Death From Above [Peaked #1 On UU Leaderboard]


is a Top Contributor Alumnus
Death From Above



Hey there, guys! As always thanks for clicking on the RMT and taking some time to read it. After having some rather bitter feelings when I got to know Froslass and Raikou hadn’t been banned, especially the former, and then experience more of them knowing the ducky duo was coming to storm the metagame, I thought of just retiring from this metagame, but not before giving it a try. I tried many team styles, some turned out to be decent, but I just couldn’t put up with everything being so centralized, or with the fact it was impossible to cover everything, thus I decided I would give it one last shot, which I wasn’t very optimistic about, and then abstain from the UU metagame at least for the time being. It ended up that the team worked extremely well, getting me to 1700 CRE, reaching the #1 spot on the ladder with my alt, Bright Sky, and getting my main account to the top 5. Despite being quite successful I do have the feeling it can be improved some more, and that’s where you guys come in =)

Summing It up a bit, this team is basically structured to give my main sweepers, Moltres and Scyther, an easy time sweeping, thus everything is geared to remove factors that might somehow hinder them (yeah, it’s yet another team focused on giving Flying-types a chance to sweep, live with that).


Hariyama (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Guts
EVs: 12 HP/ 252 Atk/ 188 Def/ 56 Spe
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk)
- Close Combat
- Payback
- Bullet Punch
- Ice Punch/Sleep Talk

Why Hariyama? That’s a good question. Why use Hariyama over any other standard lead that works just as well as it, or even better, and has access to hazards/status? I had something in mind when I started building this team: I wanted a lead that could handle Froslass, to avoid those annoying spike stacking teams that were bound to infest the ladder even more than they did before, but I also wanted my lead to work against other leads and, added to that, I wanted it to have a small touch of surprise, meaning it would put me ahead on the match and get me the valuable momentum for not being plain predictable. Finally, I wanted a lead that would start the match with an offensive approach; and I found a lead that was able to accomplish all that on Hariyama, who brought with itself a whole face palm of surprise (yes that was a pun, a bad one, but it was).

The idea of lead Hariyama didn’t start with myself, but with Cleanup141, which was the first one I ever saw using this lead, so all I did was creating my own EV spread that worked for me and a moveset that would fit the team’s needs. The beauty of this set is how it meshes well with the rest of the team, being able to take on a considerable amount of leads and surviving with a considerable amount of HP, which is very important, as it can perform the following roles throughout the match: act as a status blocker; bait Will-O-Wisps from Ghosts and OHKO them with a boosted Payback, thus making spinning a much easier task; weaken Rock/Steel-types that hinder either Moltres’ or Scyther’s sweep, while taking Rock-type attacks, to which both my sweepers have a 4x weakness.

All in all, when designed the lead role, Hariyama is meant to be played as a stretch of its main job, and rather recklessly, trying to open as many holes on my opponent’s team as possible, weakening common Scyther and Moltres counters, like the Regi brethren, that have to withstand heavy hits to be able to setup rocks and won’t be in ideal condition once I bring my flying duo to the battlefield; and if I see fit, I will sacrifice Hariyama during the early stages of the match if somehow that aids a sweep.

How does Hariyama handle the Top 15 leads of UU?

- Hariyama takes no more than 75% from the combination of Fake Out and Return performed by LO Ambipom, while he can OHKO back using Close Combat. I usually just Payback though, as my opponent isn’t likely to leave Ambipom in once he notices he can’t beat Hari.
- Troublesome because I can only 3HKO it with Payback, but I stay in and attempt to hit it twice, just in case they decide to status me on the second turn expecting a switch, as it becomes a 2HKO due to guts. If it attacks me I just go to Registeel, setup and leave the spinning for later.
- Payback followed by Bullet Punch beats Focus Sash Froslass while all they can do back is setup one layer of spikes or Ice Beam me for pitiful damage. BulkyLass isn’t always KOed by that combination, so depending on Payback’s damage I just use it twice, for the sake of not getting screwed up by a low Bullet Punch roll and the following Pain Split.
- I go straight to Azumarill.
- For some reason they like to toxic Hariyama and activate Guts, allowing me to hit it for 75% damage. If they don’t they will most likely Flare Blitz me, taking huge amounts of damage from recoil and Close Combat. From there I just let it die, as Arcanine is a rather troublesome poke for my sweepers and crippling it rather soon turns out to be very useful. After Hariyama faints I go to Azumarill and finish it off.
- Straight to Registeel and work from there.
- Close Combat OHKOes it, but I can’t stop rain.
- Close Combat is 2HKO, while they only get one turn to setup rocks.
- Close Combat + Bullet Punch = dead snowman.
- I go to Moltres to scout the set, and check whether I’m up against a Spooky Plate lead or a bulky burn inducer. If it’s the former, I go to Registeel; but if it turns out to be the last I just work from there with Moltres.
- Hariyama outspeeds standard Lead Rhyperior and 2HKOes it, while it fails to OHKO back after the defense drops, meaning they only have one turn against me.
- Hariyama 2HKOes it with Close Combat and simply loves eating Toxic if they happen to choose that.
- Hariyama outspeeds and 2HKOes it, so it only gets one turn of setup.
- You know the drill: Hariyama 2HKOes with Close Combat and it only gets one turn to setup.
- Close Combat on the first turn while they setup and then switch to Registeel on the predicted boom.

Why those moves? By casting an eye upon the last section you should have good part of this question answered. Close Combat is STAB and hits Steels and Rocks for super effective damage. Payback is there to hit ghosts in general and to take care of lead Froslass, while also allowing me to smack something hard on a predicted switch. Bullet Punch is priority, something very important in this metagame and that allows me to pick off weakened Froslass. The fourth move has gone through several changes, from Brick Break to handle screens to Stone Edge for flyers and Toxic for Cresselia. After some testing I narrowed it down to Ice Punch, which allows me to hit Altaria, Venusaur and Flying types, and Sleep Talk (thanks for the suggestion, IronBullet), that provides me a sleep absorber and allows me to abuse guts to its fullest.

