Breaking News: Special Offer Inside! (Warstory)

Hello denizens of Smogon. This will be roughly my third warstory, and the first two were met with lukewarm responses and forced politeness. In short, they were flops. This time, I bring you a fun team of mine that actually performs splendidly. Also, in this super-special edition of third time being the charm, you get not one but TWO WARSTORIES FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE. Double the fun in the same amount of clicking. Obviously, I had fun and thought they were pretty awesome, so sit back (but not too far if your eyesight is poor), relax, and enjoy. Or else.


Unfortunately, due to the extreme nature of this warstory, sprites will not be displayed for the battles D: (100 image limit on a single post).


Opponent sent out Metagross!
scepticallistic sent out Moltres!
Moltres is exerting its Pressure!

Well, I’m leading with Moltres, which is a pretty awesome lead. It also doesn’t have to worry about Stealth Rock for use, but this isn’t really a(n) RMT, so let’s move on. Now, lead Metagross can carry Occa Berry, but Moltres’ Fire Blast still does 81.8% - 96.7% and Metagross has nothing that can really threaten Moltres (except Stealth Rock…) so Fire Blast is the obvious move. If he predicted the Fire move and switched in Heatran, my Moltres carries HP Ground just for that scenario.

Start of turn 1
Moltres used Fire Blast!
It's super effective!
The foe's Metagross lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Metagross fainted!

Opponent sent out Suicune!

The foe's Suicune is exerting its Pressure!

Moltres - 90% Metagross - Fainted

Er…well I guess he didn’t have Occa Berry and Stealth Rock doesn’t go up. That’s great for me! Conversely, a Suicune comes in and threatens to Surf. I can’t do much to it with my moves, but even if it Calm Minds, I have to switch.

Start of turn 2
scepticallistic called Moltres back!
scepticallistic sent out Poliwrath!

The foe's Suicune used Calm Mind!
The foe's Suicune's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Suicune's Sp. Def. rose!

Poliwrath - 100% Suicune - 100%

If it had Surfed, Poliwrath could have absorbed it handily. Unfortunately, it Calm Minds. I go for an Encore in case it gets greedy with Calm Minds.

Start of turn 3
The foe's Suicune used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Poliwrath lost 194 HP! (50% of its health)

Poliwrath used Encore!
The foe's Suicune received an encore!

Instead, it opts for Hidden Power Electric but Poliwrath survives pretty nicely and locks it in. I make the obvious switch into Rhyperior, my ground type, to get up some Stealth Rock.

Poliwrath - 56% Suicune - 100%

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4
scepticallistic called Poliwrath back!
scepticallistic sent out Rhyperior!

The foe's Suicune used Hidden Power!
It had no effect!

Rhyperior - 100% Suicune - 100%

Pretty uneventful turn. Rhyperior is in for free and can get up Stealth Rock as Suicune switches (or continues to Electric me ineffectively).

Start of turn 5
Opponent called Suicune back!
Opponent sent out Scizor!

Rhyperior used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Opponent's team!

Rhyperior - 100% Scizor - 100%

This is a defensively bulky Rhyperior, and it survives basically all physical onslaughts handily. I decide to stay in since Scizor can’t really manage to threaten me and fire off an Earthquake.

Start of turn 6
The foe's Scizor used Superpower!
It's super effective!
Rhyperior lost 193 HP! (44% of its health)
The foe's Scizor's Attack fell!
The foe's Scizor's Defense fell!

Rhyperior used Earthquake!
The foe's Scizor lost 69% of its health!

Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Rhyperior - 62% Scizor - 31%

Unfortunately, with my massive defense investment I can’t even KO a Scizor with -1 Defense with Earthquake. On the flip side, a super effective 120-base power move doesn’t even muster 50%. I don’t want to take another Superpower, however, as Rhyperior is still useful, so I make the switch to Moltres since it walls basically all Scizor (especially when they’re -1 Attack).

Start of turn 7
Opponent called Scizor back!
Opponent sent out Suicune!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Suicune!

The foe's Suicune is exerting its Pressure!
scepticallistic called Rhyperior back!
scepticallistic sent out Moltres!

Moltres is exerting its Pressure!
The foe's Suicune restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Moltres - 90% Suicune - 94%

Poop. This is the match up in the beginning, but this time I decide to make a risky move and stay in, just to see how much Air Slash musters.

Start of turn 8
The foe's Suicune used Calm Mind!
The foe's Suicune's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Suicune's Sp. Def. rose!

Moltres used Air Slash!
The foe's Suicune lost 30% of its health!

The foe's Suicune restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Moltres - 80% Suicune - 70%

Well, using a Modest nature catches me as Suicune manages to fit a Calm Mind before my attack. I need to switch now, but seeing as I went to Poliwrath last time, it might try to HP Electric, which will also hit Moltres super effectively. I can’t go to Rhyperior in case it does decide to Surf, so instead, I decide to go to a specially defensive Drapion maybe to set up some Toxic Spikes and wear down the opponent’s team.

Start of turn 9
scepticallistic called Moltres back!
scepticallistic sent out Drapion!

The foe's Suicune used Calm Mind!
The foe's Suicune's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Suicune's Sp. Def. rose!

The foe's Suicune restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Drapion - 100% Suicune - 76%

He continues with the Calm Minds, which is starting to get very threatening. Apparently he doesn’t feel endangered enough to fire off offensive moves. I put Toxic Spikes second on the agenda because I need to phase out this beast ASAP.

Start of turn 10
The foe's Suicune used Calm Mind!
The foe's Suicune's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Suicune's Sp. Def. rose!

