Mega Man fans unite!! Let's do it one last time!

In loving memory of Keiji Inafune's beloved franchise.
May he find success and prosperity, no matter if he works for Capcom or not.

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero. I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!" ―Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

The only Mega Man series to be consistently good through 4 entire games, it is the best series of the entire franchise. Mega Man Zero series brought the difficulty back to the genre after the MMX series had already long since dropped the ball. (MMX3 and MMX4 is pretty bad, don't let your nostalgia fool you). Zero himself is probably the second most popular character of the entire franchise, as his character appears in more of the Mega Man series than any other character (The only ones he has not appeared in is the Star Force and the Legends series). Rock on, Zero~

At a glance..........


+Enough bulk to drag battles out if I want to annoy
+Can flip the switch to a high octane offense at a moment's notice
+This RMT looks pretty cool. I spent a while on trying out different layouts to get a nice little design
-No Roar/Whirlwind/Yawn/general purpose phazes
-I pretty much have to sac something every time a sub goes gets in


Harpuia (Latios
) (M) @ Choice Specs

Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Thunderbolt (or Thunder)
- Trick
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Latios' job is to serve as my lead. Draco Meteor hits just about everything hard so long as they do not resist it. Thunderbolt and Surf give me a weapon against the new weather threats.


Fefnir (Hihidaruma) (M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Encourage
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Rock Slide

Scarf Hihidaruma IS a beast. This guy serves as my revenge killer and scares away some of the more common walls. Flare Blitz and Superpower both give me coverage in areas I'd otherwise be lacking. No, this isn't happening! There's no reason for me to go on!! Wha..WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR!!!? U-turn serves as a nice scouting utility. Earthquake takes care of those pesky fire types.


Leviathan (Empoleon) (F) @ Shuca Berry

Trait: Torrent
EVs: 172 HP / 252 SAtk / 84 Spd
Modest nature
- Surf
- Aqua Jet
- Grass Knot
- Stealth Rock

Empoleon serves as my SR buffer. The majority of the time, Empy finds herself on the receiving end of an Earthquake just as she throws agility down, which suits her just find because Torrent is always potent. What she lacks in coverage she makes up in utility.


Phantom (Zoroaaku) (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Illusion
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Night Burst
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot
- Nasty Plot

This guy gives me all sorts of mindgame opportunities. I think he works especially well as a "Wobbuffet". He waaas an all out attacker, but under the guise of Wobby, I'm presented no shortage of opportunities to NP up.


Omega (Scizor) (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Technician
EVs: 32 HP / 252 Atk / 224 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bug Bite
- Bullet Punch
- Brick Break
- Swords Dance

Mid / Late game sweeper. He also serves as a secondary revenge killer. There is a lot more things flying around that's dangerous to Scizor, but when he gets going he get going. Bug Bite provides excellent STAB damage. Bullet Punch tears through things that are already weakened by SR. I'm still debating Brick Break > Super Power, though it seems about right since I'd rather keep him in as long as possible once SD goes up. And there is the odd dual-screen teams I rarely run into, but run into nonetheless.


Copy X (Wobbuffet) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Def / 228 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Encore
- Counter
- Mirror Coat
- Safeguard

My second favorite revenge killer in the entire game. Safeguard provides some utility. Encore takes away a bit of prediction. It also allows me to drain PP from the enemy. Mirror Coat allows me to kill special attackers. Counter allows me to kill physical attackers. Encore gives me some sort of answer to all the setups running around.


"Even if we Reploids are destined to join the scrap heap when that evolutionary step does come about... We still have to fight... Not only against Mavericks, but against our own destiny as well." ―Zero, Mega Man X8

Please, fire away with suggestions / criticisms.
MMZ fuck yeah! Brilliant series and tough as nails. Don't go dissing MMX3 though!

Shiny Latios as Harpuia... Brilliant. Specs is probably better as a lead though. Power difference is HUGE, though I find Dragon Pulse better for after you Trick your item away.

