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The Best Snake in Pokemon. (My first topic :D)

Intimidate Lowers the foe's Attack one stage. Decreases wild encounter rate.
Shed Skin 30% chance to heal status every turn.
Tension Foe is unable to eat its berry.(Really Gamefreak -___-)
Arbok hasn't gotten much this gen, but it has gotten its first GOOD stat up move!

Lv1: Ice Fang
Lv1: Thunder Fang
Lv1: Fire Fang
Lv1: Wrap Lv1:
Leer, Lv1: Poison Sting
Lv1: Bite
Lv4: Poison Sting
Lv9: Bite
Lv12: Glare
Lv17: Screech
Lv20: Acid
Lv22: Crunch
Lv27: Stockpile
Lv27: Swallow
Lv27: Spit Up
Lv32: [M491]
Lv39: Mud Bomb
Lv44: Gastro Acid
Lv51: Haze
Lv56: [M489]
Lv63: Gunk Shot

Coil - No Attack - 20 PP - It coils up and concentrates. It raises Attack, Defense, and Accuracy.

This move is a saving grace for Arbok letting it come in on a physical attacker, intimidate it, and set up. Its does this better than Seviper who also got the move due to Arbok speed and Defense being higher as well as his speed. Now lets go to the move sets :D, but before lets find some pokes that help Arbok with its coverage/weakness

Claydol - Take the attacks Arbok can't and also gets levitate for EQ with Arbok when a banned pokemon comes in.
Umbreon - This thing can aid Arbok with wish and give it coverage


Arbok @ Black Sludge
Shed Skin/Intimidate
144 Attack, 150 Defense, 216 Speed
-Glare/Sucker Punch
-Gunk Shot/Poison Jab/Poison Fang/Poison Tail
-Earthquake/Fire Fang

This set could be Arbok best one imo xD
Glare could cripple many pokemon, or you could have sucker punch for quick revenge killing. The "Posion" attack could be used depending on your style of play. Shot is very stong with 180 BP and with Coil become very accurate as well as having 30% chance of poison, but its low PP may hurt you in the long run. Jab is in the middle with 120 BP and 100 accurate and very good PP standing at 20 and 30% chance of posion. Posion Fan has somewhat low BP standing at 75 BP and good PP at 20 but this attack has a 30% chance of BADLY posioning the foe which could come in handy. Tail has 75 BP like Fang, and has a high critical hit ratio along with 10% of poisoning the foe.Coil is the main backbone to this set, it raises you Attack,Defense, and Accuracy which really help Arbok. Earthquake and Fire Fang are there for coverage for steel types so yea. The EVs give Arbok 2 points to outspeed beating neutral Toxicroak and Jolly Solrock as well as Max Speed Jolly Absol. The ability can be either of the 2 (im not even gonna mention Tension) Shed Skin can heal with Burn, Para, or Sleep, while Intimidate helps with Arbok's bulk.

+2 Earthquake from This Arbok does 57% - 67% to Tank RegiSteel
+1 Earthquake from This Arbok does 43% - 51% to Tank RegiSteel

Absol's Intimidated Sucker Punch 252 Att. Adamant does 57% - 67% To This Arbok

Kobra Commander
Arbok @ Choice Band/Choice Scarf
Shed Skin/Intimidate
252 Attack 252 Speed
-Gunk Shot/Poison Jab
-Seed Bomb

Nothing more to say on this one tbh just hit stuff....Cool name though xD

I Sleep Then Strike :3
Arbok @ Life Orb/Black Sludge
Shed Skin
Same as I'm Thinking: 144 Attack 150 Defense 216 Speed
-Poison Jab/Gunk Shot

This set uses Arbok Shed Skin ability to the MAX. Shed Skin has 30% chance to wake, so with those odds you are sure to wake up soon(hopefully)! Coil provides decent bulk while sleeping and when you wake you are ready to kick pokemon ass >:D. Earthquake is there for again steel types and rock types.

Do Not Disturb ;3
Arbok @ Black Sludge
156 HP 138 Defense 216 Speed
-Sleep Talk
-Poison Jab/Gunk Shot

This set was kinda given to me in the comments of this thread, personally I don't like it due to it not being able to hit steel types, you could trade Sleep Talk for EQ but then its just an bad version of the one above this set
[EDIT] This set MAY have potential due to the fact the Gunk Shot's PP isn't used during Sleep Talk, but that's this set only plus...

King o 'Kobra'
Arbok @ Life Orb/Black Sludge
Shed Skin/Intimidate
200 Attack 58 Defense 252 Speed
Poison Jab/Gunk Shot
Earthquake/Fire Fang
Sucker Punch/Ice Fang/Crunch

Sweeper Set :3

Damage Cals:
Arbok +1 STAB Life Orb Gunk Shot does 94% - 110% to Defensive Arcanine
Arbok +1 STAB Life Orb Gunk Shot does 56% - 66% to Tank Hariyama
Arbok +1 Life Orb EQ does 55% - 65% to Tank Registeel

Seviper Sucks my Kobra....nvm
Arbok @ Black Sludge
Shed Skin
252 HP 252 Defense 6 Speed
-Gunk Shot

This set lets Arbok setup comfortably and have somewhat reliable recovery with RestSkin. Coil is for more offensive version while stockpile could be used for the more defensive version. Filler could be toxic from more walling or another attack for more range

Arbok @ Black Sludge/Leftovers
252 HP 252 Def 4 Attack
~Poison Jab
~Rock Slide/Crunch