Drapion used Whirlwind!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Gliscor!
The foe's Gliscor was dragged out!

The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Drapion - 100% Gliscor - 94%

Luckily, he gets really greedy and I push him away for now without taking too much damage. A Gliscor comes in, and I want to Taunt it in case it tries some Baton Pass or Stealth Rock again.

Start of turn 11
The foe's Gliscor used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
Drapion lost 222 HP! (64% of its health)

Drapion used Taunt!
The foe's Gliscor fell for the taunt!

The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Drapion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Drapion - 42% Gliscor - 100%

The thought of Earthquake might have flashed across my subconscious, but I knew Drapion could survive it. Apparently I thought a Gliscor setup was more threatening. He’ll probably try for the KO (and it’s unlikely he’ll use Stone Edge if he has it for fear of the miss) so I go to Moltres to ignore the Earthquake.

Start of turn 12
scepticallistic called Drapion back!
scepticallistic sent out Moltres!

Moltres is exerting its Pressure!
The foe's Gliscor used Earthquake!
It had no effect!

Moltres - 80% Gliscor - 100%

And Moltres gets in scoff free. I decide to fire off a Fire Blast since it’s strong and will cover a broad range of things (and still do decent damage to Suicune if it switches in).

Start of turn 13
The foe's Gliscor used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Moltres lost 13 HP! (4% of its health)
Opponent called Gliscor back!
Opponent sent out Heatran!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Heatran!

Moltres used Fire Blast!
The foe's Heatran's Flash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!

Moltres - 76% Heatran - 88%

A Heatran finally shows up. Fortunately, the only way a Heatran can threaten Moltres is with HP Electric (which is uncommon) and Explosion (which he won’t sacrifice Heatran for). Flash Fire boosted Fire Blast can hurt, but there is a chance to miss and I think I can survive it. He has no reason to fear standard Moltres, so I go for the HP Ground with confidence.

Start of turn 14
Moltres used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Heatran lost 87% of its health!
The foe's Heatran fainted!

Opponent sent out Zapdos!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Zapdos!

The foe's Zapdos is exerting its Pressure!

Moltres - 66% Heatran - Fainted

Score. The Heatran wasn’t Scarfed and a huge threat goes down. A Zapdos comes in. While Thunderbolt is threatening, I’m pretty satisfied with Moltres’ performance and I’m willing to let it go down just to see what the Zapdos is up to since Gliscor outspeeds and Suicune takes all my attacks handily. It might be useful for Scizor, but Stealth Rock will bring it down to 18% health the next time it switches in. I just decide to go for a Fire Blast.

Start of turn 15
Moltres used Fire Blast!
The foe's Zapdos lost 70% of its health!

The foe's Zapdos used Roost!
The foe's Zapdos landed on the ground!
The foe's Zapdos regained health!

The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Moltres - 56% Zapdos - 55%

Surprisingly, it opts to Roost to heal off the Stealth Rock damage, thinking I would run. I also notice I outspeed so it’s not an offensive Zapdos. Fire Blast does awesome damage; too bad it didn’t KO. I go for it again, but Pressure is eating at my PP.

Start of turn 16
Opponent called Zapdos back!
Opponent sent out Suicune!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Suicune!

The foe's Suicune is exerting its Pressure!
Moltres used Fire Blast!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Suicune lost 32% of its health!

The foe's Suicune restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Moltres - 46% Suicune - 36%

And in comes Suicune for another Pressure. Both Moltres and Suicune are getting worn down, so I just decide to Air Slash.

Start of turn 17
The foe's Suicune used Calm Mind!
The foe's Suicune's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Suicune's Sp. Def. rose!

Moltres used Air Slash!
The foe's Suicune lost 28% of its health!

The foe's Suicune restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Moltres - 36% Suicune - 14%

The usual happens. I just click Air Slash again, ready to sacrifice Moltres.

Start of turn 18
The foe's Suicune used Surf!
It's super effective!
Moltres lost 116 HP! (36% of its health)
Moltres fainted!

The foe's Suicune restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
scepticallistic sent out Manectric!

Moltres - Fainted Suicune - 20%

Thanks, my flaming chicken. You did well. I send in Manectric to threaten with a STAB electric move. I’m afraid of Gliscor coming in for free, though, so I opt for HP Grass which will still hit Suicune super effectively and dent Gliscor a little if it does come in.

Start of turn 19
Manectric used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Suicune lost 20% of its health!
The foe's Suicune fainted!

Opponent sent out Gliscor!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Gliscor!

Manectric - 100% Suicune - Fainted

My opponent opts to sacrifice Suicune, however, and Gliscor comes in again anyway. Manectric can also revenge Scizor if it comes in so I decide to save it from the Earthquake and switch to Mesprit, who can Levitate.

Start of turn 20
scepticallistic called Manectric back!
scepticallistic sent out Mesprit!

The foe's Gliscor used Earthquake!
It had no effect!

The foe's Gliscor restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Mesprit - 100% Gliscor - 94%

My Mesprit is Scarfed, and assessing my opponent’s team, I decide Ice Punch is the best move to hit Gliscor for 4x and Zapdos for 2x. Scizor is weakened enough that I think I can 2KO if it switches in.

Start of turn 21
Mesprit used Ice Punch!
It's super effective!
The foe's Gliscor lost 72% of its health!

The foe's Gliscor used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Mesprit lost 96 HP! (30% of its health)
Opponent called Gliscor back!
Opponent sent out Scizor!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Scizor!

