Nintendo Mafia - Heroes win!

I haven't seen Blue Tornado on and I have a confirmed non-villager role (unless there's a liar in our midst but I doubt that)

also let's not hit majority quite yet, I wanted to get some votes on in case BT doesn't show up during the 48 hours so we get a lynch in but if he has a better target we will change.

keep voting for now we don't have majority but be ready to change in the event BT rocks up.
well uh my results stated johann wasn't aligned with the village along the same lines of tennisace's so...

nobody else vote please, but nobody remove their votes. if BT wants to change we will but for the moment, we'll go with my results.
crap, sorry guys. I completely forgot I was going on vacation. I've been subbed out, but still. Luckily, Blue Tornado seems to have things under control, so, it's not all lost. Damn, I feel so bad right now, and it won't happen again.
Don't worry fred, it happens P;

Ok, so I'm still missing results from people I personally PMd in night 3. I completely forgot to post in this thread yesterday, so I will now. And: People, if you have anthing at all, even the slightest thing, let me know. Things are only getting way crazier according to the slim amount of results I have gotten yesterday, and I need to talk to some people ASAP too. I, ofc, want to talk to you Yeti. Although everything assassin's done isn't showing any signs of suspicion almost at all, he's still not clean. You can't expect to lead the village the second you get into the game just because the guy you subbed in for was village leader himself.

Yeti, Johann did claim to me the second he knew I was clean, and he also claimed to assassinfred on an earlier stage, so that point is incorrect. However...

Johann, one of those people I've PMd myself on night 3 was you. Not showing me your results (even a negative result is a result, yes) just adds suspicion on you, and Yeti, assuming he can be trusted, just confirmed that. If I don't find any truly reasonable target by later today, I don't see why it's worth changing the lynch target.

So people, please PM me with anything, anything at all. Any result will help, and those of you who I myself told them their targets last night please show your results. Not doing so only adds suspision on you.

And to make it clear: I am not holding off the lynch on Johann, but I might change the lynch target. Just pay attention to the thread and edit your lynch if and when that happens.
Blue Tornado/Yeti, you can't expect people to come to you, even if you keep clamoring for it in public. Some people are lazy, some are forgetful, others are mafia. As a leader it's your responsibility to come to them instead. Nobody follows someone who just sits around giving out orders and nothing else.
^ yeah I will go around personally PMing people for their role PMs/claims and chosen night actions (once BT and I discuss the best courses of action) Saturday night.
until then I am a bit busy to do such but I am working on our village strongth.

also we've decided: please get majority on johann.
Blue Tornado/Yeti, you can't expect people to come to you, even if you keep clamoring for it in public. Some people are lazy, some are forgetful, others are mafia. As a leader it's your responsibility to come to them instead. Nobody follows someone who just sits around giving out orders and nothing else.

yeah Mekkah wouldn't know anything about this he always dies too early

oh that's altair sorry


Day 4 has ended. Out of nowhere, a giant Yeti comes and decided to get you all to lynch Johann. You all gather around and take turns throwing fireballs at him or jumping on his belly after knocking him over with a POW block. He feels dazed and defeated, accidently revealing his role PM:

You are Bowser. You are allied with the Villains.

King of the Koopas, and Mario's biggest enemy, you have appeared and have been defeated in every single Mario game. Every single one of your attempts to kidnap Princess Peach has failed, thanks to him. Even with your army of Koopas, Goombas, and Bullet Bills, he has managed to get through your defenses and rescue the Princess. In this game, you will still be kidnapping, but for the benefit of your team instead. With the rest of the Villains, you will be able to defeat Mario and rule the Mushroom Kingdom (Yea!!)!

During the night, you can PM Altair, jumpluff, and porygon3 with "Night X - Kidnapping USER". You will whisk this user away to your castle during the night, and under the threat of death, will have his vote counted the same as yours. You will find that there are some limitations to this though...

Your team's details are in a separate PM.

You win if the Villains win.

Satisfied with the loss of another Villain, you all get ready to go to "sleep" (except you're all going to be awake PMing us hopefully)

It is now night 4. Night 4 will end Sunday, April 11 at 10pm GMT -5 (almost 48 hours from now). PLEASE get your PMs in on time tonight...

BT and I must discuss now, we will be in contact with you for your night targets/actions and your claims, if we don't have them already.

ty for your time.
my strongth is present, n o concerns.
yo if you feel that you should have gotten some direction for the night & BT didn't PM it to you (I have the list of users he was contacting) let me know I will provide it for you

in case that is why you haven't yet submitted your night action because you are waiting for guidance!!!
