Bored team is bored


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
Summer X_X.

Anyway, another team from me. I really like this team, as it allows me to use a highly threatening sweeper: Substitute Petaya Empoleon. Oh and I'm being lazy and don't feel like making my hugeass threat list again 9.9 Let's get started:

Team building/Overview:
So yea, as the second paragraph of this RMT says, this team is based around Substitute Petaya Empoleon. There are two types of teams: teams that can check Empoleon and teams that are REALLY weak to it. Since many good players have teams that are capable of the first, obviously the goal would be to have Pokemon that remove those threats. But first, Empoleon.

Obviously one of Empoleon's biggest threats is Blissey, who can wall Empoleon like nothing. Therefore, a lure would be a great choice, as offensive Pokemon like Machamp don't really take care of Blissey, only force it out. Special sweepers are needed to take care of it, namely something with Explosion. Heatran is a great choice because it traps and KOes Blissey with a combination of SR, Magma Storm, and Explosion.

Ok so since Heatran by itself wasn't the greatest when I last used it, I wanted another Pokemon that could take care of Blissey. However, I also wanted a Pokemon that either resists or is immune to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks. Subsplit Gengar is a great choice, as it can apply pressure and take down Blissey.

OH MY GAWD MY TEAM IS STALL WEAK LET'S ADD MENCE (No I just felt like adding Mence for a Water-, Ground-, Fighting-, and Fire-type resistance/immunity).

Ok let's add a revenge killer that can also check Jolteon so it won't rape my team. Flygon it is, along with resisting Rock-type moves and U-turning in and out.

Need lead to beat Machamp let's use Metagross cuz it also gets up SR and can Explode.

Ok screw Metagross let's use a different lead for lulz. WhiteQueen suggested Uxie so sure, why not.

Ok Mence is banned let's use Tyranitar cuz strong (no I'm serious that's what I did).

Yayyyyyy another team done :D

In depth look:

Uxie @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/100 Def/156 Spd
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Trick
- Thunder Wave
- Stealth Rock
- U-turn

Overview: Oh my god this is such a good lead except some people predict it because of Matty's stupid RMT popularizing this -__-. Super bulky (not getting OHKOed unless it's a crit) and can cripple the opposing team making it fun. Also makes great death fodder.

Moveset: Trick cripples the opposing teams (I love Tricking a Scarf onto something and then Tricking that item onto something else). Thunder Wave to make Scarf useless and help with my team, Stealth Rock cuz it's rocks and U-turn if Uxie gets Taunted or if I predict a switch.

EVs: Idk WhiteQueen gave them to me. Apparently it outspeeds Aero with the Scarf while other EVs are for bulk. I'd like it if I could not get 2HKOed by Machamp's Payback 100% of the time but then I'd have to give up Speed EVs.

Playing style: Trick, Thunder Wave in case they stay in or predict, Stealth Rock, U-turn afterwards. If they Taunt me I just U-turn while they're stuck in Taunt, while it makes great death fodder, hopefully getting off a Twave before dying.


Flygon (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge ThunderPunch
- U-turn

Overview: Revenge killer and scouter. What else does Flygon do?

Moveset: Outrage and EQ for dual STABs, while Stone Edge hits fliers. ThunderPunch hits Gyarados and other fliers. U-turn to scout.


Playing style: Bring this in on a resistance or if Tricking with Uxie ends up with a Choice Scarf or if the opponent Trick also so I can get off a free U-turn.


Tyranitar (M) @ Expert Belt Shuca Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 4 Atk/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Superpower

Overview: Tyranitar is a strong mon that can KO a bunch of stuff based on both sheer power and surprise factors.

Moveset: Flamethrower hits Scizor, Forretress, Skarmory, and Breloom, while Ice Beam hits Dragons as well as Breloom. Dark Pulse for Rotom-A and STAB, while Superpower hits Blissey.

EVs: 252 SpA for max power, 252 Spe cuz I hate Breloom outspeeding me.

Playing style: Bring into resistance, predict a switchin, surprise with attack whenever.

Thinking about replacing Expert Belt with Shuca Berry to surprise Gliscor and Flygon, as Expert Belt doesn't really get that many additional KOes. Done

Would like something to replace this, something that can handle Jolteon preferably and resist Dark/Ghost.