Mesprit - 70% Gliscor - 22% Scizor - 18%

Unfortunately, Mesprit is the jack of all trades and master of none. A 4x effective move fails to KO Gliscor and it U-turns out for super effective damage. My opponent knows I’m Scarfed now, since I outsped him. Scizor comes in, but now I have to take a hit in order to 2KO with Ice Punch. I make a switch to Drapion as a sacrifice.

Start of turn 22
scepticallistic called Mesprit back!
scepticallistic sent out Drapion!

The foe's Scizor used U-turn!
Drapion lost 143 HP! (41% of its health)
Drapion fainted!
Opponent called Scizor back!
Opponent sent out Zapdos!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Zapdos!

The foe's Zapdos is exerting its Pressure!

The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
scepticallistic sent out Manectric!

Drapion - Fainted Zapdos - 36%

The sacrifice also lets me see what he’ll switch into, so I decide to go to Manectric, although not for any particular reason.

Start of turn 23
Manectric used Thunderbolt!
The foe's Zapdos lost 30% of its health!

The foe's Zapdos used Roost!
The foe's Zapdos landed on the ground!
The foe's Zapdos regained health!

The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Manectric - 100% Zapdos - 62%

I attempt to Thunderbolt to KO but apparently Manectric is weak as crud without a Life Orb or that Zapdos is just specially bulky. Feeling relatively unthreatened, I finally decide to use Charge Beam in an attempt to get some boosts and sweep.

Start of turn 24
Manectric used Charge Beam!
The foe's Zapdos lost 18% of its health!
Manectric's Sp. Att. rose!

The foe's Zapdos used Thunder Wave!
Manectric is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Manectric - 100% Zapdos - 50%

Pah. I didn’t really see Thunder Wave coming. While Manectric is crippled, I try to fire off a Thunderbolt.

Start of turn 25
The foe's Zapdos used Roost!
The foe's Zapdos landed on the ground!
The foe's Zapdos regained health!
Manectric is paralyzed! It can't move!

Manectric - 100% Zapdos - 100%

Herp derp I get fully paralyzed on the first turn and the Zapdos is basically up to full health. Since Manectric is paralyzed, however, it can no longer outspeed Gliscor, so here I opt to use a Flamethrower in case it tries to switch in…

Start of turn 26
Opponent called Zapdos back!
Opponent sent out Gliscor!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Gliscor!

Manectric used Flamethrower!
The foe's Gliscor lost 9% of its health!
The foe's Gliscor fainted!

Opponent sent out Scizor!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Scizor!

Manectric - 100% Gliscor - Fainted Scizor - 6%

I love it when plans work out. Seeing the Scizor, I try to Flamethrower again, but I’m paralyzed and it’ll outspeed. My opponent only has Zapdos and Scizor left, however, and a plan begins to form. I sacrifice Manectric.

Start of turn 27
The foe's Scizor used Superpower!
Manectric lost 281 HP! (100% of its health)
Manectric fainted!
Manectric's Static activates!
The foe's Scizor is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The foe's Scizor's Attack fell!
The foe's Scizor's Defense fell!

scepticallistic sent out Poliwrath!

Manectric - Fainted Scizor - 6%

The paralysis was icing on the cake. I send in my bulky Poliwrath on the lowered Scizor’s defenses, and I decide to get a Substitute up in case Zapdos wants to come in because it’ll give me some protection. In hindsight, this was a series of stupid moves because Scizor wouldn’t have switched out; Stealth Rock would have finished it when it came back in. Yaaaay I’m a moron.

Start of turn 28
Poliwrath used Substitute!
Poliwrath made a substitute!

The foe's Scizor used Superpower!
Poliwrath's substitute faded!
The foe's Scizor's Attack fell!
The foe's Scizor's Defense fell!

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 37% Scizor - 6%

He manages to break my sub, but he’s at -2 attack now. I try to Substitute again in case he becomes fully paralyzed so I can Encore Zapdos’ Thunderbolt when it comes in, giving Rhyperior a free switch in and ability to Rock Slide for the win.

Start of turn 29
Poliwrath used Substitute!
Poliwrath made a substitute!

The foe's Scizor used Superpower!
Poliwrath's substitute faded!
The foe's Scizor's Attack fell!
The foe's Scizor's Defense fell!

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 18% Scizor - 6%

…but he still breaks my Substitute. I’m low on health now, and stupid me finally realized that I outspeed Scizor. I just click Waterfall, feeling slightly foolish since I don’t have enough health for a Substitute anyway.

Start of turn 30
Poliwrath used Waterfall!
A critical hit!
The foe's Scizor lost 5% of its health!
The foe's Scizor fainted!

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Opponent sent out Zapdos!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Zapdos!

The foe's Zapdos is exerting its Pressure!

Poliwrath - 24% Scizor - Fainted Zapdos - 75%

Well that was a waste of 2 Substitutes and a crit. Zapdos comes in. My new plan is this, now. Mesprit can trick a Scarf onto Zapdos in an attempt to lock it into Thunderbolt and then Rhyperior can come in for free and just take it out with Rock Slide. It’s simple, yes, but that’s the plan. I leave Poliwrath in as a sacrifice. I’m fairly positive that Zapdos will try to use an electric move on Mesprit since it’s probably the strongest move, giving me the opportunity to lock it in with Trick.

Start of turn 31
The foe's Zapdos used Thunderbolt!
It's super effective!
Poliwrath lost 94 HP! (24% of its health)
Poliwrath fainted!

The foe's Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
scepticallistic sent out Mesprit!

Poliwrath - Fainted Zapdos - 82% Mesprit - 70%

Plan initiation.

