and died to a burn Night 1

Night 2 Update
20. Phantasia - JK Rowling - Resurrector - the Rest - Lynched Day 1*
39. Monopoly Space - Achmed the Dead Terrorist - Terrorist - the Rest - Lynched Day 1

Day 2 Update
40. Montreal - Osama bin Laden - Terrorist Leader - the Rest - Bruised and died a watery death Night 2
6. askaninjask - Ash Ketchum - Bodyguard - the Rest - Died to a mysterious potion Night 2
44. Taipei - Board James - Battleship Player - the Rest - Paralyzed and suffocated in space Night 2*

Night 3 Update
9. dak (senzu bean) - Gandalf - Rogue - the Rest - lynched Day 2
45. Toronto - Genpei Yukoi - Variable Win Condition Man / Necromancer - the Rest - lynched Day 2*

Day 3 Update
27. Chance - Oliver - Death Inspect - the Rest - HP bar stretched, name changed and died to a burn Night 3
28. Community Chest - Ash Ketchum - Bodyguard - the Rest - Bruised and died a watery death Night 3*
3. Altair - Gary Oak - Bodyguard - the Rest - Paralyzed and suffocated in space Night 3

Early majority on Anonymous Day 3
Night 4 Update
29. Free Parking - Remy - Food Vigilante - the Rest - Lynched Day 3 (fake)
1. Accent - Mark Knopfler - Death Mole / Food Collector - the Core - Lynched Day 3*

Day 4 Update
5. Ashley - Achmed the Dead Terrorist - Terrorist - the Rest - Bruised and died a watery death Night 4*
47. Wind Power - Gary Oak - Bodyguard - the Rest - Died to a mysterious potion Night 4*
46. Vancouver - Billy Blaze - Village Leader Killer - the Core - HP bar stretched, name changed and died to a burn Night 4
4. Amelia - Osama bin Laden - Terrorist Leader - the Rest - Roadkilled Night 4*
26. Earthworm - Terrorist - Terrorist - Al-Quada - Blew himself up in frustration Night 4*

Early Smogon majority on Day 4
17. LonelyNess - Billy Blaze - Village Leader Killer - the Core - lynched Day 4*
Night 5 Update
33. Jerusalem - Harry Belafonte - Vote Tally Man - the Rest - lynched Day 4

Day 5 Update
22. shade - Michael Blomkvist - Inspector - the Rest - Died to a mysterious potion Night 5
31. Istanbul - Michael Blomkvist - Inspector - the Rest - Roadkilled Night 5*
16. Lightwolf - Hannibal Smith - Redirector - the Rest - Bruised and died a watery death Night 5
25. Beijing - Hannibal Smith - Redirector - the Rest - HP bar stretched, name changed and died to a burn Night 5*

Night 6 Update
21. porygon3 - ??? - ??? - ??? - Lynched Day 5

Day 6 Update
11. Flounder - Pope Benedict XVI - Role Bodyguard - the Rest - HP bar stretched, name changed and died to a burn Night 6
37. Monopoly Cruise - Krillin - Rogue/Reverse Martyr for Kills - the Rest - Bruised and died a watery death Night 6*
8. Coronis - Huey, Dewey and Louie - Mayor - the Rest - Roadkilled Night 6
30. Income Tax - Huey, Dewey and Louie - Mayor - the Rest - Jumped out of a window Night 6*

Night 7 Update
7. Bass - Severus Snape - Dead Alias Convertor - the Core - Lynched Day 6
36. Monopoly Air - ??? - ??? - ??? - Lynched Day 6

Day 7 Update
14. jumpluff - Animal - Caps Enforcer - the Rest - Bruised and died a watery death Night 7*
43. Solar Power - Pope Benedict XVI - Role Bodyguard - the Rest - Jumped out of a window Night 7*
23. zerowing - The Mail Man - ??? - the Rest - Roadkilled Night 7
The Rules

Standard Rules
I stole these from my own Blindness Mafia. Before that, I stole them from Fishin. Make sure to read them anyway, because all of them are important.

1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game, unless you are mafia and on the same team, in which case you may talk with members of your team only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player. If you are not playing, the same rules apply as if you were dead.

2. Every user has a role PM. Role PMs may not be shown to other users on Night 1, but starting from Day 1 onwards they may be freely distributed. Screenshotting of all forms is banned. If anyone finds a person encouraging others to take screenshots or taking screenshots and showing other people, please be sure to report it.

3. You can paste things told to you by the host. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM one of the hosts for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way.

4. Each day will have a deadline of 48 hours. You may vote to lynch users during the day by posting "lynch/vote/lynching/voting USER" in bold, or "No lynch" if you don't want to lynch anyone (I won't be bothered about the syntax but don't be outrageous about it), and if you change your vote, you MUST edit the bolded text out of the old post if you post with a new vote. Please don't ask about when a majority is reached - once it's time for the day to end, it'll end (provided a host is there to update). The game will start on Night 1, which will NOT be rigged to have no deaths.

