Rain in OU?!?! (An OU Warstory by The Ush)

What's up everybody. So I've been around smogon for a while battling for about a year or so, but I've never manned up and created an account. Well now I have, and I'm posting my first thread. I don't have any RMT's and I'm too busy at the moment to get into 5th Gen since I have college apps, so a Warstory it is!!! I usually whip out my gimmicky teams, but I'm playing with my one super (whorish) OU team that's been running train. Unfortunately I've never been free (or patient) enough to seriously ladder, so I don't think you'll see me on any leaderboards any time soon. Well without further ado, I'll give you my first, although quick, Warstory. The Ush (me) vs. sakull23.

PS: Sakull23 was most pleasant to play. Unlike Takinub (3rd on Team Uber leaderboard) who's a big deuche. We had about a 50 move game (which I conveniently didn't save), which I had in the bag but blew about 3 turns from when I would've won.
Takinub's only words of the game:
Takinub: Nub. You'll never beat me.
I don't care how good (s)he may be but that's just lame.

Pokemon Battle -- Rain in OU?!?!

The Ush's Team:

OU whores. Amirite?

Sakull23's team will be posted at the end of the warstory. Don't look if you want the full immersion of my point of view!

Battle Log in Bolded Black, Comments in Unbolded Blue
Current Health in Unbolded Black
(Leftovers recovery omitted, but factored into Current Health).

Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause
The Ush sent out Azelf (lvl 100 Azlef).
Sakull23 sent out Electrode (lvl 100 Electrode).

-- 100% vs.
-- 100%

What does everyone know blue Electrode means? If you haven't figured it out by now, rain lead. I know this set because I'm gimmicky and of course I've used it (IN UU THOUGH). My team can take Sandstorm all day, but rain is another (war)story. So shit... I can't stop the rain. I run the Colburzelf set, and I'm worried about a faster taunt coming. But I decide rocks will be important, and if he set up rain without my rocks I'll be screwed right off the bat.

Electrode used Rain Dance.
Rain began to fall!
Azelf used Stealth Rock.
The rain continues to fall.

Hmm. So his options are to Thunder or Explode. He won't taunt now and probably won't straight up switch. So I decide to go to Scrotom for the resist either way. (Maybe a free kill!)

The Ush switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Electrode used Thunder.
It's not very effective...
Rotom-h lost 22% of its health.
Rotom-h was Paralyzed!
The rain continues to fall.

-- 78% (Paralyzed) vs.
-- 100%

Sweet sweet hax on my scarfed Rotom. Well pokemon is pokemon. Scarf rotom isn't too defensive and now it's basically useless. I just want to use it for normal, fighting, ground resists, but these moves aren't the most common on rain teams. So I decide Electrode can't do much and stay in. I've got a move that would probably limit him if he switched in a sweeper too.

Electrode used Thunder.
It's not very effective...
Rotom-h lost 24% of its health.
Rotom-h used Trick.
Rotom-h obtained Damp Rock!
Electrode obtained Choice Scarf!
The rain continues to fall.

Rotom -- 54% vs. Electrode 100%

Scrotom actually managed to help me bigtime even plzd. I figure now he might want to just keep on thundering to take me out, and my goal is to stall out 8 turns of rain. Hopefully he doesn't jump to one of his sweepers, or else I'm in a situation where at least one of my pokes has to go down. I'm praying for a nice free switch here.

The Ush switched in Flygon (lvl 100 Flygon).
Electrode used Thunder.
It doesn't affect Flygon...
The rain continues to fall.

-- 100% vs.
-- 100%

This is already getting exhausting. I haven't touched him and he's seen three of my pokes already. I assume he knows Flygon's scarfed cuz they all are. Let's be real. I know that he'll switch though because he's stuck on an ineffective move. So I use the most trusty move in Pokemon to scout.

Sakull23 switched in Bronzong (lvl 100 Bronzong).
Pointed stones dug into Bronzong.
Bronzong lost 6% of its health.
Flygon used U-turn.
Bronzong lost 22% of its health.

Well common sense tells me to go to Heatran. Oooh! Or even Rotom with Overheat! Oh wait... rain's up. I don't want him to get up screens or rocks or re-setup rain when it runs out. How do I kill this thing? Even as I'm damning rain being up, I realize "OMG RAIN IZ UP!"

The Ush switched to Starmie (lvl 100 Starmie).
The rain continues to fall.