Start of turn 32
Mesprit used Trick!
Mesprit switched items with the foe's Zapdos!
Mesprit obtained one Leftovers!
The foe's Zapdos obtained one Choice Scarf!

The foe's Zapdos used Thunder Wave!
Mesprit is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Mesprit restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Mesprit - 76% Zapdos - 82%

Even better. The game is in the bag. That means Mesprit can Zen Headbutt or Ice Punch the Zapdos to death while it ineffectively uses Thunder Wave. I prepare my “gg”s and click on Zen Headbutt. I had a great time during this match and hopefully it wasn’t as “flop”full as my previous warstories have been! The rest of the battle is mere formalities now since there’s absolutely nothing he can do.

Start of turn 33
The foe's Zapdos used Thunder Wave!
Mesprit is already paralyzed.
Mesprit is paralyzed! It can't move!

Mesprit restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Mesprit - 82% Zapdos - 82%

I always seem to get fully paralyzed on the next immediate turn.

Start of turn 34
The foe's Zapdos used Thunder Wave!
Mesprit is already paralyzed.
Mesprit is paralyzed! It can't move!

Mesprit restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Mesprit - 88% Zapdos - 82%

Um...okay. Hax is just delaying the inevitable.

Start of turn 35
The foe's Zapdos used Thunder Wave!
Mesprit is already paralyzed.
Mesprit is paralyzed! It can't move!

Mesprit restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Mesprit - 94% Zapdos - 82%

Okay this is ridiculous.

Start of turn 36
The foe's Zapdos used Thunder Wave!
Mesprit is already paralyzed.
Mesprit is paralyzed! It can't move!

Mesprit restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
scepticallistic: lol what

Mesprit - 100% Zapdos - 82%

Yeah…my comment basically sums up the premise right now. On another preposterous note, I’m at full health from lefties.

Start of turn 37
The foe's Zapdos used Thunder Wave!
Mesprit is already paralyzed.

Mesprit used Zen Headbutt!
The foe's Zapdos lost 34% of its health!

Mesprit - 100% Zapdos - 48%

I finally get off the move and prepare my “gg”s when…

The Opponent has left.

What a lousy ending.

[Opponent's Team]


_________________________________________________________________________________________ that wasn’t exactly the best ending...

Special offer time: Second Pokemon battle included!

Just to recap my team:

Battle between Foe and scepticallistic started!

scepticallistic sent out Moltres!
Foe sent out Uxie!
Moltres is exerting its Pressure!

My Moltres lead vs. an Uxie. These things are kind of versatile, so it can do any number of Stealth Rock, Trick, Screens, weather, or status. It’s difficult to determine on the very first move of the match so I just go for the Fire Blast for the strongest attack. If it tricks a Scarf onto Moltres, it wouldn’t be so bad. If it opts of Stealth Rock, I can probably 2KO it barring a ridiculous miss, although Moltres won’t be doing much else in the match. As for the other options, I just need to pick it up from there.

Start of turn 1
Moltres used Fire Blast!
The foe's Uxie lost 71% of its health!

The foe's Uxie used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around scepticallistic's team!

The foe's Uxie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Moltres - 90% Uxie - 35%

Fire Blast deals a good chunk to Uxie, but it manages to get up Stealth Rock. As a general rule, I seldom use the same move twice to prevent obvious prediction. Air Slash is sufficient to KO Uxie and can hopefully hit something wanting to sponge the Fire Blast (bar Blissey) should my opponent choose to do so. I also notice Lefties on Uxie so there’s no tricking action going on by that.

Start of turn 2
Foe called Uxie back!
Foe sent out Heatran!

Moltres used Air Slash!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Heatran lost 26% of its health!

Moltres - 80% Heatran - 74%

And the obvious Heatran switches in in an attempt to get a Flash Fire boost. Bar Explosion or a super effective Hidden Power, Heatran can’t do much to Moltres. Most people will gladly leave Heatran in thinking it walls Moltres, which gives me the perfect opportunity to use HP Ground (like the last match).

Start of turn 3
Moltres used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Heatran lost 73% of its health!
The foe's Heatran fainted!

Foe sent out Vaporeon!

Moltres - 70% Heatran - Fainted

Beautiful. It wasn’t Scarfed so Moltres takes no damage (bar suicidal Life Orb). Bulky waters are no good for Moltres, however, and I decide to switch to Poliwrath in an attempt to absorb a water move. I was slightly concerned about Toxic, however, but I didn’t really expect him to Toxic something that would be stripped of 50% health upon switchin that he can also hit super effectively.

Start of turn 4
scepticallistic called Moltres back!
scepticallistic sent out Poliwrath!
Pointed stones dug into Poliwrath!

The foe's Vaporeon used Wish!

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 100% Vaporeon - 100%

Apparently, my opponent intends to heal Uxie, since it’s the only one on his team that has taken damage. Luckily, I can now get up a Substitute for free to scout what it wants to do or block status.

Start of turn 5
Foe called Vaporeon back!
Foe sent out Togekiss!

Poliwrath used Substitute!
Poliwrath made a substitute!

Vaporeon's wish came true!
Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 81% Togekiss - 100%

Why waste a good Substitute? I go for the Focus Punch and prepare to see what move it uses.

Start of turn 6
Poliwrath is tightening its focus!
The foe's Togekiss used Air Slash!
It's super effective!
Poliwrath's substitute faded!

