Movie pokemon metagame changes

Like the double-dragon strategy in OU. Use the first one to bait out and weaken their counters, then use the second one to sweep.

One of those has to use the Sunnybeam set... or both aren't going to get past bulky waters.

Arcanine is logically the best one for the job (Morning Sun, higher sp.atk).
Entei sticks to the Flare Blitz/Extremspeed job (higher speed, attack, more HP for Flare Blitz recoils, Stone Edge).
Claydol would make a great counter to Aura Sphere / Extra Sensory / T-bolt / Calm Mind Raikou. Immune to STAB, STAB EQ, Strong Defenses, and resists both moves.

Raikou's Aura Sphere when super Effective is the same damage output as Thunder when neutral. So really, its probably better to just use Rain Dance/Calm Mind, Thunder, Weather Ball, Extrasensory/Hidden Power Ice.
(If using CM, then have a Damp Water Rain Dance user).

And to counter that set, Lanturn works well, especially those that carry Toxic, and Stockpile. Torterra counters the Non-Hp Ice Variants, as it can Rock Polish on an CALM MIND Aura Sphere and then proceed to sweep.

In OU Latias can counter the Extrasensory/Thunderbolt/Aura Sphere/Calm Mind version, while Hippowdon can probably counter the Rain Dance Version since it makes Weatherball Rock which it resists, is Immune to Thunder/bolt, and if Raikou is carrying Aura Sphere over HP Ice, then it is forced to switch. If Raikou is carrying Hidden Power Ice over Aura Sphere then Swampert can also be a good check.

Electivire makes a good check, similar to Dugtrio, if it switches into Thunder/bolt, and can threat back with a Life Orb EQ.
One of those has to use the Sunnybeam set... or both aren't going to get past bulky waters.

Arcanine is logically the best one for the job (Morning Sun, higher sp.atk).
Entei sticks to the Flare Blitz/Extremspeed job (higher speed, attack, more HP for Flare Blitz recoils, Stone Edge).

You misunderstand me, although this is a possibility, i mean that arcanine/entei can be used as a scout/death fodder, which ever you would like to call it, for counter to itself, then you switch to a counter you have. This team would need bulky water counters such as venasaur and the like, and be tailored to the 2 dogs.
I don't know about UU but in OU the set that should be used is for CMLO+3atk is CM/T-Bolt/Aura Sphere/HP-Ice

I forgot which specific pokemons but except for VERY few mons, the set hits all
In OU Latias can counter the Extrasensory/Thunderbolt/Aura Sphere/Calm Mind version, while Hippowdon can probably counter the Rain Dance Version since it makes Weatherball Rock which it resists, is Immune to Thunder/bolt, and if Raikou is carrying Aura Sphere over HP Ice, then it is forced to switch. If Raikou is carrying Hidden Power Ice over Aura Sphere then Swampert can also be a good check.

I'm pretty sure one of the only reason to run Extrasensory is Venusaur, which doesn't exist in OU. I would run HP Ice over it because it can deal with Swampert to some extent with Aura Sphere, but not at all against Gliscor.
Ninja'd. What lordkira said. HP ice/aura sphere/Tbolt/CM is the best set (or will be, I suppose)

The double counter entei set looks good as well. Arc probably does the sunnybeamer set better, though
I don't know about UU but in OU the set that should be used is for CMLO+3atk is CM/T-Bolt/Aura Sphere/HP-Ice

I forgot which specific pokemons but except for VERY few mons, the set hits all

I think that set should only really have trouble with Chansey, Quagsire, Gastrodon, and Lanturn in UU. Though at +2 with SR, Aura Sphere 2HKOs all of them (not 100% chance for Chansey, but still), but they can win at +1. I think, at +1, Raikou 2HKOs or OHKOs the rest of the metagame.

In OU, which is where I think Raikou will end up, Raikou has trouble getting past Swapert, Blissey, and Rotom-A. The difference here is that Raikou is going to have a much more difficult time setting up a Calm Mind, but I think the incredible coverage that it gets from Thunderbolt/Aura Sphere/Hidden Power[Ice] will still make a decent contender there.

