Nuzlocke Challenge

Started a Nuzlocke run of Pearl today, never tried the challenge before so went with minimum restrictions:

1. Only catch first pokemon you see in the wild per area
2. If a pokemon dies, it's dead for good
3. No buying items except pokeballs/TMs
4. No using items outside of battle except for HMs/TMs

Started with a Piplup (Peppy) Got up to Jubilife, catching a Kricketot (Chirpie) on Route 202, then went north and got a Budew(Buddy) from 204, and a Zubat(Zoobee) from Ravaged Path. Started Grinding to level Chirpie to 10, and did something REALLY stupid, and had Peppy die to a Wild Level 4 Kricketot's Bide. Trying to make up for my loss and get Buddy to a Reputable level now by grinding on Route 202.

My Pokemon:
Chirpie Level 8 Kricketot/Impish/Growl/Bide (Caught on Route 202)
Buddy Level 5 Budew/Gentle/Absorb/Growth (Caught on Route 204)
Zoobee Level 4 Zubat/Quiet/Leech Life (Caught on Ravaged Path)

Alive Boxed Pokemon:

Deaded Pokemon:
Peppy Level 12 Piplup/Careful/Pound/Growl/Bubble/Water Sport (starter) Killed from a Wild Kricketot’s Bide on Route 204.
I just started a Nuzlocke run of FireRed today. When I add some commentary to the video, I'll post it on the tube. I'm using moot's rules except for the pokeball one.

So far, I just got my Pokedex. This may not seem like much, but beating Charmander with my Bulbasaur was hard as hell. On around the 10th try, I finally beat him because my bulba had perfect hp and was jolly natured.

My team so far:
Saureena- Level 8 Bulbasaur - Jolly - Tackle/Growl/Leech Seed - Starter
I just started a Nuzlocke run of FireRed today. When I add some commentary to the video, I'll post it on the tube. I'm using moot's rules except for the pokeball one.

So far, I just got my Pokedex. This may not seem like much, but beating Charmander with my Bulbasaur was hard as hell. On around the 10th try, I finally beat him because my bulba had perfect hp and was jolly natured.

My team so far:
Saureena- Level 8 Bulbasaur - Jolly - Tackle/Growl/Leech Seed - Starter
If items are allowed in battle then don't you start the game with like, a potion, making the battle really easy anyway?
So the team carried on through that route under Mt Pyre which elades back to the Berry Master's house. We grinded against the trainers and then trekked up to Fortree so I could get the abdge enebling me to Fly to Slateport and stop Team Magma stealing the boat.
Winona was not too hard, her Swellow was not hard, Skarmory was almost taken out in one Surf, Pelipper put up a fight as did Altaria. We came out of the battle with no casualties.
Flying on Tommy we ended up in Slateport but were too late to stop team Magma. They couldn't get away though as we tracked down their "hidden" base in Lilycove. The grunts were defeated and I gained the Master Ball. But maxie got away... to awaken some beast...
Nevertheless I decided to take on the next gym in Mossdeep. I had two Pokemon with type disadvantages so I had to be careful.
When I finally reached the twins the hectic battle started. Piggy (Grumpig) set up a Magic Coat, rebounding Lunatone's Hypnosis and rendering it obsolete for the whole battle. Piggy then confused Solrock who set up Sunny Day. Vortex had to be switched with Weed (The now Vileplume, fully stocked with Giga Drain) in case of a Solarbeam as I recall it used. Lunatone was swept up with a combination of Giga Drain and Shock Wave, but the twins healed Solrock while in red hp. Dammit. We tried the same tactic again, but in yellow soemthing horrible happened. Solrock used flamethrower. In the sun. On Vileplume..... It didn't even OKHO! Weed survived. Solrock was quickly disposed of by the Anti Fire duo. And now we can dive...

Vortex, Swampert Level 38
Dive, Surf, take Down, Mud Shot

Weed, Vileplume Level 36
Giga Drain, Moonlight, Sleep Power, Secret Power

Zoon, Linoone Level 34
I'm not sure of the nature.
Rock Smash, Cut, Headbutt, Covet.

Mushy, Breloom Level 35
Mach Punch, Mega Drain, Headbutt, Stun Spore

Piggy, Grumpig Level 36
Not sure of nature.
Magic Coat, Psybeam, Shock Wave, Confuse Ray

Tommy, Vibrava Level 37
Dragonbreath, Fly, Crunch, Faint Attack (Why must Dark be special, WHY!?)
Can anyone quote the best rules for this thing? im bored as hell.. and i think this would be a good game for me to do on my Platinum.
Standard rules: death on faint, first Pokemon each area, nickname each.
Misc rules: no repeats, treat next Pokemon as your first from each area.
Difficulty rules: no items in battle, no items out of battle, no Pokeballs purchased (NOT RECOMMENDED ON THE ORIGINAL 3), no items purchased, forced team of 6 (so you can't just grind your starter and rape everything), no Pokecenters.