Why the EVs, Nature, Item and Trait? The EVs might look a bit messy at first, but they have a purpose. 252 Attack EVs paired with an Adamant Nature allow Hariyama to hit as hard as possible, pretty much what it’s meant to do. 12 HP EVs are there for the closest Leftovers recovery number. 56 Speed EVs allow me to reach a speed stat of 150, enough to outspeed LeadPerior and Omastar. The rest of the EVs were poured on Defense, so that it has an easier time withstanding physical blows form the likes of Rhyperior and is able to check some threats I’m rather vulnerable to, like Torterra and Feraligatr. Leftovers, while odd on a set meant to be so offensive at first, is used to give it some extra durability and bluff a tanking set, attracting status, thus being able to retaliate with Guts boosted attacks and catch some unaware Ghost-types. I'm considering Life Orb for the extra kick on power, but I'm afraid that will make the nature of this set too obvious and reduce both effectiveness and durability.


Registeel @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP/ 100 Atk/ 156 SpDef
Nature: Careful (+SpDef, -SpAtk)
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
- Thunder Wave
- Stealth Rock

Why Registeel? Why not? Registeel brings everything this and every team needs: a flying/normal resistance, which is very important with all those Swellow’s running amock, specially considering that’s my only defensive line against these attacks; Stealth Rocks and a counter for the many specially oriented threats that lurk on the tier, namely Mismagius, Alakazam, the newcomer Donald Duck, Secptile and, especially (insert pun), Raikou, whose STAB hits half my team for super effective damage, while outspeeding all of them and having enough bulk to withstand a fair amount of priority. Outside of that, Registeel works basically as my “Oh shit!” button, as due to his bulk on both ends of spectrum and excellent typing he can take pretty much any attack, even some boosted super effective ones, and retaliate with paralysis, thus making some threats much more easy to handle. The paralysis support is also very important for my rather slow team, in which four pokés sit on a meager base 50 Speed.

Why those moves? Nothing too revolutionary to be honest. Iron Head is STAB and is used to hit Mismagius, Alakazam, levitaters and abuses the ParaFlinch combo. Earthquake is here to hit everything Iron Head doesn’t, namely Fire-type pokés that love to switch in, but end up eating paralysis and Earthquake, and Raikou. Thunder Wave is very important for my team, due to it being rather slow and can completely shut down some threats. Rocks just... rock. Not having Seismic Toss hurts a lot against Magneton, but I just can’t afford to give Raikou so many free turns, considering it normally comes with spikes support that I might not always be able to get rid off.

Why the EVs, Nature, Item and Trait? Again, nothing new. Careful Nature and 156 EVs are there to boost Registeel’s capacity of taking special hits. 252 HP EVs provide him with further tanking abilities and provide him with some bulk on both sides. 100 Attack EVs allow Registeel to 2HKO Mismagius and Alakazam with Iron Head and Raikou with Earthquake (IIRC). Leftovers were chosen over Shed Shell as due to having no Wish support whatsoever, I needed some sort of recovery, even if that comes with the risk of being killed by Dugtrio.


Azumarill (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 232 HP/ 252 Atk/ 24 Spe
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk)
- Waterfall
- Aqua Jet
- Return
- Toxic

Why Azumarill? Bulky Water Pokémon is a common concept on all of my teams and this wasn’t any different. Mostly I’d just stick Milotic here for its ability to check great part of the metagame, but I decided I wanted to keep this team as offensive as possible, also getting me some priority to backup my slow team, so I settled down on using this guy and have never looked back. Azumarill’s job is very simple: he supports Hariyama when taking on some leads the latter just can’t handle; he eats fire-type attacks aimed at Scyther, Donphan (special) and Registeel; keeps some threats that could possibly cause me trouble at a bay, namely Moltres, AgilityKen, Ninetales and Houndoom; and baits other bulky waters and Cresselia out, hitting them with Toxic, thus opening up a sweep for my flying duo.

Why those moves? The first three moves are standart, providing me, respectively, with STAB priority, a stronger STAB and a coverage move. The fourth move might look like a complete oddball on an Azumarill set, specifically on such offensive one as Life Orb is, due to the shorter lifespam, but due to the amount of Milotics and Slowbros that switch into Azumarill constantly, and considering those 2 pokés hold my team back way too much, Toxic has proven its usefulness in several occasions when handling these threats, also coming with a nice bonus of completely messing up Cresselia. Added to that, neither Ice Punch nor Superpower have proven to be much more than moves that are used once in life and once in death, and with some dire consequences.

Why the EVs, Nature, Item and Trait? Again, standard. Everything is tailored to boost Azumarill’s ability of dealing and taking damage. 24 Speed EVs are meant to outspeed other base 50 that normally don’t invest that much, while 232 HP EVs give me 399 max HP, lowering LO's recoil damage. Life Orb is used because that’s the most efficient way of revenge killing Fire-types and frail pokes, like Alakazam, while keeping the offensive nature of the team and not locking myself into a move.


Donphan (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk)
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Assurance
- Rapid Spin

Why Donphan? With both my main sweepers bearing a 4x weakness to rocks it was obvious that I needed something to alleviate that, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to abuse all their potential; and that’s where Donphan comes in, as for being a rather durable poké he has several chances of spinning throughout the match. His job is not limited to that though, he acts as an extra check for Raikou, one of my team’s biggest nemesis when given the right conditions, Drapion, the Regi brethren and Altaria; provides me with an immunity to both paralysis and electric type attacks, which comes in handy considering my team has a glaring weakness to Electric-type attacks and adds yet another priority move to my team, which usefulness should’ve been made clear by now.