Do were even know if Gamefreak wont skrew us over by setting the nature?
it will have a problem with chansey just like it does with blissey but that's because they are both whores (lol as much as i love them on stalls lol) but not the other three. The following calculations are +1 TimidCMLOKou's aura sphere vs. respective mon:

Quagsire: 63.2% - 74.4% (2HKO)
Gastrodon: 48.6% - 57.3% (2HKO)
Lanturn: 37.7% - 44.4% (not 2HKO but without a reliable recovery move...I don't see lanturn walling Raikou though it can status screw it but on 1 on 1 Raikou will win)

Even without Aura sphere, I tink Raikou definitely has a huge chance of becoming BL so this shouldn't be an inssue though. However, you're right...they may screw us...screw us hard on nature fact i'm sure they will.
I agree with Leman, there is no reason for Raikou to stay in UU when it gets Aura Sphere. Taking a look at Leman's counter list:

+2 Aura Sphere vs Chansey: 50.9% - 59.9%
+1 Aura Sphere vs Gastrodon Mixed Sweeper: 49.8% - 58.7%
+1 Aura Sphere vs Lanturn: 37.7% - 44.4%, so this works unless Raikou carries HP Grass
+1 Aura Sphere vs Quagsire: 63.2% - 74.4%
+1 Aura Sphere vs Registeel: 55.5% - 65.4%
Even in OU, Raikou will have its own niche as a electric type that boosts its spA on its own (reliable at least) than the charge beamers (jolteon and rotom). Well, with the aura sphere addition, it should finally be used more (hopefully they won't screw us with the nature...PLZ PLZ PLZ).
I have a feeling that a specs Raikou with Thunderbolt/Aura Sphere/HP Ice/Shadow Ball could be quite effective as it essentially brings possibly the two best type pairings together on a pokemon with very high SpA. Expert Belt could also be used to try and bluff specs and gain a nice (probably frequent) boost. There are hardly any pokemon that can utilise this to success in OU, I don't think there is any way that Raikou can not be promoted to OU if it can have any nature.
How many times do we have to say this? All shiny event Pokemon will have a set nature. Period.

Let's just hope it's Timid. Otherwise it won't be used all that much.
If the Raikou is Modest, it isnt that bad. It gives the 'mon the power to 2HKO or 1HKO anything in the current UU metagame.
As (Someone?) said, since it has Extremespeed, it will probulby not end up being -attack. Still, -either of the Defenses isn't that bad.

Actually, even if it is Naive, Raikou would still be BL surely.
Lets face it Raikou is definetely going to move to BL (or OU) so you nmight aswell say bye to it now it is definetely too overpowered for the UU metagame as it can sweep easily through 3/4 of it at +1 which makes it fit into the criteria of bcoming BL anyway its three viable counters are chansey, dugtrio and claydol know we know that chansey is 2HKO by aura sphere at +2. Dugtrio is OKHO by all Riakou's moves but if the dugtrio is scarfed you'd think that it would have wun but know they carry shuca berry to prevent this, know the interesting part claydol is immune to t-bolt, resists aura sphere (and extrasory) but is 2HKO by HP ice.

so raikou has no direct counters making it very BL.
Lets face it Raikou is definetely going to move to BL (or OU) so you nmight aswell say bye to it now it is definetely too overpowered for the UU metagame as it can sweep easily through 3/4 of it at +1 which makes it fit into the criteria of bcoming BL anyway its three viable counters are chansey, dugtrio and claydol know we know that chansey is 2HKO by aura sphere at +2. Dugtrio is OKHO by all Riakou's moves but if the dugtrio is scarfed you'd think that it would have wun but know they carry shuca berry to prevent this, know the interesting part claydol is immune to t-bolt, resists aura sphere (and extrasory) but is 2HKO by HP ice.

so raikou has no direct counters making it very BL.

