
Poor Swampert he got almost nothing this gen while everything else gets better and better (well not everything but a lot of stuff^^).
Damp would have been great in Gen4 where it got bombed into oblivion from metagross and heatran all the day, but with explosions nerf it wont be much of a use (actually it might hinder you if something weak cant blow up on you :/ ).
Boiling Water is great, but almost every water type gets it and the 30% chance is far from reliable and if you got a bad day you just burn that guts robushin that now kills you more easily.
Still no instant recovery sucks hard because both other Water/Grounds get recovery and both got excellent abilitys with Gastrodons improved Storm Drain and Quagsire might gets Unaware wich is one of the best defensive abilitys that exist.
100/90/90 are solid defenses, but there is so many extremly hard hitting stuff that it might be a little too less even with that good defensive typing.
Nattorei, Shandera, Lati@s , Salamence, Garchomp, Breloom, Doryuzu (Swampert won't like a +2 EQ and don't think that Boiling Water will KO it) , Sazandora, Robushin, Jarlorda are some of the biggest threats this gen and all can plow through him.
Not to mention that Spikes are way more common and really hurt him as he got no way to recover back the health lost.

However its not all Shit for him he still got his very good 110 base Attack and an usable 85 base SpA, a resistance to SR and an excellent defensive and offensive typing and his move pool isn't bad too.

Swampert needs to adopt to the metgame and i think he will come out as a more offensive Pokemon that will utilize Choice Band and Curse to pose a threat rather than stop them as he did last gen.

I'm fairly certain Boilng Water and/or Surf KO Dory. Waterfall is almost a OHKO, and is with some form of damage on it. Swampert also takes a +2 Earthquake quite well, and keeps a respectable amount of HP [~40% before Lefties]. Swampert is one of the best ways outside Priority to stop a Dory which gets in safe. Hit it while it SD's with whatever it got in on, let the victim die, Swampert will finish it.

Even more fun when Swampert roars Dory in. Switching in twice puts Dory into Waterfall KO range from my Swampert, and Dory 4HKO's Swampert at +0.

Yeah, Swampert's still an excellent tank, and can be massivly annoying with hazard support, and a Roar set. Hazards + Roar = Win.
quagsire already has recover and it did nothing to stop swampert's popularity. swampert didn't really need anything.

great typing
great offensive moves
great support moves

do we really want recover curpseperts running around? that thing would never die.

damp is pretty minor with explosion being much weaker. in gen 4 I would have liked it, but since swampert is fairly likely to not get ohkod by any non grass move I think torrent has its uses.
*sigh* I'm still wishing it got herbivore, the attck boost and the lack of weakness would have been great.
Or would that have made it slightly broken?
I'm fairly certain Boilng Water and/or Surf KO Dory. Waterfall is almost a OHKO, and is with some form of damage on it. Swampert also takes a +2 Earthquake quite well, and keeps a respectable amount of HP [~40% before Lefties].


252/252 +Def Nature Pert takes 46-54.2 % from a 252 Atk +Atk Nature LO Dorys EQ

not to mention that at +2 Pert receives 91.6-107.9% damage without SR factored in.

even jolly dorys can OHKO it with SR in play.

Boiling Water has a little chance to KO after SR and Surf got a 50% chance.
Waterfall and EQ will OHKO unless dory runs extremely defensive spreads.

I ran these calcs on the recently released Spreadsheet so they may could be wrong, but i highly doubt they are.

I think you may fought against a very defensive dory, but these are far away from being common.
I hate saying this, because swampert saved in gen iv a few times, but no one really uses swampert anymore. What happened? I only saw him twice in all the battles i've had for two weeks. He used to be nearly everywhere.
People are just to busy with their Robushins, shanderas and nattoreis to even remember that swampert exist....the lack of diversity is extremely sickening...
It's sad too see Damp as a DW ability... But Metagross and the like leads who use Explosion will no longer have that move available to them... (If I'm not mistaken)

However seeing as how standard Swampert rarely uses Surf, I guess Damp will enjoy a warm welcome to that set
People are just to busy with their Robushins, shanderas and nattoreis to even remember that swampert exist....the lack of diversity is extremely sickening...
That's online simulators for you. I only play on the DS with random people from chat rooms and forums for that reason. There is much greater diversity when you play the real game.
Are you sure Burningman? I passed bellydrum to a Metagross once, and Swampert took only 60 some odd % from his +6 EQ. This was on Shoddy.

Edit: Did the Calc, 414 Atk Dory with LO and +2 does 294-346 to 394 Def pert. This is never a KO as Swampert can have 364 hp.

source: http://pokedex-br.info/damage.html
Swampert's defense maxes out at 306, not 394, so +2 EQ should be doing 92.3% - 108.7%

Kind of irrelevant though, since it's LO and Adamant, which most Doryuuzu don't run anymore.

I haven't seen swampert used for other things in 4th gen even.

Competative (uber spelling fail) battling doesn't restrict creativity my ass... Anywayz has ANYONE tried using cursing swampert to any level of success...a better question would be has anyone used swampert/any set other then the lead?
Oh my, I guess I was looking at Nattorei's stats instead of Swampert(I had both pages open). I wonder why I did that...

I wonder how that Swampert survived a +6 EQ from Adamant 252atk Metagross.
Honestly, Gastrodon kinda outclasses it, as it now has an immunity to water, a STAb move capable of burning attackers, and Recover
I know, but Gastrodon has it's SpA boosted when hit with a water attack, so his will do more damage

Oh...errr...I knew that....
I love how literally ALL the water/grounds exept swampert have something that sseprates the from the others. whiscash has fucking dragon dance, that doesn't even make sense! I talk about alot of random shit don't I?
Oh...errr...I knew that....
I love how literally ALL the water/grounds exept swampert have something that sseprates the from the others. whiscash has fucking dragon dance, that doesn't even make sense! I talk about alot of random shit don't I?
Well, Quagsire still sucks, so that's nice
I know, but Gastrodon has it's SpA boosted when hit with a water attack, so his will do more damage

quagsire has unaware, gamageorge has water absorb but still neither of them including whiscash and gastrodon outclasses it. Gastrodon defences are 111/68/82 while swampert has a solid 100/90/90 and Gastrodon can't use roar to phaze. Gastrodon might have recover and immune to water attacks(you've seen anyone uses water types attack unless its their STABS to take out water and ground types? Usually they are still going to use grass tyep attacks storm drain just helps you switch in better) but with pathetic 68defence he can't take much physical hits like swampert can. Besides, quagsire defensive stats are 95/85/65 and gamageorge has 105/75/75, while whiscash is 110/73/71, not one of the water and ground types has solid defences like swampert. Swampert still remains the best water and ground types there is.