Why those moves? Thanks to the fact Registeel already packs Stealth Rock I was able to abuse Donphan’s spinning potential to its fullest. Earthquake is my always reliable STAB and an all around great move. Assurance is great for hitting floating ghosts such as Rotom and Mismagius on the switch and getting them on Ice Shard’s killing range. Speaking of Ice Shard, it’s a great way to pick off weakened pokés and give the likes of Altaria a hard time, instead of being a complete fodder for them. If you don’t know what Rapid Spin is doing here you’re better off just jumping off a cliff (I’m joking, don’t. Suicide is never the answer).

Why the EVs, Nature, Item and Trait? Max attack and Adamant nature ensure I’ll be picking off the ghosts that are meant to wall this set much easier than with max defenses. I decided to max HP instead of going for the 52 HP/ 204 Def because that spread only improves Donphan’s capacities of taking physical hits by a little, while maxing HP means that I won’t mind (that) much taking specially based attacks if the need arises, specially against the aforementioned Ghost-types. 4 Speed EVs are here so that I can outspeed the Regis and spin their rocks before they go boom on me. Leftovers are there for the extra durability, also being pretty much the only viable item.


Scyther (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk/ 4 Def/ 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -SpAtk)
- Aerial Ace
- Bug Bite
- Swords Dance
- Brick Break

Why Scyther? When deciding what poké on my team would counter Cresselia (a necessity nowadays), I noticed lots of lunar ducks were overspecializing themselves on beating their most common counters, Drapion, Absol and Houndoom; but ended up forgetting about a not so common yet very dangerous threat, Scyther; which had two available sets: CB and Swords Dance. I decided that on a metagame in which Scyther is so neglected, and in which many stall teams aren’t prepared to face it, it would be better off with a sweeping set, thus my choice was clear. Breaking stall and Cresselia isn’t all that guy does though, as he does an excellent job against offensive teams once faster threats have been removed, gives dual screen teams a hard time with Brick Break and weakens some of the counters he shares with Moltres, like Milotic and Regirock, thus aiding a sweep of the fire bird.

Why those moves? Aerial Ace and Bug Bite are both STAB and boosted by Technician, going from meager 90 base power to 135, which is not shabby at all. Swords Dance is the base of this set and allows me to pull off a sweep whenever my opponent’s counters have been weakened or defeated. Brick Break is there for Coverage, to hit Steel-types harder, also coming with the nifty side effect of messing up dual screen teams. Lack of priority hurts at times, but I can’t pass Aerial Ace, as it’s needed to hit Fire-types and Venusaur for super effective damage.

Why the EVs, Nature, Item and Trait? The EVs are standart, boosting Scyther’s sweeping prowess to the maximum while retaining an odd HP number. Jolly went over Adamant because I don’t want to be stopped on the tracks by anything with more than 91 Speed base, namely Houndoom and Mismagius, which is now running HP Fighting in most cases and being outsped because of that. Life Orb is there to boost furthermore the damage dealt by Scyther’s attacks and Technician is what makes this set viable to start with.


Moltres @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def/ 252 SpAtk/ 252 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Hidden Power Grass

Why Moltres? Moltres was actually a random addition to the team, chosen due to SR not being much of a threat anymore and to me considering it a broken son of a… bird, but it turned out to be a great team player and just as fearsome sweeper as Scyther itself. Moltres acts as the second part of my offensive core, but taking an offensive approach on special side instead of the physical one, allowing me to deal loads of damage from both ends of spectrum and not being stuck with a plain physically based team. Just like Scyther either removes or weakens Moltres counters, likewise the latter does the same in return, so I can just abuse that and creating an opportunity for Scyther to sweep.

Why those Moves? Fire Blast and Air Slash are STAB, hiting stuff for obscene amounts of damage. Roost is there to soothen LO recoil, SR if they happen to be up and to give it some durability throughout the match, enabling it to take the attacks it’s supposed to. Hidden Power Grass is there for coverage, hitting Water/Rock-types for super effective damage.

Why the EVs, Nature, Item and Trait? Again, everything is focused on making Moltres as much of a sweeper as possible, being that the reason of the EVs and the item. Timid was chosen over Modest because, in spite of missing some important 2HKOes, I can’t afford not to outspeed base 80 and 85 pokés and to tie with other Moltres and Porygon-Z on this slow team, in which only one member outspeed both of them.

Team Building Process

Everything started when I considered using the Hariyama lead I hadn’t seen in action much, but that seemed to be very useful. I had in mind setting up a sweep for Scyther, and even though I weren’t sure whether I was going to use that premise or not, I knew a Fighting-type would help no matter the team, thus I added this.


After that I decided I needed something to cover some of the most dangerous threats of this metagame, namely Mismagius, Raikou, Swellow and such. Also, I still hadn’t put rocks on my team. I initially used Regirock here, but after noticing it couldn't deal nearly as well with threats like Mismagius and Raikou, added to the fact I had a glaring weakness to Grass-types like Sceptile, Regirock was replaced by his brother Registeel, who was a natural choice to cover everything the former couldn't.


From that point on I decided I would try to build a team not necessarily around Scyther, but that allowed him to have an easier time, as he was a fairly solid Cresselia check and a troublesome threat for stall; so, just like I had thought of at first, in went Scyther!


After that I knew I’d need a spinner, so that my sweeper wouldn’t get hampered by rocks. That would also allow me to have an easier time against stall and spike stacking teams if they happen not to use their leads to perform their strategy or decide to switch out on Hariyama. My choices were between Blastoise and Donphan, but I settled down for the latter because of personal preference, due to the fact Blastoise couldn't defeat some key pokémons this team desperately needed to beat and because Donphan was able to actually cause troubles to dual ghost teams.


