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  • Hi! I saw your API and noticed it hasn't been updated for a while. I was wondering if you could update it? I'm doing some data analysis and having stuff in a processed json like your api would help! Please message me on Discord kimotimo#0803. I couldn't add you since you've blocked friend requests.
    when lc uu? i'm gmt-4
    uh how does this weekend sound? mondays a holiday so i've plenty of time. I'm UK, which I think is gmt+1 right now cause of BST. you can msg me on discord because that's easier and we're in a lot of the same channels lol. saturday?
    whoops, forgot about lc majors, can you play today/tomorrow? i’m gmt-4
    yeah i should be able to play this afternoon/evening im on discord alan#8283
    btw im UK time
    Hi, we are paired for LC Majors. I see you are in UK, I'm GMT+2 considering summer time. I can play this Thursday, early evening my time (around 8.30/9.00 pm), otherwise we can play from 22nd September, evening my time. Let me know.
    im on shodown as alan_on_smogon but im leaving in like 15 minutes. i also am not sure if UK is GMT+1 or GMT because I don't know how BST works (im not british just live here) so i think i might have missed our time by an hour
    The Quasar
    The Quasar
    It's 1.25 pm just now in my time (GMT+2). You are GMT+1 (daylight saving time). I'll try to join we agreed
    The Quasar
    The Quasar
    I found you online on main and as I wrote you with a showdown message, we can play later, I can stay as far as 4.00 pm my time (except lunch time).
    hey paired up for LC Majors! im gmt-6 when you down?
    im BST (which I think is still on?) so im 5 hours ahead.
    Oh ok so would friday 5-6pm est work?
    yeah most likely. i'll let you know if it doesnt beforehand but i'll probably be up playing video games anyway
    hey, gmt+1 when do u wanna play lc uu?
    i can do Tuesday (tomorrow) at 10 (or earlier preferably)? I'm on discord as alan#8283 if you want to message me on there. i should be home from 6pm. I have to get up early tomorrow and tonight I'm busy with other things.
    im around now if by chance you are too and would like to play
    The Quasar
    The Quasar
    Sorry, I can't play not but only after 8.00 PM my time
    when do u wanna play for firebot random battle tour, im gmt+1
    will you be able to play tomorrow or tonight?
    alan_on_smogon im on rn
    I wouldn't say that exactly, but I do lurk sporadically! So nice timing. I hope you've been well!!! And what's got you on Smogon?
    I moved to England and didn't have internet for a while and used Showdown to pass the time whilst I was getting set up, and then kind of just stuck around I guess.
    im pretty sure ekans and golett are already written:pirate:
    patrat, seel, and venonat are the only ones available iirc
    we play for Pu r2. Im GMT-5/EST and good for most times this week. What works for you?
    to create a spoiler tag, use
    whatever text you want to obscure

    hope this helps!
    if you want a specific title for the spoiler, put
    in front
    When do you wanna play for gsc tourn?
    hey my bad, was at bonnaroo for the last week. i need to check my work schedule but i think tomorrow or thursday would be ideal (im EST).
    Hey. We are matched up for the UU Opening tournament.
    I am Taehl3 on showdown.

    Just let me know what times you can do it and I'll let you know when we can battle.


    Hi alan, could you hatch an egg for me that match your SV[17]?
    my FC: 0705 - 3277 - 8145
    my IGN: EpicBazooka
    The things we are taught in school are completely ridiculous...the worst part is how cripplingly redundant it is. I could read at about a sixth grade level in first grade and could already do long form division, yet in school my time was wasted with first grade level reading and adding for a year all day every day. I am not going to blame school for only ending up very smart instead of incredibly smart, I should have done more to find ways to learn on my own besides just reading books (fuck man I just wanted to play baseball in my free time), but what school was responsible for was teaching me that knowledge was so repetitive and simple that I simply no longer wanted to learn by 7th grade. Used to the world catered to the smart and it caters to morons. tl;dr fuck stupid people.
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