NP: UU - Silent Night

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the pastor of disaster
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For the first time since UU Suspect testing began, we have a new development--a stable metagame. With the overwhelming support for No Suspects, we find ourself in a new period, precisely the same as the previous one! This of course means that until the next tiering update, we know for certain what the "UU Metagame" actually looks like.

This period will end on Tuesday, July 20th.
Wow, that's very good. A bit disappointing that people don't get to vote, but eh, the metagame is good right now anyway.
Nice, no suspects that's how I thought it would end, I felt this metagame was nice and there wasn't any major threat to it.
Damn, I would have like to have seen a fresh new metagame, this one is a bit too static. I suppose if some Pokemon drop down into UU for OU, that would spice the tier back up. We'll just have to wait I suppose.
...half the arguments against any suspects were no argument at all. Did the no suspect votes (even the ones without any backing at all) actually count towards the final count to the percent of Pokemon needed to make something a suspect?
dangit, now I have to make a new team!
Oh wait!
Also, seems like everything is a cookie cutter team of uxie/registeel/venasaur/milotic/houndoom/scyther
You couldn't vote against a suspect... so a brief description to why there are no suspects should be an acceptable vote.
Looks good to me. I guess we honestly need to sit tight and wait. Maybe do some OU... hell Uber's is an exotic metagame I should try more often...
I'm sure (well, I hope) that the posts just saying "No Suspects" weren't counted. However, saying "everything has a counter" or even "this game is balanced" was probably enough for an accepted NS post. There were quite a few of those, so...

Also, I don't know why people are complaining that this metagame is stagnant. Granted, I also sense something... odd about it, but it's very diverse. Hell, the typical team was five gimmicks + Milotic for a while from what I saw. I personally also like the abundance of great tanks and wallbreakers in this metagame. I do not wish to entangle myself in a web of hypocrisy, so I'll just leave it at that basic assessment.
I don't understand this supposed "stagnant" state of the metagame. I see a lot of gimmicky teams and also a lot of solid strategy teams(e.g. offense/defense/balance). Milotic and Venusaur are the only two things that I see a lot, but they check so much and are so versatile that I think that makes sense.
Damn, I would have like to have seen a fresh new metagame, this one is a bit too static. I suppose if some Pokemon drop down into UU for OU, that would spice the tier back up. We'll just have to wait I suppose.

dangit, now I have to make a new team!
Oh wait!
Also, seems like everything is a cookie cutter team of uxie/registeel/venasaur/milotic/houndoom/scyther

Metagames naturally adjust in such a way as to keep from being static; in some ways I feel that in UU we have become somewhat spoiled in terms of relying on Pokemon dropping from OU to keep the metagame fresh; in most metagames innovation comes from new sets and shifting trends with existing Pokemon. For instance, the model cookie cutter team suggested by Uberiffic would be almost helpless against a Quick Feet Ursaring with Swords Dance and three attacks. If you believe the metagame is becoming stagnant, build an anti-metagame team and shake it up. Eventually, the metagame will adjust to your team and shift.
If you believe the metagame is becoming stagnant, build an anti-metagame team and shake it up. Eventually, the metagame will adjust to your team and shift.

I'm sure I'll wont have that big an influence to shift the metagame, but I can try. Thanks for the advice.
Eh so basically we all laddered for nothing...? That sucks especially since I was hoping for at least SOME change...
Change for the sake of change is pointless though.

If you want to show "insert w.e pokemon you think is broken" is actually broken so you get some change... make a team around it and go butt fuck the ladder.

PS... when do ratings reset then?
I was hoping the metagame would stay the same. I didn't have all that much time to really get a good team made, but this month I think I'll have much more time to test things out. I'm really happy abut how this has been going. It'll be fun to play in a balanced metagame, but if you really ran out of Pokemon to use you'll get new toys from Black and White.

I think I'm going to enjoy this round.
I'm glad that nothing has changed, the metagame is really balanced right now and its actually enjoyable once you get a good team made. All play styles are as viable as another and with the removal of a few pokemon allow alot of new threats were able to enter the stage.
For instance, the model cookie cutter team suggested by Uberiffic would be almost helpless against a Quick Feet Ursaring with Swords Dance and three attacks

I noticed my team had become cokkie cutter, so I've been using things like ursaring, mightyena (lol, a weak ursaring), dodrio (with magneton support this wrecks), hitmonchan (iron fist choice band focus punch FTW), and a spiker glalie lead.

Reach is right. Look at Ubers. that almost never changes, yet the metagame is constiently evolving. going from fast paced with scarfogres everywhere to slower with calm mind and specsogre. heck, we may even be sitting on a wobbufett of UU somewhere! undiscovered but huge potential!
Great. I didn't want any suspects anyway. I'd like to see how this metagame develops.

I agree, Dodrio is a very nice Pokemon. Too bad it doesn't get Close Combat / Earthquake, base 100 speed + 110 attack is pretty nice. People will argue it's outclassed by Swellow etc but I find it still a very nice Pokemon. < I tried it only in NU though.
I remember when i used Mightyena.
It was... fun as a lead. With Yawn , Sucker Punch, Facade and everything.

Anyway: glad the metagame didn't changed. A stable metagame gives space for people to try new things (although you will see some WTF things. That is logical: you need to test a few things until we find something effective).
Well I'm glad Milotic and Venusaur didn't get booted out due to banhappy-ness.

This meta is probably the best we've had so I don't see the need to drastically alter it.
I'm going to second Reachzero's advice. If you think the metagame is stagnant because people are using the same kinds of teams, go ahead and build teams that are strong against those kinds of teams. Hell, even stall can pull this off by using forgotten cores like Grumpig/Steelix/Weezing. If you think the metagame is stagnant you only have yourself to blame for not shaking it up.
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