Needs a PC game to play


One Pixel
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Alright, so with my fancy shmancy laptop, I can now play almost any game available known to man. I get tired of games really really really really quickly, so can anyone suggest me a game I can play long term, or a mmorpg that's decent or a good FPS game that I can get into? (I really don't want to go back to Maplestory). Games I've played

Call of Duty 2, 4, 5, 6
L4D2 (I play on a nightly basis with my friends)
Crysis (kinda stopped in the middle, got boring with just one gun that's available, and me not being able to get by a level)
Halo (Stopped in the middle, because the flood keeps owning me. I may go back to it)
Portal (Annoying as fuck to get past some levels. Quit in frustration during a math lecture)
Diable II (Gave up in that random dungeon because it's too hack and slash)
Doom 3 (Horror genre doesn't really appeal to me, gave up pretty soon, I play it for the fear factor when I want to be scared)
Final Fantasy VII (It's just soo goddamn boring in the beginning. I got up to Sephiroth, but my previous file save was erased (curses on my former computer), and I'm at the second Mako Reactor, and I just gave up there)
Starcraft (Was a huge fan, got tired of it.)
Starcraft II (Ditto, played a few games, got bored)
CSS and CS 1.6 (I have them on the computer, rarely play, I find it boring you go around shooting people and having to restart over and over again, not my type of game. I play with friends when they ask me)
Finished FF5, FF10, did not like FF4 or FF3/6 (one of them). FF5 was my favorite FF game at this point in time.
Dragon Age (I spent 5 minutes on that game, and uninstalled. Was NOT impressed)

I am considering Dota, but i've played it a few times, and seriously, I suck. Few of my friends play, and I'm considering asking them for help and play with them.
Mass Effect and Bioshock, I don't really dig, for no reason, just a hunch, so I kinda don't want to play those.
Graphics DO play a role, so please, no suggesting games from the long long past :)
I am also planning to buy Bad Company 2 for PC but waiting til IB exams are over so I don't get that addicted.
So please, I REALLY do not want to play Maplestory, so PLEASE recommend me a good game. (I've been stuck in my free time watching Yu Gi Oh episodes on youtube mainly because I never watched the whole thing, so I kind of got desperate for entertainment).
If you want a good PC game, I would highly recommend Team Fortress 2. The game is one of the best shooters on the market and comes with a stylized world with awesome characters. There are many here that have well over a hundred hours on this game, so I'd give it a look.
All DotA players suck in the beginning, and I'm sure you probably haven't poured copious amounts of time in it... I blew at Starcraft after not playing it for a week.

I go on gamefaqs and skim around the top 100, and also lots of free games like "Awesome Flash Games ITT," something like that.
If you want a good PC game, I would highly recommend Team Fortress 2. The game is one of the best shooters on the market and comes with a stylized world with awesome characters. There are many here that have well over a hundred hours on this game, so I'd give it a look.

Same for here^

You should buy the Orange Box for the PC since it comes with Team Fortress 2 and 3 other games(Half life 2 episodes, and portal)as well plus it's only $20.
1) Is Half Life any good?
2) What's the genre of TF2?

I also really like fantasy rpg games, so recommend me those if you'd like.

And I'll get back to you on that Dota suggestion Kishimoto
DotA, League of Legends, and Heroes of Newerth are all competitive fantasy-style RPG games that are fantastic and extremely replayable. They aren't MMOs, but they're good anyway.
1) Is Half Life any good?
2) What's the genre of TF2?

I also really like fantasy rpg games, so recommend me those if you'd like.

And I'll get back to you on that Dota suggestion Kishimoto

Half Life 2 is kind of like a Sci-if ish Adventure, it's a mix of shooting, and using items to get though the mission, anyway it's a great game..

TF2 is a Shooting base Genre (like Call of Duty)
1) Is Half Life any good?
2) What's the genre of TF2?

I also really like fantasy rpg games, so recommend me those if you'd like.

And I'll get back to you on that Dota suggestion Kishimoto

1) Half-Life is generally considered to the best single-player first person series around. So yes, it's good.
2) Team Fortress 2 is the best multiplayer shooter I have ever played. Phenomenal game.

Also sounds like you might like Dragon Age: Origins.
TF2 is only good if you have friends to play it with.

Half-Life is still considered to be one of the best games ever made by many people. It basically defined the Scifi/Zombie-Shooter for years.

Chrono Trigger is probably a good one if you liked FF5 and the like.
You should try the game VVVVVV. Your powerhouse laptop should run it nicely.

i would definitely suggest something like oblivion or fallout 3 if you're looking for a long-term game. both are pretty expansive first person adventure games and with all the mods out there, you can play well past the end of the story mode
I also really like fantasy rpg games, so recommend me those if you'd like.
in this case, seconding Oblivion! i have clocked well over 100 hours on it (maybe nearer 200) and i have still never even completed the main quest! and as mentioned, with mods it is pretty much limitless as to what you can do. in fact im going to play it right now
TF2 is only good if you have friends to play it with.