Mix and match as you please.
Chapter 1: The Great Gonzalez
Chapter 2: Strange Books and Stranger Boxes
Chapter 3: New Companions and Old Rivalries
Chapter 4: The First Gym
Chapter 5: In the Mountains...
Chapter 6: Waterside Warfare
Chapter 7: Experiments at the Cape
Chapter 8: Struggle on the SS Anne

My attempts to make shorter chapters backfire horribly here, but I've always been a big Team Rocket fan, especially of Giovanni.

Chapter 9: Giovanni

The sun rises high in the sky as I look ahead to the city I'm approaching. According to the map, it's Celadon City. The city is the largest I've ever seen before, with large buildings stretching to the sky. I pick up my pace as I near the city, curious as to what all a large place like this could hold.

It's been three weeks now since my battle with Gary on the SS Anne, and the loss of my former companion, Wiggler. Wiggler's death weighed heavily on my mind, and it was nearly a week before I felt ready to battle again. By the time I went back to Vermilion Gym, the vines that were blocking the door were gone, which I assumed was thanks to Gary. The leader of the gym, Lt. Surge, was a massive blond man with a team of electric pokemon. Unfortunately for him, electric types are nearly useless against Geodudes, and his team ended up being easy fodder for Stallone. After receiving the Thunder Badge from Surge, I stopped by Wiggler's grave site one last time before leaving town.

Due to the main roads to Saffron being closed, I decided for my next destination to be the gym at Celadon City. The journey to this city was not easy either however, the most direct path was blocked by a massive pokemon. Unable to waken or capture the pokemon, I ended up taking a detour that end through a pitch dark cave. I also passed through a small place call Lavender Town. The only notable thing in the town though was a large tower that apparently has ghosts it, but I wouldn't be able to see the ghosts without some sort of special scope. I figured it would be a waste of time to go there if I couldn't see anything, and simply passed through the town after a quick stop at the pokemon center. A couple more days of traveling went by before I finally I could see Celadon on the horizon.

As I walk through the city, I end up hearing a conversation between two frantic men in lab coats. Apparently a member of Team Rocket stole something pretty valuable from one of them. I've had a few run with Team Rocket members before, and by run ins, I mean their pokemon ended up getting beaten pretty badly. I decide to keep an eye out for any of their members while I continue looking around the city. Maybe if I find what those guys were looking for I can get some sort of reward after it. Traveling is sort of annoying, and some extra cash would always be nice to have.

Looking around the city, I eventually come across what appears to be a large casino. I'm not really interested in gambling, so I almost ignore the place, before noticing the sign out front. "Rocket Game Corner, please tell me they didn't make it that obvious," I think to myself as I take a look inside. Despite it being advertised as an "adult's playground," none of the employees seem to mind someone my age walking around. Nothing seems suspicious about the place at first, but then I see a guy in a Team Rocket uniform staring at a poster on the wall, which nearly causes me to do a double-take. Standing around in a Team Rocket Uniform in a place called Rocket Game Corner - no clue how those guys in lab coats couldn't find him. Curious about what's so interesting about that poster he's staring at, I walk up behind him, trying to get a good look over his shoulder. Suddenly he notices me and turns around, glaring at me.

"'Ey, get lost, kid. Boss told me not'a let anybody near 'dis poster."

"Oh, so there's something special about this poster, huh. What is it?." I side step around the Team Rocket lackey to get a closer look at the poster, quietly letting a pokeball fall out my hand onto the floor.

"Looks like I'ma have ta throw ya out by force, eh?" The lackey's hand grasps a hold of the back of my shirt. I look back at him, and see a large vine wrap itself around his arm. He lets go of me and turns around himself, and sees Gonzalez standing there next to the pokeball I dropped while moving up to the poster. The grunt then attempts to each his other hand into his pocket, possibly for his own pokeballs, but Gonzalez releases some spores from the plant on his back, and the Rocket grunt passes out on the floor.

With the TR henchman out of the way, I turn and take a good look at the poster. There doesn't seem to be anything special about it at first, but I notice a spot there the ink looks worn, as if that spots been touched more than the rest of it. I place my hand on the worn spot on the poster, and realize that there's a button under it. Upon pressing the button, and a the floor of what originally looked like a dead end hallway in the back of the casino opens up, revealing a staircase. Curiosity definitely kicking in at this point, I run down the staircase, pushing open the metal door at the bottom.

As the door opens, I end up in what looks like a large underground base, most likely Team Rocket's hideout. Maybe what got stolen from those guys outside ended up in here, I think to myself, if only to justify my decision to snoop around. I don't get far before another Rocket lackey runs into me, threatening to throw me out of the hideout by force as he unleashes his pokemon. I throw out the pokeball containing Tenma, who during my trip to Celadon evolved into a Kadabra. After painfully seeing how deadly Gary's Kadabra was, I wanted to find out how powerful my own could be, and this seemed like a good opportunity to find out. The grunt's Machop easily went down to Tenma's psychic attack, and his Drowzee, despite being psychic as well, wasn't able to handle multiple attacks from Tenma. After both of his pokemon were down, the grunt ran off.