Gengar (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Pain Split

Overview: MORE STRONG MONS. Gengar's resistances really help A LOT for this team, as it is immune to the omnipresent Ground- and Fighting-type moves.

Moveset: Stupid Philip7086's moveset that works too well which amkes it rape stuff. Substitute to block Bullet Punch and easy prediction, Shadow Ball for STAB, Focus Blast for Blissey and perfect type coverage, Pain Split for HP.

EVs: Simple 252 SpA / 252 Spe spread.

Playing style: Bring into resistance, Substitute, attack. What a great set.


Heatran (M) @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 128 HP/168 Spd/212 SAtk 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk) Timid nature
- Magma Storm
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Dragon Pulse Earth Power
- Explosion

Overview: More strong mons to get rid of Blissey because Blissey sucks. Also provides useful resistances. Also Phil sucks for making another good Pokemon set.

Moveset: Magma Storm for trapping and power, but the accuracy SUCKS. HP Grass for Swampert, while Dragon Pulse hits Flygon and Dragonite. Earth Power hits opposing Heatran and has 100% accuracy for when I need it. Explosion to beat Blissey and hit Vaporeon and Suicune hard.

EVs: Outdated because Salamence isn't OU anymore so I need a better spread. Simple 252/252 we all know and love for max power and Speed.

Playing style: Come in on something that can't threaten it, Magma Storm, switch out, HP Grass, or Explode dependingly.

Contemplating Passho Berry for Starmie (SUPER STRONG POKEMON) and Earth Power over Dragon Pulse because Mence no longer exists and I have Heatran problems. Done.


Empoleon (M) @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 4 Def/252 Spd/252 SAtk
IVs: 30 HP
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Agility
- Surf
- Grass Knot

Overview: MORE STRONG MONS (seriously this mon is really strong). Sweeps unprepared teams and weakened ones while also has enough bulk to be a clutch Starmie check (Agility while LO Thunderbolt doesn't KO then Grass Knot to KO).

Moveset: Substitute for blocking Scarfmons and to get down to my Petaya, Agility to be fast, Surf for STAB and Grass Knot for Bulky Waters. No Ice Beam because Heatran eats Shaymin and Celebi and Gengar eats Celebi.

EVs: 252 SpA for max power, 252 Spe for Scarftran and something else with Gyarados.

Playing style: Wait until late game or early game if I need the resistances, Substitute, attack or Agility accordingly.

I got lazy so yea ~_~.
Supermarth you are a (BAN ME PLEASE) first and foremost. Secondly, I like your team. ^__^;;

But Empoleon really has trouble with stupid stuff like Suicune and Blissey. I really would suggest Toxic Spikes on here somewhere, but I can't find room for it. :( Uxie could maybe be replaced with Toxic Spikes Roserade and give Heatran Stealth Rock. Idk you could give a shot. You probably know the set, but for convenience sake:

Roserade @ Focus Sash | 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe | Timid Nature
Sleep Powder | Toxic Spikes | Leaf Storm | Hidden Power [Ice]/[Fire]/[Ground] (honestly its filler, just put whatever lol)

Also, LO Starmie is a massive dick to this team. You, so is DD Gyara, who can set up on a fair amount of your team (Heatran, Tyranitar (once they realize it lacks SE), Flygon with Earthquake and Uxie). The only thing that really can stop it is Lanturn who doesn't fit your team. You could try running a Passho Berry on Tyranitar and then smack it with a Dark Pulse to the FACE.

I ran an Sub Petaya Empoleon team that I actually stole from my friend who shant be named and it used HeaTrap as well. We ran 252 SpAtk/252 Spe @ Naive. Same moves. Except I think it was E-Power instead of Hidden Power [Ass]. It works really well and outspeeds more stuffs. You could try that.

Empoleon looks fine. I prefer Ice Beam but that was in the Mence days, so I'm sure GK will be fine.

Sorry its a short rate, but Empoleon teams are usually pretty straightforward. Good luck big boy. ;) :toast:
Hey supermarth64 solid team you have yourself I have a few suggestions that may help your team out!

Like Alan stated this team is Lo starmie weak as well as being weak to bulky dragon dance gyarados. As for starmie only empoleon lures thunderbolt which gives flygon trouble switching in and it only does 60% with u-turn and most starmie users would recover that damage off leaving you to bring in uxie because every other poke can get ko'd by starmies supper effective move. As for gyarados after a dragon dance it has the potential to sweep your team leaving you only flygon to hopefully revenge kill it with stone edge but that only does 55%-66% to bulky gyarados and 66.5% - 78.5% on offensive gyarados which is usually a ko is sr is in play. Just something to watch out for I would suggest the use of thunder punch on flygon instead.