My team seemed fairly weak to Fire-types so far, especially Moltres and Blaziken, who could just OHKO every member of my team with the right attack, so I knew a bulky Water was needed. I narrowed down the choices to Azumarill and Milotic, but I ended up picking the former due to its more offensive way of playing and access to priority.


Finally, I had one last poké to choose, but nothing in mind. I thought it would be plausible to abuse the spinning support I was giving Scyther, as it would be a bit of a waste not to, thus I added Moltres, one of the most dangerous threats of this metagame, and ended up with this final product.

Threat List (Stolen from franky's RMT)

Black means not troublesome at all.
Green means it'll cause some mild problems.
Red means something is going down, maybe the whole team.

- Mostly leads, so as stated in the OP, Hariyama beats them one on one. Registeel takes care of those that lack Low Kick and Donphan shrugs off Fake Out + Return and OHKOes it back.
- Registeel. Revenge kill it with Azumarill or Donphan/Hariyama, if Alakazam happens to have little HP left.
- Donphan/Hariyama can take on RP ones, while Azumarill revenges it. Moltres and Scyther can take it out if it doesn't get a boost.
- Hariyama, Registeel and Donphan.
- Hariyama and Donphan. Moltres got a shot at beating it with mindgames and Registeel can paralyze, making it easier to work around.
- Azumarill, Donphan and Moltres in a pinch.
- I have no safe switch, so I gotta work around Sub versions with my own Azumarill and, against choiced ones, with Registeel, Scyther and Azumarill
- Pretty much anything except for Moltres and Registeel, even though the fire bird has a shot if Blastoise has already been weakened.
- Azumarill and Moltres keep it at bay.
- Scyther, Donphan, Hariyama (who loves Chansey's status inducing moves) and Azumarill.
- The same as Chansey, but Moltres also has a shot at beating it.
- Scyther and Toxic from Azumarill.
- Azumarill, Moltres and Scyther. Registeel takes the boom.
- Hariyama and Moltres. Registeel takes the boom and Donphan spins his hazards.
- Azumarill and Moltres.
- Donphan is a full stop to Drapion and Scyther outspeeds. Registeel can paralyze it, enabling pretty much any poké to revenge it.
- Registeel is a full stop to any variant. Pretty much anything else can hit it for heavy damage.
- Everything but Registeel can either beat it 1 on 1 or switch out. The fact it traps such an important poké sucks though.
- I gotta use all I can against it: Scyther, Azumarill, Registeel, Hariyama; and it'll be taking at least 1 poké down with it when played correcly. Now that Azumarill is running a LO set it doesn't get many chances of setting up though.
- Hariyama loves the lead ones. Moltres rightfully owns it.
- Scyther and Moltres. Sometimes Donphan.
- Same as Hariyama, but easier to revenge and harder to beat with Moltres.
- Read Hariyama.
- Azumarill. Scyther outspeeds and OHKOes it and Moltres can take on it if Houndoom has already been weakened, but will hate doing so.
- Azumarill and Registeel help, and Moltres can take an unboosted Aqua Jet, but I have no rightful counter.
- Registeel.
- Registeel, Scyther and Moltres.
- Registeel.
- Registeel and Scyther. Sometimes Moltres.
- Scyther can weaken it and put in on killing range of Moltres. Azumarill's Toxic beats all of them bar SleepTalk versions.
- Registeel, Hariyama and priority. Scyther outspeeds those who run HP Fighting and Moltres takes on the stall set.
- Azumarill. My own Moltres can beat modest variants 1 on 1 and Scyther can take it down if it goes slightly below the 70% mark.
- Azumarill, Moltres and Donphan. Gotta watch out for mixed sets on Donphan's case, though.
- Same as Nidoking, but much less dangerous. Donphan spins TSpikes and Rocks away.
- Hariyama and Moltres.
- Azumarill. If it doesn't have a sub up Moltres and Scyther.
- Registeel. Moltres at worst ties with it and Scyther outspeeds.
- Registeel. Can be troublesome under rain, but support ones are easy to deal with, as Donphan takes care of the spinning and it doesn't hit (that) hard.
- Registeel and Donphan.
- Donphan, Hariyama and Azumarill.
- Donphan, Hariyama and Moltres.
- Azumarill and Donphan, while Moltres revenges it. Sub sets are tough, but rare and manageable.
- Hariyama and Registeel, even though all the latter can do is paralyze and hit for lol damage.
- Registeel stops any set, while the flying duo can take on the specs set with prediciton. Priority always helps.
- Registeel, Donphan and priority.
- Scyther and both Azumarill's Return and Toxic.
- Moltres and Registeel are a full stop to any set when in tandem.
- Hariyama, Azumarill, Donphan and Moltres.
- Registeel, Donphan and priority. I wish Hariyama could stop him like he does in the picture...
- Registeel, Scyther and Moltres.
- Hariyama can take Wood Hammer and KO back with Ice Punch if it sets RP. If it doesn't, Scyther and Moltres.
- Registeel takes on SubPunching ones, as long as they don't have a sub up when I come in. Scyther and Moltres outspeed and KO, while Donphan handles SD sets.
- Hariyama and Scyther.
- Annoying, but easy to handle with Registeel, Scyther and Moltres.
- Registeel messes it up, while the flying duo outspeeds and OHKOes it.
- Moltres.

