Aerodactyl (Small Update)

Good work. I agree with SDS that Crunch needs to be slashed in or at least mentioned in the LO set.


qc approved 2/3
For the "Terrorodactyl" set, please make sure you spell the name correctly! (don't forget the o after "terror" and do not capitalize "dactyl"). Normally I wouldn't be picky but the name change was my idea and I really liked it, so I'm gonna be a bit defensive =P

Also, having the name be "Terrorodactyl (Life Orb)" is probably best...just to make it more descriptive of the actual set. Though that set really is a terror....

BTW I wouldn't slash in crunch, just mention it. The damage output isn't significantly higher than that of stone edge, and rarely makes a difference. The accuracy is the main selling point, but taunt is definitely much, much better.
TAY said:
For the "Terrorodactyl" set, please make sure you spell the name correctly! (don't forget the o after "terror" and do not capitalize "dactyl"). Normally I wouldn't be picky but the name change was my idea and I really liked it, so I'm gonna be a bit defensive =P

Also, having the name be "Terrorodactyl (Life Orb)" is probably best...just to make it more descriptive of the actual set. Though that set really is a terror....

BTW I wouldn't slash in crunch, just mention it. The damage output isn't significantly higher than that of stone edge, and rarely makes a difference. The accuracy is the main selling point, but taunt is definitely much, much better.

Name's okay. And fixed.

And Towelie already mentioned Crunch in the additional comments. I'll see with Towelie if Crunch is really worth a slash in the Terrordactyl set.
Hi guys. First of all, can you please not name it Terrorodactyl. That's bad. just name it Life Orb or LODactyl or something. And I already mentioned Crunch in AC. Honestly, LO Aero needs all of it's moves to be successful. Crunch is useful for hitting Rotom-A for the 2hko (stone edge 2hkos with rocks. if scarf, crunch still doesnt ko and rotom kos with sr if you're in ss) you 2hko defensive celebi but tbh with taunt it can't do shit to you. you still ohko starmie with two sr switch-ins, and without stall, you lose one of THE BEST stall breakers in the game. seriously, full stall can't do shit to this unless hippo runs ice fang. so ya, it already has a mention and it really doesn't deserve a slash. and terrorodactyl is a horrible name, just sayin
Its a good stallbreaker but lets not get ahead of ourselves like this is gods gift to stall breaking. Your main move has 8 PP and 80% accuracy.. Good luck actually causing enough damage.
Let's see your cookie cutter obi stall team.
Rotom/Blissey/Skarm or Forry/Tentacruel/Celebi/Hippo/Rest Talk Gyara/etc.
So ya, it doesn't beat stall to easily. And against Stall, Taunt + Roost stalling is good enough. Stone Edge isn't really relied on.
Ah, shit. I can't access the computer for a few days, so bear with some nonactivity during the "vacation". I'll change the set name to "life Orb" as soon as I get access to a working computer instead of an effing iTouch. If somebody can proofread the analysis amd change the set to "Life Orb" while I'm away, that be awesome and appreciated.

EDIT: Fucking asterisks. Tried editing on iPod notepad, but...>.<. If the grammar guys can delete the asterisks and help on the analysis, that would also be awesome. Oh, and I changed the name to Life Orb.

EDIT 2: Fixed the asterisks. Now I need some spelling/grammar checks.

<p>Despite a constantly enterprising changing metagame, Aerodactyl has still retained its position as a popular, exceptional lead since early D/P. Major points to consider is This is largely because he has the fastest Stealth Rock and Taunt in OU (What makes it OU is the fact that it has the fastest stealth rock and also has Taunt. It would be best to say “he has the fastest Stealth Rock in the standard metagame, as well as having access to Taunt”) (barring Choice Scarf Pokemon with the moves), and the fact that Stealth Rock is a move that provides a starting advantage to any team. Aerodactyl, for better and worse, will continue to be an influential lead with its blessed options (with this comment you make it sound like lead Aerodactyl has a wide range of options; in fact it is almost completely one-dimensional, with me being one of the few people who has actually used an alternative variant of lead Aero), easily preventing other leads from setting up entry hazards and setting up his own.</p> (I’m changing “it” to his here, though you may use either if you are consistent throughout)

<p>Alternatively, Aerodactyl can also voyeur (lol) venture from the stereotypical lead position, making use of his Speed by putting its fantastic speed-based talents to the test, both offensively and surprisingly defensively. Though the Life Orb set has some forms of shortcomings, it has the potential to rip through unprepared and/or weakened teams with as he has the advantage of outrunning a major portion of the metagame, including the ever-popular Choice Scarf Tyranitar. With the correct support Aerodactyl using with a Life Orb can also jeopardize stall-oriented teams, a treasured, prestigious skill that few Pokemon possess. Defensively, Aerodactyl can use the infamous SubRoost strategy to be a complete annoyance against any team, provided he has the correct support.</p>


name: Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Taunt
move 3: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 4: Earthquake
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

<p> Against the perpetually changing OU metagame, Aerodactyl has managed to honor his niche as one of the best suicide leads, even in the faces of new leads designed to counter each other. The game plan is straightforward: Aerodactyl should prevent the opposing lead from setting up in any way using Taunt while laying down hisown Stealth Rocks whenever possible. Aerodactyl can then batter the opponent before fainting or switch to another team member to commence a strategy. Should Aerodactyl be up against certain leads requiring prediction, such as Roserade and opposing Aerodactyl, the game plan may be modified.</p>

<Team Options & Additional Comments>
<p>Stealth Rock in general is a major asset to wear down the opponent’s team, so whatever your team’s strategy may be, strong sweepers and bulky walls or tanks can greatly capitalize. For example, an Infernape with one Nasty Plot boost cannot OHKO common variants of Gyarados and Dragonite without Stealth Rock on the field, and stall teams can make do with a quick Stealth Rock while commencing setup of other hazards. (Aerodactyl is a pretty awful choice for stall teams though. You need to make this clear) A team with Aerodactyl benefits from strong Ghost-types who can block Rapid Spin. (again not sure here – though SR is important, it is usually best for teams with aerodactyl to prevent Rapid Spin through offensive momentum, unless gengar or Rotom is useful otherwise) Gengar and Rotom-H are excellent examples, being able to dish out damage while simultaneously blocking Rapid Spin. Both must keep in mind, however, that common spinners such as Starmie and Forretress have advantageous ways of combating ghosts, such as swift and may swiftly KO with Hydro Pump and Payback, respectively.</p>