"Ok Mence is banned let's use Tyranitar cuz strong (no I'm serious that's what I did)." I decided to quote you on that I really don't know what you were thinking or what your reasons were to do this but okay!

All I could suggest for you is to use scarf tyranitar over the random expert belt tyranitar set you decided to throw into your team. This in fact helps with your starmie weakness by revenge killing it. Now you would notice some what of a problem handling blissey so I would insist you use super power over earthquake on scarf tyranitar set.

Good Luck on the team!
Heatran (M) @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 128 HP/168 Spd/212 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Magma Storm
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Dragon Pulse
- Explosion

Moveset: Magma Storm for trapping and power, but the accuracy SUCKS. HP Grass for Swampert, while Dragon Pulse hits Flygon and Dragonite. Explosion to beat Blissey and hit Vaporeon and Suicune hard.

Contemplating Passho Berry for Starmie (SUPER STRONG POKEMON) and Earth Power over Dragon Pulse because Mence no longer exists and I have Heatran problems.

>_>; Magma Storm's accuracy does suck, so why not just go with Fire Blast if you're after the power? Fire Blast should be able to kill something anyway, so there's not much point in trapping with Magma Storm. Which has a great chance to miss anyway.

If you have trouble with enemy Heatrans, then by all means keep Shuca Berry and Earth Power. You want Shuca Berry for when you deal with Metagross.

Flygon should have Thunderpunch over Stone Edge. It's great against Starmie and Gyarados as well. Dragons are already hit by Outrage.
>_>; Magma Storm's accuracy does suck, so why not just go with Fire Blast if you're after the power? Fire Blast should be able to kill something anyway, so there's not much point in trapping with Magma Storm. Which has a great chance to miss anyway.
Magma Storm is to trap Blissey and other likely switch ins to deal with them with other members while they can't switch out. So yeah, Magma Storm >>> Fire Blast.I think if you are going to go with Shuca Berry I think you need Earth Power to deal with the other pokemon Shuca is used to beat (Metagross/non-shuca Heatran)But as Scimjara said, Scarftar is the better alternative to your random set, to trap Starmie and Gengar etc. You should at least consider this change especially since your current set is used to lure in Forry/Skarm/Scizor and Hippowdon/Gliscor and kill them but since Empoleon easily beats them you don't need to worry too much about them anyway and also since you didn't give much thought towards his set before you chucked it in there. As with all other Empoleon teams, I will recommend Toxic Spikes somewhere, since that beats Blissey/bulky waters, the only real problems you will have after a Agility and Petaya/Torrent kicks in
For some reason whenever I post with a quote the formatting screws up and I have tried to edit it to space it better and get rid of the tags but it just isn't working.
Solid team sm64, but in all honesty I think that Uxie could use a change:

Uxie @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/16 Def/152 Spd/24 SAtk/64 SDef
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Psychic
- Trick
- U-turn

This team doesn't benefit that much from paralysis support aside from free boosts with Empoleon, but most of your team can handle stuff like Lucario and Jirachi pretty well anyway, so I don't see the harm in swapping it out for Psychic. With Psychic, Uxie can be a check for Breloom and Machamp (speaking of whom, you won't have to switch out of LeadChamp so often) and it has a method of hitting Rotom-A and Gengar so neither Pokemon can get a free Sub off of you. I stole the spread from a RMT a while back, but it accomplishes a lot. The Speed EVs place it above Aerodactyl, the SpD EVs allow Uxie to survive a SpecsTran Overheat, and the SpA EVs give Psychic enough power to OHKO most Breloom and always break Rotom's subs.

Also, as everyone's already said, replace Stone Edge with Thunderpunch on Flygon since Gyarados can tear this team apart.

>_>; Magma Storm's accuracy does suck, so why not just go with Fire Blast if you're after the power? Fire Blast should be able to kill something anyway, so there's not much point in trapping with Magma Storm. Which has a great chance to miss anyway.