I continued exploring the hideout, Tenma dispatching the pokemon of every Team Rocket member that came after me. After interrogating some of the members once Tenma took out their pokemon, I found out that the stolen item was a scope that supposedly allows people to see ghosts. Maybe it will work on the ghosts in the tower over at Lavender Town. According to some of the lackeys I question though, the scope's already with their boss, so I guess I have to look for him if I want that scope. Eventually, I run into two TR members standing in front of a large door. As I approach the door, the henchmen bring out their pokemon, warning me not to disturb their boss, but Tenma takes out their pokemon easily as well. I return Tenma to his pokeball, and bring out Gonzalez. I assume the boss has better pokemon that what his lackey's carry around, so it's probably best to have my strongest pokemon ready. Once Gonzalez is out of his pokeball, I open up the door.

I walk through the door to find myself in a pretty well furnished office. Potted plants sit in the corner of the room, and paintings line the walls. In the back of the room is a large orange couch. Lying down the couch is a man wearing a very expensive looking back suit. In one hand he holds a cigar, the black smoke slowly billowing up into the air as it dissipates. His other other arm is half-extended off the couch, idly swirling around the partially full wine glass in his hand. On the table near the couch is what looks to be a small scope, which I assume is the one the grunt from earlier he mentioned. The way the man is lying on the couch has him facing away from both the door and the table, meaning he most likely hasn't seen me yet. I motion for Gonzalez to stay still, and slowly sneak towards the table, hoping I can grab the scope and leave without him noticing. My eyes are fixated on my prize as I slowly move forward.

"Ah, so you're the boy that's been running around causing problems." A distinguished voice calmly states. I look up to see the man suddenly sitting upright on the couch, a devious grin on his face as he stares at me intently. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket, and you must be Bob."

"How do you know my name?" I ask him, my eyes widening for a moment in surprise.

"Ever since you ran into some of my workers in Mt. Moon, I've been having my men keep an eye on you. I have men in nearly every city in this region, so gathering information on someone is a trivial task."

"Why take such an interest in me though?"

"As you've probably noticed, most of my workers around here are pretty lacking when it comes to using their pokemon to fight, so I've been seeking out strong trainers to recruit to Team Rocket. You seem like a pretty good fit for my organization."

"What makes you think I'd consider working for you?" I nearly spit in disgust as I respond.

Giovanni's grin widens. "I've heard about the way you battle. Your hands tremble in excitement. Your eyes stare down your opponents with frightening intensity. Your pokemon are instilled with a ferocity that turns them into savage beasts. I heard Lt. Surge still hasn't reopened his gym after how badly you tore apart his pokemon. You're just the sort of monster I need."

"Shut up!" I scream at him through teeth clenched so hard I start to taste blood inside my mouth. I make a forward motion with one of my hands, and Gonzalez runs up to me, growling at Giovanni.

"How wonderful! Already you're eager to fight me. You're even more aggressive than I had hoped!" Giovanni states joyfully. Maybe his words are true, but at this point I'm too angry to care. Giovanni casually tosses out two pokeballs. They open revealing an Onix and a Rhyhorn, massive four legged beast that appears to be made out of rock. The Onix, despite being smaller than Brock's, nearly fills the entire room. Before either pokemon get a chance to attack, Gonzalez shoots out a flurry of razor-sharp leaves that pierce through the rock pokemon on impact, taking out both pokemon. Giovanni says nothing, and simply smiles as he returns the pokemon and throws out another pokeball. The pokeball opens to show a large Kangaskhan, roaring as it stares down at Gonzalez.

Gonzalez shoots out more leaves at his new opponent, but the Kangaskhan seems unfazed as it brings a massive arm down upon Gonzalez. The Ivysaur falls down from the impact, and has difficulty getting back to its feet. I quickly call Gonzalez back to his pokeball, and then summon Chim-Chim in his place. The Kangaskhan chases Chim-Chim around the office, unable to get a hit in on the monkey. Suddenly, Chim-Chim turns toward his opponent, and dives at its leg, feet first. Chim-Chim's kick connects with the Kangaskan's knee, bringing it to the ground. "Finish him!" I shout, and Chim-Chim leaps into the air and extends its leg, landing a devastating kick on the Kangaskhan, who loses consciousness the moment the Mankey's kick connects. As Giovanni recalls his pokemon, I notice that he's moved away from the couch, and is standing against a blank part of the wall.

