Durant (Analysis)




Durant is an amusing little bug that may look pretty terrible at first glance, but actually has a very valuable niche when you consider everything he has available to him.

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<p>Durant isn't a top-tier Pokemon, but what he lacks in popularity he makes up for with pinch value. His stats aren't exceptional, but a respectable Attack stat, combined with a powerful ability in Hustle and an accuracy-boosting move in Hone Claws, makes him potentially very dangerous; being able to 2HKO physically defensive Skarmory after a single boost and with a coverage move is pretty impressive. Durant also has a very handy base Speed stat that gives him the jump on Pokemon like Infernape, Terrakion, and Virizion by a mere few points. Don't get your hopes up, though, as it's all downhill from here.</p>

<p>Despite having excellent defensive typing, Durant really got shafted with his defensive stats. Half of the types of attacks that he resists and would be switching into, including the Dragon-type, are hitting him on his abysmal Special Defense stat. Life Orb Latios always 2HKOes this little bug with Dragon Pulse, for instance, and Life Orb Reuniclus OHKOes him with Focus Blast. Needless to say, don't use Durant against these powerful special attackers. This unfortunately results in Durant having few safe switch-ins, which is directly responsible for how underused he is. That said, he's cute, and a lot of people underestimate him; maybe you'll get lucky using him against an unaware foe.</p>

name: Hustlah'
move 1: Hone Claws
move 2: X-Scissor
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Thunder Fang / Baton Pass
item: Life Orb
ability: Hustle
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>So you've decided to use Durant, huh? Well, this is how you'll be using him if you plan to get anywhere with that team of yours. Hustle is pretty much the reason you'd want to use Durant, as it boosts his physical attacks' damage by 50% at the cost of 20% accuracy. To make up for that drop, Hone Claws boosts his Attack stat further and makes his moves hit more reliably. The rest of the moves on this set are for maximizing Durant's coverage; X-Scissor is the best STAB move available, Stone Edge provides important coverage, and Thunder Fang is pretty much the only other attacking move worth using. However, Baton Pass is viable over Thunder Fang to pass the Hone Claws boost on to whatever else you have on your team.</p>


<p>You're serious about using this guy, huh? Stick to the standard 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe EV spread, then. Nothing else is really worth it for Durant. A Jolly nature ensures that Durant outspeeds all Terrakion, Virizion, and Infernape, which is important even though most of those Pokemon match up fairly well against Durant type-wise. Life Orb gives Durant's attacks the punch they need, and the recoil damage is fine given that Durant can't take many hits anyway.</p>

