CAP 10 CAP 10 - Part 6 - Stat Spread Poll 1

What should be CAP 10's stat spread?

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everybody walk the dinosaur
is a CAP Contributor Alumnus
  • We will not allow posts in this topic such as "I voted stat spread." Put some substance into your post.

After going through the thread and considering the submissions for a few days, I've narrowed it down to five choices. These spreads display a combination of great presentation and diversity (as in, even if your spread was very well-presented, I didn't choose it if it was too similar to another spread that I liked more). Pick whichever spread you think will best allow CAP10 to fulfill its concept.

reachzero said:
Name: Utility Counter
General Description: This Pokemon is capable of being customized to counter virtually any specific Pokemon, but is incapable of countering a large number of Pokemon at the same time.
Justification: It is not unusual for people to say that "versatility is broken" from an offensive standpoint; less attention is given to versatile defensive Pokemon such as Zapdos or Hariyama. This Pokemon would allow us to study the impact of having a Pokemon that is capable of dealing with such varied threats as Salamence, Lucario, and Gengar....but not all at once.
Questions To Be Answered:
--How useful is defensive versatility in a metagame with so many different threats to account for?
--Given the existence of a Pokemon that can hard counter only specific major threats, which threats will be prepared for the most?
--How would team building change if certain difficult-to-prepare-for threats became easier to prepare for?
--Which is more useful, a Pokemon that can somewhat handle a wide range of threats, or a Pokemon that can handle a few threats extremely well?

Typing: Water/Electric

Here is an overview of the stat spreads you will be voting on, straight from the submissions thread, presented in the order the posts are in:
Rising_Dusk said:
I will be making a case for the following stat spread for CAP10:
Base Stat Distribution

HP: 125
ATK: 84
DEF: 85
SPA: 83
SPD: 86
SPE: 102
BST: 565

Derived Statistics
(Calculated Here)

PS: 149 (Rank 5 - Good)
PT: 174 (Rank 6 - Very Good)
SS: 149
(Rank 5 - Good)
ST: 173 (Rank 6 - Very Good)
ODB: -4.35
PSB: 0.17
I will explain each of these choices both qualitatively and quantitatively with numbers straight out of OU's most popular sets for the top 20 Pokemon, which I feel is a legitimate basis upon which to structure CAP10. If it can be tech'd in different ways to beat each of the Pokemon in the top 20 list of OU, then it will meet the criteria for the concept and be a successful utility counter.

Distribution Style Reasoning:

Effectively, this Pokemon needs the offensive capacity to actually threaten potential targets such as Lucario, Infernape, and so on, while still maintaining sufficient defensive prowess that it is not incapable of addressing Pokemon such as Salamence, Metagross, or Latias as necessary. I chose to go in a slightly defensive direction with this stat distribution particularly because there are numerous high-powered threats CAP10 will be dealing with and the bulk will let it handle them more comfortably. We want CAP10 to soft counter these Pokemon, but we also want it to be reliable at what it does. Furthermore, a defensive distribution helps prevent CAP10 from being used too terribly offensively. An offensive stat distribution might encourage people to attempt a sweeping set, that may even be more successful than the countering sets. So, to keep the Pokemon in the spirit of the concept as well as to make sure it was damned good at what it does, I chose to go in a slightly more defensive direction with CAP10's stats. I will explain with calculations below the exact reasons why I chose the stats as I have, so let's skip right to the nitty gritty.

Physical / Special Split:

I chose to go with a very evenly distributed stat spread in terms of the physical and special split. The reason for this is simple - numerous target Pokemon have a weaker defensive stat. For instance, if you're going to attempt to take down Skarmory, its SPD stat is only 70 compared to its 140 DEF stat. Furthermore, many of these Pokemon additionally attempt to EV themselves to be bulkier in certain regards over others. By having a very even spectrum for CAP10, we can exploit these typical EV sets and beat up on the target where it hurts them the most.

I tried to maximize the Attack stat as much as possible, since CAP10 will need it in order to combat threats such as Latias and Tyranitar who are much bulkier on the special side. I was limited by Rank 5 attacking stats, though, so 84 Attack was the maximum that could be had with the necessary Speed base stat to outpace threats like Salamence, Jirachi, and so forth.

Offensive Stat Reasoning:

These offensive stats were chosen because alongside a 102 speed stat they maximize the offenses of CAP10 within the constraints of rank 5 (good) offenses. These stats require significant investment in order to obtain the necessary OHKOs on potential targets such as Lucario, but provide the most plausible opportunity to actually beat these threats given the stat style requirements placed on the stat spread.

All calculations will assume a neutral nature in the attacking stat, 
so add 10% damage if you're using a boosting nature. You shouldn't be
using a reducing nature ever, though, if you're using that attack.

These calculations assume the following EV spread based on the threat
you're facing:[I] 252 HP / 40 <Attacking Stat> / 212 Spe[/I]
For some threats, those 212 EVs may be placed into a defense, but that
doesn't change the offensive calculations any.

[B]Fire Blast[/B]
40 Timid Leftovers Pokemon Fire Blast  
  vs. 248/0 Adamant Choice Band Scizor : 109.6% - 129.4%
  vs. 252/0 Relaxed Shed Shell Forretress : 132.2% - 155.9%
  vs. 252/0 Impish Shed Shell Skarmory : 62.3% - 73.7%
  vs. Adamant Life Orb Lucario : 74% - 87.5%
  vs. 112/0 Adamant Life Orb Metagross : 51.7% - 60.8%
  vs. 252/92 Sassy Leftovers Bronzong : 33.7% - 40.2%
  vs. Naive Leftovers Magnezone : 67.6% - 79.7%

40 Timid Leftovers Pokemon Flamethrower  
  vs. 248/0 Adamant Choice Band Scizor : 86.3% - 102.6%
  vs. 252/0 Relaxed Shed Shell Forretress : 105.1% - 124.3%
  vs. 252/0 Impish Shed Shell Skarmory : 49.7% - 58.7%
  vs. Adamant Life Orb Lucario : 59.1% - 69.8%
  vs. 112/0 Adamant Life Orb Metagross : 41.3% - 48.6%
  vs. 252/92 Sassy Leftovers Bronzong : 26.6% - 32%
  vs. Naive Leftovers Magnezone : 53.4% - 63.3%

40 Timid Leftovers Pokemon Earthquake  
  vs. 112/12 Adamant Life Orb Metagross : 28% - 33.4%
  vs. Naive Choice Scarf Heatran : 69.3% - 83%
  vs. 4/0 Naive Shuca Berry Heatran : 34.6% - 41.4%
  vs. 160/0 Adamant Choice Band Tyranitar : 28.9% - 34.1%
  vs. 252/0 Timid Leftovers Jirachi : 29.2% - 34.7%
  vs. 0/4 Adamant Life Orb Lucario : 56.2% - 66.2%
  vs. 252/120 Calm Leftovers Tentacruel : 39% - 46.2%
  vs. Naive Leftovers Magnezone : 74% - 88.3%
  vs. Mild Expert Belt Electivire : 61.9% - 73.5%
  vs. 0/4 Timid Choice Specs Jolteon : 64.9% - 76.8%

40 Timid Leftovers Pokemon Payback  
  vs. 128/0 Timid Leftovers Latias : 38.4% - 45.6%
  vs. 4/0 Timid Choice Scarf Latias : 42.4% - 50.3%
  vs. 0/4 Timid Life Orb Gengar : 67.4% - 79.7%
  vs. 252/168 Bold Leftovers Rotom-H : 28.9% - 34.2%
  vs. 4/0 Modest Choice Scarf Rotom-H : 46.3% - 54.5%
  vs. Naive Focus Sash Azelf : 54.3% - 63.9%
  vs. 252/252 Bold Leftovers Cresselia : 17.1% - 20.3%

40 Timid Leftovers Pokemon Waterfall  
  vs. 136/0 Adamant Leftovers Rhyperior : 42.2% - 49.6%
  vs. 160/0 Adamant Choice Band Tyranitar : 34.6% - 40.9%
  vs. Naive Choice Scarf Heatran : 41.5% - 50.2%
  vs. 244/0 Calm Leftovers Heatran : 34.9% - 42.2%
  vs. 252/168 Impish Leftovers Hippowdon : 23.3% - 27.6%
  vs. 252/40 Impish Leftovers Gliscor : 28.8% - 34.5%
  vs. 252/252 Relaxed Leftovers Swampert : 13.4% - 16.3%
  vs. Naive Life Orb Infernape : 63.5% - 75.8%

40 Timid Leftovers Pokemon Surf  
  vs. 136/0 Adamant Leftovers Rhyperior : 109.6% - 129.6%
  vs. 136/0 Adamant Leftovers Rhyperior (Sandstorm): 74.1% - 87.4%
  vs. 160/0 Adamant Choice Band Tyranitar : 48.8% - 57.2%
  vs. 160/0 Adamant Choice Band Tyranitar (Sandstorm) : 32% - 38.3%
  vs. Naive Choice Scarf Heatran : 60.1% - 71.2%
  vs. 244/12 Calm Leftovers Heatran : 41.1% - 49%
  vs. 252/88 Impish Leftovers Hippowdon : 51.4% - 60.5%
  vs. 252/0 Impish Leftovers Gliscor : 66.1% - 78%
  vs. 252/0 Relaxed Leftovers Swampert : 25.2% - 29.7%
  vs. Naive Life Orb Infernape : 92.2% - 109.2%

40 Timid Leftovers Pokemon Thunderbolt  
  vs. Adamant Life Orb Gyarados : 112.4% - 131.7%
  vs. 156/0 Adamant Leftovers Gyarados : 100.5% - 117.8%
  vs. 188/0 Bold Leftovers Vaporeon : 42.9% - 50.9%
  vs. 136/0 Timid Leftovers Starmie : 71.9% - 85.4%
  vs. 4/0 Timid Life Orb Starmie : 80.9% - 96.2%
  vs. 252/0 Bold Leftovers Suicune : 40.6% - 48%
  vs. 252/0 Bold Leftovers Suicune +1 : 27.2% - 32.7%
  vs. 12/0 Modest Petaya Berry Empoleon : 59.6% - 69.9%
  vs. 252/92 Calm Leftovers Empoleon : 40.9% - 48.4%
  vs. 252/136 Calm Leftovers Tentacruel : 35.2% - 41.8%
  vs. 252/0 Impish Shed Shell Skarmory : 74.3% - 88%
  vs. Naive Life Orb Salamence : 37.5% - 44.1%

[B]Ice Beam[/B]
40 Timid Leftovers Pokemon Ice Beam  
  vs. Naive Life Orb Salamence : 100.3% - 118.4%
  vs. 252/0 Timid Leftovers Salamence : 75.1% - 89.3%
  vs. 252/0 Impish Leftovers Gliscor : 88.1% - 104%
  vs. 248/0 Bold Leftovers Zapdos : 35.5% - 41.8%
  vs. 248/224 Calm Leftovers Zapdos : 25.6% - 30.3%
  vs. 252/0 Bold Leftovers Celebi : 30.7% - 36.1%
  vs. 4/0 Timid Choice Scarf Latias : 33.1% - 39.1%
  vs. 128/0 Timid Leftovers Latias : 30% - 35.4%
  vs. 252/88 Impish Leftovers Hippowdon : 34.3% - 40.5%

[/B]40 Timid Leftovers Pokemon Superpower  
  vs. 160/0 Adamant Choice Band Tyranitar : 68.2% - 80.8%
  vs. 40/0 Jolly Choice Band Weavile : 137.5% - 162.2%
  vs. 0/4 Adamant Life Orb Lucario : 66.9% - 79%
  vs. Naive Leftovers Magnezone : 44.1% - 52.7%

All of these score the necessary OHKOs and 2HKOs without too much investment, if any at all given 4x weaknesses. These will make the CAP sufficient enough of an offensive threat to not be taken for granted, but at the same time still removing much possibility of a sweeper set ever coming to be.

Defensive Stat Reasoning:

When considering how to build CAP10's defensive stats, one must consider just how specifically we want it to counter physical and special sets both individually and together. If we choose an abnormally large HP stat (~150) with relatively low defensive stats (~70), then you successfully wall the heavily EV'd end of the spectrum, while failing to beat the other end. Furthermore, at the other end of the spectrum, choosing a low HP stat (~70) and large defensive stats (~125) will have you successfully wall both ends of the spectrum at once with just EV investment into HP.

In light of that, I chose the middle ground. With an HP stat of 125 and 85 defenses, you can choose to EV into one defense to wall it very effectively, but you will not be rendered impotent against attackers from the other side of the spectrum. That isn't to say that you can counter them, as you won't be able to, it will just permit CAP10 to serve as a useful member of the team no matter the battle. It won't become a useless waste of space if you happen to be against a team you can't counter, it just won't be directly countering any of those threats. I feel that this is crucial for CAP10's overall success in the OU metagame.

I have prepared dozens of calculations for this, all in the hidden tag below, so if you're interested, feel free to browse through them. They are presented based on the top ~20 Pokemon in OU, including some of the walls so that you can see how little they do to you, and all of what they can do to a CAP10 that was prepared for them. (Best Case Scenario)

All calculations will be made with a neutral nature, so +10% damage
for reducing and -10% damage for boosting. 

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 

  vs. 252 Adamant Choice Band Scizor U-turn  : 36.6% - 43.2%
  vs. 252 Adamant Choice Band Scizor Bullet Punch  : 7.7% - 9.3%
  vs. 252 Adamant Choice Band Scizor Superpower  : 41.6% - 49.1%
  vs. 252 Adamant Choice Band Scizor Pursuit  : 27.8% - 32.8%

  vs. 252 Adamant Life Orb Scizor +2 Bullet Punch  : 13.4% - 15.9%
  vs. 252 Adamant Life Orb Scizor +2 Brick Break  : 44.9% - 53.1%
  vs. 252 Adamant Life Orb Scizor +2 Bug Bite  : 54.2% - 63.7%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 

  vs. 252 Adamant Choice Band Tyranitar Stone Edge  : 53.1% - 62.8%
  vs. 252 Adamant Choice Band Tyranitar Crunch  : 42.5% - 50.2%
  vs. 252 Adamant Choice Band Tyranitar Earthquake  : 70.9% - 83.7%  

  vs. 252 Jolly Choice Scarf Tyranitar Stone Edge  : 32.4% - 38.3%
  vs. 252 Jolly Choice Scarf Tyranitar Crunch  : 26% - 30.6%
  vs. 252 Jolly Choice Scarf Tyranitar Earthquake  : 43.2% - 51.1%
  vs. 252 Jolly Choice Scarf Tyranitar Superpower  : 26% - 30.6%  

  vs. 252 Adamant Babiri Berry Tyranitar +1 Stone Edge  : 53.1% - 62.8%
  vs. 252 Adamant Babiri Berry Tyranitar +1 Crunch  : 42.5% - 50.2%
  vs. 252 Adamant Babiri Berry Tyranitar +1 Earthquake  : 70.9% - 83.7%

252/252/0 Leftovers Pokemon

  vs. 232 Naive Life Orb Salamence +1 Outrage  : 74.7% - 88.1%
  vs. 232 Naive Life Orb Salamence +1 Earthquake  : 83.3% - 98.2%
  vs. 24 Naive Life Orb Salamence Fire Blast  : 15.4% - 18.3%  

  vs. 240 Naive Life Orb Salamence Draco Meteor  : 65.4% - 77.3%
  vs. 16 Naive Life Orb Salamence Earthquake  : 47.1% - 55.9%
  vs. 240 Naive Life Orb Salamence Fire Blast  : 18.7% - 22%
  vs. 16 Naive Life Orb Salamence Outrage  : 43% - 50.4%

252/0/252 Leftovers Pokemon 

  vs. 252 Naive Choice Scarf Heatran Flamethrower  : 14.8% - 17.6%
  vs. 252 Naive Choice Scarf Heatran Earth Power  : 37.9% - 44.9%
  vs. 4 Naive Choice Scarf Heatran Explosion  : 83% - 97.8%
  vs. 252 Naive Choice Scarf Heatran Fire Blast  : 18.7% - 22.2%
  vs. 252 Naive Choice Scarf Heatran +1 Fire Blast  : 28.2% - 33.3%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 

  vs. 252 Timid Choice Specs Latias Draco Meteor  : 58.4% - 68.9%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Specs Latias Surf  : 13.2% - 15.6%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Specs Latias Dragon Pulse  : 37.7% - 44.5%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Specs Latias Thunderbolt  : 26.4% - 31.3%