Kirikizan looks more like Fefnir but yeah it's not a Fire type. Maybe Infernape or Houndoom?
sorry, I'm new at rating, but quick question:
won't the opponent realize they aren't shadow tagged when you use a fake wob?

and for the lead, replace surf with hidden power fire.
I'm just thinking of the common genoseko, natt leads.
with a banded hihidaruma, you don't want sr set up, and you can't switch it in as a counter for a U-Turning genoseko.
MMZ fuck yeah! Brilliant series and tough as nails. Don't go dissing MMX3 though!

The game contains some of the most boring, uninspired level design ever seen in any of the Mega Man games, including those on the NES. Even back in the NES days, every stage at least had some sort of theme going on: Fire Man's stage is some sort of fiery factory with flames shooting from the walls and the ground. Elec Man's stage is some sort of tower with electricity running all over the place and long stretches of ladders. Compared to the very first Mega Man on the NES, Mega Man X3 does a better job of graphically letting you know where you're at, but it fails to actually incorporate it into gameplay.

For example, Blast Hornet's stage is an airport with warehouses. How does the game let us know that? By having an area that has X fighting on top of a bunch of warehouse shaped buildings. The rest of the stage is moving through a building and killing stuff. Even worse is Gravity Beetle's stage, which, unlike Gravity Man's stage from Mega Man 5, doesn't have much to do with gravity. It's just a factory with robots in it.

The aforementioned boring, uninspired boss design is complemented with boring, uninspired boss AI. About half the bosses throw a minor projectile, then proceed to charge at X. Some bosses almost directly copy off each other, like Toxic Seahorse's bouncing acid and Gravity Beetle's bouncing gravity balls.

There's around 5 good songs in the game - the two introduction stage songs, Blizzard Buffalo's theme, Gravity Beetle's theme and the songs that play in the Doppler/Sigma stages. Everything else is 10 seconds of powerchords repeated over and over again.
X1 had so much variation when it came to the music. Even X2 had great music.

And the game is easy as hell, even without exploiting weaknesses.

Kirikizan looks more like Fefnir but yeah it's not a Fire type. Maybe Infernape or Houndoom?

I disagree with Kirikizan looking more like Fefnir. I mean, yeah, he more humanoid, but the main distinguishing features of Fefnir is that he's bit more bulky than the other Mega Mans and he has those 2 horns, which Hihi's eyebrows bear more of a resemblance to than Kiri's single horn dealy bob hoorah thing.

But I digress. I'd really like to give Kiri a spin on this team simply because SR would be so nice. I'm just not well versed in Kirikizan sets, I suppose.

sorry, I'm new at rating, but quick question:
won't the opponent realize they aren't shadow tagged when you use a fake wob?

I suppose if they actually bother checking. Most people don't try to switch out when they see Wobby's sprite on screen, but as I climb the ladder it will likely become much more a problem. Should probably consider changing which Pokemon in changes to.

and for the lead, replace surf with hidden power fire.
I'm just thinking of the common genoseko, natt leads.
with a banded hihidaruma, you don't want sr set up, and you can't switch it in as a counter for a U-Turning genoseko.

Good idea. Definitely will do.
My respect, you have earned it. A mega man inspired team makes me remember all the good ole days of playing mega man and the rest of the games. Anyway, the team looks good, but why wobbuffet for X? Seems hurtful for some probably just me.
My respect, you have earned it. A mega man inspired team makes me remember all the good ole days of playing mega man and the rest of the games. Anyway, the team looks good, but why wobbuffet for X? Seems hurtful for some probably just me.

Well, the answer is two-fold.

The "Copy X" in Mega Man Zero isn't the real X, he is an imitation. Further, X himself copies an enemies attack then counters and exploit's the bosses weakness. I suppose shiny Ditto would be the more correct answer, but I think Wobbuffet represents this concept adequately. Plus, he resembles Copy X more. Not by much, but he is a bit more humanoid and he actually has arms.

Secondly, I do it kinda as a jest because I dislike Copy X. This goes back to how the REAL X was originally intended to be the antagonist of the Mega Man Zero series, but this changed because the franchise creator (Keiji Inafune) was not even informed that some random folks at Capcom were creating Mega Man X6, which screwed over the entire story (because the "X" series was meant to end at X5 and be continued from the "Zero" series), which is why the Zero series omits and retcons a lot of post-X5 stuff and most Mega Man fans don't even consider X6-8 to be canon.

