CAP 11 CAP 11 - Art Submissions

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I think there are a lot of good ideas here, so I'm going to try to comment on most of them.
Tortferngatr, I think the cowboy idea is very good, but I'm not too sure about the jackalope. Still, it could work.
Venator, I quite like your idea, albiet very minimalistic. I actually think the first one works better though, as it looks more evil, but I don't know. They're both pretty good.
Pkmn-Taicho, that is an amazing drawing, but I'm not really sure how it would fit into the fighting category...
Paras Hilton, while that does look like something just leaked from cocoro, it does look more ghost than dark.
KingEmpoleon, that face is good, you should definitely work on that some more.
ZakkiOrichalcum, I quite like the monkey...
Hand4hire, that face looks familliar. Did you copy it from something...?
Arb, that's pretty cool. I like what you've done there, and I can see the similarities to Togekiss.

And that concludes my pointless commentary. I'll be back later with some of my own work.
Caladbolg, I think that looks like a really cool Pokemon! It reminds me a little bit of Banette, its color scheme and the hand puppet thing, but that's not necessarily bad. Yours is my favorite thus far. :)
Right, new smogon member, been lurking for a while, etc. etc.

I've only really joined because I want to join in the design section of CAP. Competetive battling is lost on me, I'm no good at it even if I try. I would have joined last CAP, but my epic fibre optic penguin idea only came to me after submissions closed.

My first idea which I came up with was some sort of golem with a hammer, before I realised Fighting/dark had won, not fighting/rock. then I came up with some sort of shadow siren wearing boxing gear. That wasn't very good.

Then I remembered the existance of mankinds greatist acheivment! Ninjas!
Eventually I came up with this (it's not too big is it? I think it's within limits...), somesort of shadow ninja swirly thing. I'm fairly satisfied it doesn't look like a revenankh with legs now. This is just a draft, obviously, so I need to think of a coluor scheme. I'm also going to tone down the swirliness, make the hands larger and more promenant, and change the tail to look more interesting.

Ignore the botchy attempt at a shadow.

Suggestions please?
Ready for some crappy and unpolished concept art?

Concept 1: When I was brain storming ideas for CAP 11, I was thinking about animals that work together in the wild, and I remembered how The Honey Badger will often team up with a bird called a Honey Guide. Since Togekiss is a bird, and a Badger is a great idea for a Fighting/Dark type, I made this concept sketch.
I imagine that Togekiss and Badger-Mon team up in the wild to find food together. Togekiss is the brains of the operation, while Badger-Mon is the brawn.

Concept 2: This design's visual concept is an exaggerated gibbon, just like Ambipom is a monkey with an exaggerated prehensile tail. However, it's behavior is based on the Mandrill. This primate based pokemon is incredibly aggressive, and is famous for stealing food from Trainers, other Pokemon, and even from each other.

I might change the color schemes if people really hate them.

Two concepts I had, the one on the left is a monkey ninja (even though everyone and their grandmother will come up with a ninja design for dark/fighting)

On the right is an echidna. This being Togekiss' partner and all, I wanted to choose another animal that hatches from an egg. I picked echidna's 'cause they're pretty cool.

Which one do you guys think is better?
Venator, I quite like your idea, albiet very minimalistic. I actually think the first one works better though, as it looks more evil, but I don't know. They're both pretty good.
Truthfully, I can't see the design of any Pokemon to be extremely complex. The first thought that came to mind when designing this Pokemon was how to make it "Honorable" (Fighting-type) and "Tricky" (Dark-type), two qualities that are generally on opposite sides. The first drawing was my first interpretation but then I stood it upright, arms spread, and got to work improving its design to make it look like a fully evolved creature. In the final artwork of the design, I hope to make the face more evil looking but as of right now, it's just a concept art.

Thanks for the comment and I can't wait to see your work. ^_^
So far, my 2 favorites would have to be SEO's and Cricketpar's (echidna) drawings.

@ Caladbolg: I like your drawing but I think it would be better if Fighting was represented better (your drawing looks more like a mono-Dark type).
Here's my thought.

I wanted something that could actually interact with Togekiss both visually and physically. I immediately thought of those staffs that you see falconers with at renaissance fairs. From there I drew an almost basic fighting pokemon, gave it dark-type coloring, and then added a tunic type thingy that he could've made from his fallen comrades (creepy? yes. but he's a dark type).

I figure he'd almost be a Toge-family shepherd. He'd walk with the Togepi on the ground while the Togetics fly ahead, looking for danger, while Togekisses circle above the heard/flock protecting everyone. And anyone that gets tired could come down and take a rest, or talk to him.

I've been calling him the Toguardian.


Full detail

No Togekiss
Well here's some tentative lineart for my submission. Its a little mechanist rat who has a puppet suit he controls with ropes, allowing him to fight despite his tiny shape. I tried to make the limbs with a ball and socket form for the joints, but it needs some more work. Any comments?

Hand4hire, that face looks familliar. Did you copy it from something...?

Nah I just freeformed it, but I did have concerns that it looked a tad familiar. To what, I don't know.
Plus, it wears a skull. So it might have beaten a familiar looking pokemon
Here's another depiction of it, but with lots more trophies
Nah I just freeformed it, but I did have concerns that it looked a tad familiar. To what, I don't know.

Here's another depiction of it, but with lots more trophies

Nice work! =D Can't wait to see more of it!

Oh and since I just finished with another version of my currently dubbed: Vaieruin

(With Color!)

Nevermind, my scanner decided to start not responding, so you'll have to bear with the crappy resolution.
Here's a sketch of my initial idea for Fighting/Dark. It's obviously based on Jack the Ripper.


Maybe a little too dark and devious for Pokemon, but then again pokes like Gliscor and Giratina are pretty macabre.
Nah I just freeformed it, but I did have concerns that it looked a tad familiar. To what, I don't know.
Plus, it wears a skull. So it might have beaten a familiar looking pokemon
Here's another depiction of it, but with lots more trophies

it reminds me of an Elite from Halo. In fact, it looks very similar to an Elite. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but, something you should consider. I'd love to enter, but since I fail completely at art of any kind, I can't. Which is too bad, because I have a really good idea for a ninja-mon... Oh well.
Paras, the beard is uncalled for, like Probopass's mustache, forehead, and nose

Plus I like your first design (it looks great and uses moves inventively like Crunch)
it'll probably be one of the final choices, and I give you kudos for it
I like both of Paras Hilton's designs, although I agree that the wrestler could use a bit of touch-up. Something about it just looks too... ambitious, I guess, for a Pokemon. It resembles the scale and complexity of a few legendaries, like Giratina. I would like to see the same concept, scaled down a little.

Doug, I like your design so much that I am seriously reconsidering even finishing mine. I may like your design better than my own. Please color it as soon as possible!
Paras, I love your new design, particularily the mouth middle part :D

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