  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Latias Draco Meteor  : 39.2% - 46.3%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Latias Dragon Pulse  : 25.1% - 29.7%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Latias Surf  : 8.8% - 10.4%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Latias Thunderbolt  : 17.6% - 20.9%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. Bold Leftovers Rotom-A Thunderbolt  : 20.5% - 24.4%
  vs. Bold Leftovers Rotom-A Shadow Ball  : 17.4% - 20.7%
  vs. Bold Leftovers Rotom-A Leaf Storm  : 40.1% - 47.6%
  vs. Bold Leftovers Rotom-A Overheat  : 9.9% - 11.9%
  vs. Bold Leftovers Rotom-A Hydro Pump  : 8.6% - 10.1%
  vs. Bold Leftovers Rotom-A Blizzard  : 8.6% - 10.1%
  vs. Bold Leftovers Rotom-A Air Slash  : 5.5% - 6.4%

  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Rotom-A Thunderbolt  : 25.8% - 30.4%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Rotom-A Shadow Ball  : 21.8% - 25.8%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Rotom-A Leaf Storm  : 50.7% - 59.9%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Rotom-A Overheat  : 12.6% - 15%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Rotom-A Hydro Pump  : 10.8% - 12.8%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Rotom-A Blizzard  : 10.8% - 12.8%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Scarf Rotom-A Air Slash  : 6.8% - 7.9%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. 252 Adamant Life Orb Gyarados +1 Waterfall  : 26.2% - 31.1%
  vs. 252 Adamant Life Orb Gyarados +1 Earthquake  : 87.7% - 103.5%
  vs. 252 Adamant Life Orb Gyarados +1 Bounce  : 28% - 33%
  vs. 252 Adamant Life Orb Gyarados +1 Stone Edge  : 43.8% - 51.8%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. 252 Jolly Choice Scarf Jirachi Iron Head  : 5.3% - 6.2%
  vs. 252 Jolly Choice Scarf Jirachi ThunderPunch  : 13.4% - 15.9%
  vs. 252 Jolly Choice Scarf Jirachi Zen Headbutt  : 21.1% - 25.1%

  vs. 80 Timid Leftovers Jirachi +1 Thunderbolt  : 27.8% - 32.8%
  vs. 80 Timid Leftovers Jirachi +1 Psychic  : 39.2% - 46.5%
  vs. 80 Timid Leftovers Jirachi +1 Flash Cannon  : 8.8% - 10.4%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. 252 Adamant Life Orb Metagross Meteor Mash  : 11.5% - 13.7%
  vs. 252 Adamant Life Orb Metagross Earthquake  : 62.1% - 73.1%
  vs. 252 Adamant Life Orb Metagross Explosion  : 154.6% - 181.9%

  vs. 236 Adamant Choice Band Metagross Meteor Mash  : 13.2% - 15.4%
  vs. 236 Adamant Choice Band Metagross Earthquake  : 70.5% - 83.3%
  vs. 236 Adamant Choice Band Metagross Explosion  : 176.4% - 207.7%

252/0/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball  : 33% - 39%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Gengar Focus Blast  : 32.6% - 38.5%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Gengar Thunderbolt  : 26% - 30.6%
  vs. Timid Life Orb Gengar Explosion  : 74% - 87.2%

252/252/0 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. 4 Relaxed Leftovers Swampert Earthquake  : 45.4% - 54.2%
  vs. Relaxed Leftovers Swampert Ice Beam  : 7.5% - 8.8%
  vs. Relaxed Leftovers Swampert Surf  : 11.2% - 13.2%
  vs. Relaxed Leftovers Swampert Hydro Pump  : 13.9% - 16.5%

  vs. Careful Leftovers Swampert +1 Earthquake  : 67.4% - 79.7%
  vs. Careful Leftovers Swampert +1 Avalanche  : 13.4% - 15.9%
  vs. Careful Leftovers Swampert +1 Waterfall  : 13.4% - 15.9%
  vs. Careful Leftovers Swampert +1 Stone Edge  : 22.5% - 26.7%

96/252 Timid Leftovers Pokemon [Enough Speed to Outpace Jolly Luke)
  vs. 252 Jolly Life Orb Lucario Close Combat  : 48% - 56.6%
  vs. 252 Jolly Life Orb Lucario ExtremeSpeed  : 21.4% - 25.3%
  vs. 252 Jolly Life Orb Lucario +2 ExtremeSpeed  : 42.7% - 50.4%

252/148/108 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. 64 Naive Life Orb Infernape Close Combat  : 39.2% - 46.5%
  vs. 252 Naive Life Orb Infernape +2 Fire Blast  : 48.2% - 56.8%
  vs. 252 Naive Life Orb Infernape +2 (60bp Grass Special)  : 64.3% - 75.8%
  vs. 252 Naive Life Orb Infernape +2 (40bp Grass Special)  : 42.7% - 50.7%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. Timid Leftovers Starmie Surf  : 9.9% - 11.7%
  vs. Timid Leftovers Starmie Thunderbolt  : 13.2% - 15.6%

  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Starmie Hydro Pump  : 20.5% - 24%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Starmie Surf  : 16.3% - 19.2%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Starmie Thunderbolt  : 21.8% - 25.8%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Starmie Psychic  : 30.6% - 36.3%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Starmie Ice Beam  : 10.8% - 12.8%

  vs. 252 Timid Choice Specs Starmie Hydro Pump  : 23.3% - 27.8%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Specs Starmie Surf  : 18.5% - 21.8%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Specs Starmie Thunderbolt  : 24.9% - 29.3%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Specs Starmie Psychic  : 35.2% - 41.6%
  vs. 252 Timid Choice Specs Starmie Ice Beam  : 12.3% - 14.5%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. Calm Leftovers Blissey Seismic Toss  : 22%
  vs. Calm Leftovers Blissey Flamethrower  : 5.1% - 6.2%
  vs. Calm Leftovers Blissey Ice Beam  : 5.1% - 6.2%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. Impish Leftovers Gliscor Earthquake  : 40.1% - 47.6%
  vs. Jolly Leftovers Gliscor U-turn  : 9.5% - 11.2%
  vs. 40 Jolly Leftovers Gliscor +2 Earthquake  : 83.3% - 98.2%

252/0/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. 252 Naive Focus Sash Azelf Psychic  : 27.8% - 32.6%
  vs. 4 Naive Focus Sash Azelf Explosion  : 109.7% - 129.3%
  vs. 252 Naive Focus Sash Azelf Fire Blast  : 12.1% - 14.3%

  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Azelf +2 Psychic  : 70.9% - 83.9%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Azelf +2 Flamethrower  : 25.1% - 29.5%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Azelf +2 (60bp Grass Special)  : 63.4% - 74.9%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Azelf +2 (40bp Grass Special)  : 42.3% - 50.2%

252/0/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. 252 Naive Choice Scarf Magnezone Thunderbolt  : 29.7% - 35.2%
  vs. 252 Naive Choice Scarf Magnezone Flash Cannon  : 6.2% - 7.5%
  vs. 4 Naive Choice Scarf Magnezone Explosion  : 67.6% - 79.7%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. 64 Impish Shed Shell Skarmory Brave Bird  : 11.2% - 13.2%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. Bold Leftovers Vaporeon Surf  : 10.6% - 12.6%
  vs. Bold Leftovers Vaporeon (70bp Electric Special)  : 10.6% - 12.6%

252/252 Leftovers Pokemon 
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Suicune +1 Surf  : 22.5% - 26.7%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Suicune +1 Hydro Pump  : 28.4% - 33.7%
  vs. 252 Timid Life Orb Suicune +1 (70bp Electric Special)  : 22.2% - 26.2%

These are just some examples where this defensive stat distribution can shine and come in on numerous different threats, when tech'd to beat them. Note that many of these spreads are optimized for taking hits and not necessarily OHKOing the threat back. For instance, you would need Ice Beam to beat Mence, but you'd need Payback to beat Latias and, say some burning move to beat Metagross, while needing Fire Blast to beat Lucario. Because of only carrying four moves and having to tech to beat each one, you cannot counter all of them adequately at once - exactly what we're looking for.

Speed Stat Reasoning:

For starters, I feel that the lowest this CAP can possibly be is 91 base speed, because Lucario is the benchmark Pokemon to outspeed. (Since we do not resist CC, and a +2 CC on any of the suggested spreads' defenses spells doom) Beyond that, I feel that a 107 speed is the maximum that we should allow CAP10 to have, specifically so that Infernape and faster threats can always outspeed us. With relative defensive investment (and presuming a low base power Grass Knot), Infernape can never 2HKO CAP10. It is a good landmark of where we should not pass with this CAP's speed.

Between the 91-107 range there are a lot of landmarks to pass or fall short of. For instance, at 101 base speed it becomes possible to outspeed all base 100 +natured Pokemon, which is a substantial chunk of the metagame. This includes many of the Pokemon that CAP10 may need to be EV'd to counter, so it's a good place to work from. Next in line is that at 105 speed, we achieve the ability to outspeed positive-natured base 90's without using our own positive-nature. This may sound like a significant landmark to hit, but considering that Speed will be our largest stat, we stand to always gain the most from our nature if we choose a +Speed nature and simply spend more EVs in the other stats we need. Furthermore, in nearly all cases, we will never have use for a +Atk or +SpA nature, as our offense is potent enough with sufficient EVs to beat landmark threats as necessary. Finally, since a +Def or +SpD nature offers less stats to us over a +Spe nature, we end up with a lower net defense as a result of having to invest 252 EVs into Speed to beat those base 90's.

If you don't believe me, consider my stat distribution with 105 Speed instead compared to my 102 Speed version. An EV spread of 252-0-88-0-0-164 (+Spe/-SpA Nature) with the 102 Speed version has the exact same defensive ability (and final Speed) as an EV spread of 252-0-4-0-0-252 (+Def/-SpA Nature) on the 105 Speed version. Furthermore, the +Spe nature version uses only 500 EVs, whereas the Neutral-Spe nature uses all 508. This means that the +Spe natured version will have an extra 8 EVs to invest elsewhere! That won't make a huge difference in actual play (it might if we forced the BST to stay the same between these two test cases and reduced stats elsewhere for the +3 in speed), but it should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that 105 is no important landmark speed to reach.

From those considerations, I decided to shoot for a base speed of 102, akin to Garchomp, guaranteeing that it can outrun base 100's if it wants to and invests in it, but lose out to the incredibly rare Mismagius, Lopunny, and lower EV investment Infernape.

  • Neutral-Nature, 192 SpE EVs hits 288 - Beats +Nature Base 81's (Gyara)
  • +Nature, 160 Spe EVs hits 308 - Beats +Nature Base 90's
  • +Nature, 200 Spe EVs hits 319 - Beats +Nature Base 95's
  • +Nature, 240 Spe EVs hits 329 - Beats +Nature Base 100's
Closing Remarks:

I went through and found ways for this stat spread to beat any of the listed 20 threats above. I won't lie, the abilities chosen for this CAP are going to play a critical role in its ability to reliably come in on many of these threats. No poll-jumping, but things like Intimidate, Levitate, etc. will prove invaluable in helping this CAP along its journey of utility countering whatever is needed for a given instance. It isn't a job for stats alone. However, with the stat distribution I am proposing here, I feel that we will be well on our way to setting up CAP10 to not only achieve its goal of utility countering desired targets as needed by the player, but to do it well and really shake up the OU metagame.

Cheers, I hope you've enjoyed reading this if you've actually gotten this far.

Admiral_Korski said:
Final Submission:

HP: 100 341-404
Atk: 120 248-276-339-372
Def: 100 212-236-299-328
SpA: 120 248-276-339-372
SpD: 100 212-236-299-328
Spe: 60 140-156-219-240

Physical Sweepiness: 132, Rank 5: Good
Physical Tankiness: 174, Rank 6: Very Good
Special Sweepiness: 135, Rank 5: Good
Special Tankiness: 171, Rank 6: Very Good
Offense/Defense Balance: -6.59, Moderately biased towards Defense
Physical/Special Balance: 0.05, Slightly biased towards Physical
Overall Stat Rating: 339, Rank 6: Very Good
Base Stat Total: 600

Overview: This is a more tankish approach to the concept, which I think is wise, especially considering how much of a requirement customization is in terms of the concept. The idea here is balance; If your identified countee hits from one side of the spectrum, you can just as viably tank from that side without forfeiting superior stats elsewhere. Likewise, if your countee is particularly vulnerable on one side of the spectrum, you have just as much power behind your attacks either way.

Defenses (100/100/100): This is OU's gold standard for customizable defenses. Jirachi and Celebi, two of OU's most overall versatile Pokemon, abuse these defenses to no end for a variety of results and are top defensive threats as a result. It's a naturally bulky spread, so if you're planning on countering things that don't hit so hard, you can invest in your great attacking stats. If your countee does hit particularly hard, you have tons of room to invest and survive almost any hit.

Offenses (120/120/60): This is perhaps the opposite route everyone else has been taking in terms of Speed: High Attack and Special Attack in exchange for low Speed. With no investment, both attacking stats sit at 276, which is plenty enough to pose an immediate offensive threat to top OU offensive Pokemon. With investment, they are even deadlier and can keep your opponent guessing from which angle they'll be hit.

I'm going to guess that the most controversial aspect of this spread will be the Speed stat, so I'll go in depth here as to why I've made the decision to go slow:

I am not of the mindset that this CAP needs to be at all fast. When you think of counters, that is, things that are more or less designed for countering, in the current metagame, a few spring to mind right away: Swampert, Rotom-H, Tyranitar, Vaporeon. None of these are blindingly fast, yet are still extremely effective. A fast counter is one that sacrifices utility in exchange for a stat that becomes more and more necessary to invest in the higher you go. Speed is so over-represented in this metagame that the only Pokemon who dare not invest in it in the 90+ range, Jirachi and Celebi (or Tentacruel, but whatever), are the ones with the kind of defenses you see in this spread and are in a particular Speed tier enough to get at best a speed tie with the likes of Salamence. Anything over base 100 Speed is something the metagame requires you to invest in. And with a focus on Speed for countering certain threats, you are only customizing the rest of the Pokemon enough to defeat those threats who reside in a higher tier than you, which is few, especially as you push higher and higher above that 100 mark.

tl;dr, if you can outspeed Salamence, you will outspeed Salamence (every time), and that about halves your EVs that you were going to originally use to customize your CAP. It's also quite boring to have all your "countering" of 90% of OU done with high speed and a coverage move.

Also, to fit within the confines of Beej's limits, the high-Speed spreads are paring down their attacking stats, which, in turn, will absolutely require EV investment in order to be any kind of counter, which dries up the rest of the EVs you didn't put in Speed (unless your utility countering has absolutely nothing to do with attacking). I agree that this CAP doesn't need to threaten a OHKO in order to counter something, but a SE unSTAB attack from a <90 base stat with no investment is still not going to be very frightening unless it's 4x effective. So, you're once again limiting your stat customization options to a) max Spe / max Atk or b) max Spe / max SpA, which is pretty unfortunate, given the broad scope of options this CAP is meant to have and the original consensus from the concept thread for this to be a primarily defensive Pokemon.

60 Speed is not abysmally slow. With these STABs, it's dangerous to put this CAP in a position of outrunning most of the metagame while still fulfilling the concept. And with the defenses of this spread along with the defensive utility of this typing, stat and EV investment elsewhere will be much more useful. Tyranitar and Magnezone do fairly well with a Scarf, and this CAP isn't designed to revenge kill, so I don't need to hear that argument. I think 60 Speed is good enough to balance the enormous stats elsewhere in this spread.