That's the point of Heatrap: luring in, trapping, and killing Blissey, Suicune, Dragonite, and Flygon, all of whom stop Empoleon cold.
I must say that I don't understand the point of max speed on Empoleon. You don't need nearly that many EVs to beat scarftran (only 212) and there isn't much else to outrun. The only advantages to running more speed (still not max) are to outrun scarf Mamoswine, Gallade and Togekiss and neutral natured scarf Lucario and Poygon-Z (all very uncommon, requires 232 spe), and to outrun greedy Jolly DD Gyarados who try to get a DD in instead of just killing you with Earthquake.

Additionally, unless you run a HP IV of 30, your HP will not be divisible by 4, which means that you will not activate your berry after 3 subs if your opponent has not set up SR or spikes (and after 2 subs if your opponent has SR and two layers of spikes or 3 layers of spikes.) This will leave you very weak to priority moves, or unable to sweep. The best thing to do is to put 12 Evs into HP to acheive this, then pour the remaining EVs into defense. With 12hp/32def/252spatk/212spe you will take slightly less from priority moves. This can help if you came in on an attack before setting up.

I don't see the need for Psychic on Uxie; after all, a tricked machamp is largely crippled and can be easily worked around.

I would definitely try putting Pursuit on your tyranitar, even if you opt not to put a Scarf or a Band onto it. This lets you trap and KO a Scarf Rotom, for instance, who gives serious trouble to empoleon. After that, you can then KO something that is expecting a weak, choice-locked Pursuit. It will also help you do a number on Blissey, as you may persuade it to stay in if you use it as it protects. I would suggest you go for the standard BaitTar or ScarfTar (with Superpower).

Good luck.
Hello fellow resident of New Jersey. Glad to see you using that Uxie and Tyranitar :naughty:. I see a couple BIG problems for this team however, the first one being Machamp. The best way you can handle this is tricking it a Choice Scarf but if it isn't leading or like you said, predicts the Trick then you are guaranteed to lose a Pokemon to it. For this reason, I suggest dropping Thunder Wave on Uxie for Psychic. This allows Uxie to attack as your counter to it, although it does take heavy damage from Payback. This will also be extremely helpful for Infernape, another Pokemon whom you can't really counter. Uxie is switch in on a likely Close Combat and kill with Psychic, but a Life Orb Fire Blast will 2HKO so be cautious like I know you are. I also really dislike your Heatran, relying on a 70% accuracy move and not even tieing with enemy Heatrans? How about the Life Orb set with a little twist:

Heatran @ Passho or Shuca Berry
Nature: Naive / EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
IVs: 30 HP
~ Fire Blast / Earth Power / Explosion / Hidden Power Grass

This Heatran has a 15% higher chance to hit with a STAB Fire-type attack :0! With max Speed, now you are faster than Adamant Gyarados and Dragonite in case you need to use Explosion on them. Hidden Power Grass however may not OHKO Swampert; it does 83%-98%. So if it switched into Stealth Rock or suffered U-turn damage from Flygon you should be good. Don't let the would be OHKO discourage you, as Swampert can easily be outpredicted. Like if you have Heatran in, go to Flygon on the Earthquake and then U-turn to Heatran on the Ice Beam. It should now be in kill range for Hidden Power Grass.

You probably have this already, but Empoleon with that EV spread needs 30 HP IVs to activate Petaya Berry at the right time. Another thing you can possibly try is Shuca or Babiri Berry on Tyranitar. In case Scizor Bullet Punches, you would still get the KO. Babiri Berry will also help against Jolly Rock Polish Metagross, who has the potential to destroy your team. Or if you desperately need to take out a Flygon so it doesn't revenge kill Empoleon, use Shuca to take the Earthquake and OHKO back. Like others have suggested, use ThunderPunch on Flygon over Stone Edge. Good luck.
Now that Salamence is banned, I see no reason for Flygon to be Jolly. The only offensive threats that you outrun with Jolly Scarf and not Adamant Scarf are +Speed +1 Electivire (lol), +Speed +1 Yanmega (which almost never goes 252 EVs), +2 Ludicolo (probably not that big of a threat), and +Speed +1 P-Z (shouldn't be a problem since you've got Gengar and Heatran).