"You've exceeded my expectations, Bob. Hopefully next time we meet, you'll consider my offer." Giovanni says with another devious smile as the wall opens up behind him. I begin to run at him, trying to get to him before he can get away. "Not even Johnathan was as much of a monster as you." Giovanni laughs as the wall closes, his words causing me to stop so abruptly that I trip over myself, falling to the floor as Team Rocket's leader makes his escape. Did Giovanni know my father? Or did his men simply over here me speaking my father's name, and Giovanni's just messing with me? Questions fly around violently in my mind as I bring myself back up on my feet.

Once I manage to calm myself enough to think straight, I see the scope I was originally after still sitting on the table. He must have forgotten it while preparing his escape during our battle. I snatch the scope off the table, then begin my way back out of the hideout. The place was nearly abandoned now, the few remaining lackeys running at first sight of me. "I doubt I'll be able to easily find the guys looking for this, maybe I should go see for myself back in Lavender Town if this thing can really see ghosts?" I think to myself as I walk back up the staircase leading out of the hideout, thankful to be out of that place.

Pokemon Report!
Active team:
Gonzalez - Level 26 Ivysaur
Shiz - Level 20 Pidgeotto
Chim-Chim - Level 20 Mankey
Stallone - Level 26 Graveler
Callie - Level 18 Meowth
Tenma - Level 26 Kadabra

Monty Jack - Level 11 Rattata
Kenny - Level 10 Ekans
Alf - Level 6 Nidoran F
Morocco - Level 19 Diglett
HRPufnstuf - Level 13 Drowzee
Infosphere - Level 14 Voltorb
Ein - Level 25 Eevee
Wiggler - Level 16 Beedrill - Fell as a necessary sacrifice to Gary to switch in Callie.
Its literally impossible without PokeCenters. I recommend using only items you find and the rest of the standard rules. Also no buying Pokeballs for an extra challenge (Makes you feel bad when you miss out catching Absol or Zangoose).
I took on Brawly, thinking I was pretty high levelled, and barely managed to win. Three pokemon died in the battle - Zoe and Lisa I sacrificed to get a free switches and Amelia wasn't strong enough. I got lucky because Lucas and Miguel were both one hit away from being killed as well when I finished the battle.

I moved on to Slateport, and took on Team Aqua and May pretty easily. I thought I was overlevelled for Watson, but I still did pretty badly and barely won (two fatalities).

Then I continued and caught a Numel on Route 112(who I needed to beat Flannery because none of my pokemon had super effective attacks against fire). I trained her to level 33 to evolve into Camerupt, so when I took on Flannery it was pretty easy. Next I plan to catch something in Route 111 now I have Go-goggle and pick up one of the fossils. Then I'll train Miguel to evolve into Blaziken so beating Norman will be more easy.

Miguel - Level 30 Combusken (Hasty)
The pokemon I am relying on to beat Norman, especially since I accidently KO'd a catchable Machop. I also made the mistake of teaching him Cut earlier, so he's really only got 3 moves.
Lucas - Level 30 Lombre (Sassy)
Hes not doing so well anymore because he only knows weak moves like Bullet Seed, but I get surf soon which will help.
Ryan - Level 30 Swellow (Hasty)
A lot better than I expected from the 3rd generation's generic normal/flying type. Incredibly fast and has pretty high attack too.
Sarah - Level 33 Camerupt (Impish)
I'm lucky I caught a Numel, because I needed one to beat Flannery. She's got high special attack and attack, but speed is a problem.
Egg - Wyanut Egg
not really a useful pokemon but i might as well hatch it.

Maria - Level 4 Marill (no huge power)
Vicky - Level 15 Seviper
Lobo - Level 13 Poochyena
Zozo - Level 17 Zubat
Freeswitch - Level 15 Slugma

Ethan - Level 8 Poochyena
Died of poisoning
Lisa - Level 7 Whismur
Died against Brawly
Zoe - Level 7 Zubat
Died against Brawly
Amelia - Level 14 Wingull
Died against Brawly
Not Again! - Level 15 Poochyena
Died against Watson
Useless - Level 7 Magikarp
Died against Watson
Following my initial snag with the loss of my beloved Peppy, I swore to avenge him and slaughtered countless Kriketots to train my Zoobee and Buddy to level 8 and 9 respectively. I decided to teach Zoobee Hidden Power, hoping for a nice type. Turned out to be Ice, which made me very happy. Zoobee easily destroyed Banana's Starly and Turtwig, and left him running away in shock. I took a quick look into the route, found a Starly, caught it, and named it Lonestar.

I went east through Oreburgh gate, and saw a Geodude. Overzealous, I hit him with an Absorb, which did a little more then i thought it would, and killed him instantly. Saddened by the loss of a potential ally and friend, and went threw to Oreburgh, talked to some more people, and went north to Route 207. There I met my newest friend, Chucknoris the Machop, and promptly taught him Rock Smash.

I then went south to the mine, caught another Zubat and named him Pazuzu, found Roark the Gym Leader, who challenged me with fighting threw his gym to get to him. I did so, and swept his pokemon with Buddy's Mega Drain.

I then proceeded to begin training for my next big fight!