Now I'm in a bit of a conundrum. I don't want you kind folks to create my team for me, but I really am hurting for some sort of phazing (Roar, Whirlwind, Taunt, Yawn... anything, really), even moreso than entry hazards. I'm liking this Kirikizan suggestion more, but without an elaboration on the proposal, I really don't have much to go on.
Have you considered opting for a Erufuun somewhere on your team? It'll be fantastic as you lack a phazer, which is a real problem considering how many set up-mons have emerged out of the new Gen. Erufuun can provide the shut down potential your team needs with Mischievous Heart and Encore.


Erufuun @ Leftovers / Focus Sash
Ability: Mischievous Heart
Nature: Jolly / Timid
252 Def / 252 Spe / 4 Atk
- Encore / Taunt
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- U-turn / Energy Ball
Hey, it's that guy who spams about how gays shouldn't be able to join the military! but he actually has pokemon battling skill. This is looking like a very nice team. A few suggestions to -hopefully- fix how the team works overall.

First of all, for a lead, I would suggest running a Life Orb Mixed Dragonite instead of your current Latios. First of all, it has a better matchup against stuff like TTar, Nattorei, other steels, Forretress, and is also more versatile. Hitting something with a boosted Draco Meteor, then hitting the switch-in incredibly hard with Outrage, crippling it, is something that starts off the game with a shit ton of momentum, which is great for a fast-paced offensive team such as yours. Multiscale also grants incredible bulk.

For Hihidaruma, run Superpower over Hammer Arm. The extra power helps, as any switchin to Hihidaruma is -most likely- faster (and they definitely will be after the speed drop), and Hihidaruma can't afford to take a hit considering it's weak to all entry hazards and has lackluster defensive stats as well.

Drop your Wobbufet for a Scarf Politoed. Not only is it a faster revenge killer and a late game sweeper, it takes shit by surprise, 2KOs all incoming weather switchers, and in drizzle basically acts like it has Choice Specs and Choice Scarf attached with the 1.5x attack power boost. It can come in on +2 Dorys and pretty much anything else, and OHKO it. Stuff like Roobushin and other non-specially bulky pokes are easily OHKOd by STAB Drizzle boosted Hydro Pump.
[box]Politoed @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump / Surf
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast
- Toxic / Hidden Power [Electric] / Psychic [/box]

The one thing to keep in mind when going for Surf over Hydro Pump is that you lose some important KOs. Firstly, you lose the OHKO on Hippo when he comes in and generates sand. Secondly, you lose the 2HKO on Tyranitar when he comes in as well. Hydro Pump is risky, but will OHKO a lot more with the rain boost. Ice Beam and Focus Blast are for coverage, and allow you to effectively check Skymin and more. The last slot is a question of hitting Toxicroak w/ Dry Skin or Bulky Waters or other poison types. Psychic isn't very useful because Hydro Pump with rain does more anyways. Toxic can hit wall switchins, and prove very useful, while HP Electric checks Gyarados yet isn't very powerful against specially bulky things that are only 2x weak ex. Burungeru. It manages a meager 3HKO and allows Politoed to be easily outstalled. The key thing about this is that you only play it incredibly late-game, or when you're getting swept by Dory / Skymin. Seeing as it hurts Hihidaruma's power, I would suggest you use Hihidaruma as an early-game stallbreaker / disrupter and only bring it Politoed for late-game cleanup.

For Hihidaruma, I would suggest running a Choice Scarf since Encourage-boosted Flare Blitz OHKOs pretty much any of the faster sweepers running about, and allows you to effectively revenge kill a lot of pokes - Skymin, Deo-A, Scizor (cause Hihi resists the Bullet Punch), Borutorosu, Birijion, Kobauron, Terakion.. the list goes on.

[box]Hihidaruma @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Encourage
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly nature
- Flare Blitz
- Superpower
- Rock Slide
- U-turn[/box]

With the newly added LO as your lead, you only have 2 Choice users now which is a better balance. Also, both Hihidaruma and Politoed have incredibly respectable boosted STAB moves with their given abilities, and both can serve as very effective late-game sweepers. (Preferrably Politoed though - don't put up Drizzle before Hihidaruma comes in).