They way I envision this CAP being customized is funnel-like, starting at stats (most vague) and ending at moves and item (most specific), so one will start at stats, establish to what degree one wants to take hits in general or from specific targets, and EV appropriately. Then one will move on to one of two abilities that will aid in the countering of more specific groups of threats within the initial stat group. Finally, select moves and items will allow for the direct countering of individual or very similar opponents. So, in the stat spread area, I can't expect this CAP to be accomplishing its utility countering goals 100%, which is why I have left things more or less open-ended.

With that being said, it's tough to envision what kind of sets this thing will run at this point, but I'll offer 2 and show their offensive and defensive capabilities here.

Set 1: Physically Defensive
Nature: Bold / Impish / Relaxed
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def
Stats: 404 HP / 276 (249) Atk / 328 Def / 276 (249) SpA / 236 SpD / 156 (140) Spe

Defensive Calculations

Earthquake: 33.7% - 40.1%
Psychic: 35.6% - 41.8%
Explosion:77.5% - 91.3%
Flamethrower: 6.7% - 7.9%
[U]252+ Atk:[/U]
Seed Bomb: 51% - 60.9%
+2 Seed Bomb: 132.7% - 156.4%
Focus Punch: 48.3% - 56.7%
Mach Punch: 16.6% - 20%
+2 Mach Punch: 33.4% - 39.4%
Superpower: 38.6% - 45.5%
Gyro Ball: 2.5% - 3.2%
Earthquake: 25.7% - 30.7%
Explosion: 63.4% - 74.8%
Grass Knot (20 BP): 10.9% - 13.4%
Grass Knot (120 BP): 63.9% - 75.7%
Earth Power: 32.2% - 38.1%
HP-Fire: 6.2% - 7.4%
[U]LO, 252:[/U]
Leaf Storm: 122.3% - 144.6%
Earth Power: 53% - 62.4%
HP-Fire: 10.1% - 12.1%
U-turn: 10.9% - 12.9%
Leaf Storm: 155% - 183.2%
Draco Meteor: 64.1% - 75.7%
Superpower: 28.2% - 33.4%
Flamethrower: 14.6% - 17.1%
Thunderbolt: 29.2% - 34.2%
[U]Bulky DD:[/U]
+1 Dragon Claw: 34.9% - 41.1%
+1 Outrage: 52.2% - 61.6%
+1 Earthquake: 58.4% - 68.8%
[U]Offensive DD:[/U]
+1 Outrage: 76.5% - 90.1%
+1 Earthquake: 84.7% - 100%
Earthquake: 26.7% - 31.7%
ThunderPunch: 9.9% - 11.9%
Thunderbolt: 34.2% - 40.1%
HP-Grass: 40.3% - 47.5%
HP-Ice: 8.4% - 9.9%
Cross Chop: 15.8% - 18.8%
ThunderPunch: 22.8% - 27.2%
Ice Punch: 7.7% - 9.2%
Cross Chop: 20.8% - 24.5%
Earthquake: 49.8% - 58.7%
Surf: 18.8% - 22.3%
Torrent +1 Surf: 37.9% - 44.6%
Grass Knot (20 BP): 10.9% - 13.4%
+1 Grass Knot (20 BP): 16.3% - 19.3%
Grass Knot (120 BP): 63.9% - 75.2%
+1 Grass Knot (120 BP): 95% - 112.4%
Outrage: 29.2% - 34.4%
Earthquake: 49% - 57.9%
U-turn: 11.4% - 13.6%
Stone Edge: 16.3% - 19.3%
Outrage: 48.3% - 56.7%
Earthquake: 80.2% - 95%
U-turn: 18.8% - 22.3%
Stone Edge: 26.7% - 31.7%
Gyro Ball: 2.2% - 2.7%
Earthquake: 26.7% - 31.7%
Explosion: 65.8% - 77.7%
Shadow Ball: 42.3% - 50%
Thunderbolt: 33.2% - 39.1%
Focus Blast: 42.1% - 49.8%
HP-Fire: 12.4% - 14.6%
Explosion: 52.2% - 61.6%
Shadow Ball: 35.6% - 42.3%
Thunderbolt: 28.2% - 33.2%
Focus Blast: 35.6% - 42.1%
HP-Ice: 10.4% - 12.4%
Explosion: 40.3% - 47.5%
Earthquake: 37.1% - 43.6%
Stone Edge: 12.4% - 14.6%
U-turn: 8.7% - 10.4%
[U]Dancing Tank:[/U]
Earthquake: 38.6% - 46%
+2 Earthquake: 76.2% - 90.6%
[U]Offensive DD:[/U]
Waterfall: 16.3% - 19.3%
+1 Waterfall: 24% - 28.5%
Stone Edge: 27.2% - 32.2%
+1 Stone Edge: 40.6% - 47.8%
Earthquake: 54.5% - 64.4%
+1 Earthquake: 81.2% - 95.5%
[U]Bulky DD:[/U]
Waterfall: 10.9% - 12.9%
+1 Waterfall: 16.3% - 19.3%
Stone Edge: 18.1% - 21.5%
+1 Stone Edge: 27.2% - 32.2%
Bounce: 11.4% - 13.6%
+1 Bounce: 17.3% - 20.5%
Fire Blast: 24.3% - 28.7%
+1 Fire Blast: 36.4% - 42.8%
Earth Power: 49% - 57.9%
HP-Grass: 38.1% - 45%
HP-Ice: 9.4% - 11.1%
Explosion: 58.7% - 69.1%
Fire Blast: 31.4% - 37.1%
+1 Fire Blast: 47.3% - 55.7%
Earth Power: 63.9% - 75.2%
HP-Grass: 49.5% - 58.4%
HP-Electric: 24.8% - 29.2%
Explosion: 68.6% - 80.7%
Close Combat: 37.4% - 44.1%
Megahorn: 37.4% - 44.1%
Stone Edge: 21% - 24.8%
Night Slash: 14.6% - 17.3%
Earthquake: 42.1% - 50.5%
Fire Blast: 27% - 31.9%
Close Combat: 32.9% - 38.9%
Grass Knot (20 BP): 11.9% - 14.4%
Grass Knot (120 BP): 72.3% - 85.1%
HP-Ice: 10.4% - 12.4%
Close Combat: 38.9% - 46%
+2 Close Combat: 77.5% - 91.6%
U-turn: 9.7% - 11.4%
[U]80 SpA CM:[/U]
Psychic: 26.2% - 31.2%
+1 Psychic: 39.4% - 46.3%
Thunderbolt: 18.3% - 21.8%
+1 Thunderbolt: 27.2% - 32.2%
Flash Cannon: 5.7% - 6.7%
+1 Flash Cannon: 8.7% - 10.1%
Iron Head: 4.7% - 5.7%
ThunderPunch: 12.4% - 14.4%
Ice Punch: 6.2% - 7.2%
U-turn: 11.4% - 13.6%
Thunderbolt: 44.1% - 52%
Shadow Ball: 25% - 29.5%
HP-Ice: 10.9% - 12.9%
HP-Grass: 44.1% - 52%
Thunderbolt: 51% - 60.4%
Shadow Ball: 29% - 34.2%
HP-Ice: 12.6% - 14.9%
HP-Grass: 50.5% - 59.9%
Waterfall: 13.4% - 15.6%
+1 Waterfall: 20% - 23.8%
Outrage: 40.1% - 47.5%
+1 Outrage: 60.1% - 70.8%
Hydro Pump: 18.3% - 21.5%
Draco Meteor: 42.6% - 50.5%
Draco Meteor: 75.7% - 89.1%
Dragon Pulse: 48.5% - 57.4%
Surf: 17.1% - 20%
Thunderbolt: 34.2% - 40.1%
Draco Meteor: 50.5% - 59.4%
Dragon Pulse: 32.7% - 38.6%
Thunderbolt: 22.8% - 26.7%
Surf: 11.4% - 13.4%
Dragon Pulse: 42.3% - 50%
Thunderbolt: 29.2% - 34.7%
Surf: 14.6% - 17.3%
Grass Knot (20 BP): 12.9% - 15.3%
Grass Knot (120 BP): 75.2% - 88.6%
[U]Offensive CM:[/U]
Dragon Pulse: 32.7% - 38.6%
+1 Dragon Pulse: 48.5% - 57.4%
+1 Grass Knot (20 BP): 14.9% - 17.8%
+1 Grass Knot (120 BP): 86.6% - 102%
[U]Defensive CM:[/U]
Dragon Pulse: 29.2% - 34.9%
+1 Dragon Pulse: 44.1% - 52%
Close Combat: 44.1% - 52.2%
+2 Close Combat: 88.6% - 104.7%
Crunch: 19.6% - 23.3%
Extremespeed: 19.6% - 23.3%
+2 Extremespeed: 39.4% - 46.5%
DynamicPunch: 31.9% - 37.9%
Payback: 21.3% - 25.2%
Stone Edge: 21.3% - 25.2%
[U]Scarf / Steel Killer:[/U]
Thunderbolt: 38.6% - 45.5%
HP-Ice: 9.4% - 11.1%
HP-Grass: 38.1% - 45%
Flash Cannon: 8.2% - 9.7%
Explosion: 47.8% - 56.4%
Earthquake: 75.7% - 89.1%
Ice Shard: 7.4% - 8.9%
Stone Edge: 25.2% - 29.7%
Earthquake: 87.6% - 103%
Ice Shard: 8.9% - 10.4%
Stone Edge: 29.2% - 34.4%
Meteor Mash: 12.1% - 14.4%
Earthquake: 64.9% - 76.7%
Explosion: 162.1% - 190.8%
Meteor Mash: 10.6% - 12.6%
Earthquake: 56.9% - 67.3%
ThunderPunch: 21.3% - 25.2%
Explosion: 142.1% - 167.3%
X-Scissor: 18.6% - 21.8%
+2 X-Scissor: 36.4% - 43.1%
Leaf Storm: 109.9% - 129.7%
HP-Fire: 9.2% - 10.9%
Thunderbolt: 36.1% - 43.1%
Shadow Ball: 30.7% - 36.4%
Overheat: 17.8% - 21%
Leaf Storm: 64.9% - 76.7%
Discharge: 22.3% - 26.7%
Thunderbolt: 26.7% - 31.2%
Shadow Ball: 22.5% - 26.7%
[U]New MixMence:[/U]
Draco Meteor: 64.9% - 76.5%
Outrage: 39.6% - 46.8%
Earthquake: 44.1% - 52%
Fire Blast: 18.3% - 21.8%
Outrage: 46% - 54.2%
+1 Outrage: 69.1% - 81.2%
Earthquake: 51.5% - 60.9%
+1 Earthquake: 76.7% - 90.6%
Fire Blast: 15.3% - 18.1%
Draco Meteor: 53.7% - 63.4%
Bullet Punch: 7.2% - 8.4%
U-turn: 33.4% - 39.6%
Superpower: 38.4% - 45.3%
Bullet Punch: 6.2% - 7.4%
+2 Bullet Punch: 12.4% - 14.6%
Bug Bite: 37.4% - 44.1%
+2 Bug Bite: 74.5% - 87.9%
Brick Break: 21% - 24.8%
Brave Bird:10.4% - 12.4%
Body Slam: 17.8% - 21%
+1 Body Slam: 26.7% - 31.4%
Earthquake: 27.7% - 33.2%
+1 Earthquake: 42.1% - 49.5%
Hydro Pump: 26% - 30.9%
Surf:  20.8% - 24.5%
Thunderbolt: 27.7% - 32.7%
Ice Beam: 13.9% - 16.3%
[U]Defensive CM:[/U]
Surf: 11.6% - 13.9%
+6 Surf: 46% - 54.5%
Ice Beam: 7.7% - 9.2%
HP-Electric: 11.4% - 13.4%
+6 HP-Electric: 45.5% - 53.5%
[U]Offensive CM:[/U]
Surf: 19.3% - 23%
+6 Surf: 77.5% - 91.3%
Ice Beam: 12.9% - 15.3%
HP-Electric: 19.3% - 22.8%
+6 HP-Electric: 76.2% - 90.1%
Earthquake: 41.6% - 49.5%
Surf: 11.1% - 13.1%
Ice beam: 7.4% - 8.7%
Surf: 10.4% - 12.6%
HP-Electric: 10.4% - 12.4%
Air Slash: 15.6% - 18.6%
Aura Sphere: 25.2% - 30%
Pursuit (80 BP): 39.4% - 46.3%
Stone Edge: 49% - 57.9%
Earthquake: 65.3% - 77.2%
Crunch: 26.2% - 31.2%
+1 Crunch: 39.4% - 46.3%
Stone Edge: 32.9% - 38.9%
+1 Stone Edge: 49% - 57.9%
Earthquake: 44.1% - 52%
+1 Earthquake: 65.3% - 77.2%
Crunch: 24% - 28.5%
Stone Edge: 29.7% - 35.1%
Earthquake: 39.6% - 47%
Superpower: 23.8% - 28.2%
Surf: 13.6% - 16.3%
HP-Electric: 13.4% - 15.8%
Ice Shard: 8.2% - 9.9%
Night Slash: 29.2% - 34.4%
Pursuit (80 BP): 33.4% - 39.4% 
Ice Shard: 7.2% - 8.4%
Night Slash: 25.2% - 29.7%
Thunderbolt: 30.7% - 36.1%
Thunderbolt: 49% - 57.9%
Heat Wave: 17.1% - 20%
HP-Ice: 11.9% - 14.1%
HP-Grass: 47.5% - 56.4%

Set 2: Specially Defensive:
Nature: Calm / Careful / Sassy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD
Stats: 404 HP / 276 (249) Atk) / 236 Def / 276 (249) SpA / 328 SpD / 156 (140) Spe