<p>Despite Lead Aerodactyl being blatantly straightforward, the choice between Rock Slide and Stone Edge is entirely up to the user due to some advantages in certain game situations. Rock Slide is the primary option in favor of a thanks to higher accuracy and a high flinch chance. The combination of these two factors may prove convenient against leads holding Focus Sash or simply frail in general. On the other hand, Stone Edge is a stronger option, since the power of Stone Edge outweighs the trade in accuracy. It should be noted that Stone Edge will always OHKO Lead Dragonite (factoring in Life Orb recoil), and other Flying-type leads, such as Crobat and Zapdos, are eliminated promptly.</p>

<p>Aerodactyl can rarely take more than a hit or two with no EV investment in his defenses, turning Focus Sash into the only viable item. It not only gives Aerodactyl a second chance if Taunt is misused, but it also allows him to survive hits from faster Pokemon, most of whom are usually equipped with Choice Scarf. Some common counters to watch out for are Choice Scarf Jirachi and Metagross, who can both 2HKO Aerodactyl with Iron Head, or a combination of Meteor Mash and Bullet Punch, respectively. Magnezone can easily trap Choice Scarf Jirachi thanks to Magnet Pull and can then use its good Defense stat and quadruple resistance to Iron Head to set up a Substitute and proceed to KO Jirachi with Thunderbolt. Chances are, Magnezone will escape with its Substitute intact, allowing it to also deal damage to another Pokemon before being forced out. Aerodactyl also covers Magnezone's weaknesses to Fire- and Ground-type attacks, meaning that he can easily come back in to set up Stealth Rock later in the match.</p>

<p>Certain leads, while some not necessarily counters to Lead Aerodactyl, can throw the turbulence of the battle in their favor. Carrying pivots for the bulkier leads is strongly emphasized encouraged since Aerodactyl can’t deal significant damage to them or can't damage them at all. Though rare of a a rare lead in today’s metagame, Bronzong takes very little damage from all of Aerodactyl's attacks and can also easily 2HKO Aerodactyl with Gyro Ball. Swampert on the other hand is moderately common and can 2HKO Aerodactyl with Ice Beam. The specific leads that force Aerodactyl to only set up Stealth Rock are Machamp, Infernape, Metagross, Empoleon, and Mamoswine, all of whom use a priority move to eliminate Focus Sash. Finally, Aerodactyl also has to watch out for other lead Aerodactyl, as the advantage is decided by the Speed tie. If one is fighting an opposing Aerodactyl, it would be wise to attempt to Taunt first to try and stop him from setting up Stealth Rock.</p>


name: Life Orb (I already checked this set so it should be fine)
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Taunt/Crunch (demanded by QC - check with them if you don't want to do it)
move 4: Roost
item: Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

<p>With great coverage in only two attacking moves, blistering Speed, and access to Roost and Taunt to beat stall teams, Aerodactyl finds a great niche on offensive teams outside of the lead spot. Stone Edge is Aerodactyl's primary STAB move and deals a lot of damage to Pokemon who do not resist it. Earthquake completes the infamous EdgeQuake combo, which provides fantastic type coverage. Roost alleviates the weaknesses given by Aerodactyl's Flying typing, and lets him heal against weak special attacks like Blissey's Ice Beam. With max Speed, Aerodactyl outspeeds every non-boosted Pokemon in the metagame bar Jolteon, Crobat, and Ninjask, all of whom are hit for super effective damage with the two moves provided.</p>

<p>Tyranitar and Magnezone are two great partners for Aerodactyl. Tyranitar provides sandstorm, which increases Aerodactyl's Special Defense and makes him one of the best Heatran switch-ins in the game. Tyranitar can also lure some of Aerodactyl's counters with a bait set, including Gliscor, Bronzong, and Breloom. Magnezone traps pesky Steel-types who get in Aerodactyl's way, like Choice Scarf Jirachi and Scizor. Pokemon who resist the EdgeQuake combination, like Breloom, Flygon, and Bronzong, are great counters to this set. Faster Choice Scarf users, such as Rotom-A, cannot switch in without losing a large chunk of health, but can easily revenge kill Aerodactyl.</p>

<Team Options & Additional Comments>
<p>Entry hazards and hard-hitting Pokemon are extremely beneficial when attempting to clean up with Aerodactyl. In particular, Stealth Rock helps Aerodactyl get the guaranteed KO on bulky Gyarados after Intimidate. Because Aerodactyl doesn't hit extremely hard, having powerful attackers like Mixed Dragonite on his side helps Aerodactyl break down bulky walls, such as Hippowdon, Celebi, and Swampert.</p>

<p>Fire Blast and Crunch are potential replacements for Taunt if you want to hurt offensive teams rather than stall-oriented teams. Even with a hindering nature, Fire Blast OHKOes physically defensive Forretress 100% of the time, as well as eliminating Scizor after Stealth Rock damage. Crunch can be used to 2HKO Celebi after some residual damage, and provides a more accurate attack to deal with Psychic- and Ghost-type threats, particularly Rotom-A. In addition, Aerodactyl can find a niche on stall teams. While this may not seem plausible at first glance due to Aerodactyl's horrible defenses, he checks many common threats to stall teams, such as Infernape, Gliscor, Taunt Heatran, Lucario, Scarf Tyranitar, and Mixed Dragonite.</p>

name: SubRoost
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Roost
move 3: Taunt / Whirlwind
move 4: Rock Slide / Whirlwind
item: Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 208 HP / 104 Atk / 48 SpD / 148 Spe