For Empoleon, try running a utility lead set since Stealth Rocks are essential in this meta.

[box]Empoleon @ Leftovers / Focus Sash
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 172 HP / 252 SAtk / 84 Spd
Modest nature
- Hydro Pump / Surf
- Aqua Jet
- Grass Knot
- Stealth Rock[/box]

Still powerful enough to be used as a sweeper / pseudo revenge killer with A-jet, but also has reasonable bulk and can set up rocks.

Wow that was a long rate. Hope it helped, and Merry Christmas!
Well, the answer is two-fold.

The "Copy X" in Mega Man Zero isn't the real X, he is an imitation. Further, X himself copies an enemies attack then counters and exploit's the bosses weakness. I suppose shiny Ditto would be the more correct answer, but I think Wobbuffet represents this concept adequately. Plus, he resembles Copy X more. Not by much, but he is a bit more humanoid and he actually has arms.

Secondly, I do it kinda as a jest because I dislike Copy X. This goes back to how the REAL X was originally intended to be the antagonist of the Mega Man Zero series, but this changed because the franchise creator (Keiji Inafune) was not even informed that some random folks at Capcom were creating Mega Man X6, which screwed over the entire story (because the "X" series was meant to end at X5 and be continued from the "Zero" series), which is why the Zero series omits and retcons a lot of post-X5 stuff and most Mega Man fans don't even consider X6-8 to be canon.

Now I'm in a bit of a conundrum. I don't want you kind folks to create my team for me, but I really am hurting for some sort of phazing (Roar, Whirlwind, Taunt, Yawn... anything, really), even moreso than entry hazards. I'm liking this Kirikizan suggestion more, but without an elaboration on the proposal, I really don't have much to go on.

I have to agree with you there. Copy X was a douche. like the guy above me said, you could run utility empoleon, that way you still get the power while also setting up entry hazards. It's helped me alot. Scarfed-daruma also works nicely thanks to still hitting hard without the choice band thanks to the fact it has Encourage and the highest ATK stat of all fire types. Dragonite works too, and still fits the theme since his shiny form is green. Harpuia ftw!
Ok, I've experimented for just a few hours now, but here's what I got.

Now do not misunderstand, I am completely open to changing out the Pokemon. Hell, I'm willing to switch out Wobbuffet with (Shiny Sprite) Erufuun and call him "Copy X". Shiny Dragonite would make a nice Harpuia, Shiny Politoad could even pass as an "X". Hell, I could even figure something out with Nattorei.

However, I've simply found more success with the Pokemon I've got so far. Probably due to my lack of experience with Politoad, and to a lesser extent, Dragonite.
Erufuun is very effective and pretty fun. I'm still on the fence, still experimenting with the different suggested Pokemon, but for right now I have found a bit more use in Wobbuffet than Erufuun. Not by much, but it's noticeable.I'm not really sure why, but I'm getting the feeling that Spec Latios is a bit more useful than mixed Nite, but it could just be bias against Barney Godzilla so I will continue to test.

I have changed out the Hihidaruma, Latios, and Empoleon builds. I think Band Hihidaruma and Agi Empoleon both have their advantages over the new builds, but Scarf Hihi and Utility Empoleon definitely seem the way to go for this team.
hey. its ukog. why do u say band hihidaruma is a beast when youre using scarf lol. i recommend changing hammer arm to earthquake. very similar coverage and if ur up against something like heatran, they cant switch in/revenge with shandera. plus the speed drop is very offputting for a scarfer. also i highly recommend changing what zoroark illusions as. personally if im "trapped" i always check to switch for situations like that and if someones bluffing with a flash fire shandera. and also if they do believe theyre trapped by wobby theyre only choice is to attack, and zoro's frailty and lack of resistances does not welcome that. its a lose/lose if they switch out or if they stay in from my point of view. but maybe its mind games are more effective than i can personally see i cant be sure. good team ill see you around! (now rate my team plz