My Pokemon:
Chirpie Level 8 Kricketot/Impish/Growl/Bide (Caught on Route 202)
Buddy Level 16 Budew@Poison Barb/Gentle/Mega Drain/Growth/Water Sport/Stun Spore (Caught on Route 204)
Zoobee Level 11 Zubat/Quiet/Leech Life/Supersonic/Hidden Power (Ice)/Astonish (Caught on Ravaged Path)
Lonestar Level 4 Starly/Jolly/Tackle/Growl (Caught on Route 203)
ChuckNoris Level 6 Machop/Hardy/Low Kick/Leer/Rock Smash (Caught on Route 207)
Pazuzu Level 7 Zubat/Brave/Leech Life/Supersonice (Caught in Oreburgh Mine)

Alive Boxed Pokemon:

Deaded Pokemon:
Peppy Level 12 Piplup/Careful/Pound/Growl/Bubble/Water Sport (starter) Killed from a Wild Kricketot’s Bide.
Nuzlocke HG try

Lucky me got demolished by Blue on the second route. I decided to try again on my Heart Gold, and this time luck shined on me (Finally)

Heart Gold Nuzlocke Challenge
The rules I play by
1. Catch the first pokemon you see in a new area. If I did not have pokeballs when I saw the pokemon, tough nuggets
2. Fainted pokemon means dead pokemon, and shall be placed in purgatory( to be traded if it is a starter/ important pokemon) or released ("buried"). If reduced to 1 hp when poisoned, it dies...
3. Nickname all pokemon (I won't forget... Mind like a steel trout!)
5. I will be able to buy 1 item after each gym leader, meaning a total of eight items. I will also buy only healing items for the elite four... ONLY ONE pokeball every 2 cities.


Meet creepy professor who asked me questions like I had committed a crime. He asked for my name (Helios), gender (as I a manly man like myself was ever questionable!), and some other crap, and he sent me off, shrinking me into a weird world...

After getting the high score on Wii Tennis, I travel downstairs, where my mother asks me to visit Prof. Elm, who has some mission for me. Donning my cool guy glasses, and black suit (in my head at least) walk outside, where a marill bumps into me, ruining my cool image. Afterwards, a young girl comes running, blabbing about nothing important before running off. I continue to Elm's Lab, my destination... Once inside, Elm ask me to meet this "mister pokemans" for his great discovery, which I have no chance to refuse. I go to this weird machine, to pick a pokemon.

Without thinking a press the button on the first ball, releasing a young chikorita. Sensing the beast inside of him, I name Amun-Ra, like that sun god I read about in that book about some place called "Egypt" (fantasy land I believe). Elm tells me to visit mom, who gives me a pokegear, and Elm gives me his number (nothing wrong in that... ehrmm...) we set off to route 29, where Amun-Ra dispatch a weak hoot-hoot with our tackle frenzy.

We continue to Cherrygrove, where a weirdo old guy is waiting for me at the entrance of time, forcing me to chase him around town while he runs in his running shoes (I didn't wanna ruin my new shoes.) He shows me his house (creeper), and hands me some running shoes, telling me they are still warm (ewww...) Sensing my distress, he reassures me they are new, and I zip them on, leaving my old shoes behind. I try to leave the city, when the old creeper grabs my pokegear and hands me a map card. How he knew I needed one scares me, but I'm thankful he gave me one.

We travel up route 30, where we visit a kindly old man who gives me an apricot case after believing I actually wanted to visit him. Lucky me! :I Sigh... Anyhow, we continue upper wards, killing as many pokemon as we can, reaching Mr. Pokemon's house. That creepy professor who asked me all those questions says he senses my potential and gives me a pokedex, while I get a mystery egg from Mr. Pokemon. Elm calls about an emergency at his lab, and I hightail it back. Amun-Ra was excited to get back to the lab.

Before I leave town, I meet a strange boy with a cyndaquil. Amun-Ra shows off his powers of the sun, and demolishes his pokemon. After swiping his trainer card, returning it after reading his name... Artemis...
Make back to the lab only to get the third degree from a cop. After Lyra saves my hide, I show Elm, egg, who keeps it. I leave and tell mom what happened and she saves money for me. I head out to route 29 again.

Catch my first pokemon; Gusios the geodude. I battle a bunch of youngsters, refusing his number (pedophile alert!!) I travel north and catch a spinarak; Widuos, and continue to Violet City.

After sight-seeing, I visit Bellsprout Tower, catching a Gastly; Wraitia. After grinding my way up Sprout Tower, I receive flash and ready myself for the first gym...

Stay tuned for Ch. 1: Falkner Flies High!!