-- 100% vs.
-- 72%

I'm still regretting that I have to show another poke. He still has 4 unrevealed and I only have 2 in case you lost track already. Well this Bronzong would be a tank in the rain, and a hell of an annoying support poke, so I need him gone. Explosion doesn't scratch him too much, fire moves are halved in rain, rotom's scarf is gone, and he could probably play around me knowing much of my team now.

Starmie used Hydro Pump.
Bronzong lost 72% of its health.
Sakull23's Bronzong fainted.
The rain continues to fall.

-- 100% vs.
-- Fainted

The Ush - 6
Sakull23 - 5

Sakull23 switched in Electrode (lvl 100 Electrode).
Pointed stones dug into Electrode.
Electrode lost 12% of its health.

-- 100% vs.
-- 88%

Phew dodged a bullet there. 6 of 12 pokes revealed before one faints. Thank goodness Hydro Pump hit. In comes Electrode, and the scarf means he's choosing between Thunder and Explosion again. I've gotta switch because either move will outspeed and kill Starmie, and Flygon is immune to Thunder and Rotom is immune to Explosion. Rotom is almost useless and I think he'll predict Flygon so I toss Rotom into harm's way.

The Ush switched in Rotom-h (lvl 100 Rotom-h).
Electrode used Explosion.
It's doesn't affect Rotom...
Electrode lost 88% of its health.
Sakull23's Electrode fainted.
The rain continues to fall.

-- 54% (Paralyzed) vs.
-- Fainted

The Ush - 6
Sakull23 - 4

Epic prediction haxorz on my part. Rotom actually nabs his kill for the match showing that its resistances invariably come in handy hax or not. So anyways...
The Ush: How frickin long does this rain last?? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. OMG only 1 more turn!!!
Sakull23: Electrode suicide fail. :'(
What's wrong with chatting during matches? It's always more fun. With only one more turn of rain to go, I'm sure he'll go to a sweeper and try to clean up Rotom at least.

Sakul123 switched in Kingdra (lvl 100 Kingdra ♂).
Pointed stones dug into Kingdra.
Kingdra lost 12% of its health.

-- 54% (Paralyzed) vs.
-- 88%

Oh god no. Not this beast. I knew one was coming because an OU rain team without Kingdra is blasphemous. I distinctly remember a Specs Kingdra I used on one team ripping opponents apart. Well this thing is faster, with equal hydro pump power, and move switchability. At least there's only one turn of rain for it. Rotom is perfect fodder anyways.

Kingdra used Hydro Pump.
Rotom-h lost 54% of its health.
The Ush's Rotom-h fainted.
Kingdra lost 10% of its health.
The rain stopped.

-- Fainted vs.
-- 78%

The Ush - 5
Sakull23 - 4

The Ush switched in Flygon (lvl 100 Flygon ♂).

-- 100% vs.
-- 78%

Flygon is faster than this powerhouse and can take it out in one outrage. This is obvious. I could even pull a relatively safe Earthquake. Only thing on a rain team that could avoid that is a Zapdos. So, I've seen and ruthlessly murdered 2 supporters of his through dominant play. I've now seen 1 sweeper. Rain teams are generally composed of 3 supporters and 3 sweepers. Thinking Outrage was the obvious move I considered his options. Two of the most common rain supporters are Scizor and Jirachi. I figured he could switch to one of them to absorb an Outrage and comfortably set up rain in the process, having 7 turns of sweeping with 3 sweepers (one the royal Kingdra). So I make an unbelievably ballsy play...

Flygon used Fire Punch.
It's not very effective...
Kingdra lost 6% of its health.
Kingdra used Hydro Pump.
Flygon lost 85% of its health.
Kingdra lost 10% of its health.

Flygon - 15% vs. Kingdra - 62%

*Facepalm* I immediately regret my decision in not U-turning. It's there to make my decisions easier for god's sake! So now I'm locked into a move that might as well not do a thing to this beast. I've gotta make a quick fix. My instincts tell me that Azelf can survive any single hit and explode on this guy.

The Ush switched in Azelf (lvl 100 Azelf).
Kingdra used Rain Dance.
Rain began to fall!
The rain continues to fall.