<p>Aerodactyl's Speed, resistances, and ability, Pressure, give him all the right tools to run a successful Substitute and Roost set. The idea behind this set is to set up sandstorm and bring in Aerodactyl on a resisted attack, such as Fire Blast or Return, or an immunity, such as Earthquake. From there, Aerodactyl can usually set up Substitute with his base 130 Speed stat and attempt to stall out the opponent's PP with Pressure. To ensure that Aerodactyl can continue making Substitutes, Roost is a necessity on the set. With sandstorm boosting Aerodactyl's Special Defense to a respectable level, Aerodactyl can feel free to use Roost when not protected by a Substitute.</p>

<p>The other two attacks on the set are almost as important as Substitute and Roost. Taunt prevents any Pokemon from using any phazing or healing moves, which can be a major asset if Aerodactyl is used in conjunction with entry hazards. With a sandstorm brewing, Aerodactyl will quickly eat up an opponent's health. Rock Slide is used to help damage any Flying-type or Levitating Pokemon, who have an immunity to Toxic Spikes. Rock Slide can also flinch other Pokemon as a small side bonus. Whirlwind could be used over either move as it allows Aerodactyl to outspeed and drive away other phazers like Skarmory and Swampert. Taunt does this as well, but Whirlwind has the advantage of possibly *bringing in Pokemon who take severe damage from entry hazards.</p>

<Team Options & Additional Comments>
<p>This Aerodactyl set clearly benefits from entry hazards, as Pressure, Taunt, and Whirlwind will cause all kind of havoc and force plenty of switches. Tyranitar with Pursuit or Hippowdon with Roar also are is also needed, not only to set up sandstorm, but to also kill remove Ghost-types, and in Hippowdon's case, force more switches.</p>

<p>The 104 Attack EVs allow Aerodactyl to OHKO non-bulky Dragonite most of the time after Stealth Rock, Life Orb and sandstorm damage with Rock Slide. If Rock Slide is not being used, however, the Attack EVs should be moved to Speed instead to ensure Aerodactyl can outpace Adamant Gyarados after a Dragon Dance.</p>

<p>If Aerodactyl does not have Toxic Spikes support from one of his teammates, Toxic should be considered over Rock Slide. With Toxic, Aerodactyl will have a decent option for depleting his opponent's HP instead of just their PP. Toxic is also particularly valuable because Aerodactyl tends to draw out bulky Water-type Pokemon, such as Swampert, who absolutely hate eating a Toxic.(remove space) Scizor is a huge threat to Aerodactyl, as Bullet Punch will kill Aerodactyl before he has the opportunity to Roost. Magnezone can trap Scizor and kill him, with either a Choice Scarf or Substitute set. Magnezone also is a great partner for Aerodactyl, as it hosts boasts plenty of resistances and an immunity to fit into a stall team. Metagross and Tyranitar are also big threats, immune to sandstorm damage, and can take out Aerodactyl with their STAB attacks. Skarmory can usually switch in on either of them and use Spikes to create even more entry hazards. Aerodactyl has to be careful of Speed ties with Jolteon and other Aerodactyl. (set isn’t running max speed)</p>

[TEAM OPTIONS] (Part of me thinks it should be shortened)

<p>When using the Lead Aerodactyl, offensive teammates that rely on an early Stealth Rock are usually the best partners. Swords Dance Lucario, Dragon Dance Dragonite, and Dragon Dance Gyarados all make appropriate partners, giving the team a fast paced tempo and using Stealth Rock to turn some 2HKOs into definite OHKOs. Particularly, since the lead set's objective is to prioritize Stealth Rock, Ghost-type teammates, such as the Rotom appliances, can come in handy due to negating Rapid Spin and hitting Starmie, a common carrier of Rapid Spin, for super effective damage.</p>

<p>For offensive support in case of Life Orb and SubRoost Aerodactyl sets, one should console consider general hard hitters. Tyranitar’s is greatly capitalized due to of one of its major selling point is inducing eternal Sandstorm to boost Aerodactyl’s Special Defense and to stall out threats that do not resist are not immune to Sandstorm. In addition to providing auxiliary weather advantage, Tyranitar provides deadly offensive support through Choice Band, Choice Scarf and bait sets. Though a Life Orb Starmie may seem redundant, Starmie can put away nullify Aerodactyl’s biting Stealth Rock weakness with Rapid Spin and construct an effective sweeping duo with him. Common revenge Steel-type revenge killers, such as choiced Jirachi and Scizor, will hinder Aerodactyl's ability to sweep and stay alive. Since Jirachi and Scizor will most likely be eager to rid Aerodactyl or its Substitutes, an offensive version of Magnezone or Magneton is encouraged due to trapping both Pokemon on their Steel-type move and removing them from play. Heatran can also immediately counter the aforementioned Steel-types, though it must beware of Superpower from Scizor. (well so must Magnzone)</p>

<p>Again, Swords Dance Lucario can be employed due to his late-game and stall-sweeping talents to complement Aerodactyl's own, with the advantage of covering the majority of Aerodactyl's weaknesses. Unsurprisingly, Choice Band Scizor is another teammate to consider due to his ability to scout with U-turn employ a powerful U-Turn for scouting potential threats, revenge kill those that threaten Aerodactyl and the team, plus and provide convenient resistances to common attacks. A Pokemon with a powerful Grass-type attack such as Shaymin, Infernape, and Life Orb Sceptile eliminates Swampert and Hippowdon who wall Aerodactyl all day, though it duly should be noted that they can’t do much back except for using Earthquake on the occasional Roost.</p>

<p>Teammates revolving around SubRoost Aerodactyl should be able to set up multiple entry hazards along with controlling the momentum of the game. Skarmory can control physical threats that prevent Aerodactyl from using Substitute and set up Stealth Rock and Spikes. Forretress, though missing some key immunities and resistances, can set up all entry hazards and employ Rapid Spin. As always Sandstorm is much appreciated and almost required due to powering to give Aerodactyl a fighting chance against weak special threats.</p>


<p>Generally, Aerodactyl, despite having a decent movepool for a Rock-type, does not have that much to improve on its sets. The listed options above do Aerodactyl’s job effectively. On the Life Orb set, the highlighted offensive replacements, Fire Blast and Crunch, are the only viable options and are already explained in the analysis.</p>

