Singing in the Rain (A Gen 5 OU Rain Team)


/me huggles
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Singing in the Rain (A Gen 5 OU Rain Team)
The Team:


I have always wanted to use Manaphy in Gen 4, but never found him to be successful enough in Ubers to use a team slot on him. However there are a couple things that have finally allowed me to use a successful Manaphy team. The first is the fact that Tail Glow now is a +3 boost to Special Attack, a huge power boost compared to the +2 in Gen 4. The second is Manaphy's absence on the initial banlist for Gen 5. Throughout my testing, I used Tail Glow Manaphy to some great success, but I wanted to try a Calm Mind variant. To my surprise this set has been extraordinary and is one of my new favorites.


The most important requirement for any Manaphy team is Rain, to allow him to abuse both his STAB and his ability Hydration. In Gen 4 this constituted the dreadful Kyogre, but the whale is banned to Ubers. Luckily Drizzle was blessed upon a new subject through the merciful Dream World gods. Politoed has been one of my favorite designs since GSC and now that he has Drizzle, he is finally usable in higher tiers.


With 2 Pokemon that are weak to Electric attacks, I desperately needed a Ground-type Pokemon. I also wanted a good revenge killer in case any of my mons were threatened, so I finally on A ScarfChomp. With his immunity and great stats he seemed the perfect candidate. There was always the added bonus that Garchomp can benefit from the ever constant Sandstorm that is around in OU in case Politoed is gone.


With Garchomp's weakness to Dragon attacks and with him lacking Haban berry, I was very scared of Dragon attacks running rampant through my team. In order to deal with this I decided to choose a Steel-type to help my teams defenses. As with the rest of my team I wanted the Steel-type to be offensive, so I chose Scizor. In addition it gave me a form of priority on my team, as well as a way to easily deal with Tyranitar.


With Politoed's and Manaphy's weakness to Electric not being helped by Rain's accuracy boost to Thunder, I wanted another way to absorb Electric attacks. In addition I wanted an Electric-type of my own to help deal with opposing Water-type that might try to abuse the rain I have set up. I wanted something that could switch in and out fairly easily, but still able to deal enough damage to be worthwhile. In order to have all of these things in one, I looked towards the speedy Jolteon to join my team.


I began to feel that my team would be completely walled by both Nattorei and Blissey/Chansey, so I need a fighting-type. I decided that since I already had a good amount of speed on my team that I wanted a Bulky Fighting-type that could deal with both. The first one that came to mind was Roobushin. Roobushin would be able to deal with my worries as well as better deal with Darkrai and Tyranitar.


I was having some trouble with other rain teams and was somewhat weak to Pokemon with Swift Swim such as Kindra and Ludicolo, and Scizor was not able to switch in as often as I would have hoped. I also lacked any form of entry hazards, which would greatly help the offensive nature of my team. I was debating between using either Nattorei or Forretress to help against Kingdra. While Nattorei is the better choice typing-wise, I wanted to use Forretress for his access to Rapid Spin. In the end I decided that Kingdra was often a bigger threat to my team then entry hazards had been, so I chose Nattorei.


First off, Kingdra needs a moving sprite. Anyways, I found that my team wasn't using Rain to the potential that it could. I need a Swift Swimmer, but did not one that was weak to Electric attacks. This led me with either Kingdra or Ludicolo. With me switching Manaphy to a more bulky set, I felt that Ludicolo's bulky Swimmer wasn't what I needed. I needed more raw power, so I originally went with Specs Kingdra. I eventually changed to Life Orb Kingdra cause I hated getting caught in a move and then being forced out so often.


Politoed (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Hidden Power

Team Synergy
Electric: Jolteon, Nattorei
Grass: Nattorei

This is normally my lead of choice, allowing my to set up rain early on. However, with my opponent's team being viewable from the start I some adapt to deal with it. With a Timid Nature and a Scarf, Politoed is able to outspeed both Shaymin-S and Darkrai and hit them hard with either a Ice Beam or Hydro Pump/Surf respectively. He also is able to better deal with the ever present Doryuuzu, outspeeding Doryuuzu when he sets up Rain. Ice Beam and Hidden Power Electric are for coverage, while Surf and Hydro Pump allow Politoed to abuse the Rain boost. Surf is normally used as I am cautious of Hydro Pump's accuracy, but Hydro Pump is there in case I need to deal some heavy damage to Bulkier opponents.