4.5. If there's a tie at deadline, there will be no lynch.

5. Each night will have a deadline of 48 hours. This gives you 48 hours to send your night action. You can either send a night action via PM like indicated in your role PM, or indicate your target(s) over IRC. Night PMs must be sent to Mekkah and Exarius on the Smogon Forums. Any action that does not reach Mekkah before deadline will not count, and it's your responsibility to make sure it does.

5.5. If you're not going to do anything at night, send a PM titled "Night X idling" or tell Mekkah this via IRC. This makes keeping track of things easier and informs me that you're still playing the game.

6. Priorities have been decided beforehand and will not be revealed.

7. This game does not have items.

8. Only sign up if you know you're going to be at least fairly active. If I notice that you seem to be idle, I reserve the right to have you forcefully subbed out if necessary. I'll most likely nudge first, though.

9. Be careful who you trust. I'm not going to give a real reason as to why, but everyone would do well to be more cautious than normal. Your normal, traditional mafia strategies may not work in this game. The hosts reserve the right to lie their ass off to you.

10. If a role PM contradicts the rules, the role PM takes priority. So if the rules tell you you are not allowed to claim Batman, but your role PM says you are allowed to claim Batman, you should follow your role PM.

11. It is possible for dead people to come alive in this game.
Double Alias Rules
This is the complicated part, so pay attention.

1. Every player receives an anonymous account on the Double Alias Forums on (jumpluff's website). The anonymous nicks are based on Monopoly. Your role PM is on your anonymous account, you will receive the password to it on your Smogon name.

2. A Smogon player may have a different amount of anonymous aliases. An alias may not correspond to a Smogon player at all.

3. Both your Smogon name and your anonymous account are on the player list. Both can be targeted with night roles, both can be killed.

4. For a player to be eliminated, all their accounts have to be killed or lynched. Once a player's last account is eliminated, this will be made clear, and any other names they had will be revealed. Until a player is completely eliminated, they count as alive with regard to deadtalking rules.

5. If an anonymous nick is killed while their Smogon nick is alive, their Smogon name will not be revealed, and vice versa. However, their role PM will be.

6. At day, two lynches will occur. One will be in the Smogon thread, where only votes towards Smogon names will count. Another will be on the anonymous forums, where only votes towards anonymous nicknames will count.

7. Nights have no such split: all night actions may target either Smogon or anonymous nicks unless noted otherwise. For the purpose of hookers, trackers, watchers, etc, a role is used by both of your accounts unless noted otherwise.

8. On the anonymous forums, Mekkah and Exarius are known as Parker Brothers and GO respectively. Do not send your night actions to them.

9. It is possible for your role to change, both for the good and the bad, if one of your accounts dies. It's also possible this doesn't happen at all.

Role PM Format

While most of them look pretty alike, they were being made somewhat inconsistent on purpose.

You are [role name]. You are aligned with [alliance].

[flavor, usually short]

At night, you may send a PM entitled Night X - [Night Command]ing USER. [explaining the Night role]

[other things about the role, usually seperated in paragraphs]

You win if the [alliance] win. OR You win if [custom win condition].


You are Jesus Christ. You are aligned with the Rest.

You are believed to be the son of God, and well known performer of miracles, including walking on water and turning random things into food. The Christians think you died but can return any moment now, the Atheists think you don't exist and the Agnosts aren't sure what to believe, but you're pretty sure you're here.

At night, you may send a PM entitled Night X - Performing a miracle around USER. Your target will be so busy watching your miracle that he will be unable to complete his role during the night, and any roles targeting him will fail as well. You may not perform a miracle for the same user twice in a row.

Also, during the day, whenever you post in the Smogon thread, you must act holy. Ways to do this include talking in holy language (Thou shallt not lynch me, etc), citing the bible and asking people if they have sinned. Not doing so could have some crucifying results.

You win if the Rest win.
Post reserved for frequently asked questions. Man, I'm double posting like a WiFier with a new trade thread.

Your role PM is in your anonymous account. I'll PM you with your anonymous account username and password. Have fun!

Q: Where's the anonymous forums?
A: Here. They're also linked under the story in the first post. Thanks to jumpluff for hosting.

Q: Deadline?????
A: Usually 48 hours. n1 deadline will be ~72 hours.

Q: One lynch reached majority, the other one didn't yet. What happens?
A: The first lynch happens (and results are revealed), but the day doesn't end until the second one has.

Q: What happens if one faction wins the Smogon side, and another wins the anonymous side?
A: Still thinking!
ANYWAYS im gonna claim im da inspector to the rest. i plan on uniting the team. all claim to me so i can organize our team. if i die here my alias will still be alive so no big deal!!!