-- 100% vs.
-- 62%

*Double Facepalm* Uh oh. Now he outspeeds me. And he's got 4 turns of rain. And he can OHKO me. And I have no safe switch. And he can survive 7 turns of Life Orb. And Scizor's bullet punch is the only thing I know can outspeed, and that's not very effective... I blew it. Why don't I use Focus Sashzelf again? Oh yea because Machamp is a d-bag.

The Ush: If M.C. Hammer played pokemon he'd say: Stop. Fodder Time.

Kingdra used Hydro Pump.
Azelf lost 100% of its health.
The Ush's Azelf fainted.
Kingdra lost 10% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

-- Fainted vs.
-- 52%

The Ush - 4
Sakull23 - 4

The Ush switched in Flygon (lvl 100 Flygon ♂).

-- 15% vs.
-- 52%

Any shot I had left hinged on Flygon being faster than kingdra. I didn't want to get locked onto Outrage though, because that would be asking to get revenged. Until about a day ago, I always used banded Flygon, but I figured that more often than not speed would save my ass. So, I had to pray that this item switch had payed off.

Flygon used U-turn.
Kingdra lost 22% of its health.
The Ush switched in Starmie (lvl 100 Starmie).
Kingdra used Waterfall.
It's not very effective...
Starmie lost 41% of its health.
Kingdra lost 10% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

-- 59% vs.
-- 20%

Now on the defensive, I changed my strategy to a mix of Life Orb and rain stall. Starmie, who usually outspeeds much of the metagame, now takes a back seat. Its thunderbolt wouldn't see any action unfortunately.

Kingdra used Draco Meteor.
Starmie lost 49% of its health.
The Ush's Starmie fainted.
Kingdra's special attack was harshly lowered.
Kingdra lost 10% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

-- Fainted vs.
-- 10%

The Ush - 3
Sakull23 - 4

The Ush switched in Flygon (lvl 100 Flygon ♂).

-- 15% vs.
-- 10%

Once again, thankfully, rain has only 1 turn left. I know I can outspeed, but again I don't want to get locked into any attack. Flygon is the fastest member of my team, and I'll need him to possibly shut the rain sweepers down.

Flygon used U-turn.
Kingdra lost 10% of its health.
Sakul123's Kingdra fainted.
The Ush switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ♂).
The rain stopped.

- 100% vs.
-- Fainted

The Ush - 3
Sakull23 - 3

Sakul123 switched in Ludicolo (lvl 100 Ludicolo ♂).
Pointed stones dug into Ludicolo.
Ludicolo lost 12% of its health.

- 100% vs.
-- 88%

Uh oh. I can outspeed this guy without rain, but if I let him get rain up, could he sweep? Did this Ludicolo carry rain dance? Would he use rain dance or a water attack that would certainly kill (BAN ME PLEASE)? There were too many questions, and I didn't have anyone to sacrifice, and allowing him a window to set up rain was not an option. I had one choice...

Heatran used Explosion.
Ludicolo lost 88% of its health.
Sakul123's Ludicolo fainted.
Heatran lost 10% of its health.
Heatran lost 90% of its health.
The Ush's Heatran fainted.

- Fainted vs.
-- Fainted

The Ush - 2
Sakull23 - 2

I haven't seen either of his last two, but Flygon is on super low hp. So I decide to use him to try and outspeed his switch-in and try to U-turn. Or I'd take it out in one shot if I could. Scizor can win most 1v1's unless against a fire type. But this is a rain dance team. Flygon's opponent is...

The Ush switched in Flygon (lvl 100 Flygon ♂).
Sakul123 switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ♀).
Pointed stones dug into Scizor.
Scizor lost 12% of its health.

-- 15% vs.
-- 88%

DAMN! MY BLIND PREDICTION EARLIER WAS SPOT ON! Well unfortunately, this sciz has priority on me. He also packs Rain Dance, and seeing as how I don't want to sacrifice my Flygon for nothing, he probably has a free set-up. I just hope I can outspeed his last sweeper even in rain.

The Ush switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ♂).
Scizor used Bullet Punch.
It's not very effective...
Scizor lost 16% of its health.

(Mine) -- 84% vs.
(His) -- 88%

So coming into the last stage of the battle, it's turning into a total whore-fest. He'd probably set up rain, and he resisted 3 of my moves only leaving me the option to superpower him. I hoped he didn't have superpower himself.

Scizor used Superpower.
Scizor lost 71% of its health.
Scizor's attack was lowered. Scizor's defence was lowered.
Scizor used Rain Dance.
Rain began to fall!
The rain continues to fall.