Defensive Calculations
Earthquake: 46.5% - 55%
Psychic: 25.5% - 30.4%
Explosion: 107.7% - 126.7%
Flamethrower: 4.7% - 5.7%
Seed Bomb: 71.3% - 84.7%
Focus Punch: 66.8% - 78.7%
Mach Punch: 23.3% - 27.7%
+2 Mach Punch: 46.3% - 55%
Superpower: 53.5% - 63.1%
Gyro Ball: 3.7% - 4.5%
Earthquake: 35.6% - 42.1%
Explosion: 88.4% - 104%
Grass Knot (20 BP): 7.9% - 10.4%
Grass Knot (120 BP): 46% - 55%
Earth Power: 23.3% - 27.7%
HP-Fire: 4.5% - 5.4%
[U]LO, 252:[/U]
Leaf Storm: 88.1% - 104.5%
Earth Power: 38.1% - 45%
HP-Fire: 7.4% - 8.7%
U-turn: 14.6% - 17.3%
Leaf Storm: 111.9% - 132.2%
[U]Mixnite: [/U]
Draco Meteor: 46.3% - 55%
Superpower: 38.9% - 45.8%
Flamethrower: 10.4% - 12.4%
Thunderbolt: 20.8% - 24.8%
[U]Bulky DD:[/U]
+1 Dragon Claw: 48.3% - 57.2%
+1 Outrage: 72.3% - 85.4%
+1 Earthquake: 80.7% - 95%
[U]Offensive DD:[/U]
+1 Outrage: 105.7% - 124.8%
+1 Earthquake: 117.8% - 138.6%
Earthquake: 36.6% - 43.6%
Shadow Sneak: 11.1% - 13.4%
Thunderbolt: 24.8% - 29.2%
HP-Grass: 29% - 34.4%
HP-Ice: 5.9% - 7.2%
Cross Chop: 22% - 26%
ThunderPunch: 32.2% - 38.1%
Ice Punch: 10.6% - 12.6%
Cross Chop: 28.5% - 33.7%
Earthquake: 68.3% - 80.7%
Surf: 13.4% - 16.1%
Torrent +1 Surf: 27.2% - 31.9%
Grass Knot (20 BP): 8.4% - 9.9%
+1 Grass Knot (20 BP): 11.9% - 14.4%
Grass Knot (120 BP): 46% - 54.5%
+1 Grass Knot (120 BP): 68.8% - 81.2%
Outrage: 40.3% - 47.8%
Earthquake: 67.3% - 80.2%
U-turn: 15.8% - 18.8%
Stone Edge: 22.5% - 26.7%
Outrage: 66.8% - 78.7%
Earthquake: 111.4% - 131.2%
U-turn: 26% - 30.7%
Stone Edge: 37.1% - 43.8%
Gyro Ball: 3.2% - 3.7%
Earthquake: 36.6% - 43.6%
Explosion: 91.6% - 107.9%
Shadow Ball: 30.4% - 35.9%
Thunderbolt: 24% - 28.5%
Focus Blast: 30.4% - 35.9%
HP-Fire: 8.9% - 10.4%
Explosion: 72.8% - 85.9%
Shadow Ball: 25.5% - 30.4%
Thunderbolt: 20.3% - 24%
Focus Blast: 25.7% - 30.4%
HP-Ice: 7.4% - 8.9%
Explosion: 55.9% - 66.1%
Earthquake: 51% - 60.9%
Stone Edge: 17.1% - 20.3%
U-turn: 12.1% - 14.4%
[U]Dancing Tank:[/U]
Earthquake: 54% - 63.9%
+2 Earthquake: 106.9% - 126.2%
[U]Offensive DD:[/U]
Waterfall: 22.5% - 26.7%
+1 Waterfall: 33.4% - 39.6%
Stone Edge: 37.6% - 44.3%
+1 Stone Edge: 55.9% - 66.1%
Earthquake: 75.2% - 88.6%
+1 Earthquake: 111.9% - 132.2%
[U]Bulky DD:[/U]
Waterfall: 15.1% - 17.8%
+1 Waterfall: 22.5% - 26.7%
Stone Edge: 25.2% - 29.7%
+1 Stone Edge: 37.9% - 44.6%
Bounce: 16.1% - 19.1%
+1 Bounce: 24% - 28.2%
Fire Blast: 17.6% - 20.8%
+1 Fire Blast: 26% - 30.9%
Earth Power: 35.1% - 41.6%
HP-Grass: 27.7% - 32.7%
HP-Ice: 6.9% - 8.2%
Explosion: 81.4% - 96%
Fire Blast: 22.8% - 26.7%
+1 Fire Blast: 34.2% - 40.1%
Earth Power: 45.5% - 54%
HP-Grass: 35.6% - 42.1%
HP-Electric: 17.8% - 21%
Explosion: 95.3% - 112.1%
Close Combat: 52% - 61.1%
Megahorn: 52% - 61.1%
Stone Edge: 29% - 34.2%
Night Slash: 20.3% - 24%
Earthquake: 58.4% - 69.8%
Fire Blast:19.3% - 23%
Close Combat: 46% - 54.2%
Grass Knot (20 BP): 8.9% - 10.9%
Grass Knot (120 BP): 52% - 61.4%
HP-Ice: 7.7% - 9.2%
Close Combat: 54.2% - 63.9%
+2 Close Combat: 107.9% - 127.2%
U-turn: 13.4% - 15.8%
[U]80 SpA CM:[/U]
Psychic: 18.8% - 22.5%
+1 Psychic: 28.2% - 33.4%
Thunderbolt: 13.4% - 15.8%
+1 Thunderbolt: 19.8% - 23.5%
Flash Cannon: 4% - 5%
+1 Flash Cannon: 6.2% - 7.4%
Iron Head: 6.7% - 7.9%
ThunderPunch: 16.8% - 20%
Ice Punch: 8.4% - 9.9%
U-turn: 15.8% - 18.8%
Thunderbolt: 31.9% - 37.9%
Shadow Ball: 18.1% - 21.5%
HP-Ice: 7.9% - 9.4%
HP-Grass: 31.7% - 37.6%
Thunderbolt: 37.1% - 43.8%
Shadow Ball: 20.8% - 24.5%
HP-Ice: 8.9% - 10.6%
HP-Grass: 36.1% - 43.1%
Waterfall: 18.6% - 22%
+1 Waterfall: 28% - 32.9%
Outrage: 55.9% - 66.1%
+1 Outrage: 83.4% - 98.3%
Hydro Pump: 13.1% - 15.6%
Draco Meteor: 30.7% - 36.4%
Draco Meteor: 54.5% - 64.1%
Dragon Pulse: 35.1% - 41.6%
Surf: 12.4% - 14.6%
Thunderbolt: 24.8% - 29.2%
Grass Knot (20 BP): 10.9% - 12.9%
Grass Knot (120 BP): 61.9% - 73.3%
Draco Meteor: 36.4% - 43.1%
Dragon Pulse: 23.3% - 27.7%
Thunderbolt: 16.6% - 19.6%
Surf: 8.2% - 9.7%
Dragon Pulse: 30.4% - 35.9%
Thunderbolt: 21.3% - 25.2%
Surf: 10.6% - 12.6%
Grass Knot (20 BP): 9.4% - 11.4%
Grass Knot (120 BP): 54.5% - 64.4%
[U]Offensive CM:[/U]
Dragon Pulse: 23.3% - 27.7%
+1 Dragon Pulse: 35.1% - 41.6%
[U]Defensive CM:[/U]
Dragon Pulse: 21% - 25.2%
+1 Dragon Pulse: 31.4% - 37.4%
Close Combat: 61.6% - 72.8%
+2 Close Combat: 122.8% - 144.8%
Crunch: 27.5% - 32.4%
Extremespeed: 27.5% - 32.4%
+2 Extremespeed: 54.7% - 64.6%
DynamicPunch: 44.6% - 52.7%
Payback: 29.7% - 35.1%
Stone Edge: 29.7% - 35.1%
[U]Scarf / Steel Killer:[/U]
Thunderbolt: 27.7% - 32.9%
HP-Ice: 6.9% - 8.2%
HP-Grass: 27.7% - 32.7%
Flash Cannon: 5.7% - 6.9%
Explosion: 66.6% - 78.5%
Earthquake: 104.5% - 123.8%
Ice Shard: 10.4% - 12.6%
Stone Edge: 34.9% - 41.3%
Earthquake: 121.8% - 143.1%
Ice Shard: 12.1% - 14.4%
Stone Edge: 40.6% - 47.8%
Meteor Mash: 16.8% - 19.8%
Earthquake: 90.1% - 106.4%
Explosion: 225.2% - 265.1%
Meteor Mash: 14.9% - 17.3%
Earthquake: 79.2% - 93.6%
ThunderPunch: 30% - 35.4%
Explosion: 197.3% - 232.2%
X-Scissor: 25.2% - 30%
+2 X-Scissor: 50.5% - 59.4%
Leaf Storm: 79.2% - 94.1%
HP-Fire: 6.7% - 7.9%
Thunderbolt: 26.2% - 31.2%
Shadow Ball: 22.3% - 26.2%
Overheat: 12.9% - 15.1%
Leaf Storm: 47% - 55.4%
Discharge: 16.3% - 19.3%
Thunderbolt: 18.8% - 22.5%
Shadow Ball: 16.3% - 19.3%
[U]New MixMence:[/U]
Draco Meteor: 46.8% - 55.2%
Outrage: 54.5% - 64.6%
Earthquake: 60.9% - 71.8%
Fire Blast: 13.4% - 15.8%
Outrage: 64.1% - 75.7%
+1 Outrage: 96% - 113.1%
Earthquake: 71.3% - 84.2%
+1 Earthquake: 106.4% - 125.7%
Fire Blast: 11.1% - 13.1%
Draco Meteor: 38.6% - 45.5%
Bullet Punch: 9.9% - 11.9%
U-turn: 46.8% - 55.2%
Superpower: 53.2% - 62.9%
Bullet Punch: 8.7% - 10.1%
+2 Bullet Punch: 17.3% - 20.3%
Bug Bite: 52.2% - 61.6%
+2 Bug Bite: 104% - 122.5%
Brick Break: 29.2% - 34.4%
Brave Bird:14.4% - 17.1%
Body Slam: 24.8% - 29.2%
+1 Body Slam: 37.1% - 43.8%
Earthquake: 39.1% - 46%
+1 Earthquake: 57.9% - 68.3%
Hydro Pump: 18.8% - 22.3%
Surf: 14.9% - 17.8%
Thunderbolt: 20% - 23.8%
Ice Beam: 9.9% - 11.9%
[U]Defensive CM:[/U]
Surf: 8.2% - 9.9%
+6 Surf: 33.4% - 39.4%
Ice Beam: 5.4% - 6.7%
HP-Electric: 8.4% - 9.9%
+6 HP-Electric: 32.7% - 38.6%
[U]Offensive CM:[/U]
Surf: 13.9% - 16.3%
+6 Surf: 55.7% - 65.6%
Ice Beam: 9.2% - 10.9%
HP-Electric: 13.9% - 16.6%
+6 HP-Electric: 55% - 64.9%
Earthquake: 58.4% - 68.8%
Surf: 8.2% - 9.7%
Ice Beam: 5.4% - 6.4%
Surf: 7.4% - 8.9%
HP-Electric: 7.7% - 9.2%
Air Slash: 11.4% - 13.4%
Aura Sphere: 18.1% - 21.5%
Pursuit: 54.5% - 64.1%
Stone Edge: 67.8% - 80.2%
Earthquake: 90.6% - 106.9%
Crunch: 36.4% - 43.1%
+1 Crunch: 54.5% - 64.1%
Stone Edge: 45.5% - 53.7%
+1 Stone Edge: 67.8% - 80.2%
Earthquake: 60.9% - 71.8%
+1 Earthquake: 90.6% - 106.9%
Crunch: 33.4% - 39.4%
Stone Edge: 41.6% - 49%
Earthquake: 55.4% - 65.3%
Surf: 9.9% - 11.9%
HP-Electric: 9.7% - 11.6%
Ice Shard: 11.4% - 13.6%
Night Slash: 40.1% - 47.5%
Pursuit: 46% - 54.2%
Ice Shard: 10.1% - 11.9%
Night Slash: 34.9% - 41.1%
Thunderbolt: 22.3% - 26.2%
Thunderbolt: 34.9% - 41.1%
Heat Wave: 12.4% - 14.6%
HP-Ice: 8.7% - 10.1%
HP-Grass: 34.7% - 41.1%

Offensive Calculations for both spreads:
Keep in mind these calcs come from 276/276 offenses, so assume neutral nature and no EV investment:
Surf / Thunderbolt: 101.3% - 119.2%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 62.9% - 74.2%
Signal Beam: 66% - 78.4%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 11% - 12.9%
Waterfall: 30.3% - 35.8%
Superpower: 60.6% - 71.5%
Brick Break: 38.1% - 45.1%
[U]Spore Puncher[/U]
Surf / Thunderbolt: 33% - 39.2%
Fire Blast: 112.1% - 131.9%
Flamethrower: 88.6% - 104.8%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 26% - 31.1%
Waterfall: 24.9% - 29.3%
Fire Blast: 43.8% - 52.1%
Flamethrower: 34.9% - 41.4%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 14.9% - 17.6%
Flamethrower: 39.6% - 47%
Fire Blast: 50% - 58.9%
Signal Beam: 62.4% - 74.3%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 17.6% - 20.8%
Flamethrower: 46.9% - 55.7%
Fire Blast: 59.2% - 69.8%
Signal Beam: 73.9% - 88%
Thunderbolt: 40.9% - 48.3%
Ice Beam: 110.2% - 130%
Ice Shard: 44.6% - 53.3%
Stone Edge: 54.5% - 64.4%
[U]Bulky DD:[/U]
Thunderbolt: 31.7% - 37.5%
Ice Beam: 84.4% - 100.3%
Ice Shard: 38% - 45.4%
Stone Edge: 46.4% - 54.9%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 31.6% - 37.1%
Waterfall: 20.4% - 24.5%
Shadow Ball: 35.4% - 42.2%
Crunch: 27.2% - 32.7%
Surf: 46.7% - 55.7%
Earthquake: 89.3% - 105.2%
Earth Power: 59.8% - 70.8%
Surf: 18.9% - 22.4%
Thunderbolt: 75.6% - 90.4%
Superpower: 71.2% - 84%
Brick Break: 44.2% - 52.6%
Earthquake: 59% - 69.9%
Earth Power: 48.1% - 57.1%
[/U]Surf: 47.7% - 56.6%
Ice Beam: 127.2% - 151%
Ice Shard: 54.3% - 64.9%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 51.1% - 60.5%
Waterfall: 17.2% - 20.6%
Flamethrower: 136.7% - 161.6%
Surf / Waterfall / Thunderbolt: 58.6% - 69%
Shadow Ball: 65.1% - 77.4%
Crunch: 78.2% - 92%
Surf: 86.4% - 101.7%
Ice beam: 115.3% - 135.6%
Ice Shard: 28.2% - 33.9%
[U]Offensive DD:[/U]
Surf: 18.1% - 21.5%
Thunderbolt: 145% - 171.6%
Stone Edge: 61.6% - 72.5%
[U]Bulky DD:[/U]
Surf: 16.2% - 19.2%
Thunderbolt: 129.7% - 153.5%
Stone Edge: 49.2% - 58.4%
Surf: 78.6% - 92.9%
Thunderbolt: 39.3% - 46.4%
Superpower: 59.4% - 70.6%
Brick Break: 37.8% - 44.6%
Earthquake / Earth Power: 99.1% - 117.6%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 41.9% - 49.2%
Flamethrower: 55.8% - 65.8%
Fire Blast: 70.4% - 83.1%
Surf: 67.1% - 79%
[/U]Surf: 120.8% - 142%
Waterfall: 92.2% - 108.5%
Thunderbolt: 60.4% - 71%
Earthquake / Earth Power: 76.5% - 90.1%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 29.7% - 35.1%
Flamethrower: 39.6% - 47%
Fire Blast: 50% - 58.9%
Earthquake: 42.1% - 49.5%
Earth Power: 37.6% - 44.6%
[/U]Surf / Thunderbolt: 33.2% - 39.3%
Flamethrower: 44.3% - 52.6%
Fire Blast: 56% - 65.9%
Earthquake: 47.1% - 55.4%
Earth Power: 42.1% - 49.9%
[/U]Surf: 46.5% - 54.6%
Waterfall: 56.5% - 66.4%
Earthquake: 93% - 110%
Earth Power: 58.3% - 69.4%
Thunderbolt: 43.3% - 50.9%
Dragon Pulse: 54.3% - 64.6%
Dragon Claw: 48.8% - 57.7%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 15.9% - 18.9%
Ice Beam: 42.4% - 50.3%
Ice Shard: 24.5% - 29.1%
Crunch / Dragon Claw: 48.3% - 57.6%
Dragon Pulse: 40.4% - 47.7%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 14.4% - 17.1%
Ice Beam: 38.4% - 45.6%
Ice Shard: 22.2% - 26.4%
Crunch / Dragon Claw: 43.8% - 52.3%
Dragon Pulse: 36.6% - 43.2%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 56.9% - 67.6%
Waterfall: 48% - 56.6%
Flamethrower: 76.2% - 90.4%
Fire Blast / Superpower: 96.8% - 113.9%
Earthquake: 79.7% - 94%
Earth Power: 72.6% - 85.4%
Brick Break: 60.5% - 71.2%
[/U]Surf / Thunderbolt: 35.4% - 42.2%
Waterfall: 31.5% - 37.5%
Psychic: 45.3% - 53.6%
[U]Scarf / Steel Killer:[/U]
Surf: 51.6% - 61.2%
Thunderbolt: 25.6% - 30.6%
Flamethrower: 69% - 81.9%
Fire Blast: 87.5% - 103.2%
Earthquake: 106.8% - 126.7%
Earth Power: 131% - 155.2%
Superpower: 64.1% - 75.4%
Brick Break: 39.9% - 47.7%
[/U]Surf: 100.3% - 118.6%
Flamethrower: 67% - 79.2%
Fire Blast: 84.8% - 99.7%
Superpower: 67% - 79.2%
Brick Break: 42.1% - 49.9%
[/U]Surf / Thunderbolt: 35.7% - 42.3%
Waterfall: 22.3% - 26.4%
Flamethrower: 47.8% - 56.6%
Fire Blast: 60.4% - 71.4%
Earthquake: 36.8% - 43.4%
Earth Power: 45.6% - 53.8%
Surf: 67.4% - 79.5%
Thunderbolt: 134.9% - 159%
Flamethrower: 89.9% - 106.2%
Fire Blast: 114% - 134.2%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 21.8% - 26%
Waterfall: 30.9% - 36.6%
Flameethrower: 58.8% - 69.5%
Fire Blast: 74% - 87.8%
Fire Punch: 77.9% - 92.4%
Surf: 47.1% - 55.8%
Shadow Ball / Crunch: 52.9% - 62.8%
Surf: 37.5% - 44.4%
Shadow Ball: 42.1% - 50%
Crunch: 32.9% - 38.8%
[/U]Surf: 24.2% - 28.7%
Thunderbolt: 48.3% - 57.4%
Ice Beam: 129.3% - 153.5%
Ice Shard: 49.5% - 59.2%
Stone Edge: 61.6% - 72.5%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 42% - 49.9%
Flamethrower: 112% - 132.9%
Earthquake: 24.5% - 29.2%
Earth Power: 26.2% - 31.5%
Surf: 47.9% - 56.9%
Thunderbolt: 95.8% - 113.8%
Flamethrower: 64.1% - 76%
Fire Blast: 81.4% - 95.8%
[/U]Surf: 35.3% - 42.2%
Waterfall: 20.7% - 24.6%
Thunderbolt: 70.7% - 84.4%
Flamethrower: 47.3% - 56.3%
Fire Blast: 59.9% - 70.7%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 16.7% - 19.7%
Waterfall: 24.1% - 28.6%
Superpower: 48.1% - 56.9%
Brick Break: 30.2% - 35.8%
[/U]Surf: 26% - 30.9%
Thunderbolt: 103.8% - 123.7%
Shadow Ball / Crunch: 59.5% - 70.2%
[U]Defensive CM:[/U]
Thunderbolt: 52.5% - 62.4%
[U]Offensive CM:[/U]
Thunderbolt: 62% - 73.7%
Surf: 32.2% - 38.1%
Waterfall: 19.3% - 22.8%
Grass Knot: 72.3% - 86.1%
HP-Grass: 64.4% - 76.2%
Thunderbolt: 46.2% - 54.4%
Earthquake: 56% - 65.9%
Earth Power: 29.1% - 34.6%
[/U]Surf: 34.1% - 40.5%
Waterfall: 33.8% - 39.9%
Thunderbolt: 68.2% - 81%
Surf: 42.5% - 50.4%
Waterfall: 48.8% - 58.3%
Thunderbolt: 21.3% - 25.2%
Earthquake: 40.9% - 48.3%
Earth Power: 26.8% - 31.5%
Superpower: 97.6% - 115.5%
Brick Break: 60.9% - 72.4%
[/U]Surf: 47.4% - 56.1%
Waterfall: 54.4% - 64.9%
Thunderbolt: 23.7% - 28.1%
Earthquake: 45.6% - 53.8%
Earth Power: 29.8% - 35.1%
Superpower: 108.8% - 128.7%
Brick Break: 67.8% - 80.7%
Thunderbolt: 37.5% - 44.2%
[/U]Surf / Thunderbolt: 46.7% - 55.7%
Flamethrower: 62.5% - 74.2%
Fire Blast: 79.7% - 94.2%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 28.2% - 33.4%
Ice Beam: 38.1% - 44.9%
Stone Edge: 50.1% - 59.5%
Earthquake: 50.1% - 59.5%
Surf / Thunderbolt: 40.4% - 47.8%
Ice Beam: 54% - 64%
Ice Shard: 24.2% - 29.2%
Stone Edge: 59.6% - 70.8%
Earthquake: 59.6% - 70.8%