<p>A Choice Band set consisting of Stone Edge, Earthquake, and filler moves can be used. However, unlike Choice item users such as Jolteon, Starmie, and Scizor, Aerodactyl’s primary moves have too little utility to be used effectively. While this Choice Band set employs the EdgeQuake combo, Aerodactyl will find itself switching repeatedly due to many Pokemon who resist to Earthquake and Stone Edge, opening it to Pursuit and Bullet Punch from the common Scizor. Despite this, Aerodactyl’s blistering Speed, powerful attacks, and more than decent Attack open up a possible Choice Band set.</p>

<p>Additionally, a set focused on Curse and White Herb could have some success, especially in sandstorm where both of Aerodactyl's defenses would be raised. Unfortunately Kingdra and Gyarados can both use Dragon Dance to be stronger and faster than Aerodactyl, and while Aerodactyl would have increased bulk from Curse, Aerodactyl's weakness to Steel-, Ice-, and Water-type attacks severely hinder him.</p>

<p>As for the placement of EV's, Aerodactyl should only focus on Speed and Attack, either to make sure Stealth Rock is on the field, or for quickly hitting significant opponents. Aerodactyl using SubRoost is the only exception to capitalize on his defensive abilities along with keeping a steady amount of Speed. With max Speed, Aerodactyl speed ties with Jolteon and Crobat and hits both for super effective damage, and also outpaces both Adamant Dragon Dance Gyarados and Dragonite after they have boosted once. Some Speed EV's can be relocated towards HP to outspeed certain threats and sustain Aerodactyl's ability to take special attacks in Sandstorm. If so, an offensive spread of 108 HP/ 252 Atk /150 Spe should let Aerodactyl outspeed the common Choice Scarf Tyranitar and lower. Though investing EV's in Special Attack may seem tempting to spice up Fire Blast on the Life Orb set, it is discouraged due to Fire Blast already destroying some its specific targets.</p>

<p>In the case of all of Aerodactyl's sets, Aerodactyl's top counters include a margin of Pokemon who can exploit Aerodactyl's blazing speed somehow attack before Aerodactyl despite his blazing Speed. Unsurprisingly, Scizor, Metagross, and Jirachi are the most notable opponents that all Aerodactyl users should be prepared for. Scizor and Metagross obviously can redress Aerodactyl's speed and eliminate him using a simple Bullet Punch or, should Aerodactyl have taken some prior damage, a smart Pursuit. Jirachi can play mind games with Aerodactyl using its choice of Iron Head and Thunder Wave, or can utilize its Choice Scarf sets to simply smash the prehistoric bird. Other Pokemon using priority moves, such as Mamoswine, Weavile, and Infernape (Infernape is a poor check to Aerodactyl!), are also great checks, since Aerodactyl is weak to common forms of priority.</p>

<p>Should one find using priority undesirable, Aerodactyl can also be countered using defensively-oriented Pokemon. Swampert and Breloom make great counters, since they take so little from Aerodactyl's attacks. Breloom in particular resists Aerodactyl's main options, only fearing Life Orb Fire Blast, and can play mind games using Spore, Focus Punch, and Seed Bomb. Forretress and Bronzong can both use Gyro Ball to eliminate Aerodactyl, but the former has to be wary of Fire Blast. Pokemon with Choice Scarf can either revenge kill or lure in Aerodactyl for the KO. It should be noted that with Sandstorm support and Roost, Aerodactyl can actually outlast Scarf users such as Heatran and the Rotom Appliances, so one should be wary about what options to use. Though Choice Scarf Flygon is barely defensive, he, like Breloom, resists Aerodactyl's main options and can either use U-Turn to scout the switch-in or outright use Outrage.</p>

<p>In particular, when using Lead Aerodactyl, has a big role of predicting correctly plays a big role. If he wastes a turn using Taunt against a Pokemon who decides to just try and taken down take down Aerodactyl, the user has potentially wasted a free turn preventing set up. However, forgoing Taunt to use Stealth Rock or an attack may give them a free turn to set up, making the choice of Aerodactyl as a lead questionable. In cases like these, a user of Lead Aerodactyl may often find it better to use Taunt, as the support move the opposing lead might be running will likely be a lot more harmful to a team than eliminating a single team member in general.</p>

Done. Changes in bold and removals in red.

GP Check 1

@ Umbreon Dan - it doesn't matter if they are "gay"; they are practical because they prevent two people from GP checking at once, which is a waste of time. They are official policy for GP checking now.
subroost said:
The 104 Attack EVs allow Aerodactyl to OHKO non-bulky Dragonite most of the time after Stealth Rock, Life Orb and sandstorm damage with Rock Slide. If Rock Slide is not being used, however, the Attack EVs should be moved to Speed instead to ensure Aerodactyl can outpace Adamant Gyarados after a Dragon Dance.</p>

why? if you don't have rock slide, what are you planning to do to gyarados...?

also, the ev spread for this set needs another look. it mentions OHKOing dragonite, but i assume that that's just been stuck in there as a replacement for a previous mention of salamence. the speed and the special defense are totally unexplained (i assume the speed is for scarftar, but it actually only needs 144 to do that). i also can't figure out why it's not running max hp.

80 attack evs does a minimum of 59 %. with stealth rock (25 %), sandstorm (6.5 %) and life orb (10 %) that guarantees the ko - but even with no attack investment you still get it "most of the time".

ps: placeholder posts for grammar checks are really fucking gay fyi
Okay, I implemented jc104's GP changes. Thank you, jc!

Made a few traditional edits like Infernape not being a "check" to Aerodactyl, and lol, "voyeur". Did a Google and I lol'd.