Scizor (Mine) -- 84% vs. Scizor (His) -- 16%

All I can do is hope that he doesn't outspeed and have Superpower or Roost. I am not about to go to Flygon to die uselessly. The mini whore-fest will certainly end in one whore's death.

Scizor used Bullet Punch.
It's not very effective...
Scizor lost 23% of its health.
Scizor used Superpower.
Scizor lost 16% of its health.
Sakul123's Scizor fainted.
Scizor's attack was lowered. Scizor's defence was lowered.
The rain continues to fall.

(Mine) -- 61% vs.
(His) -- Fainted

The Ush - 2
Sakull23 - 1

Sakul123 switched in Kabutops (lvl 100 Kabutops ♂).
Pointed stones dug into Kabutops.
Kabutops lost 12% of its health.

(Mine) -- 61% vs.
-- 88%

Aww man. Rain's up and all Kabutops have Aqua Jet. Flygon's still useless. Scizor is outsped. Things don't look great. I'm also at -2 attack and defense so Scizor is in no position to 1v1. Guess I have to sac Flygon...

The Ush switched in Flygon (lvl 100 Flygon ♂).
Kabutops used Aqua Jet.
Flygon lost 15% of its health.
The Ush's Flygon fainted.
Kabutops lost 10% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

-- Fainted vs.
-- 78%

The Ush - 1
Sakull23 - 1

The Ush switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ♂).

-- 61% vs.
-- 78%

The Ush: Can Bullet Punch kill?
Sakull23: Better hope so!

I quickly realized there's no way Bullet Punch can kill kabutops from 78% hp. Kabutops has pretty great physical bulk without investment. My only hope is to live an onslaught from 'tops and hit em hard back. So I hit my attack of choice and...


Kabutops used Aqua Jet.
Scizor lost 41% of its health.
Kabutops lost 10% of its health.
Scizor used Superpower.
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Kabutops lost 68% of its health.
Sakul123's Kabutops fainted.
Scizor's attack was lowered. Scizor's defence was lowered.

-- 20% vs.
-- Fainted

The Ush wins!

The Ush - 1
Sakull23 - 0

... I'm speechless. I can only assume that he thought he could kill with Aqua Jet and not have to risk a Bullet Punch. He could in fact kill with Waterfall, and that crit in fact didn't matter. But still, I couldn't believe how close that match was and how I pulled out the win against rain. It was a fantastic game. And a pleasure to post as my first Warstory.

Sakull23's Team:

I've seen on other Warstories that they include a props and slops section so I'll throw it in.

- Being torn from turn one, but deciding to set rocks up. (CLUTCH)
- Some really nice predictions early on
- Using Rotom-h to perfection even with hax
- Surviving 3 bouts of rain
- Thinking out my moves well ahead of time
- Accidental mind games at the end (USE CHAT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE (and to have fun with it!))

- Having a really rain-weak team
- Letting Kingdra live so long
- Making some overpredictions that almost cost me the match

Match MVP:
It's close. I'd like to give it to Scizor for ending the match with the last two kils, or even Rotom-h for playing like a pro while being Plzd, but the true man of the match has to be: Flygon.


He was the key scout for me, and without him, I wouldn't have been able to end Kingdra's onslaught or even switch to certain pokes to nab a key kill. Even though he succumbed to priority in the end, he stayed alive almost the whole match and played his part the whole way through.

Closing Thoughts:
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! This is my first Warstory and first contribution to Smogon, and I hope this gets well received, as I'd love to post many more in the future. So comment away, including tips on how to make it more interesting, like, and subscribe. Erhrm... I mean Luvdisc it.

In the everlasting words of Beyonce:

"If you like it then you betta put a Luvdisc on it."
Wow this is really good for your first Warstory.

I could understand what you were thinking the whole way through except you way overthought in the middle. I'd have probably just gone for the Outrage on Kingdra! :D

... But you were right about the Scizor which was pretty unreal.

Not a bad battle in my opinion.

The only problem I saw with this was that early on, you failed to take Kingdra out when you could've. Really should've used Outrage/EQ there, Other than that, the formatting was rather neat, the commentary was pretty good & it was quite an enjoyable read. 4/5
Good read. Agreed with the poster above me (edit:) Papa, good warstory for your first one.

