[Standard] -- Monsters Mafia Game Over! Overused Win

Approved by Gmax

Monster Mafia​

In a far away world, there were 3 counties. Spanning vast expanses of sand, there were the Desert Mauraders. In the wastlelands there was a tribe known as the Vicious Undead. In the north, there was a large plain inhabited by those depicted by legend, the Overused Monsters. A summit of the commanders of the 3 nations is being held in teh imperial city, where the 3 countries touch. Who knows what'll happen there...


1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player.

2. Every user has a role PM. Role PMs may not be shown to other users on Day 0, but starting from Night 0 onwards they may be freely distributed. Screenshotting of all forms is banned. If anyone finds a person encouraging others to take screenshots or taking screenshots and showing other people, please be sure to report it.

3. You can paste things told to you by the host. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM one of the hosts for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way.

4. Each day will have a deadline of 48 hours. You may vote to lynch users during the day by posting "lynch USER" in bold, or "No lynch" if you don't want to lynch anyone (lynch votes will not count if they're not in the correct format!), and if you change your vote, you MUST edit the bolded text out of the old post if you post with a new vote. Once there is a majority as determined by the host, there will be a grace period of 3 hours, and if the majority is still in place after said grace period, the day will end. Please don't ask about when a majority is reached - once it's time for the day to end, it'll end (provided a host is there to update). The game will start on Day 0, and there will be no lynches on Day 0 unlike other days. There will be deaths n0. Day 0 exists for the sole purpose of making fake role pms

4.5. If there's a tie, there will be no lynch.

5. Each night will have a deadline of 48 hours. This gives you 48 hours to send your night action. Please state what you are doing in the PM title, it makes it MUCH easier to handle. Remember that PMs are to be sent to Jigglypuffers42 AND Aura Guardian.

5.5. If you're not going to do anything at night, send a PM titled "Night X - idling". This makes keeping track of things easier and informs me that you're still playing the game.

6. Priorities have been decided beforehand and will not be revealed.

7. This game features items. Items can be used at the same time as regular night actions, unless stated otherwise. You can give an item away during either the day or night, by sending a pm to Jigglypuffers42 and Aura Guardian stating "Night/Day X - Give ITEM to USER." You cannot use an item during the same night you give it away, however you can use an unrelated ability whilst giving away an item. Giving away an item has the lowest priority, and if you are killed/lynched the same night/day you attempt to give away an item, it won't be moved.

8. There is no "Scavenger" ability, and information about items (neither those initially held nor those held upon death) will not be revealed upon a user's death. Stealing abilities should not target a dead user - items go to the killer on death, or go to the official faction leader on lynch. Some items violate this role.

9. "Monster" can mean any monster that fits the theme team. The three villages are: the Desert Marauders, the Overused Monsters, and the Vicious Undead.

10. Only sign up if you know you're going to be at least fairly active. If I notice that you seem to be idle, I reserve the right to have you forcefully subbed out if necessary. I'll most likely nudge first, though.

11. Be careful who you trust. There are ways for win conditions to change during the game.
12. There might be a hidden faction not mentioned in rule number 9.
13. This game features alliances. If the alliance causes your faction to be allied with another, you cannot kill a member of that faction except through inaction. (Votes against allies and kill attempts against them will both fail.)
14. Upon the elimination of a faction, alliances are removed permantently.
15. All roles were written by Jigglypuffers42, though Aura Guardian made a few revisions.
16. There are three very powerful items. These designate the team leaders. They are randomly given to a teammate on death. Due to these items, don’t assume you can lynch a village leader, as these items will prevent it.

Allive Players:

Dead Players:
360Swampert - Crushed to death n0 - Overused Hooker
Purplefinger - Punched through the chest n1 - Vicious Undead Back-Up
Blue_Tornado - Lynched d2 - Awesome 3 redirector, persuader and 1/3 killer
Kharozz - Punched through the chest n2 - Desert Hooker
vonFiedler - Poisoned n2 - Wolf
toothache - Commited suicide n2 - vicious undead hooker/bpv converted to wolf
Macle - Poisoned n2 - Desert Inspector
Rickheg - Lynched d3 - Overused back up
Objection - Punched through the chest n3 - Overused mayor
Fangren - Lost his soul n3 - Desert back up
Precipice - Crushed to death n3 - Desert Vigilante
Ultra Porygon - Lynched d4 - Desert Bodyguard Item
Flamestrike - Punched through the chest n4 - Vicious Inspector
RBG - Poisoned n5 - Desert Silencer
Undisputed - Punched through the chest n5 - Overused Thief
Nook - Lynched d6 - Desert thief converted neutral.
Smashlloyd20 - Crushed to death n6 - Vicious Thief
danmantincan - Lynched d7 - Overused inspector
iiMKUltra - Soul dragged to hell n7 - Vicious vigilante
LifeAdmiral - Poisoned n7 - Vicious Reverse Martyr and BPV
Polelover44 - Lynched d8 - Awesome Kidnapper + 1/3 kill and Breverse BPV

Role PMs will be going out. You may receive a role pm from either me or Aura Guardian. The official IRC chat is #Dendarii

Just so you know, lynch votes have to be in bold.

All Role PMs out. It is now Day 0. Day 0 is a combination between a waste of time and time to make fake role pms. You may not share role pms and there will be no lynch, but there will be pm sharing and kills n0. I would like everyone to try to avoid any kind of nametargeting. Day 0 will end in 24 hours

EDIT: thanks for catching that AG. Sorry
Dear Jigglypuffers42,
You are Jigglypuff

You are cute. One of the original, you are the most awesome pokemon ever.

At night, send Jigglypuffers42 and Aura Guardian a PM with title “Night X – Sing”. Everyone will fall asleep due to your singing, and when they wake up, they will be so humiliated by the mustaches that they will commit suicide and die.

You are allied with the Fatties. You win if the Fatties defeat all opposing factions.

Everyone should know:

You win if the Overused monsters defeat...
You win if the Desert Marauders defeat...
You win if the Vicious Undead defeats...