'kay, one for GP check to go.
Grammar-Prose Check 2/2:
additions in bold
removals in red
comments in green

<p>Despite a constantly changing metagame, Aerodactyl has still retained his its position as a popular lead since early D/P. This is largely because of his access to Taunt and the fastest Stealth Rock in OU (barring Choice Scarf users) he has the fastest Stealth Rock in the standard metagame as well as having access to Taunt (barring Choice Scarf Pokemon with the moves), and the fact that Stealth Rock provides a starting advantage to any team. Aerodactyl, for better and worse, will continue to be an influential lead with its blessed options, easily preventing other leads from setting up entry hazards and setting up his own.</p>

<p>Alternatively, Aerodactyl can also venture from the lead position, making use of his great Speed both offensively and, surprisingly, defensively. Though the Life Orb set has some shortcomings, it has the potential to rip through unprepared or and/or weakened teams as he has the advantage of outrunning a major portion of the metagame, including the ever-popular Choice Scarf Tyranitar. With the correct support, Aerodactyl using a Life Orb can also jeopardize stall-oriented teams, a treasured, prestigious skill that few Pokemon possess. Defensively, Aerodactyl can use the infamous SubRoost strategy to be a complete annoyance against any team, provided he has the correct support.</p>


name: Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Taunt
move 3: Rock Slide / Stone Edge
move 4: Earthquake
item: Focus Sash
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


<p>Against the perpetually changing OU metagame, Aerodactyl has constantly filled managed to honor his niche as one of the best suicide leads, even in the faces of new leads designed to counter each other. The game plan is straightforward: Aerodactyl should prevent the opposing lead from setting up in any way by using Taunt, while laying down hisown Stealth Rocks whenever possible. Aerodactyl can then batter the opponent with the infamous EdgeQuake combo before fainting, or switch to another team member to commence a strategy. Should Aerodactyl be up against certain leads requiring prediction, such as Roserade and opposing Aerodactyl, the game plan may be modified.</p>

[ADDITIONAL COMMENTS]<Team Options & Additional Comments>
<p>Stealth Rock in general is a major asset to wear down the opponent's team, so whatever your team's strategy may be, strong sweepers and bulky walls or tanks can capitalize. For example, an Infernape with one Nasty Plot boost cannot OHKO common variants of Gyarados and Dragonite without Stealth Rock on the field, while phazers such as Suicune and Heatran also benefit from entry hazards can make due with a quick entry hazard. A team with Aerodactyl appreciates benefits from strong Ghost-types who can block Rapid Spin. Gengar and Rotom-H are excellent examples, able to dish out damage while simultaneously blocking Rapid Spin. Both must keep in mind, however, that common spinners such as Starmie and Forretress have ways of combating ghosts, [space] and may swiftly KO with Hydro Pump and Payback, respectively.</p>

<p>Despite Lead Aerodactyl being blatantly straightforward, The choice between Rock Slide and Stone Edge is entirely up to the user. Rock Slide is the primary option thanks to higher accuracy and a high flinch chance. The combination of these two factors may prove convenient against leads holding Focus Sash. On the other hand, Stone Edge is a stronger option, since the its power of Stone Edge outweighs the trade in accuracy. It should be noted that Stone Edge will always OHKO Lead Dragonite (factoring in Life Orb recoil), and other Flying-type leads, such as Crobat and Zapdos, are eliminated promptly.</p>

<p>Aerodactyl can rarely take more than a hit or two with no EV investment in his defenses, turning Focus Sash into the only viable item. It not only gives Aerodactyl a second chance if Taunt is misused, but it also allows him to survive hits from faster Pokemon, most of whom are equipped with Choice Scarf. Some common counters to watch out for are Choice Scarf Jirachi and Metagross, who can 2HKO Aerodactyl with Iron Head, or a combination of Meteor Mash and Bullet Punch, respectively. Magnezone can easily trap Choice Scarf Jirachi thanks to Magnet Pull and can then use its good Defense stat and quadruple resistance to Iron Head to set up a Substitute and proceed to KO Jirachi with Thunderbolt. Chances are, Magnezone will escape with its Substitute intact, allowing it to deal damage to another Pokemon before being forced out. Aerodactyl also covers Magnezone's weaknesses to Fire- and Ground-type attacks, meaning that he can easily come back in to set up Stealth Rock later in the match.</p>

<p>Certain leads, while not necessarily counters to Lead Aerodactyl, can throw the turbulence of the battle in their favor. Carrying pivots for the bulkier leads is strongly encouraged since Aerodactyl can't deal significant damage to them. Though a rare lead in today's metagame, Bronzong takes very little damage from all of Aerodactyl's attacks and can also easily 2HKO Aerodactyl with Gyro Ball. Swampert, on the other hand, is moderately common and can 2HKO Aerodactyl with Ice Beam. The specific leads that force Aerodactyl to only set up Stealth Rock are Machamp, Infernape, Metagross, Empoleon, and Mamoswine, all of whom use a priority move to nullify eliminate Focus Sash. Finally, Aerodactyl also has to watch out for other lead Aerodactyl, as the advantage is decided by the Speed tie. If one is fighting an opposing Aerodactyl, it would be wise to attempt to Taunt first to stop him from setting up Stealth Rock.</p>

[this set's already been GP-approved, so just some subjective/prose changes]
name: Life Orb
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Roost
item: Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

<p>With great coverage in only two attacking moves, blistering Speed, and access to Roost and Taunt to beat stall teams, Aerodactyl finds a great niche on offensive teams outside of the lead spot. Stone Edge is Aerodactyl's primary STAB move and deals a lot of damage to Pokemon who do not resist it. Earthquake completes the infamous EdgeQuake combo, which provides fantastic type coverage. Roost alleviates the weaknesses given by Aerodactyl's Flying typing, and lets him heal against weak special attacks like Blissey's Ice Beam. With max Speed, Aerodactyl outspeeds every non-boosted Pokemon in the metagame bar Jolteon, Crobat, and Ninjask, all of whom are hit for super effective damage with the two moves provided.</p>

<p>Tyranitar and Magnezone are two great partners for Aerodactyl. Tyranitar provides sandstorm, which increases Aerodactyl's Special Defense and makes him one of the best Heatran switch-ins in the game. Tyranitar can also lure some of Aerodactyl's counters, including Gliscor, Bronzong, and Breloom, with a bait set, including Gliscor, Bronzong, and Breloom. Magnezone traps pesky Steel-types, like Choice Scarf Jirachi and Scizor, who get in Aerodactyl's way, like Choice Scarf Jirachi and Scizor. Pokemon who resist the EdgeQuake combination, like Breloom, Flygon, and Bronzong, are great counters to this set. Faster Choice Scarf users, such as Rotom-A, cannot switch in without losing a large chunk of health, but can easily revenge kill Aerodactyl.</p>

