Why should we care about dead people?

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No. I'd be dead.

They'd be dead. Why should I care if my mother's corpse is used as fertiliser? She won't care, she'd be dead. Why should we then? Btw I love my mother.

Besides, we very well could have funerals without a body.
it doesnt matter if you dont care. you dont speak for everyone, and if other people feel differently about this subject then you have absolutely no grounds to question them. theres nothing else to say here.
That picture is hilarious.

Also, Jack Jack, bodies are the property of next-of-kin. If you decided that you wanted to bury a thousand dollars in the ground, I could say "Giving it to charity is a better use of that money" all I like, but I can't force you to give it to charity as opposed to burying it. This is the same situation-yes, donating organs or even using it as fertilizer may be a better use of it for the community, but if the individuals who own the bodies (family members) want to bury it, no one has a right to stop them.
it doesnt matter if you dont care. you dont speak for everyone, and if other people feel differently about this subject then you have absolutely no grounds to question them. theres nothing else to say here.

You're basically saying that he's not allowed to ask why the majority opinion is what it is? Either I've misunderstood your use of the word "question" or you're being really unfair. You can't just expect him to understand why most people think the way they do if he doesn't think the same way and I think it has become clear that he doesn't think the same way as most people. If his opinion is wrong, explain why without appealing to popularity. If it isn't, then he has as much right to express it as everyone else has to express theirs.

EDIT: Thanks for clarifying Chris is me.

Personally, I believe that, even when a person dies, they don't leave their body. Therefore, anything I do to the corpse of that person, I am doing to that person. Because that person is dead, they are unable to give me permission to do anything to them. I generally try to follow this "rule": "Do not do something to someone unless they say you can do it to them or the context implies that you can do it to them." I don't see how the context implies that I can do stuff to a dead person unless it's something to do with their funeral. Therefore, removing the organs of a dead person or turning them into fertiliser or even just poking them on the arm would all go against my "rule"; therefore, I don't do those things to dead people.
You're basically saying that he's not allowed to ask why the majority opinion is what it is?

It's more that he has, people have given reasons, and he goes "that's stupid'. While it may be, there's not exactly much else to do. There are way better things I would spend my time trying to change the culture for than our cultural universals around ceremonial burial.
OK I'm done with this topic. The premise is terrible and it is obviously going nowhere.

More importantly, sick of how much this topic is looping with people giving basically the same responses to the OP and getting basically the same retorts back.

Really getting sick of the sheer amount of complaints we get about your topics and posts, Jack Jack. I know you've been warned in PM already so consider this a last warning sort of thing.
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