<p>Pokemon like Blissey, Jellicent, and Politoed are good choices for partners to Durant. For starters, all of them are fairly specially bulky, and all of them also take Fire-type attacks very well. Most opposing Pokemon will simply bash Durant to pieces with neutral special attacks, so having something like Blissey for all purposes can be very handy, even though she slows down more offensive teams. Entry hazards such as Spikes and Stealth Rock greatly aid Durant in KOing lots of bulky Pokemon, like Jellicent, that he would otherwise have trouble with.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Durant really wishes that he had Earthquake, but his only option for hitting grounded Steel-types is Dig. Dig, unfortunately, is very easy to switch out of, so it doesn't particularly help Durant at all. Durant also has access to Crunch and Iron Head, though these moves offer redundant coverage except against specific threats. Thunder Wave is an interesting option to use so that Durant can cripple very fast threats such as Thundurus or Tornadus which will try to switch in on Hone Claws or X-Scissor. Lastly, Choice Band is a legitimate strategy for Durant because it and Hustle come together to make Durant hit harder than Choice Band Scizor. That said, the accuracy loss is very bothersome and tends to bite you in the butt more often than the immense power helps you. Furthermore, Durant doesn't even have U-turn, which kills the real appeal of a Choice set. If you want a high-power Choice Band user, try something like Terrakion instead.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Durant's checks are those that abuse his strange type coverage. Heatran makes an exceptional check because Durant lacks Earthquake and Dig is predictable and easy to avoid. Heatran also 4x resists both of Durant's STABs to boot, making it a very one-sided match-up. Skarmory and most bulky Water-types like Politoed and Jellicent can handle Durant if he trades Thunder Fang for another coverage move. Anything faster than Durant with a powerful special attack can roll in and pretty much eat Durant alive; even resisted Dragon-type attacks from the likes of Latios will shred the bug. Gengar can OHKO the poor thing with Focus Blast, too. In general, anything competent with a special attack will annihilate Durant.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Durant's Dream World ability is Truant, which is a pretty terrible ability that you'd never want to use seriously. Hustle is pretty much always the better ability. For personal amusement, you can run Truant on Durant with Entrainment, the move that copies a Pokemon's ability to the opposing Pokemon, to give the opponent Truant. Typically, this is paired with Shadow Tag Chandelure in order to set up a sweep, though in reality, anyone who loses to this strategy needs to go back to Battling 101 for a while.</p>
With his passable physical Defense and nice Speed, would an all-out Baton Pass option be viable? He can pass Claw Sharpen, Agility/Rock Polish, and Substitute, while providing Thunder Wave support at the same time.
Mention Aerodactyl as a teammate. They have amazing type synergy, resisting each other's weaknesses and such. In addition, if Aianto runs a Baton Pass set it can pass Claw Sharpens to enable an Aero sweep. Check out my analysis for more details.
Scizor does it better?

Scizor does it differently; not necessarily better.

Scizor can't paralyze something with Thunder Wave and then pass to a slower Pokemon.

Scizor can't Baton Pass Claw Sharpen, and there are several Pokemon who would appreciate the accuracy boosts along with the attack boosts.

Scizor is much slower than Aianto, sitting at base 65 and 109 respectively.

Scizor provides competition for a Baton Pass role, but Aianto is superior in some ways to Scizor when Baton Passing.
Hm, this is an older one, I musta missed this guy.

Swampert should obviously be mentioned. The standard takes a little above 52% damage after Claw Sharpen (using the 240 Hp/ 216 Def spread). The bulkier 252/252 is a counter as he avoids Thunder Wave paralysis and can ruin the pass with Roar, unless you pass to Cradily of course.
News Flash

Claw Sharpen's American name is Hone Claws

Aside from that, I would like to see a Traunt set or one with the Swarm ability. Also, I found an animated sprite!
Scizor does it differently; not necessarily better.

Scizor can't paralyze something with Thunder Wave and then pass to a slower Pokemon.

Scizor can't Baton Pass Claw Sharpen, and there are several Pokemon who would appreciate the accuracy boosts along with the attack boosts.

Scizor is much slower than Aianto, sitting at base 65 and 109 respectively.

Scizor provides competition for a Baton Pass role, but Aianto is superior in some ways to Scizor when Baton Passing.

Scizor doesn't need to paralyze things, because it's passing Agility. If you're Baton Passing, a speed boosting move is far, far superior to spreading Paralysis, because it helps your sweeper kill six pokemon, not one.

I can think of approximately 0 pokemon who would rather have an accuracy boost than an extra attack boost.

Except special attackers, but they don't count.

Scizor may be slower, but it doesn't matter much after an Agility. If you're just passing Claw Sharpen, Scizor can hurt things with +2 Technician 130 BP Bullet Punch.

Plus, that set up there has Baton Pass and no Claw Sharpen.

Conclusion: Aianto differs from Scizor, but Scizor generally does BP better.
You're gonna do nothing the next turn anyways, so it doesn't even matter. No mention is needed.

I agree. When incredible Pokemon like Regigigas and Slaking are pratically ignored because of this crippling ability, then why would one want to use a severely-inferior Pokemon with it?