[ADDITIONAL COMMENTS]<Team Options & Additional Comments>
<p>Entry hazards and hard-hitting Pokemon are extremely beneficial when attempting to clean up with Aerodactyl. In particular, Stealth Rock helps Aerodactyl get the guaranteed KO on bulky Gyarados after Intimidate. Because Aerodactyl doesn't hit very extremely hard, having powerful attackers like Mixed Dragonite on his side helps Aerodactyl break down bulky walls, such as Hippowdon, Celebi, and Swampert.</p>

<p>Fire Blast and Crunch are potential replacements for Taunt if one wants you want to hurt offensive teams rather than stall-oriented teams. Even with a hindering nature, Fire Blast OHKOes physically defensive Forretress 100% of the time, as well as eliminating Scizor after Stealth Rock damage. Crunch can be used to 2HKO Celebi after some residual damage, and provides a more accurate attack to deal with Psychic- and Ghost-type threats, particularly Rotom-A. In addition, Aerodactyl can find a niche on stall teams. While this may not seem plausible at first glance due to Aerodactyl's horrible defenses, he checks many common threats to stall teams, such as Infernape, Gliscor, Taunt Heatran, Lucario, Scarf Tyranitar, and Mixed Dragonite.</p>

name: SubRoost
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Roost
move 3: Taunt / Whirlwind
move 4: Rock Slide / Whirlwind
item: Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 208 HP / 104 Atk / 48 SpD / 148 Spe

<p>Aerodactyl's Speed, resistances, and ability, Pressure, give him all the right tools to run a successful SubRoost stitute and Roost set. The idea behind this set is to set up sandstorm and bring in Aerodactyl on a resisted attack, such as Fire Blast or Return, or an immunity, such as Earthquake. From there, Aerodactyl can usually set up Substitute with his base 130 Speed stat and attempt to stall out the opponent's PP with Pressure. To ensure that Aerodactyl can continue making Substitutes, Roost is a necessity on the set. With sandstorm boosting Aerodactyl's Special Defense to a respectable level, Aerodactyl can feel free to use Roost when not protected by a Substitute.</p>

<p>The other two attacks on the set are almost as important as Substitute and Roost. Taunt prevents any Pokemon from using any phazing or healing moves, which can be a major asset if Aerodactyl is used in conjunction with entry hazards. With a sandstorm brewing, Aerodactyl will quickly eat up an opponent's health. Rock Slide is used to help damage any Flying-type or Levitating Pokemon, who have an immunity to Toxic Spikes. Rock Slide can also flinch other Pokemon as a small side bonus. Whirlwind could be used over either move as it allows Aerodactyl to outspeed and drive away other phazers like Skarmory and Swampert. Taunt does this as well, but Whirlwind has the advantage of bringing in Pokemon who take severe damage from entry hazards.</p>

[ADDITIONAL COMMENTS]<Team Options & Additional Comments>
<p>This Aerodactyl set clearly benefits from entry hazards, as Pressure, Taunt, and Whirlwind will cause havoc and force plenty of switches. Tyranitar with Pursuit or Hippowdon with Roar is also needed, not only to set up sandstorm, but to remove Ghost-types, and in Hippowdon's case, force more switches.</p>

<p>The 104 Attack EVs allow Aerodactyl to OHKO non-bulky Dragonite most of the time after Stealth Rock, Life Orb, and sandstorm damage with Rock Slide. If Rock Slide is not being used, however, the Attack EVs should be moved to Speed instead to ensure Aerodactyl can outpace Adamant Gyarados after a Dragon Dance.</p>

<p>If Aerodactyl does not have Toxic Spikes support from one of his teammates, Toxic should be considered over Rock Slide. With Toxic, Aerodactyl has will have a decent option for depleting his opponent's HP instead of just their PP. Toxic is also particularly valuable because Aerodactyl tends to draw out bulky Water-type Pokemon, such as Swampert, who absolutely hate eating a Toxic.(remove space) Scizor is a huge threat to Aerodactyl, as Bullet Punch will kill Aerodactyl before he has the opportunity to Roost. Magnezone can trap Scizor and eliminate kill him, with either a Choice Scarf or Substitute set. Magnezone also is a great partner for Aerodactyl, as it boasts plenty of resistances and an immunity. Metagross and Tyranitar are also big threats, immune to sandstorm damage, and can take out Aerodactyl with their STAB attacks. Skarmory can usually switch in on either of them and use Spikes to create even more entry hazards.</p>


<p>When using the Lead Aerodactyl, offensive teammates that rely on an early Stealth Rock are usually the best partners. Swords Dance Lucario, Dragon Dance Dragonite, and Dragon Dance Gyarados all make appropriate partners, giving the team a fast tempo and using Stealth Rock to turn some 2HKOs into definite OHKOs. Particularly, since the lead set's objective is to prioritize Stealth Rock, Ghost-type teammates, such as the Rotom appliances, can come in handy due to negating Rapid Spin and hitting Starmie, a common carrier of Rapid Spin, for super effective damage.</p>

<p>For offensive support in case of Life Orb and SubRoost Aerodactyl sets, one should consider general hard hitters. Tyranitar's major selling point is inducing eternal sandstorm to boost Aerodactyl's Special Defense and to stall out threats that are not immune to Sandstorm. In addition to providing auxiliary weather advantage, Tyranitar provides deadly offensive support through Choice Band, Choice Scarf, and bait sets. Though a Life Orb Starmie may seem redundant, Starmie can nullify Aerodactyl's biting Stealth Rock weakness with Rapid Spin and construct an effective sweeping duo with him. Common Steel-type revenge killers, such as Choiced Jirachi and Scizor, will hinder Aerodactyl's ability to sweep and stay alive. Since Jirachi and Scizor will most likely be eager to rid Aerodactyl or its Substitutes, an offensive version of Magnezone or Magneton is encouraged due to trapping both Pokemon on their Steel-type move and removing them from play. Heatran can also immediately counter the aforementioned Steel-types, though it must beware of Superpower from Scizor. (well so must Magnzone)</p>

