WSC Megathread & Hall of Fame

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Its Espeon disguised as Umbreon! Somebody wants to get out of NU...

(Wow, just noticed this is incredibly similar to server crash's sig, is it still okay, I honestly didn't steal inspiration from it...)
It would seem that a lot of people have either added or taken away parts....including me, Lumin, Suntt123, Yadoking, ember...


I added the twig on his head so now it's "legal".

EDIT: I've also done this:

No more NU for me! Mwahahahaha!

EDIT: PachiVire is my entry.

Its Espeon disguised as Umbreon! Somebody wants to get out of NU...

(Wow, just noticed this is incredibly similar to server crash's sig, is it still okay, I honestly didn't steal inspiration from it...)

I was going to use it as my entry, but it technically is a fusion. I used umbreon's body (noticeable, isn't it?) to get some practice with fusing. It, therefore, doesn't meet the criteria.
I was going to use it as my entry, but it technically is a fusion. I used umbreon's body (noticeable, isn't it?) to get some practice with fusing. It, therefore, doesn't meet the criteria.

If your sprite has any added parts at all it is illegal. [Scratching markings on is perfectly fine though].

I highly suggest reading my article which I linked to :P

Also DjGopher, you can post multiple disguises, but you need to choose one to submit.

EDIT: Disguises played no part at all in WSC 40.

Furret with Linoone's patterns. Give it Belly Drum! Come on, you guys know that you wish Furret was decent in competitive play!

EDIT: With that logic, it looks like our round 40 winner will have to revise his entry...
Farfetch'd wanted a cut of the action by disguising itself. It decided a pokémon with an abominable attack stat would be pretty cool. Marowak was decided upon for its use of a weapon.


EDIT: Forgot to transparentise. Will get that sorted for later.


If your sprite has any added parts at all it is illegal. [Scratching markings on is perfectly fine though].

I highly suggest reading my article which I linked to :P

Also DjGopher, you can post multiple disguises, but you need to choose one to submit.

EDIT: Disguises played no part at all in WSC 40.

I'm confused, are you quoting me because I am right or because I am wrong?
This is a sprite I made a while ago but didn't use in the Week 7 WSC :/ [i didnt see any rules about already-made sprites so i hope this is fine]

This is my first post and first sprite, so criticism is wanted!

Edit: BTW it's that new zebra Shimama from Black&White disguised as Rapidash!
This is my first time making a sprite and my first time posting on the forums :D
I made this "Disguise" of a Diglett disguised as a Koffing.


There are no fusions going on in this sprite, the mouth and eyes were scratched :)
This is my first time making a sprite and my first time posting on the forums :D
I made this "Disguise" of a Diglett disguised as a Koffing.


There are no fusions going on in this sprite, the mouth and eyes were scratched :)

Sorry for so many questions! So if it's scratched, it's not a fusion?
How far are we taking the 'If your sprite has any added parts at all it is illegal' rule? Is there some amount of lee-way? Two of the best sprites enterd in this current WSC so far, those of SDS and Fuzzberry, from what I can tell both have added parts; I refer to the enormous eyes Garchomp has obtained, and the lips and whiskers visible on Tyranitar.

Perhaps very minor additions such as these should be allowed? Ofcourse, I'm not in the position of judging the legality of entrances and having such a subjective rule as that would make that decision far harder, and I aknowledge this, but maybe we need to minorly adjust the rules on this one. Both of the afformentioned entrants clearly worked off of the disguised Pokemon. The small additions are just that; they are additions and not changes, as in giving Sudowoodo a levitating head (for which the justification is ludicrous, by the way) and they are minor, as apposed to giving Shuckle a horn almost as big as it's body, changing it's body shape entirely.

I just wanted to get the views of a few people on this one, especially those who are involved in the running of the WSC.
A disguise can be fused - So long as the OUTLINE does not change.
Sudowoodo is banned, since the outline has been changed.
Fuzzberry has not changed the oiutline and is a very good disguise.
Same applies for SDS.

Aditional parts are allowed, like fusing the X on drifloon onto something else is allowed.
The parts on Fuzzberry's and SDS' are scratched and therefore usable.

Dogfish44 is incorrect.
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