Team Styles

- Rain Dace teams are tough cookies for my team to face, as I have a single Water resistance and most of my pokés are both outsped and OHKOed when rain's on play. Hariyama, Registeel and Azumarill form my defensive baseline against these teams, while Moltres and Scyther have an attempt at finishing them off when there's no weather condition.
- Sunny Day teams, on the other hand, are not much of a threat to be honest. Most Chlorophyll abusers are stopped cold by Registeel, while Fire-type sweepers have to get past 2 solid Fire resistances and aren't that fast, meaning Moltres and Scyther have a fair shot at sweeping them, while making it hard for my opponent to pull off one himself.
- Sandstorm teams aren't much of a threat as well. Hariyama and Scyther are Cradily's worst nightmare, especially due to the latter's 4x resistance to Seed Bomb and ability to boost its own attack, meaning not everything is lost if Cradily gets too many Curses. Cacturne is handled by Hariyama and Moltres and, to an extent, by Scyther. Finally, common defensive Rock-types that abuse sandstorm are handled by Hariyama and Azumarill.
- Hail teams are never easy to deal with due to the amount of hax involved when taking Froslass down, Walrein's top annoying potential and a field effect to which none of my pokés are immune to. Hariyama is a good insurance against Frosslass and Walrein, also taking down Snover leads reliably. Moltres is a poké not many Hail teams have a reliable answer to, so it's likely to wreck some havoc. On the defensive side, Registeel can take Blizzards from the likes of Glaceon and Froslass and fight back with Iron Head, while Donphan spins hazards away.
As you've said in other threads, it's almost impossible to cover every pokemon in today's UU metagame, but this team gets pretty close to it.

The biggest threats to this team are ones you yourself have pointed out to me, so I'm probably not helping much, but I still would like to try. (This is my first team rate)
The two largest and immediate weaknesses are SD Sceptile and DD Feraligatr. Sceptile can come in on your Azumarill after a kill and set up an SD with ease. It is then free to Leaf Blade, Rock Slide, and Earthquake your team to death. Feraligatr usually runs 228 Speed with an Adamant nature to outspeed base 120s after a DD. Your check is Azumarill, but offensive variants with Leftovers will just mow you down with EQ or Return.

The first check I can think of for both of those pokes is Swellow over Moltres, who outspeeds the most common forms of Feraligatr after a DD and can KO with Facade, while also doing the same to Sceptile. It still benefits from the Rapid Spin support and keeps a Ground immunity, although you lose the STAB Fire moves which are so strong right now. It also leaves you with no special attackers which can hurt, but I'm pretty sure the HO synergy between Swellow and Scyther (Their counters are almost exactly the same) will even that out.

One interesting set that I've been trying out is the SubEndeavor set with a twist. Swellow forces a lot of switches, mostly to things like Rhyperior and Registeel. Usually it has nothing to beat them, but with it's little Endeavor toy, you can easily put the hurt on these threats. This also leaves their primary Scyther counter at between 100-150 HP, great for aiding in a Scyther sweep.

Swellow@Flame Orb
252 Att / 252 Spe / 4 Def - Jolly
~Brave Bird

Just sub on a predicted switch, and Endeavor whatever comes in. This will usually put it in Facades KO range because it's so freaking strong. Brave Bird covers the Ghosts which would otherwise wall you, and the recoil actually helps in this case.

Again, I'm just a novice at rating teams. I probably missed something and Swellow leaves you totally open to something else. This is a very very good team though, as evidenced by its dominance on the ladder.

PS: That Hariyama lead is stupidly annoying and I'd appreciate if you and cleanup didn't use it anymore :U
As you've said in other threads, it's almost impossible to cover every pokemon in today's UU metagame, but this team gets pretty close to it.

The biggest threats to this team are ones you yourself have pointed out to me, so I'm probably not helping much, but I still would like to try. (This is my first team rate)
The two largest and immediate weaknesses are SD Sceptile and DD Feraligatr. Sceptile can come in on your Azumarill after a kill and set up an SD with ease. It is then free to Leaf Blade, Rock Slide, and Earthquake your team to death. Feraligatr usually runs 228 Speed with an Adamant nature to outspeed base 120s after a DD. Your check is Azumarill, but offensive variants with Leftovers will just mow you down with EQ or Return.

The first check I can think of for both of those pokes is Swellow, who outspeeds the most common forms of Feraligatr after a DD and can KO with Facade, while also doing the same to Sceptile. It still benefits from the Rapid Spin support and keeps a Ground immunity, although you lose the STAB Fire moves which are so strong right now. It also leaves you with no special attackers which can hurt, but I'm pretty sure the HO synergy between Swellow and Scyther (Their counters are almost exactly the same) will even that out.

One interesting set that I've been trying out is the SubEndeavor set with a twist. Swellow forces a lot of switches, mostly to things like Rhyperior and Registeel. Usually it has nothing to beat them, but with it's little Endeavor toy, you can easily put the hurt on these threats. This also leaves their primary Scyther counter at between 100-150 HP, great for aiding in a Scyther sweep.

Swellow@Flame Orb
252 Att / 252 Spe / 4 Def - Jolly
~Brave Bird

Just sub on a predicted switch, and Endeavor whatever comes in. This will usually put it in Facades KO range because it's so freaking strong. Brave Bird covers the Ghosts which would otherwise wall you, and the recoil actually helps in this case.

Again, I'm just a novice at rating teams. I probably missed something and Swellow leaves you totally open to something else. This is a very very good team though, as evidenced by its dominance on the ladder.

PS: That Hariyama lead is stupidly annoying and I'd appreciate if you and cleanup didn't use it anymore :U

Thanks a lot for the rate, kip =)

Actually Sceptile is pretty far from being a threat for this team. Registeel is never OHKOed by a +2 LO boosted Earthquake and can paralyze it back. It also doesn't get many chances of sweeping, considering Azumarill's Aqua Jet is hitting it for at least 30% damage, meaning that if it goes for the setup it's losing 60%. From there I can just pick it off with my other 2 priority users or just abuse LO recoil.