- Changed Modest Nature to Timid Nature


Manaphy @ Leftovers
Trait: Hydration
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
Calm Mind
Energy Ball

Team Synergy
Electric: Jolteon, Nattorei
Grass: Nattorei

The star of the show is here. With Manaphy being able to swiftly boost his already above average Special Attack with Calm Mind, he is able to easily sweep through entire teams. After a few Calm Minds, Surf and Energy Ball can deal heavy damage even to Pokemon that resist them, especially when Surf is used in the Rain. Manaphy can also deal with all forms of status in the rain, making him a great switch in to Pokemon such as Darkrai. With Hydration, Manaphy is also able to fully restore his health without any drawbacks. Not only that, but with this spread Manaphy can take a fair number of hits (including +2 Doryuuzu's Earthquake) and either Rest or attack. Energy Ball was chosen over Ice Beam in order to better deal with opposing Rain teams and Manaphy.

- Changed
Ice Beam to
Energy Ball
- Changed Wacan Berry to Leftovers
- Changed Timid Nature to Bold Nature
- Changed EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe to EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
- Changed
Tail Glow to
Calm Mind


Kingdra (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse
Ice Beam

Team Synergy
Dragon: Nattorei

With Manaphy being the Prince of the Sea, it feels only right to have a king. This filled my void of "mandatory Swift Swimmer" and has been a welcomed change. With its STABs and Life Orb, Kingdra can deal heavy damage and even sweep entire teams after Nattorei is gone. Ice Beam was chosen in order to deal with Shaymin-S better, as well as other Grass-types. While Modest does leave Kindgra vulnerable to other Kingdra, it gives him the extra boost that he needs since he is not using Choice Specs. I was originally using a Choice Specs variant, however I hated switching Kingdra in and out so much. Despite not having a +Spe nature, Kingdra can still outspeed almost the entire metagame when Rain is present. Most notable problems are Scarf Shaymin-S and Terakion after a Rock Polish. Yet despite those, Kingdra can still handle most teams relatively well.

Originally said:

Garchomp (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Sand Veil
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
Aqua Tail
Dragon Claw

Team Synergy
Ice: Politoed, Manaphy
Dragon: Nattorei

The sand shark is back in OU again with the advent of Gen 5. This is one of my two ways of dealing with my Electric weakness. While only two of my Pokemon are weak to Electric attacks, they are the most important members of this team. Garchomp can easily switch into Electric attacks and deal heavy damage to anything that tries to switch into it. I was originally deciding between Aqua Tail or Fire Fang for the third slot, and as you can see chose Aqua Tail. I didn't like the idea of having Fire Fang on Garchomp when it would be weakened by the Rain that I always wish to have up, plus Aqua Tail deals neutral to most of the Pokemon I would use Fire Fang on, which is better than Fire Fang in Rain. It also has the added bonus of helping me deal with Balloon Heatran, who will often switch into Garchomp.


Nattorei (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 SpD
Sassy Nature (+SpD, -Spe)
Leech Seed
Power Whip
Protect /
Thunder Wave

Team Synergy
Fire: Manaphy, Politoed, Garchomp
Fighting: None

I was having some trouble with Swift Swimmers trying to benefit off of my rain, especially Kingdra and Ludicolo, so I chose Nattorei to help because of his amazing typing. While Nattorei is by no means the most powerful Pokemon, with access to STAB Power Whip he can do some serious damage to opposing Water-type Pokemon. He is also great at racking up residual damage through Spikes, Leech Seed, and Iron Barbs. I chose Spikes over Stealth Rock because I knew that I would only have one form of entry hazard and I did not have too much trouble with Flying-types, so I saw Spikes as the greater choice because I could stack multiple layers up. With the rain and Nattorei's amazing defensive stats, most Fire-types moves will fail to OHKO him and I can Leech Seed stall or cripple opponents.

Decisions - Protect vs Thunder Wave
Protect often seems the better choice to me, as it allows Nattorei to recover better through Leftovers and Leech Seed. On the other hand, Thunder Wave can cripple Swift Swimmers that Nattorei may have some trouble taking down through Leech Seed. The only one I can really think of is Ludicolo, who is immune to Leech Seed. Ludicolo will however still take a fair amount of damage from Nattorei's Power Whip. Any opinions on the matter?

Originally said:

Scizor (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
Swords Dance
Bug Bite
Bullet Punch

Team Synergy
Fire: Manaphy, Politoed, Garchomp

When choosing Scizor, I wanted a bulky yet powerful Steel-type Pokemon. In order to obtain this I used the Choice Band sets bulky EVs for a Swords Dance set. With high HP and access to Roost, Scizor can take a fair number of hits while dealing heavy damage to the opponents. I decided to use Bug Bite over U-turn because I often do not like the idea of U-turning out if I am setting up a Pokemon, and if I am afraid of something then Scizor will often not be fast enough to use U-turn effectively. In addition, Bug Bite can deal more damage and has the bonus of stealing berries from my opponent's Pokemon.