<p>Again, Swords Dance Lucario is a dangerous late-game sweeper who complements Aerodactyl both offensively and defensively can be employed due to his late-game sweeping talents to complement Aerodactyl's own, with the advantage of covering the majority of Aerodactyl's weaknesses. Unsurprisingly, Choice Band Scizor is another teammate to consider due to his ability to scout with U-turn, revenge kill threats to Aerodactyl those that threaten Aerodactyl and the team, and provide convenient resistances to common attacks. A Pokemon with a powerful Grass-type attack, such as Shaymin, Infernape, and Life Orb Sceptile, can eliminates Swampert and Hippowdon, who wall Aerodactyl all day, though it duly should be noted that they can't do much back except for using Earthquake on the occasional Roost.</p>

<p>Teammates revolving around SubRoost Aerodactyl should be able to set up multiple entry hazards along with controlling the momentum of the game. Skarmory can control physical threats that prevent Aerodactyl from using Substitute and set up Stealth Rock and Spikes. Forretress, though missing some key immunities and resistances, can set up all entry hazards and employ Rapid Spin. As always, sandstorm is much appreciated and almost required to give Aerodactyl more of a fighting chance against weak special threats.</p>


<p>Generally, Aerodactyl, despite having a decent movepool for a Rock-type, does not have that much to improve on its sets. The listed options above do Aerodactyl's job effectively. On the Life Orb set, the highlighted offensive replacements, Fire Blast and Crunch, are the only viable options and are already explained in the analysis.</p>

<p>A Choice Band set consisting of Stone Edge, Earthquake, and filler moves can be used. However, unlike Choice item users such as Jolteon, Starmie, and Scizor, Aerodactyl's primary moves have too little utility. While this Choice Band set employs the EdgeQuake combo, Aerodactyl will find itself switching repeatedly due to the many Pokemon who resist Earthquake and Stone Edge, opening him it to Pursuit and Bullet Punch from the common Scizor. Despite this, Aerodactyl's blistering Speed, powerful attacks, and more than decent Attack open up a possible Choice Band set.</p>

<p>Additionally, a set focused on Curse and White Herb could have some success, especially in sandstorm, where both of Aerodactyl's defenses would be raised. Unfortunately Kingdra and Gyarados can both use Dragon Dance to be stronger and faster than Aerodactyl, and while Aerodactyl would have increased bulk from Curse, Aerodactyl's weakness to Steel-, Ice-, and Water-type attacks severely hinder him.</p>

<p>As for the placement of EVs EV's, Aerodactyl should only focus on Speed and Attack, either to make sure Stealth Rock is on the field, or for quickly hitting significant opponents. Aerodactyl using SubRoost is the only exception; he must to capitalize on his defensive abilities along with keeping a steady amount of Speed. With max Speed, Aerodactyl speed ties with Jolteon and Crobat and hits both for super effective damage, and also outpaces both Adamant Dragon Dance Gyarados and Dragonite after one Dragon Dance they have boosted once. Some Speed EVs EV's can be relocated towards HP to outspeed certain threats and sustain Aerodactyl's ability to take special attacks in sandstorm. If so, an offensive spread of 108 HP / 252 Atk / 150 Spe should let Aerodactyl outspeed the common Choice Scarf Tyranitar. Though investing EVs EV's in Special Attack may seem tempting to spice up Fire Blast on the Life Orb set, it is discouraged due to Fire Blast already destroying its specific targets.</p>


<p>In the case of all of Aerodactyl's sets, Aerodactyl's top counters include Pokemon who can attack before Aerodactyl despite his blazing Speed. Unsurprisingly, Scizor, Metagross, and Jirachi are the most notable opponents that all Aerodactyl users should be prepared for. Scizor and Metagross obviously can redress Aerodactyl's speed and eliminate him using a simple Bullet Punch or, should Aerodactyl have taken some prior damage, a smart Pursuit. Jirachi can play mind games with Aerodactyl using its choice of Iron Head and Thunder Wave, or can utilize its Choice Scarf sets to simply smash the prehistoric bird. Other Pokemon using priority moves, such as Mamoswine and Weavile, are also great checks, since Aerodactyl is weak to common forms of priority.</p>

<p>Should one find using priority undesirable, Aerodactyl can also be countered using defensively-oriented Pokemon. Swampert and Breloom make great counters, since they take so little from Aerodactyl's attacks. Breloom in particular resists Aerodactyl's main options, only fearing Life Orb Fire Blast, and can play mind games using Spore, Focus Punch, and Seed Bomb. Forretress and Bronzong can both use Gyro Ball to eliminate Aerodactyl, but the former has to be wary of Fire Blast. Pokemon with Choice Scarf can revenge kill Aerodactyl. It should be noted that with sandstorm support and Roost, Aerodactyl can actually outlast Scarf users such as Heatran and the Rotom Appliances, so one should be wary. Though Choice Scarf Flygon is barely defensive, he, like Breloom, resists Aerodactyl's main options and can either use U-Turn to scout the switch-in or use Outrage.</p>

[the paragraph below seems a bit detached from the rest. it has nothing to do with counters. maybe add a sentence about prediction in one of the previous paragraphs, i would take this out]

<p>In particular, when using Lead Aerodactyl, predicting correctly plays a big role. If he wastes a turn using Taunt against a Pokemon who decides to just take down Aerodactyl, the user has potentially wasted a free turn preventing set up. However, forgoing Taunt to use Stealth Rock or an attack may give them a free turn to set up, making the choice of Aerodactyl as a lead questionable. In cases like these, a user of Lead Aerodactyl may often find it better to use Taunt, as the support move the opposing lead might be running will likely be a lot more harmful to a team than eliminating a single team member in general.</p>
Don't have much time right now, so I can't explain errors like I usually do. I'll edit later if I have the chance. Just one quick thing: the Word apostrophe is incorrect. I replaced all apostrophes with the correct apostrophe. Other than that, nice analysis! Withholding stamp until changes are implemented.

EDIT: Changes made, so

'Kay, implemented all of Draco's GP changes, or at least I did my best to, you know. not miss anything. Yep, this is almost done. If I missed anything in GP or anybody would like to make a last minute comment, please do. Now for those stamps...