Bulk: These defenses are stellar, but are not as "naturally" bulky as the high HP spreads, so investment is necessary to tank the harder hitters of OU.
Power: Big Atk and SpA allow you to pose an immediate offensive threat to your countees, who may not fear even SE attacks otherwise, especially bulky offensive types like Latias.
Freedom: Perfectly balanced stats on both ends of the attacking and defending spectrums offer complete freedom for customizing EVs for particular groups of threats. For weaker threats or for switching in on Pokemon you can generally wall completely and nailing the switch-in, you can go 252 HP/252 Atk/SpA and hit like a truck. For netting surprise kills on powerful threats like Lucario and Salamence, you can throw on a Choice Scarf and easily OHKO. That's not unheard of.
Balance: The low speed means this CAP will be taking more hits than it'll be dishing out, so you are encouraged to invest in them or else risk being KO'd before you get a chance to do anything. Coupled with CAP's ubiquitous Ground weakness, this justifies the higher stats elsewhere and assures that this spread won't make it too good for OU.

Speed: The arguments for a high Speed stat have been made continuously: some threats (Lucario, Salamence, etc.) simply can't be tanked with neutral typing. While I believe abilities and movepool discussions are the place to get into discussing how to counter individual threats, I understand the concern. However, the calcs I have provided show that this CAP already has a good start in tanking both physical and special hits with its great defenses, so the issue isn't as dire as some may think.
Too Powerful?: I say of course not, and this is because of the low Speed and the concept's nature of investing EVs defensively. As I said, this CAP will be taking more hits than it will be giving, so there is a pretty big risk involved with putting too much effort into beefing up the attacking stats.

Conclusion: Ooh this thing is a beast. My only fears here are that the 600 BST will throw off people who think BST is any measure of the quality of a Pokemon's stats and that the high HP / high Spe mindset has been completely set in stone. I'll post something here that I think is important when considering stat spreads:
I'm not presuming that a defensive Pokemon needs to be slow or that it can't be fast. I'm just saying that, at this point, we should be still be focusing on versatility and not on countering specific threats like Salamence and Lucario. As I said before, we should be getting more specific over time, but at this point, we aren't at "how do we beat Salamence" yet.

But what this spread accomplishes is just that: versatility. My arguments and calculations should show this extensively, so take them as you will, and thank you for reading my submission.

Gothic Togekiss said:
Made some alteration to my earlier spread due to the new limits. Still trying to make my submission as distinct as humanly possible when compared to the other submissions.

HP: 96
Atk: 82
Def: 103
SpA: 81
SpD: 105
Spe: 112
Total: 579

PS: 149 (Good)
PT: 174 (Very Good)
SS: 149 (Good)
ST: 174 (Very Good)
O/D B: -4.38 (Biased towards Defense)
P/S B: 0.0 (Slightly biased towards Physical)
OR: 362 (Excellent)

96/103/105 HP, Defense, and Special Defense:

Most people went with a high HP/Low Defense way of handling threats. Being in need of making myself different towards everyone I decided to go in a different approach. 96/103/105 seem like a weird bunch of numbers to you, but with the right EV investment and nature it can make CAP10 pretty study. It manages to not be OHKO'd instantly by incoming Earthquakes, Draco Meteors, or other high powered moves, but only if you EV trained it right.

83/82 [Special] Attack: CAP10 was designed to be used as a counter towards specific threats only and for that it needed an offensive prowess to suit it's needs perfectly. 83/82 in [Special] Attacks provides it with enough attack to scare and/or defeat specific threats all while being low enough that it couldn't become a sweeper without an +2 set-up move.

112 Speed: I felt it was important to have high speed in order to counter certain threat. With 252 Evs and +nature, it would outrun everything with 110 base speed and under. This is crucial when wanting to beat threats like Gengar, Mence, Dos, and a few other dangerous creatures.

I really liked the way Hydrolphin displayed is Offensive calculation via using custom made spreads for individual threats, so I hope he doesn't mind if I borrow that logic for mine spread(s).


New Mixmence
EVs: 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 Spe-Timid, Leftovers

Earthquake vs. CAP10: 54.5% - 64.6%
Outrage vs. CAP10: 49.2% - 58.3%
Draco Meteor vs. CAP10: 63.6% - 75%


EVs: 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 Spe-Timid, Choice Scarf

Earthquake vs. CAP10: 64.1% - 75.8%
+1 Earthquake vs CAP10: 97% - 114.1%
Outrage vs CAP10: 57.8% - 68.2%
+1 Outrage vs CAP10: 86.6% - 102.3%

Same deal as the above scenario, but not as effective due to being a Choice user now. Still get's the job done though.

CAP10 Ice Beam vs Either Salamence sets: 93.1% - 110%


EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe-Bold, Shuca Berry/Leftovers

Waterfall vs. CAP10: 15.9% - 19%
+1 Waterfall vs. CAP10: 24.3% - 28.9%
Earthquake vs. CAP10: 54.2% - 64.3%
Shuca-ed EQ vs. CAP10: 27.1% - 32.2%
+1 Earthquake vs. CAP10: 80.5% - 95.2%
Shuca-ed EQ vs. CAP10: 40.3% - 47.6%

CAP Thunderbolt vs Gyarados: 102.7% - 123.3%

Gyarados is pretty powerful, and if it gets +1, then you're most likely screwed....unless you use Shuca Berry. While Gyarados don't always carry EQ (depending on what moveset it's using) with CAP10 in the mix, it probably start using it more often which is why Shuca Berry would probably be more beneficial to you than Leftovers. You can come in on a +1 Waterfall, take a hit from either Waterfall or EQ, and OHKO back. If you come in on the DD, you will be left with about half you health. If they have no DDs up you outspeed and always OHKO. So with Shuca Berry, CAP10 becomes a great Gyarados check.


Offensive Calm Mind Latias
EVs: 48 HP / 252 Atk / 208 SpD-Adamant, Life Orb

Dragon Pulse vs. CAP10: 29.9% - 35.7%
+1 Dragon Pulse vs. CAP10: 45.2% - 53.3%
Grass Knot (80 BP) vs. CAP10: 35.9% - 42.3%
+1 Grass Knot (80 BP) vs. CAP10: 53.3% - 63.2%

CAP10 Avalanche vs. CM Latias: 98.7% - 116.6%

What a surprise, an EV spread that doesn't focus on trying to outrun the threat it's switching into it. Well as you can see this spread does a pretty good job of countering Latias. She can't KO before you can KO her and if she switches out then you still win. It's a near win/win situation for you.


Nasty Plot MixApe
EVs: 208 HP / 136 SpA / 164 Spe-Timid, Leftovers

Close Combat vs CAP10: 47% - 55.6%
Fire Blast vs CAP10: 27.3% - 31.9%
+2 Fire Blast vs CAP 10: 54% - 63.9%
Grass Knot (BP 80) vs CAP10: 48.3% - 57.1%
+2 Grass Knot (BP 80) vs CAP10: 96.6% - 113.8%

CAP10 Surf vs. MixApe: 101% - 119.5%

The spread given does a great job dispatching Infernape with relatively ease. While the idea of taking a +2 Grass Knot is threating, it's highly unlikely you would ever be hit by one. First off because you're faster than Infernape, if he decides to use Nasty Plot as you're switching in he's screwed. Now if he decides to attack you as you're coming in you wouldn't have to worry about any +2 Grass Knot.


EVs: 76 HP / 248 Def / 184 SpA-Bold, Leftovers

Earthquake vs CAP10: 64.2% - 75.6%
Meteor Mash vs CAP10: 11.9% - 13.9%

CAP10 Earth Power vs Agiligross: 44.4% - 52.9%
CAP10 Fire Blast vs Agiligross: 59% - 69.9%

With the Ev spread presented to us, it would allow CAP10 to always 2HKO standard Metagross with Earth Power or Fire Blast as long as Metagross hits you once with Life Orb. Personally I would use Fire Blast over Earth Power as it has a greater chance of 2HKOing Gross.


EVs: 8 HP / 252 Def / 168 SpA / 80 Spe-Modest, Life Orb

Close Combat vs CAP10: 57.6% - 68.1%
+2 Extremespeed vs CAP10: 51% - 60.3%
Extremespeed vs CAP10: 25.7% - 30.4%

CAP10 Earth Power vs SDLuke: 89.7% - 106%
CAP10 Flamethrower vs SDLuke: 94.7% - 111.7%
CAP10 Fire Blast vs SDLuke: 119.6% - 140.9%

SDLuke will probably still be a pain in the ass to counter, but the spread above manages to do it with some success. If you come in on CC, while it doesn't flat out kills you they have a good chance the incoming Extremespeed will. Now if you come in on an Sword Dance then Lucario is as good as dead. +0 Extremespeed doesn't have the power to KO you all the while you out speed it and potentially KO it with one of your super effective moves. I like to mind everyone that the Evs presented above assume Luke is Adamant in nature, if it's Jolly then you would probably be using this: 8 HP/ 252 Def / 60 SpA / 188 Spe.


Life Orb Heatran
EVs: 252 HP / 180 SpA / 76 Spe-Calm, Life Orb

Fire Blast vs CAP10: 28% - 33.1%
Flash Fire'd FB vs CAP10: 41.7% - 49.2%
Earth Power vs CAP10: 56.1% - 66.2%

CAP10 Earth Power vs Heatran: 102.8% - 121.4%
CAP10 Surf vs Heatran: 81.7% - 96.6%
CAP10 Hydro Pump vs Heatran: 102.2% - 120.7%


Choice Scarf Heatran
EVs: 252 HP / 180 SpA / 76 Spe-Modest, Choice Scarf

Fire Blast vs CAP10: 23.7% - 28%
Flash Fire'd Fire Blast vs CAP10: 35.6% - 41.9%
Earth Power vs CAP10: 48% - 56.6%
Dragon Pulse vs CAP10: 24% - 28.3%

CAP10 Earth Power vs Heatran: 96.6% - 113.9%
CAP10 Surf vs Heatran: 76.2% - 89.8%
CAP10 Hydro Pump vs Heatran: 86.1% - 102.2%

As you can see in both set, You survive almost anything Heatran could throw at you. Hydro Pump and/or Earth Power are your best weapons against Heatran and since you're obviously faster than him, it shouldn't be a problem eliminating the creature. Shuca Berry could be helpful when battling against it, so don't forget about that.


Standard Gengar
EVs: 48 HP / 252 Atk / 208 SpD-Adamant, Life Orb/Choice Band

Energy Ball vs CAP10: 52.2% - 61.4%
Shadow Ball/Focus Blast vs CAP10: 39.1% - 46.1%
Explosion vs CAP10: 83.2% - 98%

CAP10 LOPursuit vs Gengar: 52.1% - 62.1%
CAP10 CBPursuit vs Gengar: 60.5% - 72%
CAP10 Fleeing LOPursuit/Sucker Punch vs Gengar: 105% - 124.1%
CAP10 Fleeing CBPursuit/Sucker Punch vs Gengar: 121.1% - 143.3%
CAP10 LOPayback vs Gengar: 131% - 154.8%
CAP10 CBPayback vs Gengar: 151.7% - 178.5%
CAP10 LOVolt Tackle vs Gengar: 118.4% - 139.5%
CAP10 CBVolt Tackle vs Gengar: 136.8% - 160.9%

I will say this...Gengar will and can be a pain in the ass to counter/check, but this set of stats manages to find a way to beat it. Other than the possible Energy Ball or Explosion, Standard Gengar has no real way of stopping CAP10 from destroying him. Pursuit & Sucker Punch will give Gengar hell, but it will require some keen prediction skills on your part.

Deck Knight said:
Final Submission:

151/84/73/83/74/105. BST: 570

Physical Sweepiness: 149 (Rank 5, Good)
Physical Tankiness: 174 (Rank 6, Very Good)
Special Sweepiness: 149 (Rank 5, Good)
Special Tankiness: 174 (Rank 6, Very Good)
ODB: -4.34 Slight Bias to Defense
PSB: 0.14 Slight Bias to Physical
Overall Rating: 361 (Rank 7: Excellent)

High HP maximizes the effect of EV's spent on one of the defenses. This is especially vital for Utility Counter because its defensive prowess is now directly linked to defensive investment. The simple truth is that there is no way to increase a Pokemon's HP by 10%, so the best way to encourage and optimize wise EV investment is by having High HP and lowish defenses. Blissey is the extreme example that illustrates this perfectly. EVs and Nature together will never let you raise a Pokemon's stat by more than 70 + [Original Stat/10] points. Therefore the lower the initial stat the higher your defensive prowess goes up by adding those points. Blissey's Defensive ability more than doubles with 252 Defense EVs and Nature, Shuckle's is barely touched.