Poliwrath used Focus Punch!
The foe's Togekiss lost 60% of its health!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 87% Togekiss - 46%

I don’t want Poliwrath to take a super effective Air Slash, and I’m pretty sure Waterfall won’t KO (plus, there’s flinchax). Thinking it might want to Air Slash again to prevent me from potentially setting up a Substitute, so I go to Manectric in an attempt to resist the move and threaten with a KO (since Togekiss is right after Jirachi in terms of irksomeness).

Start of turn 7
scepticallistic called Poliwrath back!
scepticallistic sent out Manectric!
Pointed stones dug into Manectric!

The foe's Togekiss used Roost!
The foe's Togekiss landed on the ground!
The foe's Togekiss regained health!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Manectric - 88% Togekiss - 100%

I realize I’m thinking of my opponent too offensively. He opts to heal up instead, so I facepalm and realized if I had realized that my opponent played defensively I could have nailed it with a super effective Focus Punch and KOed it. But, of course, hindsight is perfect. I take this opportunity to use Charge Beam to try to get my Manectric’s Sp. Attack up. As much as I hate to say this, I’m not as happy with Manectric as I had been initially, so I left it in even with the threat of Thunder Wave. What a shameful thing to say. :[

Start of turn 8
Foe called Togekiss back!
Foe sent out Jirachi!

Manectric used Charge Beam!
The foe's Jirachi lost 23% of its health!
Manectric's Sp. Att. rose!

Manectric - 88% Jirachi - 77%

Ugh, a Jirachi. He’s carrying both Serene Gracers of doom. :< Fortunately, most Jirachi can’t do much to Manectric, and considering this one does not have Lefties, it’s probably Scarfed. I go for the Flamethrower because these things need to die.

Start of turn 9
The foe's Jirachi used U-turn!
Manectric lost 110 HP! (39% of its health)
Foe called Jirachi back!
Foe sent out Machamp!

Manectric used Flamethrower!
The foe's Machamp lost 43% of its health!

The foe's Machamp restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Manectric - 49% Machamp - 63%

Aaaand a Machamp comes in. Apparently my opponent is carrying the most annoying Pokemon in the game. I thought that a Thunderbolt could have KOed, especially with a Sp. Attack boost, but apparently I really need to put Life Orb back on this thing if I want it to perform.

Start of turn 10
Manectric used Thunderbolt!
The foe's Machamp lost 59% of its health!

The foe's Machamp used DynamicPunch!
Manectric lost 136 HP! (48% of its health)
Manectric fainted!

The foe's Machamp restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
scepticallistic sent out Moltres!
Pointed stones dug into Moltres!

Moltres is exerting its Pressure!

Manectric - Fainted Machamp - 10%

Manectric seems apt at just barely missing KOs. I send in Moltres to revenge, and it loses 50% from rocks. I don’t want to risk Fire Blast or Air Slash missing, so I just use HP Ground.

Start of turn 11
Foe called Machamp back!
Foe sent out Vaporeon!

Moltres used Hidden Power!
The foe's Vaporeon lost 23% of its health!

The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Moltres - 10% Vaporeon - 83%

Annoyingly, my opponent seems perfectly content with saving the Machamp. He probably expects me to go down from Life Orb and will Wish up. I take the opportunity to Roost up to be annoying a bit longer (I can switch in to Stealth Rock one more time).

Start of turn 12
Moltres used Roost!
Moltres landed on the ground!
Moltres regained health!

The foe's Vaporeon used Wish!

The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Moltres - 60% Vaporeon - 89%

And so we do our pansy stuff and I decide to switch to Poliwrath in case he finally decides to Surf. ?_? Poliwrath is also a pretty nice pivot since he’s pretty bulky. Unfortunately, I’m silly again and totally didn’t catch that he wanted to heal up Machamp, so I let it in for free.

Start of turn 13
scepticallistic called Moltres back!
scepticallistic sent out Poliwrath!
Pointed stones dug into Poliwrath!

Foe called Vaporeon back!
Foe sent out Machamp!

Vaporeon's wish came true!
Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Machamp restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 87% Machamp - 66%

Damn. I choose Substitute to scout his move, because I really don’t want anything switching in and taking an attack.

Start of turn 14
Poliwrath used Substitute!
Poliwrath made a substitute!

The foe's Machamp used DynamicPunch!
Poliwrath's substitute faded!

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Machamp restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 68% Machamp - 72%

Although the DynamicPunch was obvious, there was always the change that he would use Bulk Up and I could Encore it (hahaha). I decide to go to my Scarf Mesprit to resist the Punch, even though confusion is troublesome.

Start of turn 15
scepticallistic called Poliwrath back!
scepticallistic sent out Mesprit!
Pointed stones dug into Mesprit!

The foe's Machamp used DynamicPunch!
It's not very effective...
Mesprit lost 87 HP! (27% of its health)
Mesprit became confused!

The foe's Machamp restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Mesprit - 61% Machamp - 78%

Herpderp. The psychic move is very obvious, and I know he has a Jirachi. Because of this, I opt to use Fire Punch and risk Machamp running all over me, since I’d rather have a slow Machamp than a Jirachi coming in basically for free.

Start of turn 16
Foe called Machamp back!
Foe sent out Jirachi!

Mesprit is confused!
Mesprit used Fire Punch!
It's super effective!
The foe's Jirachi lost 50% of its health!

Mesprit - 61% Jirachi - 27%

I get “lucky” with the confusion and nail Jirachi for good damage. Getting exciting that yet another troublesome Pokemon is getting low on health YET AGAIN, I overzealously select Fire Punch.

Start of turn 17
The foe's Jirachi used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Mesprit lost 132 HP! (42% of its health)
Foe called Jirachi back!
Foe sent out Uxie!