Jolteon (M) @ Balloon
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
Volt Change
Hidden Power
Shadow Ball

Team Synergy

Jolteon is mainly used as a hit and run attacker, switching in on Electric/Ground attacks or after a kill and attacking or using Volt Change. In addition to removing Jolteon's one weakness, Balloon also eliminates both Spikes and Toxic Spikes. With Jolteon's high speed and good Special Attack coupled with a STAB Thunder or Volt Change and two immunities, this Jolteon can be quite the annoying Pokemon for my opponents teams. Hidden Power Ice is used if a Ground-type Pokemon might switch into Jolteon's Thunder and try to ruin his fun. While Hidden Power Grass would help more with Swampert and such, Hidden Power Ice allows me to take out Dragon-type and Shaymin-S. Shadow Ball is mainly use for any Pokemon that might resist Electric/Grass, but most effectively used against Latios.

- Changed
Wish to
Shadow Ball
- Changed
Hidden Power to
Hidden Power


Roobushin (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Guts
EVs: 200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 SpD
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
Bulk Up
Drain Punch
Mach Punch
Stone Edge

Team Synergy
Flying: Jolteon
Psychic: Nattorei

With my fear of my team neither having enough bulk to be effective nor being able to deal with Blissey, Chansey, or Nattorei too well, Roobushin seemed to be a necessity. I often see Roobushin as a bulky set up Pokemon who can deal heavy damage after just one Bulk Up, and often have not seen the need to be as offensive with his EVs/nature. I wanted Roobushin to be able to take decent hits from both sides, so I gave him a specially bulky EV spread. 401 is a leftovers number, to increase maximum recovery every turn. While I don't necessarily think Roobushin needs a Leftovers number, it was close enough to maximum HP that I did not mind. While he may take damage, Roobushin can easily be healed with a Drain Punch + Leftovers or a Wish if need be. I decided to use Payback instead of Stone Edge cause most of team can deal with other flying types, but Roobushin's main problem is with Ghost-types trying to ruin his fun.

Decisions - Roobushin vs Zuruzukin
I realized while laddering that my team has trouble dealing with Rankurusu. I wanted a Dark-type Pokemon in order to better deal with, but would still be able to handle both Blissey and Nattorei. The first pokemon that came to mind was the ever popular Tyranitar, however his Sand Stream would really hurt my team. The next Pokemon I looked at was Zuruzukin. He is able to run an extremely effective Bulk Up set just like Roobushin, but he is able to better deal with with Rankurusu. However, there will be some drawbacks should I use Zuruzukin. First off, I lose my only form of priority on my team. Also, Zuruzukin makes me weaker to opposing Roobushins. Any opinions on the matter?

- Change Careful Nature to Adamant Nature
- Change EVs: 252 HP / 80 Atk / 176 SpD to EVs: 200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 SpD
- Changed
Payback to
Stone Edge

To Come
The only problem I see with this team is that it lacks entry hazards. You could consider replacing Scizor with Nattorei so your sweepers have some Spikes support. Other than that it looks solid.
Seconding the change from Scizor to Nattorei, your team seems to be relatively weak to opposing Rain teams, especially those that carry Kingdra. Something like DD/Waterfall/Outrage/Hydro Pump or DM would cause your team a truckload of problems.
With all the chaos that is going around, and with Smogon falling to pieces, I have no idea if Manaphy is "Uber" or not anymore. I suppose replace with a Shell Breaking Gorebyss?

In other news, this is perhaps the most beautiful RMT set-up I have ever seen.
I don't see the point of Surf and Hydro Pump on the same set. Surf is plenty powerful in the rain if you're really that scared of accuracy. Why don't you try replacing Hydro Pump with Hypnosis? A scarfed Hypnosis could be a real surprise to many opponents.

Edit: I also agree with replacing Scizor for Natorrei. Since unstabbed fire moves fail to OHKO Nattorei in the rain, why don't you give this set a shot?

Nattorei @ Leftovers
Nature - Impish
Hp 252 / Def 252 / 4 Att
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Gyro Ball
I have started testing with Nattorei. I kinda like it, but at the same time I feel that it often disrupts the overall offensive flow of my team. Will continue testing.