Regarding Feraligatr, yes, it's one of my team's major weaknesses, maybe the biggest, as it resists all the priority moves I have, but I can actually work around that. Being in the same vein as Sceptile, Gatr cannot OHKO Registeel with a DD LO boosted Earthquake, meaning I have a shot at paralyzing that. Added to that, Azumarill can take a hit and retaliate with Return, and so can Hariyama, but with Close Combat.

While Swellow could help against them, It would make my team plain physical; much less durable, due to the fact orb, sub and recoil would pile up REALLY fast and would remove the many useful resistances Moltres got, and that he uses to switch in.

Oh, and Hariyama is staying xP
Sup Stalker
Thanks for the reference:P
Excellent team, I can attest to how good it is from our agonisingly close battle and the number of times I saw you battle with it.
I wouldn't like to make any changes, but you might want to try out Quick Attack over Brick Break on Scyther, as after an SD it can pick off many weakened pokemon, and it also allows it to bypass Sucker Punch, which can ruin Scythers sweep.
You also might want to try out Double-Edge over Return on Azu to gain the 2HKO on Slowbro and other bulky pokes without having to rely on prediction with Toxic to beat them.
That's it from me, enjoy your success with the team while it lasts:P
Hey Bluewind,

This is a fantastic team, I too can attest to its quality from our battles, especially the agonisingly close second one. Not much to pick out here, as its very solid. I'd probably change that item on Azumarill, just to ease the pressure on prediction a bit. Predict wrong, and its gonna cost you a turn - and maybe even the match (No one snipes my Saur XD). Perhaps run LO, as you get a decent 30% boost without the risk of prediction.

Congrats on all the success with the team.
Sup Stalker
Thanks for the reference:P
Excellent team, I can attest to how good it is from our agonisingly close battle and the number of times I saw you battle with it.
I wouldn't like to make any changes, but you might want to try out Quick Attack over Brick Break on Scyther, as after an SD it can pick off many weakened pokemon, and it also allows it to bypass Sucker Punch, which can ruin Scythers sweep.
You also might want to try out Double-Edge over Return on Azu to gain the 2HKO on Slowbro and other bulky pokes without having to rely on prediction with Toxic to beat them.
That's it from me, enjoy your success with the team while it lasts:P

Hey there, Mr. I wanna stalk so badly but I'm so annoying I end up trolling =)
I really can't see myself going without Brick Break tbh. It's able to pick off Porygon-Z, Chansey, Registeel with less than 70% after a sweep and messes up dual screens teams to a major degree. I'll give that a try, tough.
Regarding Double-Edge, I've never been a huge fan of that move to be honest. From my calculations, Azumarill has around 5% chance of 2HKOing Slowbro after SR and Lefties, which is fairly low; and they can just switch to a Ghost/Steel type in the process and heal later. I guess I'm a bit freaky about Azumarill taking damage because he checks a lot of threats and is a pokémon I love to have lategame for cleaning, but I'll make sure to try that out too.

Thanks for the rate, annoying troll =)

Hey Bluewind,

This is a fantastic team, I too can attest to its quality from our battles, especially the agonisingly close second one. Not much to pick out here, as its very solid. I'd probably change that item on Azumarill, just to ease the pressure on prediction a bit. Predict wrong, and its gonna cost you a turn - and maybe even the match (No one snipes my Saur XD). Perhaps run LO, as you get a decent 30% boost without the risk of prediction.

Congrats on all the success with the team.

Hey there =)
Actually, right after out match i thought of trying that, but never got around doing that because, as I said before, I wanted Azumarill to remain in as good condition as possible throughtout the match, but keeping his sky high attack that allows me picking off Alakazam, Raikou, Missy and such. In spite of that, now that you mention it, if I get to change the item, I'll theoretically have much less troubles against some pokés like Feraligatr, while also not having to switch out and then switch in to toxic bulky waters. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definately be trying that out.

Thanks for the rate =)
Hey Bluewind,

Really good team bw. A well-timed Raikou could dismantle this team from what I see. Dugtrio could easily trap Registeel, and it could set up Calm Mind infront of Azumarill or Moltres. Your only stop to it outside of Registeel is a strong Aqua Jet from Azumarill. It will only deal 47.5% - 55.9%, meaning it has enough clips of Thunderbolt and Hidden Power Grass to sweep your team. My suggestion to you is to add Shed Shell on Registeel to prevent Dugtrio from having an easy trap.

As for other options, I would look for Milotic or some sort to combat with DD Feraligatr if you wish to tone down offensively. Aside from checking faster threats through A-jet, Milotic could do the same except it can take a hit and dish back. I would lean for a more specially defensive Milotic or some sort to actually beat Moltres. Sadly, I don't have an EV spread to would give him this but you could go for an arbritary spread of: 252 HP / 90 Def / 168 SpD with a Bold nature. This is the nature I toy with to make it a bit balanced. overall gl, will put my 5 stars to this.
Hello, i am going to try to rate your team to the best of my abilities. First off like IronBullet said Brick Break isnt going to be doing much, even for steels. A +2 Brick Break on a 252/0 Steelix does 58.2% - 68.9%, which they then kill you off with a Stone Edge.
A +2 Brick Break does about 73.1% - 86.3%. The Registeel then T-Waves you or Toxics you. T-Wave makes you so slow that basically anything can outspeed you. Toxic+LO= A lot of recoil damage. If they explode well then its nighty-night for Scyther. Things like Regirock and Rhyperior also can tank a hit from Scyther and OHKO. A +2 Brick Break does 56.6% - 67% to Regirock, 41.2% - 48.6% to Rhyperior, but if its Rock Polish it does 60.9% - 72%. Either way it kills you. A +2 Quick Attack OHKOs Dugtrio. It OHKOs Absol after SR. It OHKOs all forms off Alakazams barring Dual Screens with Reflect up. Quick Attack is a clean 2HKO on SD Sceptile. And DD-Gatr dies to a Aerial Ace. Scyther lives an unboosted waterfall, but Ice Punch does 86.1% - 101.8%. Overall Quick Attack is a better choice.