Don't feel too bad about the mis-prediction with Fire Punch. I too would have probably gone with that as I'm a paranoid battler, and assuming a rain team has a Steel-type rain set-up 'mon isn't the worst thing anyone could predict in a match, but making a ballsy prediction like that could have payed off if s/he did switch in their Steel-type 'mon to eat a FP with or without Rain going (especially if it was Scizor).

I enjoyed how you were 2 steps ahead of your opponent; thinking/figuring out what will happen if you do so-and-so. Blowing up on Ludicolo was the best, yet unfortunate, option when facing off against it with Heatran. Many Ludicolo now run a Swords Dance Physical version on Rain dance teams, which can be quite a surprise when you bring in your Specially defensive 'mon (aka Blissey, but some ballsy players use t-wave predicting me to SD as I predict they switch, ruining my +4 Attack/+2 Speed boosts). Smart of you to save Flygon knowing another Rain-abusing sweeper would come out eventually (I liked that the best, as I probably would have foolishly made it fodder bait). Um, what else. Rotom prediction was awesome, even if s/he used Thunder, but that'd completely change the outcome of the match. Lastly, sad to see Azelf and Starmie become fodder, but nice of HP to not miss and knock out 'zong.

Overall, I give it a solid 4/5.

~ Aether Nexus
Yes, it was a good warstory, especially for a first try. Shame about the ending, which sort of ruined the build-up (I do not mean the skipping of the lines here. Do not do that. It is overdone and annoying), but it was an enjoyable read. 7/10
This was a great warstory! I liked how you used each of your pokemon to their fullest advantage, even if it meant sacrificing them. Also, good call at the end with Superpower instead of Bullet Punch. Too many people (myself included) would jump straight to the signature move without stopping to think, but you stayed cool under pressure and came out with a win. 9/10
Really cool warstory dude, saw some good prediction and your comments were awesome. I was on the edge of my seat at the end too what was going to happen! 9/10, look forward to more from you in the future! ;D
Good warstory, nice to see people proving that rain is still viable in HGSS. Nice refresher from the amount of junk we've had recently.
Don't feel too bad about the mis-prediction with Fire Punch. I too would have probably gone with that as I'm a paranoid battler, and assuming a rain team has a Steel-type rain set-up 'mon isn't the worst thing anyone could predict in a match, but making a ballsy prediction like that could have payed off if s/he did switch in their Steel-type 'mon to eat a FP with or without Rain going (especially if it was Scizor).

I liked this warstory though I have to disagree with this. His Bronzong was already dead so it's doubtful he had a second beyond Scizor. Don't overthink too much and you will do well!!

Kingdra is a bitch.

Good warstory, and an enjoyable battle. Commentary was good, and so was the play. Shame about the overprediction, though.
My only complaint is that, your opponent needs more Gorebyss.
I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more Gorebyss!

Nah, I don't see why his opponent would use Gorebyss over any of his other team members. Gorebyss can only function under rain, otherwise it's just too slow, and while 114 SpA is not bad, it doesn't quite pack the needed punch in OU. And also, what does Gorebyss have over other common Rain Dancers? Psychic?
pretty cool, fast-paced battle. melike

that's supposed to be a face

if your opponent knew that cb bullet punch couldn't ko then he would've won. good battle nonetheless
Thanks for the supporting comments everybody!

Just a point about Gorebyss. She does pack a huge punch, but both of my scarfed pokes outpace max speed Gorebyss. All three sweepers on his team could outspeed my whole team if EV'd properly.

I'm starting to get into 5th Gen, so once I have a half decent team worked out, and a good battle I'll get another Warstory in.
This was an excellent battle and a fantastic ending. Well done for a first warstory and I hope to see more in the future. The commentary was also top notch. 9/10.

I agree, Gorebyss < every other rain sweeper.
Lol that was great. Some amazing predictions throughout thar game. I loved the electrode rotom switch, that had an amazing impact. The fire punch was an overprediction but you made up for it really well with that flygon, especially outspeeding a kingdra!
Did you have max evs, ivs and positive nature as well as scarf?
Lol that was great. Some amazing predictions throughout thar game. I loved the electrode rotom switch, that had an amazing impact. The fire punch was an overprediction but you made up for it really well with that flygon, especially outspeeding a kingdra!
Did you have max evs, ivs and positive nature as well as scarf?
It wasn't raining.