Amun-Ra/ Chikorita/ Male
Brave/ Chlorophyll/ Lv.12
Tackle/ Synthesis/ Razor Leaf/ Poison Powder

Wraitia/ Gastly/ Female
Modest(yes!!!)/ Levitate/ Lv.10
Hypnosis/ Lick/ Spite/ Mean look

Gusios/ Geodude/ Female
Naive/ Sturdy/ Lv.9
Tackle/ Defense Curl/ Mud Sport/ Rock polish

Widuos/ Spinarak/ Female/ Lax/ Lv.3
I just started a Nuzlocke run of FireRed today. When I add some commentary to the video, I'll post it on the tube. I'm using moot's rules except for the pokeball one.

So far, I just got my Pokedex. This may not seem like much, but beating Charmander with my Bulbasaur was hard as hell. On around the 10th try, I finally beat him because my bulba had perfect hp and was jolly natured.

My team so far:
Saureena- Level 8 Bulbasaur - Jolly - Tackle/Growl/Leech Seed - Starter

link to youtube
After seeing how much I have to scroll to see all of my newest chapter, I realize I really need to try harder at making them shorten.
I'm in.

However, I am going to do things a little bit differently. I will only have 4 rules. (Common sense rules include nicknames and when your out of pokemon you need to restart).

1) You are only allowed to catch the first pokemon you encounter from an area. If you miss it, tough shit.
2) If a pokemon dies, you have to release it.
3) The use of Pokemon Centers are PROHIBITED. The use of the bed in the S.S. Anne and the Saffron city (I'm playing FR by the way!) are prohibited. Basically, you are not allowed to use anything in the game that would work similarly to a pokemon center.
4) Grinding is PROHIBITED. You are allowed to defeat a MAXIMUM of 10 pokemon in an area. If the first poke you encounter is defeated, you are allowed to defeat 9 more. If the first poke you encountered was not defeated, you may defeat 10 pokes.

Heres what I can do.

1) You can use as many items as you damn well please. You may purchase, use, find, and sell as many items as you want. You may use items in and outside of battle. You may use items for any reason, no questions asked. You may not gameshark or glitch items however. All items must be legally found, bought, awarded, etc.

2) You may shift your pokemon during battle (Shift/Set option under Options)

I will probably fail. Oh well, that's why it is called a challenge
Aren't there a few points in the game where you are forced to heal?

I can't think of any in FireRed, but there's one in DPPt at Spear Pillar, and I think one in GSC/HGSS on the S.S. Aqua.
rbygsc kid, I wanted to do something similar in my run with the no pokecenters but you can buy items, but what do you do about PP? I'm almost positive you can't buy Ether so... :/
Well, my Nuzlocke run is over.

Encountered a Wooper on Route between the Union Cave and Violet, named it Ferry (Was going to be the main surfer.). Quickly lost Ferry in Union Cave during training to a Zubat confusion.

Went through Union Cave decently enough. Flint ended up knocking the first pokemon, another Zubat, to kingdom come. Relatively little progress other than having Tango evolve into Croconaw. Joys didn't last too long, as more Zubat confusion in the Slowpoke Well from the Rockets ended up taking both Flint and Ryoko.

Ended up trying to solo the place with Tango, successfuly mind you. However, Bugsy proved a problem. His Scyther ended up getting a really lucky crit on the third Fury Cutter when it had less than 10% health left. Tango promptly went down, and HARD.

I might try this again on a different version. Might do an old Red or Blue. I dunno yet. Still a little peeved.
Well, I was going to work on the Nuzlocke challenge yesterday, but while I was studying for a math test I fell asleep for 12 hours (pretty sure I pwned the test though, damn trig...)! lol. Well, here it is,

DetroitLolcat's Leafgreen Nuzlocke Challenge! Part 3: Training...Never Fun

As Part Two ended, Lolcat finished a battle with his rival Fool and headed for the Pokemon Center to heal his Squirtle and Rattata. Five days later, he decides to brace the Viridian Forest and arrive in Pewter City. Does he make it? Will the foul poison of Weedle finish him? Read on, fellow Nuzlockers, read on...

Lolcat proceeds to Route 2, where he prays that a good pokemon will show its face to get a strond third party pokemon. Lolcat sees the screen flash, and the pokemon is...
CATERPIE (level 5). "Hmm", Lolcat thinks, "A butterfree could help, if it can get past the Rock gym...well, here goes nothing." After a Quick Attack from Rattata, Lolcat throws a pokeball at Caterpie and it is caught. He names it Bugsy. Don't ask why. He then proceeds to check the nature and it is...
Timid. That's not good. A -attack nature could really hurt in the long term, ESPECIALLY before the physical/special split of DPPt. Well, at least I can do some damage with Confusion once it becomes a butterfree, and Butterfree is a special attacker, but learns few good special moves... Either way, Welcome Caterpie, to the Nuzlocke team!

