The Return of Brawl Tournaments on Smogon! Sign ups.

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Team Name: Jabs, Grabs, and Stabs
Team Leader: Umby
Teammate 1: Elev8
Teammate 2: TheReflexWonder
I'll sign up as a free agent since I've been out of Smash for too long to remember who has talent.

If you ever need someone for "low tiers matches" I can help >_> Gman forever.
I guess I'll sign up as a free agent, although I'm not too confident in my skill...
...come to think of it you've been around a while but we've never brawled I don't think. We should have at it sometime.

Hey this sounds cool, good luck on teams that entered! Didn't realise there was a Brawl community here
You should enter yourself! :P But yeah, it appears that having interests in pokemon and smash is fairly common (pokemon is popular on smashboards and brawl has always had a small following here).
You should enter yourself! :P But yeah, it appears that having interests in pokemon and smash is fairly common (pokemon is popular on smashboards and brawl has always had a small following here).

I'd like to enter but I have exams during the next, oh, 3 weeks.
But yeah, have fun nevertheless because if I were to join you'd probably be juggled by my Sheik.
Just sayin' :P
OK. I swear, I will fix my Wi-fi and sign up, even though I'm not that good at brawl.

On my dear grandfather's grave, on the graves of my ancestors (all of them), and by the power of Greyskull, I do pledge that I will fix my Wi-fi and sign up. Let all of you be my witnesses, I vow that I will not disappoint thee.
Sorry guys, but I actually promised Mewtral to team up with me and I already said yes to him. Think I can swap teams?

Team Name: PokeGym
Team Leader: Chompy (AIM: Chompy Returns)
Teammate 1: Mewtral (AIM: Mewtral)
Teammate 2: (I have a spot reserved for this person as soon as he signs up.)
Out of curiosity, do you guys put a heavy emphasis on the tiering of characters? I've been to one tournament where they actually banned MetaKnight because he's such an abusive whore
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