wifi RMT


Its 2015 somewhere
won the 2nd Smogon VGC Tournamentis a Past SPL Champion
VGCPL Champion
Hello Smogon! This is my first ever rmt, and I would appreciate feedback for it. Changes will be in red So without further ado...

At a Glance:


Erufuun @ leftovers
Ability: Mischevious Heart
Nature: Careful
Ev's:248 Hp/ 8 Def/ 248 sp.def/ 4 spd
-Leech Seed

Erufuun's job as a lead is to prevent entry hazards and to be rediculously annoying towards the opponent's lead. It's Ev's are for max bulkiness, while the four speed Ev's allow it to bypass a speed tie with opposing Erufuun. Taunt is used to prevent entry hazards/set up/phazing, and with priority on Erufuun, it needs to be used on every set. Encore is for ruining stat boosters, and Leech Seed and Substitute are used to have priority subseed, which I can't see much downside to (besides being fucked over by taunt)​


Terakion @ Balloon
Ability: Justice Heart
Nature: Jolly
EV's: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
-Swords Dance
-Rock Polish​

Terakion is the ultimate physical sweeper. Sporting great attack, speed, and STAB typing, this thing is a monster when used correctly. Swords Dance rips through stall teams. Rock Polish outspeeds Offensive teams. And a mix of the two rip every other team apart. Balloon is used in order to safely switch in to Doryuuzu, rock polish, then outspeed the rest of their team. Terakion also suffers from having to rely on STAB stone edge, which should be great, but let's not forget that stone edge is the worst move in the game, bar maybe focus blast and splash.​


Latios @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
Ev's: 4 HP/ 252sp.atk/252 spe
-Draco Meteor
-Phycho shock

I love Trickspecs Latios, and for good reason. Draco Meteor maims any pokemon that isn't part steel or a special wall. The Special Walls aren't guaranteed a free switch in either, do to that none of them want choice specs or want to be hit by phycho shock. And Steel Types by and in large are taken care of by Magnezone (see below). Surf is to nail Heatran and other fire types on a predicted switch. Latios also softens physical walls that can handle Terakion. Latios' other job is to kill Roobushin and Zuruzukin, who can be a pain for this team with their bulk up sets.

Magnezone @ Life Orb
Ability: Magnet Pull
EV's: 4 HP/ 252 sp.atk/252 speed
-hidden power (fire)
-magnet rise

The Steel Killer from 4th gen. is back, and better than ever. With Nattorei being on so many teams as well as skarmory and scizor, Magnezone is able to switch into all of them and rape them in the face with t-bolt or hp fire. EV's are used for max fire-power and speed, just in case. I am debating whether or not to change the EV's, so if anyone has a more efficient spread, feel free to post. Honestly, magnet rise and substitute are filler for the most part, though I'm not sure what to change them with (again changes would be appreciated.) Magnezone is on this team for one reason only, to kill steels.​


Nattorei @ leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
Nature: Relaxed
EV's: 252 HP/ 60 Def / 196 Sp.Def
IV's: 0 speed
-Leech Seed
-Power Whip
-Gyro Ball​

Nattorei is a physical wall, a special wall, a leech seeder, and an all around bad-ass. With great Steel/Grass typing coupled with Great Defences, Good Attack, (for a wall) and the abomination known as it's speed stat, Nattorei is a core pokemon for this team. With a Relaxed Nature and 0 Iv's, Nattorei reaches 40 speed, which makes gyro ball an excellent base power attack. Power whip provides great double stab, while leech seed provides additional recovery. Spikes support makes it easier for Terakion to sweep and for Latios to Net Essential kills.​


Burungeru @ leftovers
Nature: Calm
Ability: Water Absorb
EV's 252 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 Sp.Def
-Boil Over
-Shadow Ball

Burungeru is a special wall, however I don't think it's the one I need for my team. I have been Considering replacing it with Snorlax or Chansey. (I will never use Blissey, Ever, no matter what) I want a special wall that doesn't let physical sweepers set up on it. Anyhow, Recover is required on all Burungeru sets, it's the law. Boil over and Shadow Ball provide a nice duel stab coverage, and burning things is always nice. Toxic is used to be toxic and poison pokemon beyond recovery. Max Special Bulkiness is needed in order for Burungeru to be classified as a special wall.​

Please comment and make suggestions, I would like to improve this team.​
For the latios do you really need to dragon stabs? I think a coverage move such as thunderbolt or something. If you've already tricked then Natt walls your current set completely (though Tbolt doesn't remedy this either)

For natt, I don't see why you need 2 attacking moves. I run only power whip and it's fine. Gyro ball only hits rock for SE and power whip does that as well and more. I would suggest replacing one of them with either SR or Twave.

Also you are roobushin weak.
Payback on latias/buru. And Drain punch all but Erefuun. Psychic on Latios would help this a bit.
For natt, I don't see why you need 2 attacking moves. I run only power whip and it's fine. Gyro ball only hits rock for SE and power whip does that as well and more. I would suggest replacing one of them with either SR or Twave.

Gyro ball is great for Ice types too. Weavile is often destroyed by me Gyro balling Forry
Gyro ball is great for Ice types too. Weavile is often destroyed by me Gyro balling Forry

Ice types aren't that common and Mamo is hit for SE by power whip. Gyro works for Forre but I find Leechseed to good to pass up. Especially w/ iron barbs and lefties.
I would replace dragon pulse on latias. Psycho shock would do A LOT to blissey, who will wall you otherwise. Psychic would work if you want to get rid of robooshin, hidden power fighting would work well too, to get rid of steels and ttar, hp fire for scizor and natorei, or tbolt for waters and skarmory.
On burungeru, I'd replace shadow ball with either ice beam for coverage, or evil eye, as if the opponent has status its more powerful than shadow ball, and against burungeru they usually will.
Alright, I'll test phycho shock on Latios instead of dragon pulse, keeping gyro ball on Nattorei. Also changing shadow ball to ice beam. Testing.