I can't find major weaknesses in your team, so your team is very good. Hope your team does well!

So a great team overall, that was the only thing
Hey Bluewind,

Really good team bw. A well-timed Raikou could dismantle this team from what I see. Dugtrio could easily trap Registeel, and it could set up Calm Mind infront of Azumarill or Moltres. Your only stop to it outside of Registeel is a strong Aqua Jet from Azumarill. It will only deal 47.5% - 55.9%, meaning it has enough clips of Thunderbolt and Hidden Power Grass to sweep your team. My suggestion to you is to add Shed Shell on Registeel to prevent Dugtrio from having an easy trap.

As for other options, I would look for Milotic or some sort to combat with DD Feraligatr if you wish to tone down offensively. Aside from checking faster threats through A-jet, Milotic could do the same except it can take a hit and dish back. I would lean for a more specially defensive Milotic or some sort to actually beat Moltres. Sadly, I don't have an EV spread to would give him this but you could go for an arbritary spread of: 252 HP / 90 Def / 168 SpD with a Bold nature. This is the nature I toy with to make it a bit balanced. overall gl, will put my 5 stars to this.

Hey there, franky

I actually had never looked from that angle, and had never noticed a core of Raikou and Dugtrio would give me so any troubles, but i think I can work around that. If it attempts to setup, it'll be on the face of either Azumarill or Moltres as you said, and it won't come out without taking at least 80% from the former, factoring lefties; and 60% from the latter (IIRC). From there I can try to pick off with priority and Donphan can take a super effective HP from a +1 Raikou and always survive if rocks happen to be off the field. I'll look forward to testing Shed Shell though, but I'm afraid my durability will decrease vertiginously.

Regarding Milotic, what moveset do you have in mind? I thought of including Toxic, so that I retain my best way of dealing with Bulky waters, but with a moveset of Recover/Surf/HP Grass/Toxic I can see myself having a hard time against Gatr and, especially, Kabutops, who after a SD could just OHKO the whole team except for Scyther and Registeel, and considering Rocks and Dugtrio screw them respectively, it would be good to have an additional check on Azumarill.

I'll make sure to try out everything you suggested, and then give some feedback on the threat. Thanks a lot for taking the time to both read and rate it =)

Hello, i am going to try to rate your team to the best of my abilities. First off like IronBullet said Brick Break isnt going to be doing much, even for steels. A +2 Brick Break on a 252/0 Steelix does 58.2% - 68.9%, which they then kill you off with a Stone Edge.
A +2 Brick Break does about 73.1% - 86.3%. The Registeel then T-Waves you or Toxics you. T-Wave makes you so slow that basically anything can outspeed you. Toxic+LO= A lot of recoil damage. If they explode well then its nighty-night for Scyther. Things like Regirock and Rhyperior also can tank a hit from Scyther and OHKO. A +2 Brick Break does 56.6% - 67% to Regirock, 41.2% - 48.6% to Rhyperior, but if its Rock Polish it does 60.9% - 72%. Either way it kills you. A +2 Quick Attack OHKOs Dugtrio. It OHKOs Absol after SR. It OHKOs all forms off Alakazams barring Dual Screens with Reflect up. Quick Attack is a clean 2HKO on SD Sceptile. And DD-Gatr dies to a Aerial Ace. Scyther lives an unboosted waterfall, but Ice Punch does 86.1% - 101.8%. Overall Quick Attack is a better choice.

I can't find major weaknesses in your team, so your team is very good. Hope your team does well!

So a great team overall, that was the only thing

I do get what you mean, but bear with me. 3/4 of the pokés you mentioned are on the Top 15 of the UU leads, meaning they will most likely have been hit by a Close Combat by the time Scyther comes out, thus I'll be able to knock them out. It also allows me to beat Aggron, that if given a free turn might turn out to be a major headache and to weaken Regirock, a common counter of Scyther and Moltres. Of course, against Absol, Dugtrio and Alakazam Quick Attack will allow me to beat them, but then i would be just trading the capacity of beating Rock and Steel types for these particular pokés and some others. I don't get your point when you mention SD Sceptile and Gatr though, as the former can OHKO me with Rock Slide and when it comes to the latter I just didn't understand the connection between Brick Break/ Quick Attack and Aerial Ace.

As I said, even though I'm not too optimistic about this change I'll make sure to try that out. Thanks a lot for taking the time to rate and calculate that, as that is something I should've done long ago but never got around =)

EDIT: Threat list is up guys, so keep the rates coming!
I don't see any obvious weaknesses in this team that haven't already been addressed, so I have nothing to add in that regard. All I have to say is, if going with franky's Milotic suggestion, use a Calm nature and shift the EVs accordingly. A 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpD Calm is along similar lines with slightly better stats, and is actually very similar to the spread that I use on my Milotic.
OK, I have done some testing implementing the suggestions, so I thought it would be good to post the results:

Life orb on Azumarill: I'm currently 40% for adding this change, as not being locked has really came in handy on some occasions, but ironically they ended up to be the ones I just didn't need; while on the ones I needed the extra power to revenge something, like Rhyperior, Moltres or Alakazam, I had a much tougher time, while the recoil just removed the possibility of constantly switching into Moltres, Ken, Donphan and such. I guess this should get some more testing, due to being a huge two-edged knife situation, but I don't think it will be implemented.