Dugtrio doesn't need a Scarf to outspeed Raikou. Oh, and that has got to be one of the longest sentences I have ever read. Heard of full stops??
All shiny event Pokemon will have a set nature.
I don't even understand why shiny event Pokemon HAVE to have a set nature even. If they managed to make the Red Gyarados always Shiny with varying natures and IVs, you'd think they could make a Shiny Event without fixed natures. Maybe they'll manage to actually be lenient this time?
I don't even understand why shiny event Pokemon HAVE to have a set nature even. If they managed to make the Red Gyarados always Shiny with varying natures and IVs, you'd think they could make a Shiny Event without fixed natures. Maybe they'll manage to actually be lenient this time?
Because in the Wondercard, Shiny Pokemon have set PIDs, and therefore, set natures. I believe the only way for a wondercarded Pokemon to produce random natures is if it has a PID of 0 (in the wondercard data), which will never produce a shiny
Sad but true:chaos:. One of the best counters (at least on the first switch in) to the Tiger will no longer be able to be a counter...

+1 LO Modest Offensive Raikou's Aura Sphere vs Max HP/Max SpDef Sassy Steelix - 102.3% - 120.3% :cloud: OHKO
+1 LO Timid Offensive Raikou's Aura Sphere vs Max HP/Max SpDef Sassy Steelix - 93.2% - 110.2% ~60% chance of being OHKOed

+1 LO Adamant Offensive Raikou's Aura Sphere vs Max HP/Max SpDef Sassy Steelix - 83.6% - 98.9% barely lives...

I beg for Solid Rock... because even Adamant Raikou hurts like hell...

+1 LO Modest Offensive Raikou's Aura Sphere vs Max HP/Max SpDef Sassy Theoretical Solid Rock Steelix - 76.6% - 90.1%

Meh, Steelix won't ever get anything that useful...
I don't even understand why shiny event Pokemon HAVE to have a set nature even. If they managed to make the Red Gyarados always Shiny with varying natures and IVs, you'd think they could make a Shiny Event without fixed natures. Maybe they'll manage to actually be lenient this time?

The Red Gyarados is an odd bit of coding that turns the Shiny/not shiny values upside down. It IS possible to find that Gyarados not shiny.

Of course, I could be wrong entirely, but that's how I understand it. :/
CM LO Raikou is still gonna hurt A LOT with a SpA-neutral boosting nature. The nature will probably be Atk neutral because of Extremespeed, so it's probably +SpA/+Spe and -Def/-SDef (feel free to mix and match). It's obviously going to be BL after this phase, so why bother discuss a UU set? OU is pretty much CM Tbolt AuraSphere and HPIce or if you want to be gimmicky and use sub but I don't see a sub cm 2 attacks set having much success in OU because of the superior type coverage CM+3 Attacks give you.

Entei however deserves a mention, I definitely see it being viable in UU play. A simple physical choice set with FlareBlitz, StoneEdge, Extremespeed and Iron Head/WoW makes a reliable revenge killer and an efficient lure for physical switch-ins with WoW. You could also do a RestTalk set with his good bulk or a Howl 3 attacks set or maybe even Sub+Howl given that you have the most powerful priority move in the game bar STAB and the ability to make 101 HP Subs. And given spin support and wish support I definitely see it being a major contender in UU, albeit a very support reliant one.
That is something that Entei has over Arcanine: it can make 101 subs. A sub set with Flare Blitz, Extremespeed, and Stone Edge could be viable.
the thing is, what does 101 subs really help against? it's mainly used against seismic toss, and all the users aren't switching into you. Chansey and Clefable fear almost all your attacks, Registeel has no chance, Regirock is already forcing you out with Rock Slide/whatever, etc. All I can see is Miltank but honestly who uses Miltank, especially without Scrappy on a defensive set?
I wanna see you come up with a reason to use Entei over Arcanine. Well can you? Huh? HUH!?

Nah, just joking. But seriously, it's better than nothing. While it can now use a choice set, gaining two sets is better than gaining one.