With all the chaos that is going around, and with Smogon falling to pieces, I have no idea if Manaphy is "Uber" or not anymore. I suppose replace with a Shell Breaking Gorebyss?
Manaphy is still OU by Smogon standards and Suspect testing has not begun for it yet.

In other news, this is perhaps the most beautiful RMT set-up I have ever seen.
Thank you. I try.

I don't see the point of Surf and Hydro Pump on the same set. Surf is plenty powerful in the rain if you're really that scared of accuracy. Why don't you try replacing Hydro Pump with Hypnosis? A scarfed Hypnosis could be a real surprise to many opponents.
I originally had HypnoMISS over Hydro Pump, but rarely used it and got angry at the amount of times it would miss and then I would be left useless. I often use Surf, but Hydro Pump is in reserve in case I am afraid that I cannot hit a foe hard enough with Surf.
The lack of swift swimmers makes me want to cry. :'(

This team is really solid, but you lack a good switch-in for Specs Latios (even Scizor is 2HKO'd). After Scizor dies, it can just continue to recycle those Draco Meteors, which would be devastating.

I think that a bulky steel like Nattorei or Skarmory over Scizor would help in this instance. Natty helps a lot against opposing rain dance teams, while Skarm gives you an awesome counter to Shaymin-S who this team would otherwise struggle with. They would also be able to supply your team with Spikes and SR, which is always helpful when trying to sweep with Manaphy.

Secondly, I'm not a fan of offensive Politoed as it simply isn't sturdy enough to continuously switch into Hippo and Ttar. Try a more defensive EV spread of 252 HP/252 Def/4 Def and a moveset of Surf/Boiling, HP Electric, Toxic, Encore (or something like that; Hypnosis also works over Toxic).

Also, why is Wish on Jolteon? With only 4 HP EVs, Wish barely heals any HP of your teammates, and Jolteon rarely finds the time to use it. I would replace it with Shadow Ball to give you nice neutral coverage and a way to smack those Latios/Latias switching in.

I actually really like this concept. The biggest weaknesses of rain teams up until now have been (1) A lack of resistances due to too many Water Types (2) Trying to balance their massive offensive power with the support needed to keep swift swimmers healthy and happy.

This team completely circumvents both issues. It's a much more "conservative" style of rain play, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous. This is the first team I've seen so far (and haven't run into ditto on the ladder yet) to abuse Manaphy this way, and it looks like it could be really effective.

My biggest concern would actually be in the mirror-match. Aside from Jolteon (who is nothing in front of a SS Kingdra anyway), you are pretty much without any anti-rain measures, and are packing rain yourself with Politoed. To me, this is a great way to play against non-rain teams, but when facing rain teams more dedicated to abusing the potential of Swift Swimmers, I feel like this type of conservative team will suddenly find itself at a disadvantage.


Would you mind elaborating on that type of situation Ditto?
The lack of swift swimmers makes me want to cry. :'(

This team is really solid, but you lack a good switch-in for Specs Latios (even Scizor is 2HKO'd). After Scizor dies, it can just continue to recycle those Draco Meteors, which would be devastating.

I think that a bulky steel like Nattorei or Skarmory over Scizor would help in this instance. Natty helps a lot against opposing rain dance teams, while Skarm gives you an awesome counter to Shaymin-S who this team would otherwise struggle with. They would also be able to supply your team with Spikes and SR, which is always helpful when trying to sweep with Manaphy.
I have added Nattorei onto my team after some testing with it, so that will help me against Latios and opposing Rain teams. I have never seem to have trouble with Shaymin-S, especially now that ScarfToed will outspeed and can hit it will an Ice Beam.

Secondly, I'm not a fan of offensive Politoed as it simply isn't sturdy enough to continuously switch into Hippo and Ttar. Try a more defensive EV spread of 252 HP/252 Def/4 Def and a moveset of Surf/Boiling, HP Electric, Toxic, Encore (or something like that; Hypnosis also works over Toxic).
Personally I have found ScarfToed to be more successful than the defensive toed I had earlier on this team. That might be because of the overall offensive nature of the team, but I think it had a lot to do with the Speed. With his Speed and Rain+STAB Water attacks, Politoed can do a lot of damage and often scare off Hippos. I have had some occasional trouble with Tyranitars, but I can often get in Roobushin in easily enough to take care of it. Plus Tyranitar will not like switching into Surf or Hydro Pump too often.

Also, why is Wish on Jolteon? With only 4 HP EVs, Wish barely heals any HP of your teammates, and Jolteon rarely finds the time to use it. I would replace it with Shadow Ball to give you nice neutral coverage and a way to smack those Latios/Latias switching in.
Wish was originally supposed to help because I was fearful of my team being picked off cause it was offensive (hence the numerous amounts of recovery moves), however Leech Seed will help with that somewhat and I had only ever gotten Jolteon Wish off once or twice when it actually mattered. Switched with Shadow Ball.

