The Smogon Transformice Thread

I want to play but startlag still kills the game's fun for me

I play for fun once in a while though. Imma play sometime today

I was the first one to figure it out too!!!!
:so proud:
new semiofficial channel is #teamrocket
go if you're looking for smogonites to play with
I've really been enjoying those maps that slowly go down and you have to jump through the obstacles. They are fun.And I usually manage to get first on them for some reason
...but startlag still kills the game's fun for me

Good news for you! A new countdown thing seems to have been implemented - a map loads and then a three-second countdown starts before you can move. I think this is an attempt to solve your problem.
I had 36 presents, and the only thing I'm missing of the christmas items was the antlers and now they got rid of christmas and everything
where does anyone play, i went on teamrocket room on both servers and noone was there :(
Any kind of large smogon transformice community is gone. I play in en1 room 100 most of the time, and sometimes see rey and necroseer(quickster) on.
wait wtf are you talking about this update is one of the worst.

yeah they imporved the map editor which is good but honestly. the countdown is terrible.

rey u noob.
the countdown fucking sucks indeed, you can still see the running animation and now its not about who has the better connection but who has the better luck

also it goes like 3 2 *mice start running* 1 GO