Mesprit is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
Mesprit lost 44 HP! (14% of its health)

The foe's Uxie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Mesprit - 5% Uxie - 41%

It would have been nice to have landed a hit on the Uxie switching in since I completely disregarded Jirachi’s Scarf in my mind. Mesprit is now a sacrifice since Stealth Rock will prevent me from fleeing and still being useful.

Start of turn 18
Mesprit is confused!
Mesprit used Fire Punch!
The foe's Uxie lost 16% of its health!

The foe's Uxie used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Mesprit lost 10 HP! (3% of its health)
Mesprit fainted!
Foe called Uxie back!
Foe sent out Jirachi!

scepticallistic sent out Rhyperior!
Pointed stones dug into Rhyperior!

Mesprit - Fainted Uxie - 31%

It would have been nice to have that extra damage on the turn Uxie switched in, but I’m not sure if it would have 2KOed anyway. Mesprit goes down and I go to my bulky Rhyperior to take on the relatively weak Jirachi, preferably to finally set up some Stealth Rock to prevent him from switching happily.

Start of turn 19
The foe's Jirachi used U-turn!
Rhyperior lost 41 HP! (9% of its health)
Foe called Jirachi back!
Foe sent out Uxie!

Rhyperior used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Foe's team!

The foe's Uxie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Rhyperior - 91% Uxie - 37%

The Uxie comes in, and I feel completely safe from any of its moves. I hit Roar to start shuffling around his team and hopefully rack up some Stealth Rock damage.

Start of turn 20
The foe's Uxie used Yawn!
The foe's Uxie made Rhyperior feel drowsy!

Rhyperior used Roar!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jirachi!
The foe's Jirachi was dragged out!

Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Rhyperior - 97% Jirachi - 21%

Aaand he makes me drowsy while Jirachi comes in. I switch out to my other bulky support Pokemon, Drapion, to get up some Toxic Spikes and finally get some way to whittle this guy’s team down.

Start of turn 21
scepticallistic called Rhyperior back!
scepticallistic sent out Drapion!
Pointed stones dug into Drapion!

The foe's Jirachi used U-turn!
Drapion lost 61 HP! (17% of its health)
Foe called Jirachi back!
Foe sent out Togekiss!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Togekiss!

Drapion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Drapion - 77% Togekiss - 81%

Togekiss comes in. I want to Taunt it in case it tries anything fishy since I feel relatively unthreatened.

Start of turn 22
Drapion used Taunt!
The foe's Togekiss fell for the taunt!

The foe's Togekiss used Body Slam!
Drapion lost 46 HP! (13% of its health)
Drapion is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Drapion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Drapion - 70% Togekiss - 87%

Blah. I failed to prevent paralysis with my move, which is slightly annoying. It’s now free to flinchax me to death, but I want to set up at least some Toxic Spikes to whittle down Vaporeon and Machamp. Those bulky beasts are problematic.

Start of turn 23
The foe's Togekiss used Air Slash!
Drapion lost 90 HP! (26% of its health)

Drapion flinched!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Drapion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 24
The foe's Togekiss used Air Slash!
Drapion lost 88 HP! (25% of its health)

Drapion flinched!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Drapion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 25
The foe's Togekiss used Air Slash!
Drapion lost 90 HP! (26% of its health)

Drapion is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Drapion restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 26
The foe's Togekiss used Air Slash!
Drapion lost 31 HP! (9% of its health)
Drapion fainted!

The foe's Togekiss's taunt ended!
scepticallistic sent out Rhyperior!
Pointed stones dug into Rhyperior!

Drapion - Fainted Togekiss - 100%

Herpderp that was pretty terrible, although really Drapion wouldn’t have been very effective against his bulky team. I send in Rhyperior to resist the Air Slash and do more shuffling.

Start of turn 27
Foe called Togekiss back!
Foe sent out Uxie!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Uxie!

Rhyperior used Rock Slide!
The foe's Uxie lost 18% of its health!
The foe's Uxie fainted!

Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Foe sent out Vaporeon!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Vaporeon!

Rhyperior - 97% Uxie - Fainted

I Rock Slide in an attempt to damage Togekiss and pull down an Uxie instead. Oh well, at least there’s another one going down. Vaporeon comes in and I really don’t want to take a chance at Surf, so I go to Poliwrath as usual.

Start of turn 28
Foe called Vaporeon back!
Foe sent out Togekiss!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Togekiss!

scepticallistic called Rhyperior back!
scepticallistic sent out Poliwrath!
Pointed stones dug into Poliwrath!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 68% Togekiss - 81%

Unfortunately that was way obvious and he switches back to Togekiss. Thinking he wanted to try some other non-offensive shenanigans (or maybe just to lock it in on an Air Slash that Rhyperior resists), I use Encore and risk getting Air Slashed.

Start of turn 29
The foe's Togekiss used Substitute!
The foe's Togekiss made a substitute!

Poliwrath used Encore!
The foe's Togekiss received an encore!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 74% Togekiss - 62%

Awesomesauce. This gives me the opportunity to set up my own Substitute and wreak some more havoc with Focus Punch.

Start of turn 30
Foe called Togekiss back!
Foe sent out Machamp!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Machamp!

Poliwrath used Substitute!
Poliwrath made a substitute!

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Machamp restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 55% Machamp - 78%

Eat my Focus Punch.

Start of turn 31
Poliwrath is tightening its focus!
The foe's Machamp used DynamicPunch!
Poliwrath's substitute faded!

Poliwrath used Focus Punch!
The foe's Machamp lost 74% of its health!