I actually really like this concept. The biggest weaknesses of rain teams up until now have been (1) A lack of resistances due to too many Water Types (2) Trying to balance their massive offensive power with the support needed to keep swift swimmers healthy and happy.

This team completely circumvents both issues. It's a much more "conservative" style of rain play, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous. This is the first team I've seen so far (and haven't run into ditto on the ladder yet) to abuse Manaphy this way, and it looks like it could be really effective.
Well thank you very much for these kind words.

My biggest concern would actually be in the mirror-match. Aside from Jolteon (who is nothing in front of a SS Kingdra anyway), you are pretty much without any anti-rain measures, and are packing rain yourself with Politoed. To me, this is a great way to play against non-rain teams, but when facing rain teams more dedicated to abusing the potential of Swift Swimmers, I feel like this type of conservative team will suddenly find itself at a disadvantage.


Would you mind elaborating on that type of situation Ditto?
I did find that I had the most trouble facing other Rain teams while laddering with this team. I often had to sacrifice a pokemon or two trying to get enough damage on them with either Scizor or Garchomp (depending on the pokemon) in order to either be able to Bulk Up with Roobushin and survive or be able to KO with Mach Punch or the occasional Drain Punch. Manaphy was also able to take a fair amount of hits from Swift Swimmer and could even set up on occasions and use Ice Beam. However, there were several times where I lost Manaphy trying to do so. I recently have been testing Nattorei (I wanted to test it to see if I liked it before updated the RMT) and ave been using him to take care of most of my Swift Swim problems. I am currently trying to finalize a Nattorei set though, after playing around with several.
It's a decent team, but I don't think there's enough Rain Dance sweepers, as none of your Pokemon have Swift Swim. Nattorei, Manaphy, and Politoad are fine, while for Jolteon, I'd replace Volt Change for Baton Pass/Signal Beam, because I use Signal Beam on my Jolteon and it works really well, because it gives that element of surprise, and deals with nasty Sazandora and Tyranitar, while giving Shibirudon some decent damage. For Roobushin, replace Drain Punch and Mach Punch for Superpower and Stone Edge, because he was never meant for priority and he has more than enough bulk to take a hit after Bulk Up. For Garchomp, I'd replace him for Kingdra, because Kingdra overall, has less weaknesses and is more bulky, and he's faster than Garchomp in Rain.
It's a decent team, but I don't think there's enough Rain Dance sweepers, as none of your Pokemon have Swift Swim. Nattorei, Manaphy, and Politoad are fine, while for Jolteon, I'd replace Volt Change for Baton Pass/Signal Beam, because I use Signal Beam on my Jolteon and it works really well, because it gives that element of surprise, and deals with nasty Sazandora and Tyranitar, while giving Shibirudon some decent damage.
Baton Pass has almost no advantage over Volt Change, other than it will still switch Jolteon out if a Ground-type switches in. I don't feel the need to have Signal Beam when I have other ways to deal with Sazandora and Tyranitar personally. Volt Change allows Jolteon to work as a hit and run sweeper, giving him more options against opponents and allowing the overall flow of my team to work (as in switching to resistances).

For Roobushin, replace Drain Punch and Mach Punch for Superpower and Stone Edge, because he was never meant for priority and he has more than enough bulk to take a hit after Bulk Up.
Superpower would eventually undo all the Bulk Ups I have acquired as it decreases Atk and Def 1 stage each for each use, so I would not want it as my only form of STAB. On top of that, removing Drain Punch removes Roobushin's recovery move and leaves it only with Lefties. And I don't see how a Pokemon is "never meant for priority" when it is a slow, bulky mon that sets up on others. To me that seems the perfect use for priority. Priority can easily help me KO Pokemon after a Drain Punch and can help against Pokemon like Terakion and Doryuuzu.

For Garchomp, I'd replace him for Kingdra, because Kingdra overall, has less weaknesses and is more bulky, and he's faster than Garchomp in Rain.
This I am actually considering. While Kingdra would be good considering Swift Swim and rain, Garchomp works well by helping me against Sun and Sand teams. It also has a very useful Electric immunity that can often come in handy. However, I would consider replacing Garchomp for Kingdra.
Consider a fast and bulky Calm Mind Manaphy. With Hydration Rest and the special defense boost you'll be getting from Calm Mind, you'll simply refuse to die outside of being Phazed. It doesn't have the immediate power of Tail Glow, but I think the added bulk and longevity will make it harder to kill and thus more useful overall.