Lolcat returns to the pokemon center, to heal his new pokemon, and then hits route 22 to train Caterpie, Rattata, and Squirtle.
A WHILE LATER (metapod takes forever to train)
Well, I needed Butterfree instead of Caterpie and it's useless evolution, so Bugsy rose to level 10 and is now a Butterfree. Rattata is also 10 and Kitteh is 12. Moving on.
Enter Viridian Forest, home of the Bug of Venomous Death, Weedle and the game's first trainers. But first things first, a new pokemon for the Nuzteam. The Forest grants me a...
PIKACHU! (named Bolt)!! Oh yeah!!! Who's team has type variety??? (Bye bye, Misty!)
and the nature is...
Serious. So all neutral. Not bad.
Well, Time to train that sucker that already knows thundershock!
SEVEN LEVELS LATER (Level 10, Pikachu is easy to train)

END of Part 3.
Sorry for the abrupt ending, but I had to go to bed. Part 4 WILL be fuller and WILL have Brock in it!

Pokemon Report:
Squirtle Level 12
Rattata Level 10
Pikachu Level 9
Butterfree Level 10
I'm pretty sure a handful of you guys cheat.. and also.. im assuming no one uses the move Fly, if you can't use Pokecenters.
moots rules

I'm loving the rules. I decided that I might as well try this.. since i need some sort of excitement.

I'm just posting this for record.. and these are the rules I'm going with.

Important in Bold

-If a Pokemon in your party faints, you must release it.
-Every time you reach a new route, cave, etc., you must catch the very first Pokemon you see, regardless of your current number of party members. The Pokemon may sit within the box for an indeterminate amount of time as a backup.
-If you fail to catch the first Pokemon you see, either via it fleeing, knocking it out, or having no Pokeballs, you may not catch another. Tough shit.
-This means you can not catch a pokemon in a route you were in before THAT DAY, but after 24 hours has past.. you may go back to that route for more.
-If a town you go to contains a body of water or a gift, pokemon like Bill’s Eevee in G/S/C/HG/SS, that may be considered a Pokemon of a new area.
-You must nickname your pokemon so there is some sort of attachment. Each pokemon is a best friend to you, to see them die is heartbreaking[hilarious btw].
-If your entire party faints, they all must be thrown away. If you have a pokemon left in a box somewhere, you may continue, otherwise you must start your game over.
-Treat pokeballs as rare artifacts; at no point can you buy them from stores. You can only use ones you find in the wild or are awarded.
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to get a second pokemon from any given area within the 24 hour mark.
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to use items outside of battle. If you were poisoned on your last turn of the battle, you better hope to god there is a pokemon center nearby.
^^ Fuzzy rule.. pokecenters make it too easy.. and items make it a little too lame with PP and all, anyone have a good medium??

-You may not switch out before the enemy trainer sends in a new Pokemon.
-You are not allowed to use legendaries in battle.

OT: Drew Pokemon Platinum
I'll give this a try when I get HG in a few days, it sounds like a lot of fun.

Jumpluff's and EvilBob's stories are amazing by the way. EvilBob, I don't think you need to make your entries shorter, I like them just the way they are!

@ Pokerade, it'll probably be insanely hard without pokécenters, but there was one person who simulated that pokécenters cost 'money' (as in, you have to buy a 300-yen item and throw it away everytime you use a pokécenter). I think I'll do unlimited pokécenter use, only items you find in the wild, berries can be held but not used as 'full heals'.
Chapter 1: The Great Gonzalez
Chapter 2: Strange Books and Stranger Boxes
Chapter 3: New Companions and Old Rivalries
Chapter 4: The First Gym
Chapter 5: In the Mountains...
Chapter 6: Waterside Warfare
Chapter 7: Experiments at the Cape
Chapter 8: Struggle on the SS Anne
Chapter 9: Giovanni

Kind of a short chapter, but maybe just one of two that I write today. Felt I got a little too much into the whole morality thing going through the character's head, but as someone who grew up raising livestock and hunting, I've always wondered how an 11 year old kid would actually handle going around forcing animals to beat each other up, assuming the kid wasn't a psychopath already.

Chapter 10: The Pokemon Tower

With the Silph Scope now in my possession, I decide to head back to Lavender Town to see if it works. There's still a gym in Celadon City, but after meeting Giovanni, I feel like I could use a short break from fighting. Giovanni's words echo in my head as I leave the city. Was he right about me being a monster? Did he really know my father? "Dammit!" I shout to myself, shaking my head as if for some reason it would make these questions just fall back out of my mind. After stopping for a moment to let my head clear amount, I resume my walk back to Lavender.

Not much happens on the trip back to Lavender Town. The roads are kept clear of any high grass, so no wild pokemon attempted approaching me on the road. I could see many of the trainers I ran into on my initial trip to Celadon, but most of them attempted to avoid me as I walked down the road. Some of them even tried to hide from me as I walked past. Am I really that scary? At least with them leaving me alone now, it doesn't take more than a couple hours to make the trip back to Lavender.

The sun is still high in the sky when I reach Lavender, the large tower casting a shadow across the town. I enter the tower, ascending the first flight of stairs inside while holding the Silph Scope in my hand. When I reach the top of the stairs though, it's not a ghost I run into, but rather my old rival.