Speed may be factored into Sweepiness stats but it is crucial here for defensive purposes. Consistently outspeeding Base 100 Pokemon without a speed nature allows it to run a positive Def/SpD boosting nature (or Atk/SA). Thus CAP10 would only have to face one attack each time it switches in rather than two if it were slower. Additionally it will receive 10% less damage than if it needed a speed boosting nature to avoid a second attack. Since many of OU's Top threats are unwallable through any reasonable means, avoiding a second attack is your best chance for reliably countering them. Fidgit used this trait (and indeed, same Base Speed) with Encore to excellent effect. Essentially I want to optimize the perceived threat level. The actual level of threat depends entirely on the spread and the set. 105 Speed accomplishes this by turning Speed into a viable defensive mechanism.

Attack and Special Attack: These values are the maximum allowed for a Rank 5 Sweepiness stat. They will require some investment in order to net KO's, but a diverse movepool will allow CAP10 to thrive with lesser stats. When I worked out the calculations combined with Speed I found them sufficient. Any more speed looked like it would undermine capacity to threaten, and any less would remove the advantages 105 Speed brings with it.

With no investment, Ice Beam deals 94-111% to Naive DDMence. 40 EV's guarantees a OHKO. CAP10 could run a set with 12 HP / 252 Def/28 SA/216 Spe and Timid, with Leftovers. The Nature of Mence doesn't really matter as DDMence is going to eat 10% of it's health if it attacks you after DD.

Final Stats (assume neutral nature):

446 HP / 204 Atk / 245 Def / 209 SpA / 184 Def / 300 Spe.

[B][U]Offensive Calculations[/U][/B]

Offense Multiply damage by: 
0.9 for Negative Nature
1.1 for Positive Nature
1.3 for Life Orb
1.5 For Choice Item (physical attacks)

When calculating boosts:

+Nature: 91% = OHKO, 50% = 2HKO
+1/Choice Band/Specs: 67%+ = OHKO, 36%+ = 2HKO
Life Orb: 77% + = OHKO, 42%+ = 2HKO
Expert Belt/Type Plate:  84%+ = OHKO , 45%+ = 2HKO


371 HP / 297 Def (w Solid Rock) RP Rhyperior:
48-58% Reliable 2HKO

381 HP / 256 Def CBTar:

385 HP / 248 Def Restalk Tran:

323 HP / 248 Def Scarftran:
44-52% 2HKO with SR

420 HP / 345 Def Hippowdon:

354 HP / 325 Def Defensive Gliscor:

401 HP / 297 Def Restalk Swampert:


371 HP / 146 SpD (Solid Rock) RP Rhyperior:
118-140% OHKO (80-94% in SS).

381 HP / 236 SpD CBTar (in SS):
32-38% 3HKO

385 HP / 299 SpD Restalk Tran:
37-44% 3HKO

323 HP / 224 SpD Scarftran:
59-70% 2HKO.

420 HP / 202 SpD Standard Hippowdon:
51-60% reliable 2HKO

354 HP / 186 SpD Defensive Gliscor:
65-77% 2HKO

401 HP / 216 SpD Restalk Swampert:

281 HP / 194 SpD Steel Killer Magnezone:


331 HP / 236 SpD Offensive DDGyarados:
110-130% OHKO

295 HP / 206 SpD Spinner Starmie:
70-83% 2HKO

315 HP / 238 SpD Agility Emploleon:
57-68% 2HKO

448 HP / 226 SpD Wish Vaporeon:

364 HP / 341 SpD Toxic Spiker Tentacruel:

334 HP / 176 SpD Spiker Skarmory:
72-86% 2HKO 

401 HP / 255 SpD Wish Support Jirachi:

331 HP / 176 SpD DDMence:


364 HP / 299 Def CB Metagross:

404 HP / 236 Def SubCM Jirachi:

382 HP / 256 Def CB Tyranitar:

282 HP / 176 Def Standard Lucario:
59-70% 2HKO

364 HP / 196 Def Toxic Spiker Tentacruel

385 HP / 248 Def Restalk Heatran:
62-73% 2HKO

401 HP / 303 Def Wish Support Jirachi:

281 HP / 266 Def Steel Killer Magnezone:
80-94% 2HKO


381 HP / 256 Def CBTar:
72-86% 2HKO

281 HP / 177 Def Standard Lucario:
71-84% 2HKO

281 HP / 266 Def Steel Killer Magnezone:

[B]Ice Beam:[/B]

331/196 SpD Standard Salamence
98-116% 87% OHKO

420 HP / 202 SpD Standard Hippowdon:

343/186 SpD Defensive Gliscor
89-106% OHKO with SR.

383 HP / 216 SpD Physically Defensive Zapdos
35-41% Shaky 2HKO with SR.

322 / 216 SpD Offensive Zapdos:
41-49% 2HKO with SR.

404 HP / 236 SpD Defensive Celebi:

302 HP / 296 SpD Offensive CM Latias:


329 HP / 216 SpD Standard Agiligross
40-47% 2HKO after SR and LO damage.

343 HP / 196 SpD Standard Scizor:
85.1% - 101.5%  80% OHKO with SR.

354 / 156 SDef Standard Forretress
102-122% OHKO

282 HP / 176 SpD Standard Lucario
57-68% 2HKO

334 HP / 176 SDef Standard Skarmory
47 – 55% 2HKO with SR.

338 HP / 320 SDef Standard Bronzong
26-31% 4HKO

281 HP / 194 SpD Steel Killer Magnezone:
52-61% 2HKO

[B][U]Defensive Calculations:[/U][/B]

Defense Multiply damage by:
0.9 for positive Nature on CAP10
0.9 for opponent Neutral Nature
1.3 for Life Orb
1.5 for Choice Item

When calculating boosts:

+1/Choice Band/Specs: 67%+ = OHKO, 36%+ = 2HKO
Life Orb: 77% + = OHKO, 42%+ = 2HKO
Expert Belt/Type Plate:  84%+ = OHKO , 45%+ = 2HKO
405 Atk: Adamant Metagross/Salamence/Tyranitar (approx.)[/B]
[Assume STAB if matches Steel/Psychic/Dragon/Rock/Dark]
Outrage: 47-56% 2HKO with SR
Meteor Mash: 10-12%
Stone Edge: 40-47%
Dragon Claw: 32-38% 
Crunch: 32-38%
Zen Headbutt: 32-38%
Explosion: 132-165% OHKO
Superpower: 31-38% 
Earthquake: 53-62% 2HKO
Aqua Tail: 11-14%
Ice Punch: 10-12%

[B]394 Atk: Adamant Scizor/Breloom/Machamp/Mamoswine[/B]
[STAB where indicated]
Focus Punch: 58-68% [STAB] (2HKO).
Close Combat/Superpower: 46-55% [STAB] (2HKO)
Dynamicpunch: 73-86% [STAB]  2HKO
Earthquake: 78-91% [STAB] 2HKO
X-Scissor: 31-37% [STAB]
Seed Bomb: 62-73% [STAB] 2HKO
U-turn: 27-32% [STAB] 
Bullet Punch: 6-7% [Tech] [STAB]
Ice Shard: 7-10% [STAB]
Superpower: 31-37%
Earthquake: 52-61% 
Stone Edge: 26-30%
Ice Punch: 9-11%
Pursuit: 15-18% [Tech], 20-24% (fleeing)
383 Atk: Adamant Gyarados/Heracross/Azelf/Honchkrow/Electivire (approx.)[/B]
[STAB where indicated]
Close Combat: 45-53% [STAB] 2HKO with SR
Megahorn: 45-53% [STAB] 2HKO with SR
Bounce: 17-20% [STAB] 
Drill Peck: 15-18% [STAB]
Sucker Punch: 30-35% [STAB]
Zen Headbutt: 30-35% [STAB]
Waterfall: 15-18% [STAB]
Brick Break: 28-33% [STAB]
Thunderpunch: 28-33% [STAB]
Night Slash: 26-31% [STAB]
Pursuit: 15-18% [STAB], 30-35% (fleeing)
Explosion: 125-147% OHKO
Superpower: 30-35% 
Cross Chop: 25-30%
Earthquake: 50-59% 2HKO with SR
Stone Edge: 25-30%
Brick Break: 19-22%
Ice Punch: 10-11%

[B]328 Atk: Adamant Flygon/Jirachi[/B]
[Assume STAB on Dragon/Ground/Steel/Psychic]
Outrage: 38-45%
Earthquake: 64-77% 2HKO
Dragon Claw: 25-30%
Iron Head: 6-7%
Zen Headbutt: 25-30%
U-turn: 15-18%
Ice Punch: 8-9%

When calculating boosts:

+1/Choice Band/Specs: 67%+ = OHKO, 36%+ = 2HKO
Life Orb: 77% + = OHKO, 42%+ = 2HKO
Expert Belt/Type Plate:  84%+ = OHKO , 45%+ = 2HKO

[B]394 SpA: Modest Heatran/Gengar/Magnezone[/B]
[Assume STAB where indicated]
Fire Blast: 31-36% [STAB]
Flamethrower: 24-29% [STAB]
Thunderbolt: 49-57% [STAB] 2HKO with SR
Sludge Bomb: 46-54% [STAB] 2HKO with SR 
Shadow Ball: 41-48% [STAB]
Flash Cannon: 10-12% [STAB]
Lave Plume: 20-24% [STAB]
Thunderbolt: 32-38%
Dragon Pulse: 30-36%
Earth Power: 61-73% 2HKO
Energy Ball: 55-65% 2HKO
Hidden Power NVE: 11-14%
Hidden Power Neutral: 24-28%
Hidden Power SE: 47-57% 2HKO with SR

[B]383 SpA: Modest Zapdos/Azelf[/B]
[Assume STAB on Electric/Psychic]
Thunderbolt: 47-56% 2HKO with SR
Psychic: 45-53%
Heat Wave: 16-20%
Flamethrower: 15-19%
Hidden Power NVE: 11-14%
Hidden Power Neutral: 23-28%
Hidden Power SE: 47-55% 
350 SpA: Modest Salamence/Latias/Jolteon[/B]
[Assume STAB on Dragon/Psychic/Electric]
Draco Meteor: 64-75%
Thunderbolt: 43-51%
Dragon Pulse: 41-48%
Psychic: 41-48%
Fire Blast: 18-21%
Hydro Pump: 18-21%
Surf: 14-17%
Shadow Ball: 24-29%
Hidden Power NVE: 10-13%
Hidden Power Neutral: 21-25%
Hidden Power SE: 43-50%

[B]339 SpA: Modest Rotom-A/Infernape (approx.)[/B]
[STAB where indicated]
Overheat: 30-36% [STAB]
Fire Blast: 26-31% [STAB]
Focus Blast: 53-62% [STAB] 2HKO
Flamethrower: 21-25% [STAB]
Vacuum Wave: 17-21% [STAB]
Thunderbolt: 42-50% [STAB]
Shadow Ball: 35-42% [STAB]
Overheat: 20-24%
Leaf Storm: 83-97% OHKO with SR.
Blizzard: 17-21%
Hydro Pump: 17-21%
Air Slash: 11-13%
Hidden Power NVE: 10-12%
Hidden Power Neutral: 20-24%
Hidden Power SE: 41-49% 
328 SpA Modest: Celebi/Starmie/Jirachi/Dragonite[/B]
[Assume STAB on Grass/Water/Psychic/Steel/Dragon]
Leaf Storm: 120-142% OHKO
Draco Meteor: 60-71% 2HKO
Hydro Pump: 25-30%
Fire Blast: 17-20%
Surf: 20-24%
Psychic: 38-45%
Dragon Pulse: 38-45%
Energy Ball: 68-81% 2HKO
Flash Cannon: 8-10%
Flamethrower: 13-16%
Ice Beam: 13-16%
Thunderbolt: 27-32%

Analysis: This spread is primarily concerned with countering Salamence by outspeeding it, surviving its Outrage if necessary, and threatening a KO with Ice Beam. To do this requires a large investment in defense EVs, so this spread is remarkably good at taking physical attacks generally. However, because it needs to outspeed Salamence it's offensive prowess is very suspect. It can take out Mence, Flamethrower offers decent coverage on Steel types, and Thunderbolt can cover Gyarados. Since these three are the most effective moves on the set, the 4th move will probably be a supporting move, maybe Toxic, maybe Recovery. It could also put Surf in there and have the coverage of Fire/Water/Ice/Electric.

It's weaknesses particularly in regard to special attacks are very noticable, and it has extreme difficulty dealing with several bulky defensive pokemon like Celebi and Swampert. Even Physically Defensive Zapdos could offer a potential problem. Mixed attacking is pretty much out of the question with this set, so Blissey also walls it handily.

+1 LO Naive Mence Outrage: 84-2-99.1%. Earthquake: 85-100%
Meaning that if you created a CAP10 to Counter Salamence, it would be able to come in on any of its moves and either force it out or take an Outrage, or have a high probability of surviving Earthquake (it needs to hit 443 when the range is 378-446). Now the interesting part is that we have no investment in SpD. Here is what LO Draco Meteor does: 63-74%. So while we have not and cannot wall Salamence, we can switch in to any of its attacks and, barring a critical hit, force it out by threatening a OHKO.

Now you might ask what this spread is weak to? Well, it can't break Defensive Zapdos. Even Physically Defensive Zapdos only takes 35-42% from Ice Beam, so even though you outspeed it, it can still Roost and easily Pressure Stall you out. Offensive Zapdos would avoid the 2HKO were it not for Life Orb recoil, as another example. As far as the damage Zapdos is dealing, Thunderbolt from Physically Defensive Zapdos deals 36-42%. LO Zapdos clean 2HKO's with Thunderbolt, so it can't come in on you, but you can't really switch into it.

What about Tyranitar? CBTar deals 79-94% with Earthquake to this spread. What does Superpower do to TTar? 65-76%. The Defense Drop ensures Earthquake will proceed to OHKO CAP10, you also risk a potential KO from Sandstorm damage, especially if SR is down. If you used Life Orb you would be susceptible to the above Mence's Outrage and perish via recoil, Zapdos would more easily dispatch you, and you'd still need SR or to divert from Defense to manage a solid KO.

This is merely a scenario example of one specific set that could be tailored to ostensibly counter these three threats. It can certainly damage each of them in turn, and it fares fairly well against them, but the only one it really hard counters is Salamence, who can't KO it with any of it's moves, is slower if it begins with Outrage, and even with the +1 cannot guarantee a KO without hazards. I'll have more advanced Calcs later, this is a draft.

EDIT NOTE: While this spread is very similar to Vaz's, Vaz was posted before the original closing of the topic. His is also is slightly over the allowed parameters, so before you claim "copycat," do know I spent a goodly amount of time calibrating this to fit the restrictions.

Fuzznip said:
Here's my spread. I hope you all like it.

130 HP / 81 Atk / 82 Def / 80 SpA / 84 SpD / 120 Spe

Physical Sweepiness: 149 Rank 5: Good
Physical Tankiness: 173 Rank 6: Very Good
Special Sweepiness: 149 Rank 5: Good
Special Tankiness: 174 Rank 6: Very Good
Offensive/Defense Balance: -4.35 Slightly biased towards Defense
Physical/Special Balance: -0.09 Slightly biased towards Special
Overall Rating: 361 Rank 7: Excellent
Base Stat Total: 577


When coming up with a stat spread for this CAP, I was aiming for a spread that gives us as much versatility as possible. We want this CAP to have a lot of freedom with its EV choices so it can be constructed to whatever is best to the Pokemon you want to counter. This freedom is done by using a base HP stat of 130 and base Speed stat of 120, along with relatively equal offensive and defensive stats. I wanted to make sure that this CAP won’t be used offensively because of the pretty high Speed, so the average offenses help remove that potential idea of being uses offensively. I’m sure you all won’t like to see this CAP using some Life Orb set because it has great Special Attack and Speed; this is not what the concept is meant to do. I want this Pokemon to take hits, hit back with decent power that won’t leave it helpless, and outspeed certain Pokemon that you want without much EV investment.