A Truant set would have no competitive value whatsoever.
The only thing a Truant/Making Friends set could do is help get a boosting sweeper in easily... Something that a dedicated pivot could do a lot more effectively than this little guy. And even in doubles, I think there are better ways to be spending your turns (considering how short doubles matches always are...).

I just wish this guy didn't have a nails-on-a-chalkboard cry like Staraptor...

The only thing a Truant/Making Friends set could do is help get a boosting sweeper in easily... Something that a dedicated pivot could do a lot more effectively than this little guy. And even in doubles, I think there are better ways to be spending your turns (considering how short doubles matches always are...).

I just wish this guy didn't have a nails-on-a-chalkboard cry like Staraptor...


This strategy wouldn't really make things easier. Aianto would still be unable to attack the next turn, allowing the opponent to set up or switch out.

If he had Skill Swap, it might be a different story, but since he retains Truant after the use of Make Friends, the strategy is pointless.
Oh, I kind of meant that he'd use it on a switch in, allowing Aianto and the enemy to alternate attacks, and can provide a chance for you to switch in something while the enemy is locked in from Truant.

Although it's probable that the enemy will just immediately switch out.


Edit: Then again, who really cares. It's not even released yet. lol.
I’ve found a very effective way to use Truant on Aianto in conjunction with Befriend. This set should be used in tandem with Shandera or Gochiruzeru due to their ability to trap and set-up.

Name: Befriend & Betray / Please Accept my Friend Request!
Move 1: Befriend
Move 2: X-Scissor
Move 3: Stone Edge
Move 4: Thunder Fang
Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Truant
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD

The idea is to give Truant to preferably an offensive ‘mon by using Aianto’s Choice Scarf on top of his great speed stat (Be aware that this strategy will fail if Aianto is slower than the opposing pokemon). You should always come in on something that can OHKO and sneak in a Befriend before you die for the greater cause. Then, after dying, Shandera or Gochiruzeru switches in, Protects on active turns, and sets up on Truant turns. The sets below are for Shandera and Gochiruzeru correspondingly.
This Aianto can also function as a hit-and-run revenge killer without revealing its ability, hence the last three moveslots.

Name: Shanderape
Move 1: Protect
Move 2: Calm Mind
Move 3: Nitro Charge
Move 4: Shadow Ball / Flamethrower
Item: Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Shadow Tag
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Name: Gotcharuzeru
Move 1: Protect
Move 2: Calm Mind
Move 3: Trick Room
Move 4: Psychic / Shadow Ball
Item: Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Shadow Tag
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
IVs: 0 Spe

Your attack choice depends on what you want to get shut down by. Normal-types obviously shut down Shadow Ball sets, while Flamethrower is ignored by Flash Fire-users, Bulky Waters, etc. Dark-types (especially those with Sucker Punch) end Gotcharuzeru’s sweep with Psychic.
I’ve found a very effective way to use Truant on Aianto in conjunction with Befriend. This set should be used in tandem with Shandera or Gochiruzeru due to their ability to trap and set-up.

Umm, Dream World Shandera and Gochiruzeru haven't been released yet, have they?

Your recommendations are a creative and seemingly-effective use of Truant that I hadn't considered, though.
I'd just like to say that the 3 times I've faced the Truant/Befriend+Shandera combo I've been completely and utterly decimated by it.
Heh, thanks. Well, I guess we'll have to wait for the DW abilities to come out. Until then, I'll troll PO. Man, these guys ragequit a lot.
I’ve found a very effective way to use Truant on Aianto in conjunction with Befriend. This set should be used in tandem with Shandera or Gochiruzeru due to their ability to trap and set-up.