I agree, Kingdra makes a lot more sense than Garchomp what with resisting boosted rain attacks and being MUCH faster than Scarfchomp and being able to switch moves.

Finally, by simply making your Roopushin Adamant instead of careful you'll get an extra 31 stat points instead of a measly 16 from being Careful.

Your spread gives you 414 HP / 336 At / 231 SpD
Adamant 252 HP / 4 At / 252 SpD gives you 414 HP / 347 At / 229 SpD

At the cost of 2 SpD points you get an extra 11 Attack points, an extra 22 after Bulk Up. But this spread will be even better.

Adamant 196 HP / 60 At / 252 SpD

This gives you 400 HP which is a magic lefties number, 364 At and 229 SpD. You now have an extra 31 At points, 62 after Bulk Up. It will help you a ton.
Consider a fast and bulky Calm Mind Manaphy. With Hydration Rest and the special defense boost you'll be getting from Calm Mind, you'll simply refuse to die outside of being Phazed. It doesn't have the immediate power of Tail Glow, but I think the added bulk and longevity will make it harder to kill and thus more useful overall.
I personally think that CM Manaphy is completely outclassed by Tail Glow Manaphy this Gen. With the +3 Tail Glow now gives, Manaphy can destroy teams after 1 turn, whereas CM Manaphy would take some time to set up. I will consider testing it though

I agree, Kingdra makes a lot more sense than Garchomp what with resisting boosted rain attacks and being MUCH faster than Scarfchomp and being able to switch moves.
The main reason I have for Garchomp over Kingdra still is that Garchomp isn't reliant on the rain and because of that can help me deal with Sun and Sandstorm teams. However, I think I will try some testing later today or tomorrow.

Finally, by simply making your Roopushin Adamant instead of careful you'll get an extra 31 stat points instead of a measly 16 from being Careful.

Your spread gives you 414 HP / 336 At / 231 SpD
Adamant 252 HP / 4 At / 252 SpD gives you 414 HP / 347 At / 229 SpD

At the cost of 2 SpD points you get an extra 11 Attack points, an extra 22 after Bulk Up. But this spread will be even better.

Adamant 196 HP / 60 At / 252 SpD

This gives you 400 HP which is a magic lefties number, 364 At and 229 SpD. You now have an extra 31 At points, 62 after Bulk Up. It will help you a ton.
Well first off, 400 HP is not a Leftover number, 401 is. The trick is to get something that can be divided by 16 and then add 1. 400/16 = 25. So then you add 1 to 400 to get a leftover number. That being said, I think I might test out that last adamant set. Normally I check all the different nature possibilities for sets like that, but I guess I forgot to check Roobushin as I doubt I would have missed something like this.
I think I faced an early prototype of this team by you (with Evo Stone Chansey in it), and it was a nightmare... (I was blablahblahtest or some variant of that on PO).

Scarf Skymin (or let's call it a double-scarf :P), could take out 1 pokemon with proper prediction on this team. Air Slash will be quite spammable without Nattorei, and it has flinch chances to 2HKO or 3HKO everything on the team. Jolteon can be too frail sometimes, and misprediction with it can cause death.

Otherwise, it looks great, and losing a weather battle may cost the game. I once used CBTar to Pursuit weather changers to death, which was quite effective until people ran Specs Politoed (Scarf fits your team better, though). Good luck (not that you need a lot of it to do well).
Baton Pass has almost no advantage over Volt Change, other than it will still switch Jolteon out if a Ground-type switches in. I don't feel the need to have Signal Beam when I have other ways to deal with Sazandora and Tyranitar personally. Volt Change allows Jolteon to work as a hit and run sweeper, giving him more options against opponents and allowing the overall flow of my team to work (as in switching to resistances).

Superpower would eventually undo all the Bulk Ups I have acquired as it decreases Atk and Def 1 stage each for each use, so I would not want it as my only form of STAB. On top of that, removing Drain Punch removes Roobushin's recovery move and leaves it only with Lefties. And I don't see how a Pokemon is "never meant for priority" when it is a slow, bulky mon that sets up on others. To me that seems the perfect use for priority. Priority can easily help me KO Pokemon after a Drain Punch and can help against Pokemon like Terakion and Doryuuzu.

This I am actually considering. While Kingdra would be good considering Swift Swim and rain, Garchomp works well by helping me against Sun and Sand teams. It also has a very useful Electric immunity that can often come in handy. However, I would consider replacing Garchomp for Kingdra.