HP / Def / SpD

130 HP / 82 Def / 84 SpD is my defensive spread of choice. The high HP gives us a lot of room for where we want our EVs to go. We can use minimal HP investment and insert the rest of our EVs in either or all (Special) Defense, (Special) Attack, and Speed. This is probably the most important aspect of this CAP; versatility. I tried to maximize this Pokemon’s defensive abilities but keep them relatively close to each other to avoid any bias when selecting the Pokemon you want to counter. I mean, I don’t want considerably higher Defense than Special Defense because you won’t be able to effectively counter special threats, such as Azelf, Starmie, etc. So, the close, slightly above average defenses paired up with the great HP stat makes it a good defensive Pokemon.

Atk / SpA / Spe

I didn’t want this Pokemon to be used as a potential sweeper, so the offensive stats I gave it kind of steer it away from being held offensively. The offensive stats are just not sweeper material, so the 80-ish range of these stats are acceptable in my opinion. Also, these stats don’t make our Pokemon weak when countering Pokemon, it still has decent enough power to hit stuff back.

About the Speed... This was probably the most difficult stat for me to decide on. I really didn’t want this CAP to be used offensively, but now with those non-sweep-ish offensive stats, I can safely enhance its Speed to higher levels. I was completely against getting higher 110, but now that I think about it, this CAP would really benefit from the Speed. With base 120 Speed, we are able to outspeed dangerous threats with minimal investment (depending on what it is), as well as outspeeding +1 Salamence, one of the threats that this CAP needs to be able to deal with, and a ton of others. With no Speed at all, we sit at 276 Speed, which already outspeeds a large amount of sweepers, such as Gyarados and Tyranitar. Since we have this much Speed, we are able to use a +(Special) Defense nature and still outpace +1 Salamence and the likes. Also, we don’t need to use a lot of Speed in general, because this CAP is unlikely to try and outpace Pokemon like Dugtrio, meaning we can outspeed what we want and we will most likely have more than enough EVs to use in the other stats. So basically, the Speed is not used for offensive purposes, it's used for defensive purposes.

Speed Landmarks

Below is a list of great Speed landmarks to hit with both neutral and positive natures.

[B]Neutral Nature[/B]

12 Speed (279): 252 Timid Heatran
16 Speed (280): 252 Adamant Lucario
20 Speed (281): 188 Timid Rotom-A
24 Speed (282): 220 Mild Electivire
36 Speed (285): 252 Jolly Mamoswine, 252 Jolly Dragonite
48 Speed (288): 252 Jolly Gyarados, 212 Timid Rotom-A
80 Speed (296): 252 Jolly Heracross, 252 Jolly Kingdra
92 Speed (299): 252 Timid Rotom-A
100 Speed (301): 252 Adamant Salamence, 252 Adamant Jirachi, 252 Modest Celebi, 252 Modest Zapdos, 252 Adamant Flygon
124 Speed (307): 252 Timid Roserade, 252 Jolly Lucario
132 Speed (309): 216 Jolly Gliscor
168 Speed (318): 252 Jolly Gliscor, 252 Jolly Electivire
220 Speed (330): 192 Jolly Infernape
224 Speed (331): 252 Adamant +1 Tyranitar
212 Speed (329): 252 Jolly Salamence, 252 Jolly Jirachi, 252 Timid Celebi, 252 Timid Zapdos, 252 Jolly Flygon

[B]Positive Nature[/B]

162 Speed (347): 252 Jolly Infernape
176 Speed (352): 252 Timid Gengar, 252 Timid Latias
180 Speed (353): 216 Timid Azelf
218 Speed (360): 252 Modest Jolteon
212 Speed (361): 252 Timid +1 Magnezone
216 Speed (363): 252 Timid Starmie, 252 Timid Azelf
224 Speed (365): 252 Jolly +1 Tyranitar

[B]Neutral Nature + Choice Scarf[/B]

0 Speed (414): 252 Jolly Weavile, 252 Jolly Aerodactyl, 252 Timid Jolteon, 252 Adamant +1 Kingdra, 252 Adamant +1 Gyarados
12 Speed (417): 252 Timid +1 Heatran
16 Speed (420): 132 Adamant +2 Metagross
40 Speed (429): 232 Modest +2 Empoleon
48 Speed (432): 252 Jolly +1 Gyarados
80 Speed (444): 252 Jolly +1 Kingdra
96 Speed (450): 252 Adamant +1 Flygon, 252 Adamant +1 Jirachi, 252 Adamant +1 Salamence, 252 Modest +1 Zapdos
176 Speed (480): 252 Adamant +2 Metagross, 252 Modest +1 Gengar, 252 Modest +1 Latias
212 Speed (493): 252 Jolly +1 Flygon, 252 Jolly +1 Jirachi, 252 Jolly +1 Salamence, 252 Timid +1 Zapdos
216 Speed (494): 252 Modest +1 Starmie, 252 Modest +1 Azelf

[B]Positive Nature + Choice Scarf[/B]

0 Speed (454): 252 Adamant +1 Flygon, 252 Adamant +1 Jirachi, 252 Adamant +1 Salamence, 252 Modest +1 Zapdos, 252 Jolly +1 Kingdra, 252 Jolly +1 Gyarados
60 Speed (480): 252 Adamant +2 Metagross, 252 Modest +1 Gengar, 252 Modest +1 Latias
96 Speed (495): 252 Jolly +1 Flygon, 252 Jolly +1 Jirachi, 252 Jolly +1 Salamence, 252 Timid +1 Zapdos, 252 Modest +1 Starmie, 252 Modest +1 Azelf
172 Speed (525): 252 Adamant +1 Weavile, 252 Modest +1 Jolteon
176 Speed (528): 252 Timid +1 Latias, 252 Timid +1 Gengar
216 Speed (544): 252 Timid +1 Starmie, 252 Timid +1 Azelf
As you can see, base 120 Speed gives this CAP a huge amount of freedom with what it wants to outpace. Whether you want to outspeed Choice Scarf Tyranitar or Dragon Dance Gyarados, you can build your EVs to fit your needs with great success.

To demonstrate attacks this Pokemon can handle and how much damage it can deal back, below are many defensive and offensive calculations. All of the Pokemon are assuming the highest possible (Special) Attack stat they use (some of them don’t use the highest, so remember this when viewing the calculations).

Defensive Calculations

The following calculations are being done with a spread of 52 HP (414 HP) / 252 Def with a +Defense nature (289 Def) / 124 Spe (307) to outpace Jolly Lucario. The remaining 80 EVs can be placed into any offensive stat or added to HP / Defense / Speed. (You can take out 8 EVs from Special Attack and put them into HP to achieve a Leftovers number at 416).

Adamant Life Orb 252 Atk +1 Gyarados using Waterfall: 27% - 32%
Same Gyarados using Bounce: 28% - 33%
Same Gyarados using Earthquake: 89% - 100%
Same Gyarados using Stone Edge: 45% - 53%

Adamant Life Orb 252 Atk Metagross using Meteor Mash: 12% - 14%
Same Metagross using Earthquake: 63% - 74%
Same Metagross using ThunderPunch: 24% - 28%
Same Metagross using Zen Headbutt: 38% - 45%

Adamant Life Orb 252 Atk +1 Salamence using Outrage: 85% - 100%
Same Salamence using Earthquake: 95% - 100%
Same Salamence using Dragon Claw: 57% - 67%

Adamant Life Orb 252 Atk +2 Lucario using Close Combat: 98% - 100%
Same Lucario using Crunch/ExtremeSpeed: 44% - 51%
Same Lucario using Ice Punch: 21% - 24%
Same Lucario using Stone Edge: 55% - 64%

Adamant Life Orb 252 Atk +2 Infernape using Close Combat: 94% - 100%
Same Infernape using Flare Blitz: 47% - 56%
Same Infernape using ThunderPunch: 39% - 46%

Adamant Choice Band 252 Atk Tyranitar using Crunch: 44% - 51%
Same Tyranitar using Stone Edge: 55% - 64%
Same Tyranitar using Aqua Tail: 16% - 19%
Same Tyranitar using Earthquake: 72% - 86%

Adamant 252 Atk Machamp using DynamicPunch: 36% - 42%
Same Machamp using Ice Punch: 9% - 10%
Same Machamp using Earthquake: 47% - 56%
Same Machamp using Stone Edge: 24% - 28%

Adamant Choice Band 252 Atk Scizor using U-turn: 37% - 44%
Same Scizor using Bullet Punch: 8% - 9%
Same Scizor using Superpower: 43% - 50%
The following calculations are being done with a defensive spread of 80 HP (421 HP) / 252 SpD with a +Special Defense nature (293 SpD) / 96 Spe (300 Spe) to outpace Timid Rotom-A and neutral natured base 100s. The remaining 80 EVs can be placed into any offensive stat or added to HP / Defense / Speed.

Timid Life Orb 252 SpA Heatran using Fire Blast: 24% - 29%
Same Heatran using Earth Power: 49% - 58%
Same Heatran using Dragon Pulse: 24% - 29%
Same Heatran using Hidden Power Grass: 38% - 46%

Modest Life Orb 252 SpA Magnezone using Thunderbolt: 42% - 50%
Same Magnezone using Hidden Power Grass: 42% - 50%
Same Magnezone using Flash Cannon: 9% - 10%

Timid Life Orb 252 SpA Gengar using Shadow Ball: 33% - 39%
Same Gengar using Thunderbolt: 26% - 31%
Same Gengar using Focus Blast: 33% - 38%
Same Gengar using Energy Ball: 43% - 52%

Timid 252 SpA Roserade using Leaf Storm: 86% - 100%

Timid Life Orb 252 SpA Shaymin using Seed Flare: 81% - 96%
Same Shaymin using Earth Power: 41% - 48%

Modest Life Orb 252 SpA +2 Togekiss using Air Slash: 31% - 37%
Same Togekiss using Aura Sphere: 50% - 59%

Modest Choice Specs 252 SpA Salamence using Draco Meteor: 64% - 76%
Same Salamence using Dragon Pulse: 41% - 49%
Same Salamence using Hydro Pump/Fire Blast: 18% - 22%

Timid Choice Specs 252 SpA Jolteon using Thunderbolt: 40% - 47%
Same Jolteon using Shadow Ball: 22% - 26%
Same Jolteon using Hidden Power Grass: 39% - 46%

Timid Life Orb 252 SpA Rotom-A using Shadow Ball: 28% - 33%
Same Rotom-A using Thunderbolt: 33% - 39%
Same Rotom-A using Leaf Storm: 66% - 77%

Timid Life Orb 252 SpA Starmie using Hydro Pump: 20% - 24%
Same Starmie using Thunderbolt: 21% - 25%
Same Starmie using Ice Beam: 11% - 13%
Same Starmie using 100 BP Grass Knot: 46% - 54%

Bold 0 SpA Celebi using 100 BP Grass Knot: 41% - 49%
Offensive Calculations

The following calculations are being done with 80 SpA (216 SpA). I decided to just show the calculations on the special side due to the stronger and greater special attacks it may have access to. I also did not go through every single Pokemon, just enough for you guys to get the idea of the power my spread holds.

[B]Hydro Pump[/B]

248 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Scizor: 42% - 49%
252 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Metagross: 35% - 42%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Gyarados: 18% - 21%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Salamence: 22% - 25%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Lucario: 57% - 67%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Rotom-A: 46% - 55%
252 HP / 0 SpD Relaxed Swampert: 32% - 38%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Flygon: 48% - 56%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Heatran: 69% - 82%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Infernape: 100%
0 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Jirachi: 35% - 41%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Jolteon: 46% - 54%
160 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Tyranitar: 41% - 49%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Gengar: 58% - 68%
252 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Gliscor: 85% - 100%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Starmie: 26% - 31%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Suicune: 13% - 15%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Zapdos: 34% - 40%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Magnezone: 46% - 54%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Latias: 16% - 19%


248 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Scizor: 33% - 39%
252 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Metagross: 28% - 33%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Gyarados: 14% - 17%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Salamence: 17% - 20%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Lucario: 45% - 53%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Rotom-A: 37% - 44%
252 HP / 0 SpD Relaxed Swampert: 25% - 30% 
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Flygon: 37% - 44%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Heatran: 56% - 66%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Infernape: 85% - 100%
0 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Jirachi: 28% - 33%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Jolteon: 37% - 43%
160 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Tyranitar: 33% - 39%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Gengar: 35% - 54%
252 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Gliscor: 67% - 80%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Starmie: 21% - 24%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Suicune: 10% - 12%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Zapdos: 27% - 32%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Magnezone: 36% - 43%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Latias: 13% - 15%


248 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Scizor: 33% - 39%
252 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Metagross: 28% - 33%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Gyarados: 100%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Salamence: 34% - 40%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Lucario: 45% - 53%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Rotom-A: 18% - 22%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Heatran: 28% - 33%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Infernape: 42% - 50%
0 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Jirachi: 28% - 33%
160 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Tyranitar: 17% - 21%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Gengar: 35% - 54%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Starmie: 83% - 97%
168 HP / 0 SpD Bold Vaporeon: 45% - 53%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Suicune: 42% - 49%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Zapdos: 27% - 32%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Magnezone: 18% - 21%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Latias: 13% - 15%

[B]Ice Beam[/B]

248 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Scizor: 11% - 13%
252 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Metagross: 9% - 11%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Gyarados: 19% - 23%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Salamence: 91% - 100%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Lucario: 15% - 17%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Rotom-A: 24% - 29%
252 HP / 0 SpD Relaxed Swampert: 17% - 20%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Flygon: 100%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Heatran: 5%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Infernape: 14% - 17%
0 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Jirachi: 9% - 11%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Jolteon: 24% - 29%
160 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Tyranitar: 11% - 13%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Gengar: 30% - 36%
252 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Gliscor: 89% - 100%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Starmie: 14% - 16%
168 HP / 0 SpD Bold Vaporeon: 7% - 9%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Suicune: 7% - 8%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Zapdos: 35% - 42%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Magnezone: 12% - 14%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Latias: 34% - 40%

[B]Fire Blast[/B]

248 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Scizor: 100%
252 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Metagross: 47% - 56%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Gyarados: 12% - 14%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Salamence: 15% - 17%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Lucario: 75% - 89%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Rotom-A: 31% - 37%
252 HP / 0 SpD Relaxed Swampert: 11% - 13%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Flygon: 16% - 19%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Infernape: 18% - 21%
0 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Jirachi: 46% - 55%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Jolteon: 31% - 36%
160 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Tyranitar: 7% - 8%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Gengar: 39% - 46%
252 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Gliscor: 29% - 34%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Starmie: 17% - 20%
168 HP / 0 SpD Bold Vaporeon: 9% - 11%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Suicune: 9% - 10%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Zapdos: 22% - 27%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Magnezone: 61% - 73%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Latias: 10% - 12%


248 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Scizor: 87% - 100%
252 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Metagross: 37% - 45%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Gyarados: 9% - 11%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Salamence: 11% - 13%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Lucario: 60% - 70%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Rotom-A: 24% - 29%
252 HP / 0 SpD Relaxed Swampert: 8% - 10%
0 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Flygon: 12% - 15%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Infernape: 14% - 17%
0 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Jirachi: 37% - 44%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Jolteon: 24% - 29%
160 HP / 0 SpD Adamant Tyranitar: 6% - 7%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Gengar: 30% - 36%
252 HP / 0 SpD Jolly Gliscor: 22% - 27%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Starmie: 14% - 16%
168 HP / 0 SpD Bold Vaporeon: 7% - 9%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Suicune: 7% - 8%
252 HP / 0 SpD Bold Zapdos: 18% - 21%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Magnezone: 48% - 58%
0 HP / 0 SpD Timid Latias: 8% - 10%
Thank you for reading and I hope you consider my spread for CAP 10. :)

This poll will last one day.
I voted for Deck's spread. It was similar to a spread i was going to submit. I like how the speed is good but not overpowering.
Beej... had you closed the main thread like 5 minutes later, my mini essay I spent a half hour on wouldn't have gone to waste... -_-

I voted for Gothic Togekiss, because his does essentially what mine wanted to do, only with less cool defenses. I am also not a fan of the big HP/low defense spreads. We just did one of those, and I'd like to mix it up.
I'm voting for my own, which probably goes without saying, but all for reasons I can quantify reasonably and will do so here.