Old set I found on smogon, I thought i should add it :/
There words:
This set takes advantage of two of Arbok's underutilized assets, Glare and Intimidate. With these EVs and Intimidate, Arbok actually takes physical hits better than Weezing (albeit with a Ground-type weakness). This fact allows it to comfortably counter the top Fighters of UU, bulky Grass-types, Scyther, and Drapion.
The real magic of this set, however, comes from Glare. With no way to trap the Pokemon you're countering, expect to see a lot of switches, particularly to special attacking Pokemon. Where Weezing's Will-O-Wisp would be useless against these threats, Arbok's Glare cripples both physical and special sweepers alike. Glare also has the added bonus of being able to paralyze anything it hits, regardless of type.
The attacks chosen give Arbok the best coverage available. Poison Jab and Gunk Shot make up its main STAB, with the former having a lower Base Power and the latter losing considerable accuracy to land a harder hit. The two other attacking moves round out coverage on types that Poison attacks can't hit. Earthquake hits incoming Steels and Drapion for super effective damage, while Rock Slide allows Arbok to hit Drifblim for super effective damage when they attempt to switch in and resist your Poison attacks. It also allows Arbok to hit Scyther harder, as well as Altaria. Crunch can be an option over Rock Slide if you feel that you really need to hit Rotom harder then Rock Slide. The final slot could also be replaced with one of the elemental fangs, but their damage output is rather lackluster in comparison, especially without any boost to Arbok's Attack stat.

So what do you guys think of this 'Kobra' >:3 It think it will help it, but not enough to move it up to UU due to all the fast Psychic types ;_;.
Glare also got an accuracy upgrade to 90%, so it's not all bad for the snake.

I could see Tension being useful sometimes, perhaps on a status set so the Lum berry or whatever doesn't ruin plans.
Rest + Shed Skin + Coil seems to be the best option IMO. Maybe something like this?

name: Coil
move 1: Gunk Shot / Poison Jab
move 2: Earthquake / Sleep Talk
move 3: Rest
move 4: Coil
item: Leftovers
ability: Shed Skin
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def

Pick one - go mono-poison or go without sleep talk. Either way, Arbok looks amazingly... viable. Huh.

Gunk Shot vs. Poison Jab is a PP issue btw; Gunk Shot has perfect accuracy after a Coil.

EDIT: Sleep talk is obtained through 4th gen TM and is not too redundant due to the fact that Shed Skin does not reliably heal status at the end of the turn.
Rest + Shed Skin + Coil seems to be the best option IMO. Maybe something like this?

name: Coil
move 1: Gunk Shot / Poison Jab
move 2: Earthquake / Sleep Talk
move 3: Rest
move 4: Coil
item: Leftovers
ability: Shed Skin
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def

Pick one - go mono-poison or go without sleep talk. Either way, Arbok looks amazingly... viable. Huh.

Gunk Shot vs. Poison Jab is a PP issue btw; Gunk Shot has perfect accuracy after a Coil.

Sleep Talk isn't a TM anymore but okay plus mono-posion gets walled by registeel
The coil up set is preety nice. Even though I never used Arbok before (Always Seviper), I always wanted to have one, but its low stats and no way to boost movepool was a letdown. At Coiling, you were right, as Seviper doesn't get Gunk Shot to abuse. Anyway, good thread.
Gunk Shot vs. Poison Jab is a PP issue btw; Gunk Shot has perfect accuracy after a Coil.

Im pretty sure i noted that in the first set... >_> also Gunk Shot shot has 70 doesn't get perfect accuracy after ONE coil
I to like the "I'm Thinking" move set, Coil is gonna be seen in many groups, as for Arbok well he may have a bright future, if played right Arbok will cripple some folks

My friend and I came up with this for the cobra
Cripple and Destroy
Arbok @ Life Orb/Poison Barb/Black Sluge
4 HP/252 Attack/252Speed
(Jolly or Adamant)
Poison Jab

Item is up to your preference, Cripple your enemy with Glare, set up a Coil and then go nuts, sorry if we're not that good at this move set thing :P
Coil Actually makes Arbok decent. An Accurate Gunk Shot is really nice, added Defense is nice too. A Simple moveset of Coil + Gunk Shot + EQ + Sucker Punch has pretty nice coverage.
You could also do a neat Disable / Spite set. Here's mine:

Disable Arbok
Jolly Arbok @ Black Sludge
~ Disable
~ Spite
~ Toxic
~ Earthquake
252 Hp / 178 Def / 80 Atk

The point here is like a puesdo-pressure stall. Coil can be used over Toxic for a little more bulk and Atk power.
I love this guy so damn much he can take on so much with such little trouble. I ran him a lot in 4 gen and will continue to in gen 5 my set will look something like this

Double snake strike

Careful@black sludge
Ability: intimidate/shed skin

Seed Bomb/earthquake
Poison jab/gunk shot/poison tail
I love this guy so damn much he can take on so much with such little trouble. I ran him slot in 4 gen and will continue to in gen 5 my set will look something like this

Double snake strike

Careful@black sludge
Ability: intimidate/shed skin

Seed Bomb/earthquake
Poison jab/gunk shot/poison tail

I forgot about black sludge xD for those trickers it could help
Since when did people start caring about pp?

If your arbok manages to use gunk shot 8 times before it dies, it certainly has proven it's worth. It's the best way to take advantage of coil
Most physical attackers have Earthquake, however... which, obviously, Arbok is weak to. This severely limits its use.
They'll just Trick it onto one of your other Pokemon. Bad idea unless you're being restricted by Item Clause.

Lol that's why you take that option away you keep them on lock down with pokemon who can abuse it or you insure they trick it back to Arbok or to another pokemon with trick there are many ways to block this dude even a magic guard pokemon can take it so no it isn't bad and that is beside the point I'd rather have the trick pokemon lose hp for sometime rather than gain it
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