Yeah, but you could get both Swift Swim and Ground immunity from Gamageroge, abet at the cost of slightly lower offense and defense from Kingdra. And HP Ice is better as it takes care of Dragons betters, and deals even more damage to Ground types :)! And if you don't want Superpower, Hammer Arm is a plausible option, but if you don't want the speed drop (as if he isn't slow enough), Focus Punch would be your last option. As for Drain Punch, I see why, but you need coverage, don't you? I see Skarmory and friends walling you, so Stone Edge would my last moveslot. And as for Doryuzu and Terrakion, Focus Punch is good enough, they like SDing first though. And Sazandora is really fast and Roobushin, unfortunately, doesn't have the best SpD, so Jolteon is the better choice. But if you go with HP Ice, Sazandora won't be a problem. And Kingdra is a decently bulky Pokemon, actually. And again, you need more Swift Swimmers, preferably at least 2.
I think I faced an early prototype of this team by you (with Evo Stone Chansey in it), and it was a nightmare... (I was blablahblahtest or some variant of that on PO).

Scarf Skymin (or let's call it a double-scarf :P), could take out 1 pokemon with proper prediction on this team. Air Slash will be quite spammable without Nattorei, and it has flinch chances to 2HKO or 3HKO everything on the team. Jolteon can be too frail sometimes, and misprediction with it can cause death.

Otherwise, it looks great, and losing a weather battle may cost the game. I once used CBTar to Pursuit weather changers to death, which was quite effective until people ran Specs Politoed (Scarf fits your team better, though). Good luck (not that you need a lot of it to do well).
Shaymin-S can be a problem until I know what type it is. Once I find out whether it is a Scarfer or not I can usually play around it until I can get Chomp or Toed to KO it.

You might want to run toxic or hypnosis on Politoad. Also were did you get the moving sprites?
I don't really like the idea of running Toxic on the Politoed and I previously ran Hypnosis, but it would miss too often. I got the moving sprites at

Yeah, but you could get both Swift Swim and Ground immunity from Gamageroge, abet at the cost of slightly lower offense and defense from Kingdra. And HP Ice is better as it takes care of Dragons betters, and deals even more damage to Ground types :)! And if you don't want Superpower, Hammer Arm is a plausible option, but if you don't want the speed drop (as if he isn't slow enough), Focus Punch would be your last option. As for Drain Punch, I see why, but you need coverage, don't you? I see Skarmory and friends walling you, so Stone Edge would my last moveslot. And as for Doryuzu and Terrakion, Focus Punch is good enough, they like SDing first though. And Sazandora is really fast and Roobushin, unfortunately, doesn't have the best SpD, so Jolteon is the better choice. But if you go with HP Ice, Sazandora won't be a problem. And Kingdra is a decently bulky Pokemon, actually. And again, you need more Swift Swimmers, preferably at least 2.
Gamageroge is too weak for me to get much use out of it. As for Roobushin, I have yet to see a Sazandora that can KO him. After the DMeteor or DPulse I can easily Drain Punch for recovery. Hammer Arm would be a possibility, but I don't see too much use to it over Drain Punch. And I would never want to rely on Focus Punch as my only STAB for a Pokemon like Roobushin. And a Rain team does not need loads of Swift Swimmers to be effective, in fact that is often what makes Rain team weaker. As Chou said in an earlier post, "I actually really like this concept. The biggest weaknesses of rain teams up until now have been (1) A lack of resistances due to too many Water Types (2) Trying to balance their massive offensive power with the support needed to keep swift swimmers healthy and happy." I could see a possible addition of a Swift Swimmer, but I don't have the room on my team to add 2.
Gamageroge is too weak for me to get much use out of it. As for Roobushin, I have yet to see a Sazandora that can KO him. After the DMeteor or DPulse I can easily Drain Punch for recovery. Hammer Arm would be a possibility, but I don't see too much use to it over Drain Punch. And I would never want to rely on Focus Punch as my only STAB for a Pokemon like Roobushin. And a Rain team does not need loads of Swift Swimmers to be effective, in fact that is often what makes Rain team weaker. As Chou said in an earlier post, "I actually really like this concept. The biggest weaknesses of rain teams up until now have been (1) A lack of resistances due to too many Water Types (2) Trying to balance their massive offensive power with the support needed to keep swift swimmers healthy and happy." I could see a possible addition of a Swift Swimmer, but I don't have the room on my team to add 2.
Ok, but I'd recommend at least 1 Swift Swimmer, Kingdra or Ludicolo. And I'd use that to replace Garchomp since I really am not too comfy with that idea.
The team is significantly improved since the last time I checked out the threat, yet, I still can't see any obvious flaws. However, since you were wondering about the Roob vs Zuruzukin conundrum... I once experienced that in another one of my teams. Roobushin worked incredibly well as a sweeper, yet my team needed an effective Psychic immunity / resist. However, when I put in Zuruzukin over Roob, I found that it simply couldn't sweep nearly as effectively, and I immediately looked for other ways to deal with Rank. Right off the bat, one easy way of dealing with Rank (as well as other specially bulky set up mons / special walls) would be making your Kingdra a DD-MixDra variant. Seeing as you have a 4-2 special - physical ratio, I can see a MixDra being very effective breaking through stall. After the Dragon Dance, Kingdra can lure out physical walls, OHKO with rain-boosted special attacks, then proceed to sweep via rain-boosted Waterfall and Outrage. That (for me) has been the most troublesome Kingdra variant.