Going 252 Speed Adamant with Flygon will still allow you to outspeed +Speed Rotom.
There's still the matter of Scarf Jirachi. Jolly Flygon is able to either scare or surprise Jirachi, whom otherwise can threaten a good number of this team's key players. I'm not sure, but I do think Jolly Flygon will outspeed the standard Agiligross spread too, which would otherwise sweep this entire team. If possible, you can swap out Tyranitar for Gyarados or Dragonite whom offers a much needed bulky ground immunity, and makes a much safer switchin to Heatran than Gengar would if you're fearing the Earth Power. I'd recommend Mixnite, whose spread you'd need to adjust accordinly to this team. Mixnite and Gyarados also cover your Lucario weakness rather well, should Gengar find itself being struck by a Bullet Punch. You also have two perfect switchins if you opt for Mixnite should it be threatened by a fast attacker who could threaten HP Ice or an Ice Beam/Shard, and can setup on such threats whom are choice locked into such moves.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out that MixNite brings a much needed powerful priority attacker to the team, with its Extreme Speed.
Hi, I basically agree with everything posted here though might I suggest Yawn as an alternative over Thunder Wave on Uxie.

On a team almost relying on lures to allow Empoleon to sweep, scouting the opponent's team is more important than ever to find / make good opportunities for your lures to come in and do their job. Using Yawn you can both cripple a Pokémon more than you might with Thunder Wave and see more of their team as they switch around (also racking up entry hazard damage, though this is usually negligible). It can also catch Ground-types off guard, who attempt to switch into Thunder Wave.

Just a suggestion. I run Trickscarf Uxie myself (albeit in UU) and Yawn is very fun ^_^


The point is Magma Storm is likely to miss. >_>; Nothing will be trapped if nothing will be hit.

I guess u just have a bad history with Magma storm? But the fact is...Magma storm is there so u can trap certain pokemon (Yes Mrs.Pink Bitch were looking at you) and k0 them without the risk of them switching out.Yes it has a bad accuracy but thats what the set accomplishes now if u have a better idea to trap other than fire spin stop complaining about the accuracy >_>.
Ok let's see here...

Alan: You sux :P. The thing with Toxic Spikes is that it won't really help against Suicune because Crocune can just Rest off the damage while Blissey has to deal with both Heatran and Gengar. Toxic Spikes would only help against offensive Suicune (and Starmie but that's fragile enough to make it not make a difference).

Ya stupid Starmie. I tried Shuca and it worked like a charm, but I'll probably test Passho later.

Man you're such a stealer stop stealing stuff. As for that spread, I'll probably end up using it because the HP doesn't really make a difference (I dumped a bunch into SpA cuz I LIKE MAH POWER) and not Speed typing opposing Heatrans is stupid.

Scimjara: Yea, ThunderPunch is on Flygon now. No more stupid "FFFFFFFFF god dam Stone Edge" moments anymore.

As for Tyranitar, I'm not a huge fan of Scarf Tyranitar. I'd rather keep my current set even though Scarftar might help more with my Starmie weakness.

Oxymentus: I usually Trick Heatran first anyway, which means I won't have to bother with having to survive a Specs Overheat (instead they deal like 50%). It also makes it a lot easier to set up on. As for that EV spread, I really need my capability of surviving 2x Payback in order to Trick + Twave + SR, as otherwise I'm left with a Scarfed Machamp to deal with.

jc104: God dam 4mss on Ttar otherwise I'd love to put Pursuit on there. Maybe I'll change to the standard Baittar set.

MetaNite: Psychic would only really help against Breloom, as Machamp is crippled from Scarf + Paralysis, while Infernape I usually play around by sacrificing something with low HP (not that hard) and bringing in Gengar to scare it away.

I'm going with that Heatran but I'm still keeping Magma Storm.

DropTheNuke: Flygon speed ties are still too important IMO for me to give up Speed for. Although Adamant gives some nice power, the Speed ties with Scarf Flygon and Jirachi are too important to give up.

Electro Gypsy: The problem with Gyara or Mixnite is that they don't resist Dark/Ghost. I don't really want to reveal Empoleon early or else it ruins my surprise, and having Heatran tank every hit like that that goes towards it is unhelpful.

Alchmator: Yawn doesn't have the immediateness that Thunder Wave has, and this is a very offensive team so every turn counts. Additionally, although Yawn + U-turn is fun, I'd rather have paralysis for the hax value.


Also I need a Pokemon to (potentially) replace Tyranitar with. I prefer that it resist Dark/Ghost because I want another Pokemon that can take those types of hits. Machamp's the closest idea I have so far.