Name: Befriend & Betray / Please Accept my Friend Request!
Move 1: Befriend
Move 2: X-Scissor
Move 3: Stone Edge
Move 4: Thunder Fang
Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Truant
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD

The idea is to give Truant to preferably an offensive ‘mon by using Aianto’s Choice Scarf on top of his great speed stat (Be aware that this strategy will fail if Aianto is slower than the opposing pokemon). You should always come in on something that can OHKO and sneak in a Befriend before you die for the greater cause. Then, after dying, Shandera or Gochiruzeru switches in, Protects on active turns, and sets up on Truant turns. The sets below are for Shandera and Gochiruzeru correspondingly.
This Aianto can also function as a hit-and-run revenge killer without revealing its ability, hence the last three moveslots.

Name: It’s a Trap!
Move 1: Protect
Move 2: Calm Mind
Move 3: Nitro Charge
Move 4: Shadow Ball / Flamethrower
Item: Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Shadow Tag
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Name: Gotcharuzeru
Move 1: Protect
Move 2: Calm Mind
Move 3: Trick Room
Move 4: Psychic / Shadow Ball
Item: Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Shadow Tag
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
IVs: 0 Spe

Your attack choice depends on what you want to get shut down by. Normal-types obviously shut down Shadow Ball sets, while Flamethrower is ignored by Flash Fire-users, Bulky Waters, etc. Dark-types (especially those with Sucker Punch) end Gotcharuzeru’s sweep with Psychic.

I was testing out this combo for shits and giggles today. It's pretty damn hard to pull off, but once you do you just get this funny little laugh because you pretty much just won the match after 3+ Calm Minds and some Nitro Boosts.

I just ran Nattorei to lure out fire and fighting types, then sacrificed Natt to get Aianto out to use Befriend. You don't have to worry about Hazards, except for Toxic Spikes, but I just ran Tentacruel and Espeon to stop it. To be honest, Hazards help you wear down Aianto for an easier kill, which really helps.
I don't know how important this would be to mention, but it might be cool in the analysis to read exactly how much Claw Sharpen + Hustle puts you at statwise.

The result of one Claw Sharpen on a Hustle Pokemon is 106% accuracy and 2.25x as much Attack as normal-- so you end up with a boost better than a single Swords Dance, which is pretty cool.

Yeah, and I agree with the mention of Aero as a teammate, 4 Attacks LO Aero would make a fantastic recipient for that CS boost, with imperfect accuracy on a lot of great moves (Stone Edge, Aqua Tail, elemental Fangs) and a naturally high Speed to sweep with.
713 attack with a neutral nature and full ev's
783 when using adamant, why you would be puuzzles me though?
plus life orb (possible STAB) and increased accuracy seems pretty damn good.
Calcs may be wrong did 'em in my head :/
I’ve found a very effective way to use Truant on Aianto in conjunction with Befriend. This set should be used in tandem with Shandera or Gochiruzeru due to their ability to trap and set-up.

Name: Befriend & Betray / Please Accept my Friend Request!
Move 1: Befriend
Move 2: X-Scissor
Move 3: Stone Edge
Move 4: Thunder Fang
Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Truant
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD

The idea is to give Truant to preferably an offensive ‘mon by using Aianto’s Choice Scarf on top of his great speed stat (Be aware that this strategy will fail if Aianto is slower than the opposing pokemon). You should always come in on something that can OHKO and sneak in a Befriend before you die for the greater cause. Then, after dying, Shandera or Gochiruzeru switches in, Protects on active turns, and sets up on Truant turns. The sets below are for Shandera and Gochiruzeru correspondingly.
This Aianto can also function as a hit-and-run revenge killer without revealing its ability, hence the last three moveslots.

aaaaa this quote is too long.

Hmm, cool. Gives this little guy a (gimmicky, but kind of cool) niche. I had higher expectations for Aianto when I first saw its sprite...

Only flaw with your idea is that Aianto CAN'T be a hit-and-run sweeper, really... Truant prevents it from switching out on inactive turns (to my knowledge), so you're kinda stuck in battle for an extra turn, which could be easily used by a switch-in to set up, should you choose to use an attacking move over Make Friends for some odd reason.


P.S. Rename the Shandera set to "Shanderape", in my opinion.