Also, I'd appreciate it if you could rate the team in my signature, as one of the rates you gave me on one of my earlier teams helped a lot.

Thanks, hope I helped.
Okay, after playing with a Rain Dance team for most of this testing period, I have to say, like most rain teams I have encountered, you have a huge weakness to Calm Mind Birijion (Which is why I use it, hehe). I can set up on most of your team (especially if Nattorei lacks Thunder Wave) and use Giga Drain to take out most of your team and Focus Blast to destroy Nattorei. I recommend that your change Jolteon to Latias, who pretty much checks every version of Birijion:

Latias @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
-Calm Mind
-Dragon Pulse
-Recover / Psycho Shock / Thunder

Just one more thing, I think you should change Energy Ball back to Ice Beam on Manaphy. This is because Shaymin-S are everywhere in this metagame, and without Ice Beam, it's going to walk all over you. Ice Beam also hurts Lati@s better, while most other Water-resists like opposing Manaphy are going to get hit hard enough by boosted Surfs anyway. The only things I can think of that you would need Energy Ball for is Vaporeon and Burungeru, who are just Nattorei Spike fodder and you can stall them out if you really need to anyway.
Nice team.

From what I can see, though, you seem to have a slight weakness to fighting types, particularly Breloom. Any smart player can bring him in against your Nattorei (or even your Roobushin), spore, and then substitute, ultimately causing you to sacrifice at least one pokemon (two, if you include the one he spored). Granted, you can somewhat play around this by bringing in your Manaphy while your opponent spores you (assuming that your opponent didn't foresee this switch; team preview can be a hindrance), but this is only a temporary solution as your Manaphy is still 2HKO'd by seed bomb.

Have you considered switching your Jolteon to something like a Latias or Zapdos? These pokemon would still be able to absorb electric attacks and maintain immunity to ground attacks, spikes, and toxic spikes, while giving you fighting and grass resistances. Zapdos could even run a very similar moveset (bar shadow ball) and keep the offensive pace of your team.

Other than that, the team looks solid. Good luck
This is definitely an excellent team line-up that can be very dangerous offensively to opposing foes. The members of this team, complement each other well, and cover a lot of threats, but I can see this facing difficulties to take on Fighting-type Pokemon mainly because of the lack of a resistance / immunity as well as a mild Shaymin-S weakness. Looking at your team, Jolteon seems to be the most replaceable member, and I think Zapdos would be the best replacement in this case. Zapdos, retains similar typing to Jolteon but adds very useful resistances and immunities, it provides a Fighting resist and a Bulk Up Roobushin check, as well as a more reliable Shaymin-S check. Something like Thunder / HP Ice / Roost / Volt Change would be ideal, in my opinion. Overall, this Zapdos would give you a solid defensive backbone along with Nattorei, whilst still maintaining some offensive pressure and can even abuse an accurate Thunder. Definitely worth a test at least.

As for minor changes, I would reconsider Tail Glow on Manaphy. +3 SpAtk boosts is a pain to handle from my experience because of the added power while CM is a bit easier to handle, just a thought.
Very nice team, unfortunately I only play on shoddy so I don't know what the metagame is outside of shoddy, but I personally think that tail glow on manaphy is stronger as +3 boost in spA is better then calm mind as it is easy to just bring in a physical pokemon like tyranitar to easily kill manaphy.
Replace jolteon with manectric you lose some speed for much much more power. Manectric has more speed and more power than zapdos after lightining rod boosts its special attack. When you switch into an electric attack it can sweep whole teams with its stab thunder,volt change and your coverage moves. Manectric also looks cooler than jolteon or zapdos