"Looks like we can't go anywhere without running into each other can we Bob?" I hear Gary say as I finish walking up the stairs.

"I've actually been looking forward to seeing you again this time, Gary. Been wanting to beat down that Kadabra of yours for killing Wiggler." I practically growl at him.

"Don't pretend to be a victim here just because you lost your Beedrill, buddy. You think you've never killed any pokemon?" Gary sticks out his arm and points in a circle around the tower. Tombstones are spread out across the entire floor, each one either blank or simply engraved with a pokemon's name. "With all the trainers you've run into, Bob, you've probably killed enough of them to fill half of this tower with tombstones by now. Hell, my Raticate didn't survive our last battle either, so don't talk to me about getting revenge for your bee."

Gary's words sink in as I look around at the tombstones. How many of these are here because of me? Finally I turn back to Gary. "Why do we keep fighting like this then? What do we gain from this?"

"It's not about gaining anything. We do this because it's who we are? If humans could breathe fire and shoot lighting from our fingers, you can bet that that's what me and you would be doing at each other right now. Fortunately for us, Pokemon share our same love of fighting. If you don't want to fight though, it will just make it easier to beat you." Gary smiles as he throws out the pokeball containing his Pidgeotto. Already my hand is reaching for Stallone's pokeball. A quick toss and my Graveler is out in front of me. "I knew you couldn't resist another chance to fight." My rival laughs as he signals for his bird to start its attack.

Gary's Pidgeotto doesn't get a chance to strike, however, as Stallone quickly knocks it out of the sky. "I'll fight you Gary, but don't expect this to end differently from any of our other fights!" Gary stops smiling as he sends out his Chameleon. The fiery lizard strikes Stallone with a large claw, but unlike the last time these two pokemon met, Stallone is barely fazed by the attack, and takes down Charmeleon with ease. Gary calls back his pokemon, and then sends out his Kadabra. I call back Stallone, and send out Tenma, my own Kadabra.

"You know Gary, in a way I'm thankful I got to see your Kadabra the last time we fought. I might have never realized how strong Tenma could be if I hadn't seen yours." I say as the two Kadabra stare each other down. Their eyes glow as they focus on each other, readying their psionic attacks. The air around them crackles as their eyes glow more brightly. The air between them begins to waver like it does above the road on a hot day, the wavering being the only visible traces of their nearly unseen mental battle. Eventually, Gary's Kabadra blacks out, falling to the floor, as Tenma's eyes fade back to normal, breathing heavily with exhaustion. My rival returns his pokemon back into its ball, and sends out an Exeggcute, a bizarre pokemon that looks like a group of eggs with faces. I switch out Tenma for Shiz. The Exeggcute isn't able to stand up to Shiz's attacks, and Gary is forced to bring out his final pokemon.

"Let's see if you're as thankful to see this pokemon then!" Gary says as his last pokemon appears. A massive blue serpent appears next to him. My pokedex identifies this monstrosity as a Gyarados. Shiz cowers in fear at the sight of the monster, and I call him back to his pokeball. I finally call out Gonzalez, who by now is probably itching for a chance to fight. The Gyarados rushes at Gonzalez, but two vines shoot out and grab the serpent. Gary's Gyarados struggles frantically as Gonzalez's vines tighten around it, until finally the Ivysaur swings its vines to the side, causing Gyarados to crash into the wall of the tower. A moment passes and the massive beast doesn't move, and Gary eventually calls him back into his pokeball.

"It looks like I'm still not able to beat you." Gary quietly says as he walks by me and starts heading down the stairs. I watch him walk past me, saying nothing. When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he turns back up towards me and shouts out to me, "And don't tell me you didn't enjoy fighting me again, Bob! You were smiling the entire time!"

Hearing his words causes me to realize that he was right. My heart was still racing, and I felt wonderful. Gonzalez is once again roaring in delight as I call him back into his pokeball. Do I really enjoy fighting that much? Is it wrong for me to enjoy it? I push these questions out of my mind. "My goal is still go find out what happened to my father", I remind myself out loud, and if I'm want to be able to get to Lorelei at the League's HQ, I'm going to need to keep fighting, no matter how I feel about it." After taking a deep breath to help calm myself down, I head further into the tower.

Pokemon Report!
Active team:
Gonzalez - Level 28 Ivysaur
Shiz - Level 24 Pidgeotto
Chim-Chim - Level 22 Mankey
Stallone - Level 27 Graveler
Callie - Level 20 Meowth
Tenma - Level 28 Kadabra

Monty Jack - Level 11 Rattata
Kenny - Level 10 Ekans
Alf - Level 6 Nidoran F
Morocco - Level 19 Diglett
HRPufnstuf - Level 13 Drowzee
Infosphere - Level 14 Voltorb
Ein - Level 25 Eevee
Wiggler - Level 16 Beedrill - Fell as a necessary sacrifice to Gary to switch in Callie.