Escape Button

Item 547
だっしゅつボタン - "Escape Button"
32BP in the Battle Subway

"When the holder is attacked, it can switch with another Pokémon in reserve."

Yet to fully test the ins and outs of this, but seems like it could be useful to save turns switching in and out.
Perhaps could find use on something fast that's going to be setting up conditions for other stuff to sweep - rain dancers, trick roomers, screeners - to get them out after setting up without wasting a turn switching the sweeper in.

EDIT: Disappears after use.
Can choose who to switch in.
Holder being hit before moving switches them out and wastes that turn.
How does the mechanism work, exactly? If you get hit by a faster attack, does it mean you are forced out without getting to move at all?
Hmm one use in battle, could be helpful I guess, but I don't see it replacing other items. (and if you wanna switch/scout you got U-turn)
So far it seems to work like this.

When hit by a damaging move(ie not stat changes) you are prompted to choose from your other pokemon and the item is consumed. So yes, Shimrit, if you are hit with a faster attack you will be forced to switch with no move taken.
Just used it against a Shuppet who Shadow Sneaked me. I got switched out and basically lost my turn.

=( that basically removes all its value. Weather is easily accessible now so if anything this guy sets up dual screens or gravity/trick room - but such support Pokemon tend to be slow (and Trick Room actually has negative priority) so they'll be forced out before achieving their job. And apart from field effects I don't think this item has much use (apart from saving a turn to switch in a counter instead of making sacrifices/weakening the counter by switching in directly.. but these seem too situational to be reliable)
I guess the only way you're reliably going to get what you want set up using this is if you put it on something with Drought, Sand Stream etc, and use them to set up weather without needing to move, then get the next thing in straight away when they escape out with the button.
Of course you'd need to predict a resisted attack and so forth...
=( that basically removes all its value. Weather is easily accessible now so if anything this guy sets up dual screens or gravity/trick room - but such support Pokemon tend to be slow (and Trick Room actually has negative priority) so they'll be forced out before achieving their job. And apart from field effects I don't think this item has much use (apart from saving a turn to switch in a counter instead of making sacrifices/weakening the counter by switching in directly.. but these seem too situational to be reliable)

A fast Reflect/Light Screen might still be an option...
This might have some situational use on a bulky pivot. For example you have a pokemon that can take an attack from your opponent and has escape button, but can't directly beat it. You also have another pokemon who can beat the opponent head to head but can't switch in. So, you switch in the bulky pokemon on the predicted attack, then immediately switch out after the predicted attack to the revenger. Still too situational though. Might also be fun as a trick item.
Yea I am not really seeing the viability of this. Btw does it switch out out if you are trapped (eg can Skarmory be forced out if Magnezone has trapped it). Seems to have some limited use on a fast supporter
Uh seriously you're going to give a bulky Pokemon this thing just so it can act as a marginally more effective pivot? Not to be rude but I don't think it would be the wisest thing to do. In the first place your team should be able to handle the metagame's threats without having to resort to this I think.
It's reverse logic, but a fast Trick Room user (Uxie, etc), can setup TR, take the hit, and have a Trick Room sweeper in the same turn. That's a vast improvement.
except that TR has a negetive priority. Maybe on a faster rain dance / sunny day lead until we get dream world politoed/ninetails
Mm yeah TR has negative priority and we have natural weather starters which kind of voids the appeal of the Escape Button
I think the natural weather starters could be the best ones to have this on.
Obviously it's only going to be applicable if you either choose not to lead with them or switch them out and need to restart weather for whatever reason.
Basically means the turn-around of getting the weather set up then returning to whatever you want to be attacking is quicker.
So basically when you get attacked with a move (not like Dragon Dance) you're forced out? I could see that being useful for specific Pokemon or gimmicks or something. Say you have a lead Pokemon that tries to "strike first" by setting up Reflect / Light Screen. If you go first, you get your Screen up and can set something up. If you don't, your fragile sweeper comes in for free. This could be occasionally useful, it seems.

Basically its utility is in the "free switch" that's 100% safe. Instead of a slow U-turn, you can be fast and get (one) free switch.
The fact it's one-use killed it, I think.

Woulda been fine if multi-use, especially with a Regeneration pokemon.
A shame people seem to only see the negatives in this item, just because it doesn't work perfectly with a few strategies.

In a weather-based metagame, an item that gets your Politoed/Ninetails/Hippowdon out of battle without letting another pokemon take a hit is handy.
Lucky Chant, Gravity, Tailwind, Telekinesis and other such moves get more time to be used. Wish also gets a mention.
As a Trick item, it has some uses in getting rid of sweepers or walls, making priority deadlier.

Though, as people say, making it one-use only and with the potential to waste your turn, it's not the most desirable of uses, even as a Niche item.
I'd love to see it on a changer like Kyogre. You do a ton of damage and get a free switch versus a wall to your set up Kingdra or Kabutops, or you just get the free switch if your opponent's attacker is faster, which usually means it's frail and / or Choiced. It's an interesting set up item. Groudon would be much the same especially because what hurts Groudon doesn't necessarily hurt Fire / Grass types in the Sun.

Another item for hyper offense!
The one-shot nature of the item will probably make it less than desirable for a switch-heavy singles game, but I could see this item getting some play in double or triple battles.

It's useful on Pokemon who derive a lot of utility by being sent out repeatedly, especially those with Intimidate and/or Fake Out.