Half-Life is still considered to be one of the best games ever made by many people. It basically defined the Scifi/Zombie-Shooter for years.

Chrono Trigger is probably a good one if you liked FF5 and the like.
If you can find a good server, TF2 can be fun even without a bunch of friends playing with you. That's the biggest advantage of a game using dedicated servers. None of that matchmaking crap where you're paired up with random people every time.

These two are my favourites:

This one is pretty good too:
If you can find a good server, TF2 can be fun even without a bunch of friends playing with you. That's the biggest advantage of a game using dedicated servers. None of that matchmaking crap where you're paired up with random people every time.

These two are my favourites:

This one is pretty good too:

Maybe, but I think since the feel of the game is more comical rather than serious skill-based (not to say that TF2 is lacking skill, only that it doesn't feel as hardcore flavoured) like CoD or something, the enjoyment is much better when you're playing with the same people every time so you can share in the jokes etc.
Maybe, but I think since the feel of the game is more comical rather than serious skill-based (not to say that TF2 is lacking skill, only that it doesn't feel as hardcore flavoured) like CoD or something, the enjoyment is much better when you're playing with the same people every time so you can share in the jokes etc.
You will get absolutely annihilated by skilled players in TF2.

Pokemon looks like a kid's game, but you're here, aren't you?
Maybe, but I think since the feel of the game is more comical rather than serious skill-based (not to say that TF2 is lacking skill, only that it doesn't feel as hardcore flavoured) like CoD or something, the enjoyment is much better when you're playing with the same people every time so you can share in the jokes etc.
That's the point of a server. You stick to the same few and you get to know those people. Just joining random games won't get you that obviously. TF2 requires teamwork to be fun which is why I recommended those two. It's not like Modern Warfare where you're more focused on levelling up than the actual game.
BFBC2, and CoD4 have great multiplayers.
The Half Life games are legendary, and certainly do have the best stories of any FPS ever. As for TF2, the multiplayer is great, but not as good as CoD4's. Preference I suppose, TF2 is aimed to be more strategetic, but CoD4's customization is outstanding and gives it some crazy replay value. BFBC2's multiplayer may be considered better if you're that kind of player, it's HEAVILY aimed on teamwork.
I'm deifnitely a teamwork player, so I'm definitely considering BFBC2, and TF2. I played some COD4 multiplayer, and I got to say, it is pretty awesome.

I'm gonna try getting the Half Life games this week. My friend plays the 1st one all the time in Chemistry, so I'll try to ask him of his opinion and stuff.

As I explained early, I'm not in to Dragon Age. Played it, looks lame sorry.

I'll look at Oblivion later too.

All other suggestions are welcome :D
Dota or one of the spinoffs(League of Legends or Heroes of Newerth) is really fun, especially if you know a few other people who play. Dotaeqsue games have been the majority of my online games for the past few years at this point.

Team Fortress 2 also great. The casual side is fun and I wouldn't say any more frustrating than any other FPS. The competitive side doesn't have too much to the metagame(and by that I mean, every team is the same comp), but its still pretty fast paced and more interesting than other fps's imo.

Maybe, but I think since the feel of the game is more comical rather than serious skill-based (not to say that TF2 is lacking skill, only that it doesn't feel as hardcore flavoured) like CoD or something, the enjoyment is much better when you're playing with the same people every time so you can share in the jokes etc.

Good Demoman and good Soldiers kill everything. On smaller teamsizes(=competitive), good Scouts are near unkillable, and will ruin the game for you.

Also, MMO wise, theres always WoW, but I wouldn't suggest that unless you know other people who play. Leveling without already knowing people is incredibly boring. Only MMO out right now that doesn't suck though.(Couldn't stand Warhammer, L2/Aion are nothanks. FF11 was good if you were hardcore I guess, but they made it semi-casual, so basically no reason to take it over WoW now imo).
Also, MMO wise, theres always WoW, but I wouldn't suggest that unless you know other people who play. Leveling without already knowing people is incredibly boring. Only MMO out right now that doesn't suck though.(Couldn't stand Warhammer, L2/Aion are nothanks. FF11 was good if you were hardcore I guess, but they made it semi-casual, so basically no reason to take it over WoW now imo).
I disagree. When I played my 1 free month, some of the best time I had was when I got randomly grouped with some people for an instance and it just clicked. It's the very thing that you have in L4D2, when you go play with strangers: If you match well, there is fun. And when there's fun, the game does its job, right?

As for games, I dunno. You have shot down pretty much everything I wanted to suggest (D2, L4D2), and the other stuff is already mentioned (HL, TF2). On the slightly older department, you have Mafia, though. It's from about 2003, but the game and story itself is pure gold. The graphics are pretty decent too, actually, unless you expect something in the lines of what the best PS3 games can throw out.