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Machamp restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 61% Machamp - 10%

We exchange manly blows and I end up better off. I select Waterfall to finish it off, feeling pretty confident that he wouldn’t switch in Vaporeon to absorb it since Waterfall is not the common complement to Focus Punch on Wrath. I also really just wanted Machamp to finally go down.

Start of turn 32
Poliwrath used Waterfall!
The foe's Machamp lost 9% of its health!
The foe's Machamp fainted!

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Foe sent out Togekiss!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Togekiss!

Poliwrath - 67% Machamp - Fainted

Yes yes yes die, Machamp, die. I don’t risk staying in again like last time and go to Rhyperior to wall the Togekiss.

Start of turn 33
scepticallistic called Poliwrath back!
scepticallistic sent out Rhyperior!
Pointed stones dug into Rhyperior!

The foe's Togekiss used Air Slash!
It's not very effective...
Rhyperior lost 69 HP! (15% of its health)

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Rhyperior - 82% Togekiss - 49%

Nothing much to do but try to do some damage with Rock Slide.

Start of turn 34
The foe's Togekiss used Roost!
The foe's Togekiss landed on the ground!
The foe's Togekiss regained health!

Rhyperior used Rock Slide!
The foe's Togekiss lost 32% of its health!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Rhyperior 88% Togekiss - 100%

God. This is going to require some finesse. Namely, Earthquaking when he Roosts. since I haven’t used it yet my opponent might think I don’t have it.

Start of turn 35
The foe's Togekiss used Body Slam!
It's not very effective...
Rhyperior lost 16 HP! (3% of its health)
Rhyperior is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Rhyperior used Rock Slide!
It's super effective!
The foe's Togekiss lost 64% of its health!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Rhyperior - 91% Togekiss - 42%

Of course, he won’t Roost until his health is down, which means this is the turn to Earthquake...

Start of turn 36
The foe's Togekiss used Roost!
The foe's Togekiss landed on the ground!
The foe's Togekiss regained health!

Rhyperior used Earthquake!
The foe's Togekiss lost 45% of its health!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Rhyperior - 97% Togekiss - 53%

Well that was disappointing. Offensive Rhyperior wouldn’t have this much trouble with a Togekiss. -.- That’s the trade-off for walling lots of things I guess. I Earthquake again, hoping that I had rolled minimum damage.

Start of turn 37
The foe's Togekiss used Roost!
The foe's Togekiss landed on the ground!
The foe's Togekiss regained health!

Rhyperior is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Togekiss restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Rhyperior - 100% Togekiss - 100%

Just kidding. I decide to put the confrontation off until later with Roar.

Start of turn 38
The foe's Togekiss used Substitute!
The foe's Togekiss made a substitute!

Rhyperior used Roar!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jirachi!
The foe's Jirachi was dragged out!

Rhyperior - 100% Jirachi - 15%

I opt for the Earthquake, thinking that he’ll finally try to attack with Jirachi.

Start of turn 39
The foe's Jirachi used U-turn!
Rhyperior lost 45 HP! (10% of its health)
Foe called Jirachi back!
Foe sent out Vaporeon!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Vaporeon!

Rhyperior used Earthquake!
The foe's Vaporeon lost 35% of its health!

The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Rhyperior - 96% Vaporeon - 48%

But instead I bop the Vaporeon on the way in. Rhyperior is proving valuable, so out he goes and in comes Poliwrath, as usual.

Start of turn 40
scepticallistic called Rhyperior back!
scepticallistic sent out Poliwrath!
Pointed stones dug into Poliwrath!

The foe's Vaporeon used Wish!

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Poliwrath - 67% Vaporeon - 54%

Alright. I’ve had enough of his shenanigans. I’m almost 100% positive he’s going to go to something else to recover health, and I just will not let that happen. I let fly a naked Focus Punch because Vaporeon seems to be content with doing diddly squat offensively.

Start of turn 41
Poliwrath is tightening its focus!
Foe called Vaporeon back!
Foe sent out Togekiss!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Togekiss!

Poliwrath used Focus Punch!
The foe's Togekiss lost 25% of its health!
The foe's Togekiss fainted!

Poliwrath restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Foe sent out Jirachi!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jirachi!

Poliwrath - 73% Togekiss - Fainted

This was beyond satisfying. The Wish is nullified and that stupid B-52 bomber finally goes down in flames to my Falcon Punch. My opponent plays very safely and rarely diverges from his usual pattern of slowing down offensive onslaughts. With the entrance of Jirachi, I go straight back to my Rhyperior for the end game.

Start of turn 42
scepticallistic called Poliwrath back!
scepticallistic sent out Rhyperior!
Pointed stones dug into Rhyperior!

The foe's Jirachi used ThunderPunch!
It had no effect!

Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Rhyperior - 96% Jirachi - 9%

That worked out better than I had hoped. With Moltres in the wings and very healthy, bulky Rhyperior and Poliwrath pair, I’m pretty sure the game is just about set. Jirachi is not staying in and I’m just going to Earthquake to nail the Vaporeon switchin.

Start of turn 43
Foe called Jirachi back!
Foe sent out Vaporeon!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Vaporeon!

Rhyperior used Earthquake!
The foe's Vaporeon lost 28% of its health!
The foe's Vaporeon fainted!

Rhyperior restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Foe sent out Jirachi!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Jirachi!

Rhyperior - 100% Vaporeon - Fainted

Good game. There’s no way Jirachi can possibly cover Moltres, Rhyperior, and Poliwrath.