Score: (3/3), (2/2).
i have a last minute comment
subroost said:
The 104 Attack EVs allow Aerodactyl to OHKO non-bulky Dragonite most of the time after Stealth Rock, Life Orb and sandstorm damage with Rock Slide. If Rock Slide is not being used, however, the Attack EVs should be moved to Speed instead to ensure Aerodactyl can outpace Adamant Gyarados after a Dragon Dance.</p>

why? if you don't have rock slide, what are you planning to do to gyarados...?

also, the ev spread for this set needs another look. it mentions OHKOing dragonite, but i assume that that's just been stuck in there as a replacement for a previous mention of salamence. the speed and the special defense are totally unexplained (i assume the speed is for scarftar, but it actually only needs 144 to do that). i also can't figure out why it's not running max hp.

80 attack evs does a minimum of 59 %. with stealth rock (25 %), sandstorm (6.5 %) and life orb (10 %) that guarantees the ko - but even with no attack investment you still get it "most of the time".

ps: placeholder posts for grammar checks are really fucking gay fyi
Holy talking cats, this exists >.>

Sorry, Dan, I haven't addressed the EV's on the SubRoost set much. I'll just placehold for an EV spread.

So while I'm trying to make up an EV spread for SubRoost (this should require little effort), is there any "checkmark" Pokemon I should look out for? Salamence seemed to be a checkmark for the 104 attack EV's, and in a worse case scenario, Gyarados won't dare switch into Aerodactyl two times.
imo subroost aero really doesn't need any attack evs. rock slide already does <60% to gyarados, <55% to dragonite, <50% to gengar, and <38% to infernape (enough to 2hko with stealth rock and two turns of sand). he should probably just have as much special defense as possible - for example, putting the 104 evs in special defense means rotom-a can almost never break your substitutes when you're roosting.

for clarification: i meant maxing hp and investing the rest in sdef.
I'm in favour of the 104 attack EVs, being able to revenge nite/gyara after SS and maybe SS is really a lot more useful than not letting rotom break your substitutes when roosting....

If Rock Slide is not being used, however, the Attack EVs should be moved to Speed instead to ensure Aerodactyl can outpace Adamant Gyarados after a Dragon Dance.</p>

I don't see the point in this really...
I support as well continuing with the 104 Atk EVs, for the same reasons that panamaxis outlined.

On with the rest of the spread, I think that it should be 248 HP / 8 SpD instead of the current one. Implementing more EVs in the HP allows Aerodactyl to take on physical hits slightly better, and hence help a bit more that mediocre Defense that it boasts. The 208 HP / 48 SpD spread makes Aero take special attacks in a 2%-3% better when compared to the 248 HP / 8 SpD one, but there's no specific move being survived when using either of the spreads -- at least from what I've seen and calculated. In addition to this, the AC section of the SubRoost set should be expanded a bit more and not only mention what the Attack EVs accomplish, but the rest of the spread as well. Just incorporate that having max HP helps Aero survive attacks from the likes of Infernape, Suicune, Rotom-A, etc. that otherwise would KO it, and the premise of this is to contribute to the main purpose of the set, which is the stalling via Substitute + Roost and Pressure. As for the Speed Evs, it's perfectly fine as they are right now, and what should be mentioned is that 148 Speed EVs allow Aero to outrun CS Tyranitar, which is enough.
Okay, after a pretty big deal of Smog Calcs, I propose two alternate spreads, thanks to the previous comments and the calcs:

252 HP/110 SpD/148 Spe
248 HP/104 Atk/10 SpD/148 Spe

Obviously, I'm not changing the speed due to Choice Scarf Tyranitar's popularity. And due to popular demand, the 104 Attack Ev's are going to stay.

As for Setsuna's proposition, it makes sense, since damage output on Aerodactyl is nearly the same with any generic Special Attack (i.e. Rotom's Shadow Ball or Discharge). But now that I look at some calcs, the output for Physical attacks is kind of negligible compared to the original spread and Umbreon Dan's 252 HP spread. I'll keep the new spread because Aerodactyl can still take a few more Special Attacks in SS.

One of the spreads should go in the AC, I know that. And if Aero isn't running Rock Slide, I'll mention Umbreon Dan's 252 HP plan.

EDIT: Due to time constraints, can't edit SubRoost now. Give me a few hours.
On with the rest of the spread, I think that it should be 248 HP / 8 SpD instead of the current one. Implementing more EVs in the HP allows Aerodactyl to take on physical hits slightly better, and hence help a bit more that mediocre Defense that it boasts. The 208 HP / 48 SpD spread makes Aero take special attacks in a 2%-3% better when compared to the 248 HP / 8 SpD one, but there's no specific move being survived when using either of the spreads -- at least from what I've seen and calculated.

the 48 guaranteed tanking of salatias draco meteors; obviously obsolete.

As for the Speed Evs, it's perfectly fine as they are right now, and what should be mentioned is that 148 Speed EVs allow Aero to outrun CS Tyranitar, which is enough.

144 speed i already pointed this out

if the set is advising attack evs, it should be an amount that does something on its own, not an amount that used to do something. 108 guarantees that offensive gyarados takes <68.5 % (ensuring that he can't survive sandstorm after taking stealth rock).

248 hp probably makes more sense than max because 252 increases stealth rock damage yadda yadda

I'm in favour of the 104 attack EVs, being able to revenge nite/gyara after SS and maybe SS is really a lot more useful than not letting rotom break your substitutes when roosting....

if aerodactyl doesn't run max speed, he can't revenge gyaranite anyway. this set, as i've always understood it, is about taking special attacks and stalling opponents out, which is why more bulk seems to be the obvious choice.

summary: the spread should be 252 speed/108 attack/148 hp or 144 speed/248 hp/116 sdef.
summary: the spread should be 252 speed/108 attack/148 hp or 144 speed/248 hp/116 sdef.

May I ask why Aerodactyl's running max speed? Jolteon and Weavile are pretty much the only guys that can beat this Aerodactyl without max speed, so they should be precautioned anyways.

Oh, and forgive my ignorance, I'll change the Speed EVs and the HP EVs.