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  • just wanted to let you know that the life orb vaporeon rain team you shared on forums years ago is still the best bw team i've ever used, so thank you
    Aye that must be what you were using haha I think at one point between two games you used trick first game and then trick room the next and I was like damn are you just testing slight tweaks to the same team? lol
    I'm GMT+8, and I'm free pretty much every day at around 7pm my time, but if that isn't fine let me know what works for you.
    so in my absence you have been a benchwarmer and sore loser.

    extremely sad times
    it was me dude :)!

    Also srsly spl trophies mean nothing
    Making an alt doesn’t change noobness
    you lost so youre the loser arent you?
    Hey bud we're paired for BW Cup. I'm available Monday - Thursday from 7pm-9pm my time. Going out of town this weekend so it will be tough for me to play then. If you want to ask for an extension to play next week I'm down for that. My timezone is GMT-5.
    We play for WCOP r1. I am GMT-4 and would prefer to play during late week 2, but assuming I can schedule another game for week 2, I can play during week 3, too. Some tentative ranges would be the evening of the 9th and the evening of the 10th for week 2 (meaning earlier your time the day after given your timezone). As for week 3, I can play anyday besides Friday, so there is some flexibility there if needed
    Late week 2 is fine, 8-11am gmt+10 works best
    want to aim for 9-10am your time on your Saturday or Sunday of week 2? (believe that would be 7-8pm my time on Friday or Saturday, both of which should work) -- we can have your saturday as the primary time and use your sunday as the back-up if that's chill
    easy done
    wcop round 1.I want to play around the 1st-6th of june.Does the 3rd of june work around 6pm-2am my time?Im gmt+2
    Week 3 works best for me
    soo can we do friday the 15th evening cuz thats what works best for me?
    hi gmt+3 can we play today from rn to midnight (except dinner and lunch time) lemme know asap if you agree cuz tommorow i am travelling to india would be kinda busy
    7-9am or night 7-10pm gmt+10 on my sunday works
    Can u play like mid night your time sunday? 11:30 pmish
    no can do, I have a 6am flight the next day
    adv cup when? i'm gmt+2 and i'd like to play 4-5 pm my time
    Heroic Troller
    Heroic Troller
    if you can do 7-8 your time it would be very good for me, i will be on roa
    Heroic Troller
    Heroic Troller
    i tried to wait, but it's already 1am, tomorrow i won't stay this long, let's reschedule
    I think you got the timing wrong.. we scheduled for 7-8pm my time Sunday, which is 8 hrs from now??
    We have to play for adv cup bro, is this coming Sunday morning around 11am-1pm afternoon gmt+11 your time fine with you?
    sometime during tour works best for me bro
    hey we should probably schedule because of your unholy timezone. i'm gmt +1 and i'm available most of the day and late at night on both saturday and sunday. when do you wanna do this?
    You should give DPP LC, one of the most offensive tiers on Smogon, a try someday. There's a pretty good chance you'll like it.
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