  • I wanted a spread with less than 110 speed and more than 91 speed. The reasons for this are explained in my stat spread thread, but I will reiterate them here. A speed stat of 120 is fast enough to allow a neutral speed nature to outspeed base 100's. This permits the Pokemon to function too effectively, I fear, as a sweeper when carrying Choice Specs, for instance. (Its special attack stat misses Specs Timid Starmie's SpA by only 15 with STAB on Thunderbolt and arguably better type coverage once we consider the move pool) For this reason, I won't vote for any spread with more than 114 speed. (That's the limit for outspeeding base 100's with a neutral speed nature)
  • I wanted a spread that is able to, at minimum, outspeed Lucario, who is a base 90. This is important because none of the spreads that passed into BEEJ' slate have the defensive capacity to survive a +2 CC from Lucario on their own and without reliance on the ability. For this reason, I won't vote for any spread with less than 90 speed.
  • I next will address the defenses. We want this CAP to be tech'd with EVs to beat specific threats, be they physical or special or mixed, and not function as a wall. The way to do this is to make it so the optimal EV spread does not include just maxing HP. For this reason, I won't vote for any spread with an HP stat lower than the defensive stats. This encourages us to invest EVs into a specific defense to beat a given threat, but won't let us counter too much of the metagame at once.
That eliminates Fuzznip's, Togekiss', and Korski's from receiving my vote. As I expected, this brings it down to Deck and myself. The reason I submitted and persisted with my spread even in the face of Deck's spread was twofold.

  • I want CAP10 to not be dead weight on a team against threats it isn't tech'd to counter. The higher an HP stat the CAP has, the more valuable it is to invest heavily in a single defense to beat it. If we invest heavily in one defensive stat with Deck's spread, we become rather frail on the other end. This marks CAP10 with a substantial weakness to the untech'd side of the spectrum, whereas I feel it should be slightly more useful against them. It shouldn't by any rights counter those other threats, but it should definitely be able to at least support its team somehow in those cases.
  • I want CAP10 to not be able to outspeed base 90's without a speed boosting nature. This may seem like a moot, or even detrimental, point, but I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is neither important to be able to outspeed those base 90's, nor is it detrimental to the CAP. The following is taken mostly from my stat distribution post, but it is definitely relevant here.
    • Consider my stat distribution with 105 Speed instead compared to a 102 Speed version. An EV spread of 252-0-88-0-0-164 (+Spe/-SpA Nature) with the 102 Speed version has the exact same defensive ability (and final Speed) as an EV spread of 252-0-4-0-0-252 (+Def/-SpA Nature) on the 105 Speed version. Furthermore, the +Spe nature version uses only 500 EVs, whereas the Neutral-Spe nature uses all 508. This means that the +Spe natured version will have an extra 8 EVs to invest elsewhere! This is actually beneficial for the CAP! Furthermore, it prevents us from running attack boosting natures on the CAP, which further reduces any chance of it being run as a sweeper.
For these reasons, I voted for my own spread. Hopefully the points I've made here will ring true for others as well.

Good luck in the poll, everyone!
A speed stat of 120 is fast enough to allow a neutral speed nature to outspeed base 100's. This permits the Pokemon to function too effectively, I fear, as a sweeper when carrying Choice Specs.... prevents us from running attack boosting natures on the CAP, which further reduces any chance of it being run as a sweeper.

Can a Pokemon with less than 100 base [Special]Attack/Speed really sweep anything without the aid of an +2 set-up move? I quite frankly not understand where this fear is coming from despite how the concept is supposedly saying it shouldn't be a sweeper.
Can a Pokemon with less than 100 base [Special]Attack/Speed really sweep anything without the aid of an +2 set-up move? I quite frankly not understand where this fear is coming from despite how the concept is supposedly saying it shouldn't be a sweeper.
Deoxys-S says hi. However I agree, the stats here are not sweeper material. However the lack of offense with a lot of them brings up their inability to effectively dispatch many tanks.
Gothic Togekiss said:
Can a Pokemon with less than 100 base [Special]Attack/Speed really sweep anything without the aid of an +2 set-up move? I quite frankly not understand where this fear is coming from despite how the concept is supposedly saying it shouldn't be a sweeper.
Having a special attack stat akin to Specs Starmie certainly suggests that it is indeed possible. Furthermore, Rhys' mention of Deo-S is a great one. Reach brought up something similar in IRC.
I would like to say that my spread is not suitable for a sweeper. I understand that I have a relatively high base Speed stat; however, my lack of offensive potential completely hinders its sweeping ability. Base 80 Special Attack is really nothing a sweeper can benefit from.

Deoxys-S is a poor example if you were to relate to this, because its Speed stat is considerably higher (base 180), which allows it to outpace nearly everything with a Choice Scarf or not without using a Choice Scarf itself. Also, its offensive stats sit at base 95 each, which is definitely usable for a sweeper. My stats are much lower than that (almost 15 points), so they don't provide that sense of power. Starmie has base 100 Special Attack, which, again, is much higher than base 80 Special Attack. Surely I am able to run a positive Special Attack nature and still outpace base 100s, but so can Starmie with a Modest nature (outspeeds positive base 100s by 1 point). I believe that's the benchmark you don't like with my spread, being able to outpace positive natured base 100s with a +Special Attack nature. And anyway, I sit at 284 Special Attack max with a positive nature (quite horrible for a sweeper if you ask me), while Starmie reaches 299 Special Attack.

I really don't see how my spread can possibly suggest such sweeping ability. It can't do it well enough. Its high Speed is used as a defensive mechanism and nothing else.
Voted for Deck's. It's the most similar spread to my submission. Its HP/defenses is/are high/low enough to allow focus on one particular defense stat, but not too high that a blanket 4/252/252 spread becomes the optimal spread for it.
Deoxys-S says hi. However I agree, the stats here are not sweeper material. However the lack of offense with a lot of them brings up their inability to effectively dispatch many tanks.
I thought Deoxys-S was more of a supporter than sweeper, but that might be because his other form does the offensive route better. I do agree that lack of offense from the attempt to make CAP10 non-sweeper does give it some troubles with many of the more bulkier Pokemon.

Having a special attack stat akin to Specs Starmie certainly suggests that it is indeed possible. Furthermore, Rhys' mention of Deo-S is a great one. Reach brought up something similar in IRC.
That is with the use of a Choice Spec but other than that, anything with less than 100 [Special]Attack and/or Speed is generally a poor sweeper.
Korski's is the only submission with over 90 in the attack stat, it's defensive but has the ability to hit hard. I think it fits the concept the best.
I voted for Deck Knight's spread for the simple reason of how well thought out it is, and how the entire aspect of it is completely balanced.

When I look at the other spreads (fuzznips) I see an outrageous Speed stat that hardly requires investment to outpace the 'top threats' of OU, or it needs minimal investment. Deck Knight's spread requires a balance, 'if I want to outpace this threat then I need to invest in this AND my other stats to somehow beat it'. This further defines the aspect of 'counter a few pokemon, but be weak to others'. I feel that, with Deck's spread, we will have a better shot at narrowing down what the concept was meant to be, and not have it escape those boundaries.

The other sets, look like they are somewhat similar to Deck's, however they are lacking something. Rising Duck's and the Admiral's are more balanced than Deck's lowering how effectively you can EV; while Gothic Togekiss's has low HP high defenses, making it much more difficult to EV effectively than others.
I thought Deoxys-S was more of a supporter than sweeper
Not in OU it wasn't.

Voted Admiral Korski. Every other spread may have better speed but no team is afraid to switch out against it with such ignorable offenses. Higher offensive stats makes the opponent more hesitant to switch, especially with the type coverage it will receive. Not to mention none of the spreads can threaten things like Zapdos, Celebi, Metagross, Snorlax, Suicune, etc. almost any bulky tank without an exploitable x4 weakness while still being able to take hits decently from the same threats. I'm not all too happy about the specific stats themselves, but they supply better power which I feel is needed than the other spreads.
Voted for Deck's spread.

For mine, it is an excellent balance of offensive strength and defensive prowess, along with the most important value of being able to counter more or less anything we want.
I have voted for Fuzznip's Stat Spread.

This is because I find that CAP10 needs speed to outspeed and defeat just about every pokemon. With 120 speed it outspeed's all of the top threats (non scarfers) which is a significant part in allowing you to defeat your opponent's pokemon. Also has a good amount of HP and balanced Defences and Offences.
After some thought I voted for Rising Dusk because I wanted to force CAP 10 to invest in a lot of speed to discourage it from investing in both defense stats, so having a speed worth investing in but low enough so that it had to be invested in heavily was ideal. I wanted over 100 base speed but less than 110 base speed. I also wanted a high hp / low def build, so that left me with Rising Dusk and Deck Knight. Since their speed and attacking stats were essentially the same, it was all about the defensive spread. Interestingly enough, I thought that Deck's spread was a little too effective at walling hits, while Risking Dusk's calculations seemed just right.

Regarding CAP 10's ability to be a sweeper, comparing it to Starmie is quite fair. Comparing it to Deoxys e is a different story though. Deoxys e doesn't have good stabs to work with now does it?
Deoxys e doesn't have good stabs to work with now does it?
No, didn't stop it from wrecking OU so much it went to Ubers. Kind of funny you bring that up because it supports the too much speed makes it a potential sweeper argument. I also believe Starmie shouldn't be used as an example. It's Pursuit weak, has terrible defenses compared to all the spreads, and has a very 'meh' second STAB. The only thing that makes it somewhat comparable is that it is a Water type and it breaks the common mold by being somewhat fast (if comparing it to the faster spreads). Even if you're comparing its sweeping ability, which Starmie does better than every spread here, it's not a good example.
Voting for the home team here, of course.

My approach to this spread was to pick a target speed and move organically from there. I selected 105 because of all the success Fidgit has had in menacing the CAP metagame, being able to Encore Zapdos Thunderbolts and basically any stat-up move from the ubiquitous Base 100 mons. Additionally being able to use a +Def nature to address Lucario (a very powerful and threatening sweeper) was important to me. One other threat on the radar I found later was Roserade, who could devastate CAP10 with Leaf Storm. Always having to run +Spe to deal with that (Roserade has few reasons not to always run Timid) would not be a picnic.

Once our actual restrictions were in I was having trouble with a spread that looked good, since I had all sorts of strange BST readings at the end. Traditionally I try to keep HP around 130 or so since it's proven to be effective while not scaring off too many people. In this particular case it wasn't working so I fooled around with it a bit. Once I got HP high enough (in the 140's) I was able to get the maximized attack stats I wanted without the BST looking like a sideshow reject.

When I first ran calcs on that spread and began generating an anti-Mence for it with 216 Spe, I noticed that it was just barely KO'd by +1 Naive Outrage. I adjusted the set up until it could always survive (assuming no hazards) with 1 HP while still being able to KO Mence with Ice Beam. The actual aesthetics of the result (151/84/73/83/74/105) were entirely coincidental.

I think the results speak for themselves, I always put lots of hours into my stat spreads and I always do calculations for a specific EV set rather than running 252/252 EV scenarios. Especially given this CAP's concept, 252/252 EV spreads seem worthless, unless you're doing something odd like 252 Atk/252 SpD for some reason.

I am very pleased with this result, it may be the favorite spread I have ever created based on my credo to always maximize a CAP's advantages within our defined boundaries (which includes concept).

Regarding potential issues like turning into a Choice sweeper:

The stats don't really support it. Starmie will never have the bulk of CAP10 or STAB on Thunderbolt, but why would anyone have a Choice Sweeper than Latias always outspeeds? If Starmie is using Specs it will likely run Timid for the 361 Spe. So even if CAP 10 is bulkier and deals more damage, unless you're constantly spamming unSTAB Ice Beam, Latias is just going to devour you. The maximum stats for a +Spe nature are 267 and 265, respectively. Boosted that's 400 and 397. 400/339 and 397/339 just aren't that scary for a Band/Specs sweeper. Adamant Tyranitar and Metagross already have more Attack than that, and Modest Magnezone/Heatran have similar SpA without being bound by a Choice Item.

You could run a +Atk or +SA nature, but what do you really scare with only 309 Spe? DDTar and Agiligross are scarier after their boosting moves, Heatran and Magnezone can just use Scarf. The only Choice Item these stats perform well with is Choice Scarf, since with a +Spe nature and Scarf you can outspeed +1 DDMence. Choice Scarf performance was a big deal in the concept assessment thread. While I think their could be very niche Band/Specs sets, they certainly won't be terrifying sweepers in their own right.
Not in OU it wasn't.
...What? It was only sent back to Uber after it's lead set was discovered: Light Screen/Reflect/Stealth Rock/Taunt. Pure support lead--no offensive moves at all. It's ability to be an offensive threat added to its versatility, and having that versatility made it more of a threat, but the lead set was pretty much its best one in OU, and was what pushed it back into Uber--it had a lot less to do with its sweeping and offensive abilities, than its supporting ones.

Anyway, went with Deck's spread for similar reasons as Gen--it just seemed to be the most balanced option. The options that have a faster speed than it are just a bit too fast for my tastes, and as a result of them, they also come off as being a bit weaker in the other areas to my liking.

As for Rising_Dusk's spread, it's similar to Deck Knight's in terms of effectiveness/speed/etc, and I like it to, but I prefer Deck Knight's super-high HP stat for bulk. That high HP makes investing in HP generally not very useful, and makes you focus more on the defenses instead. However, you're probably only going to pick one defense stat to invest in, and thus, due to the nature of the spread, be a lot weaker in the other sat. This concept of having to pick which side of the spectrum you want to invest in fits really well with the idea of a Utility Counter (being able to handle large numbers of Pokemon, but only certain ones at a time), so I really like it.

Beyond that, that just leaves Admiral_Korski's spread. It's also a very interesting spread, but I don't feel that slow, but powerful is the best way of making this CAP succeed, and base 60 Speed in general is just too slow for my tastes. It also has very balanced defenses, which again has me leaning more towards Deck Knight's spread.

So, all things considered, Deck Knight's spread is the most appealing one of the bunch to me, and I'm voting for it.
...What? It was only sent back to Uber after it's lead set was discovered: Light Screen/Reflect/Stealth Rock/Taunt. Pure support lead--no offensive moves at all. It's ability to be an offensive threat added to its versatility, but the lead set was pretty much its best one in OU, and was what pushed it back into Uber--it had very little to do with its sweeping and offensive abilities.

I was under the impression that Deoxys S's late game sweeper set was what made it Uber. At the end of the game when many pokemon are weakened, Deoxys S, with its decent base 90 attack stats and its absolutely phenomenal speed let it sweep with ease and make it extremely hard to revenge kill, even for scarfers.
Went for Fuzznip's spread. Similar to mine, it utilizes just about okay offensive stats to ensure that it isn't made into a sweeper, just needed defenses to avoid becoming a wall.
I voted for Admiral's, on the basis it's the only different spread of the lot, with it's defining characteristic being a lack of speed and a high level of everything else. Besides, while Speed is loved, Bulk is nice and easy to use, especially since priority moves can be used to outpace an opponent if necessary.
Voted Admiral Korski's spread. I think that everyone else completely forgot the idea that we weren't trying to make this into a tangible offensive threat and if we give it decent speed and special attack, it's bound to happen. Low speed is a must on this concept's idea if we want to keep it from becoming a tangible OU threat in and of itself.

Plus, this Pokemon needs to be able to survive powerful attacks from common OU threats, such as SD Lucario, Sub Gengar, and Salamence in general. I think the choice here is obvious.
Voted Admiral Korski's spread. I think that everyone else completely forgot the idea that we weren't trying to make this into a tangible offensive threat and if we give it decent speed and special attack, it's bound to happen. Low speed is a must on this concept's idea if we want to keep it from becoming a tangible OU threat in and of itself.

Plus, this Pokemon needs to be able to survive powerful attacks from common OU threats, such as SD Lucario, Sub Gengar, and Salamence in general. I think the choice here is obvious.

How do you expect to sweep when your base attack and special attack are both below 90? Having Ninjask-esque speed isn't any good for sweeping without packing a punch, which can only really be achieved with Choice Band/Specs, and nothing can really sweep when it's locked onto one move.
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