Start of turn 44
The foe's Jirachi used Iron Head!
It's super effective!
Rhyperior lost 114 HP! (26% of its health)

Rhyperior used Earthquake!
It's super effective!
The foe's Jirachi lost 0% of its health!
The foe's Jirachi fainted!

scepticallistic won the battle!
scepticallistic: Good game.
Foe: LAG!
scepticallistic: gg
Foe: gg

After our lousy preset winning/losing messages play we exchange sincere “gg”s for a great match on both sides.

[Opponent’s Team]

D: My comments seemed so much more substantial in my editor.

So I hope you enjoyed the unorthodox two-battle warstory!

That concludes today’s program. Please stay tuned for a ridiculous program of mindless drivel interrupted by deceptive commercials and ridiculous offers.


I really liked these warstories. Although your opponents didn't play that great, you made some excellent predictions. Good job, I think you got it :D
Pretty good read. I thought the comments were alright and the battles were decent, and I applaud the fact that you have the balls to use a UU team in OU. However I do have 2 complaints:

First, I think you over did it with the colors. While putting each move into its respective elemental color may seem like a good idea, to me anyway, it didn't really work out that well. I just found it too jumpy and distracting, but that's just my opinion.

The other thing was from the second battle. At the beginning of turn 38, Togekiss was at full health, then subbed up bringing it down to 75%, only to be roared away by Rhyperior. Then, on turn 41, Togekiss switches back in, taking Stealth Rock damage and bringing it down to 50%. However, when Poliwrath uses Focus Punch, Togekiss loses 25% of its health and faints. Maybe I'm an idiot and am missing something obvious, but something doesn't add up here.
First, I think you over did it with the colors. While putting each move into its respective elemental color may seem like a good idea, to me anyway, it didn't really work out that well. I just found it too jumpy and distracting, but that's just my opinion.

The other thing was from the second battle. At the beginning of turn 38, Togekiss was at full health, then subbed up bringing it down to 75%, only to be roared away by Rhyperior. Then, on turn 41, Togekiss switches back in, taking Stealth Rock damage and bringing it down to 50%. However, when Poliwrath uses Focus Punch, Togekiss loses 25% of its health and faints. Maybe I'm an idiot and am missing something obvious, but something doesn't add up here.

The log is what was directly saved from Pokemon Online, so I apologize for the colors.

As for the second thing, I'm not really sure what happened there. O_O The only solution I can think of is to change it to Togekiss losing 50% health, but it kind of bothers me that I have to tamper with the actual log itself. I have yet to figure out what caused that anomaly, apologies.
I thought this was o.k. I enjoyed some of your predictions however your opponent (particularly your first one, Why oh why would you go for a third CM when you can sweep with Suicune!) played poorly which kinda prevented me from enjoying them. Still it was a good read and thats the main thing I guess
I thought this was o.k. I enjoyed some of your predictions however your opponent (particularly your first one, Why oh why would you go for a third CM when you can sweep with Suicune!) played poorly which kinda prevented me from enjoying them. Still it was a good read and thats the main thing I guess

I agree. Three calm mind? Occa-less metagross staying? But i loved your stories I love the fact that your uu team kicked ass in ou environment, even if the players were sub par. You made great predicitions and I would enjoy reading your next one.

First, I think you over did it with the colors. While putting each move into its respective elemental color may seem like a good idea, to me anyway, it didn't really work out that well. I just found it too jumpy and distracting, but that's just my opinion.
I disagree.

That said, the first one is pretty good. Opponent was kinda mediocre though. Still, good read.
Good read, and nice warstory. I disagree in playing OU with UU Pokémon just for the fact that, if you win, probably you're facing not such a good player. Nice predictions anyway and decent commentary, in my opinion. Good luck with other stories!
It might be useful for Scizor, but Stealth Rock will bring it down to 18% health the next time it switches in
You blocked his SR, remember? Also, you never mention Moltres' Life Orb, nor does it appear in the log. Will edit more in later
The log is what was directly saved from Pokemon Online, so I apologize for the colors.

As for the second thing, I'm not really sure what happened there. O_O The only solution I can think of is to change it to Togekiss losing 50% health, but it kind of bothers me that I have to tamper with the actual log itself. I have yet to figure out what caused that anomaly, apologies.

You don't have to apologize for the colors. I was just expressing my opinion, and at least one person disagrees with me, so there really is no need for apology.

As for the math error, again, no apology needed. It wasn't your fault and if I wasn't so anal, nobody would have noticed, and there would have been no harm done. Besides, it's just a minor error, the important thing is that the Togekiss dies :P
I disagree.

That said, the first one is pretty good. Opponent was kinda mediocre though. Still, good read.

Funny I was gonna post on how I don't see how the colors distract you guys unless you all have A.D.D., the color scheme was nice, I never got confused on what is what but then again I never do in people's warstories

By the way TR, nice notice on the damage calculation, you're right I wouldn't have noticed either.
Hey Scepticallistic
I really enjoyed the two battles, though the first had some unecessary hax. Moltres lead is awesome, are you just using standard sweeper set with Modest > Timid?
Thanks for the warstories.
Hey Scepticallistic
I really enjoyed the two battles, though the first had some unecessary hax. Moltres lead is awesome, are you just using standard sweeper set with Modest > Timid?
Thanks for the warstories.

Ya I think it was close to standard, with modest nature
I only read story 1 (so far), but from what I read, this is excellent! Great job!

My only fairly minor criticism, like others said, is that the opponent was about as strong as the cartridge's AI. :/
The second story was quite the read, though your opponent never mixing it up made the predictions after initial failures quite easy. First story didn't have that great of an opponent. It's nice to see an UU team win in OU though, nice job on that.