Double-Edge: With DE I've completely lost the freedom I had of randomly using Return and trying to hit a Venusaur switch, as pokés like Milotic and Slowbro might just come in and Recover at will, while taking huge amounts of damage due to recoil, compromising it's longevity; while the small boost just doesn't pay off and the chance of 2HKOing Slowbro is very tiny.

Quick Attack on Scyther: I guess the fact Brick Break's just saved me as I removed Quick Attack after testing, when I was up against a Linoone, might be causing me to be a little biased, but while testing Quick Attack it had no use whatsoever. It seems that the team is able to handle most pokés that are meant to outspeed it and, even with QA, I still can't OHKO faster pokés at + 0. Because of the fact I'm not always able to even setup SD (acutally I mostly don't even get to do so), I found Quick Attack to be much more situational than Brick Break and thus am not adding this.

I'm still going to test Life Orb more, as it's got some undeniable benefits; Shed Shell on Registeel, even though I haven't encounted many Duggies (it seems that these things just appear when I'm unprepared x.x) and Milotic.
Im quite surprised that Azu is losing to things such as Alakazam and Rhyperior. Assuming that you're coming in to revenge Zam, it should have taken SR damage coming in + LO recoil = 22.5%. Aqua jet should hit in the range of 77.7% - 91.2%,securing the kill unless you're terribly unlucky.

The Su(b)perior set I run hits 141 speed, so if you tweak the EVs a tiny bit, you can hit it with waterfall instead. There are few viable Rhyperior sets in UU, and stuff like Rock Polish can be hit hard enough into Aqua Jet's range.

Modest 252 SAtt Moltres can only do 48.9% - 57.9% to you with Hp Grass. If you can keep rocks up its helpless.
I've been running a very similar team...oddly, but I use Moltres as my lead and use a SubRotom over Hariyama. My only suggestion would be to make azumarill a SubPunch version. I always enjoy using this set and it eases prediction greatly. The only drawback is the loss of power with your priority or whatever. It gets at least 1-2 kills per game, so it does have its benefits. The set I run is as follows:

Azumarill (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP/236 Atk/20 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Aqua Jet
- Ice Punch
- Focus Punch
- Substitute

Edit: I also use a Modest nature on Moltres, but apparently it's not all that good in this metagame (it works for me) because this team has issues with milotic, hence why I run rotom.

Good luck and I hope I helped!
Forgot to mention, with most teams carrying both a bulky Water and Venusaur, keeping choice band puts you in the middle of a nasty mindgame. There really is nothing worse than a three-way prediction. They could first send in milotic to wall you as you're locked in to waterfall/ AJ. The next time this situation comes round again, you might go toxic predicting the switch only to relinquish a free turn to Venu to a) sleep powder and b) set up SD.

Krowly isnt there to save the day anymore.

On a side note, however, after testing this team to a 12-0 win record, I couldnt really see a discernable disadvantage by using LO, other than the recoil of course. Moltres can be played around with a bit of prediction so it wasnt much of a hassle. What really surprised me was the degree to which stall teams were completely helpless once Scyther got a single SD up. Much more terrifying than absol for sure. OHKOs Chansey, Venu and Milotic - all staples of stall teams.
I've been running a very similar team...oddly, but I use Moltres as my lead and use a SubRotom over Hariyama. My only suggestion would be to make azumarill a SubPunch version. I always enjoy using this set and it eases prediction greatly. The only drawback is the loss of power with your priority or whatever. It gets at least 1-2 kills per game, so it does have its benefits. The set I run is as follows:

Azumarill (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP/236 Atk/20 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Aqua Jet
- Ice Punch
- Focus Punch
- Substitute

Edit: I also use a Modest nature on Moltres, but apparently it's not all that good in this metagame (it works for me) because this team has issues with milotic, hence why I run rotom.

Good luck and I hope I helped!

The problem, as you mentioned, is my rather nasty weakness to bulky waters, as that set does nothing to stop Milotic from completely running over my team (or walling); and while Registeel could run Toxic over TWave and soothen that, it turns out Toxic is much more predictable on the last, while also removing one of my best ways of dealing with Gatr. With that set, Azumarill can't help me when checking Gatr as well.

Thanks a lot for the rate =)

Forgot to mention, with most teams carrying both a bulky Water and Venusaur, keeping choice band puts you in the middle of a nasty mindgame. There really is nothing worse than a three-way prediction. They could first send in milotic to wall you as you're locked in to waterfall/ AJ. The next time this situation comes round again, you might go toxic predicting the switch only to relinquish a free turn to Venu to a) sleep powder and b) set up SD.

Krowly isnt there to save the day anymore.

On a side note, however, after testing this team to a 12-0 win record, I couldnt really see a discernable disadvantage by using LO, other than the recoil of course. Moltres can be played around with a bit of prediction so it wasnt much of a hassle. What really surprised me was the degree to which stall teams were completely helpless once Scyther got a single SD up. Much more terrifying than absol for sure. OHKOs Chansey, Venu and Milotic - all staples of stall teams.

Yeah, the more I think the more I feel like just sticking the Life Orb there. I guess I'm just a bit too paranoid of getting low rolls and thus being screwed up by that, especially against Moltres (who btw hits Azumarill for 63.66% - 75.19%), but as I got other 2 pokés that outspeed it and am not giving it many changes of roosting, I will make the change to LO on the OP, as I really don't feel like waiting until a Feraligatr completely screws me so that I change that. I'll be changing the spread to 232 HP/ 252 Atk/ 24 Spe too, to beat pretty much any base 50 and lower Life Orb's recoil.

Regarding Scyther, yes, it's a complete hoe to stall =)

I'll be posting the results of the other changes as soon as possible, as so far I could only test Azumarill separately. Thanks for the rates guys, and keep them coming =)