Question about your pokemon online moderators.

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When are the admins or creators going to keep them in line?


I wish i could get muted for typing backwards, because I was unaware that it was against the rules. But i suppose it'll be played off as trolling because totalitarianism defines the members having no power.
Use common sense. You will end up following most of these rules automatically if you use common sense. Please try to think before you act. Don't act dumb; the definition of "dumb" is up to moderator discretion.

Smogon is an English website, so only speak English in the main chat. Keep other languages to PM. In other words, falam apenas em Inglês and hable en Inglés solamente.

No excessive use of CAPITAL LETTERS. It makes you look childish and the only attention you are going to get is negative attention. Additionally, overuse of characters like '!!!!!!!!!!' or '??????????' is not considered funny, so please do not do it.

I'd consider typing backwards to fall under these rules. But really, you're going to post a screenshot where you're instigating the mods and call fowl play on their part?

Moral of the story: don't be obnoxious and instigate the mods and you'll be just fine. Use common sense: it's in the rules.
Show me the warnings.

Also, if the definition of obnoxious falls under smogon's jurisdiction, then anything goes for the mods. Awesome.

Also for the record, uniqueness isn't frowned upon by your peers.
guess what

pokemon online is not a democracy, and the members really do have no power

in fact it's basically the definition of a dictatorship, considering that there's a very, very clear set of rules, and the rest is "common sense"

the moderators are moderators for a reason, and you probably shouldn't do things exclusively to annoy them, because you tend to get punished for it

EDIT: on top of that, you simply got muted, which is temporary and does nothing to inhibit your ability to use Pokemon-Online for its intended purpose, which is simulating pokemon battles, not providing a forum for people like you to rail against authority
I will give you 10 billion dollars if you find anywhere in my post where i mention my mute on the server.

If not, then don't assume that's what this post is about.

But you did confirm my suspicions about the way in which the server and the site are run.

I was simply bringing an "injustice" when compared to non dictatorships was conducted by the muting of someone just having fun.

But the old saying goes, "Pkmn iz srs bsns." My bad?
the muting of someone just having fun.

"Just having fun" being "pissing off the moderation."

Riddle me this: if the behavior is not acceptable on the forums, what makes you think it's appropriate for the server chat? If you can come up with a legitimate answer you might have a case in general, but even then in this instance Celestic Boss was intentionally trying to get on locopoke's nerves.

EDIT: Per the forum rules:
Employ the conventions of standard written English. Nobody is going to jump down your throat if you make a spelling mistake or split an infinitive, but please, your posts MUST be readable. As you might imagine, l33t 5p34k and other intentional misspellings (u, liek, etc.) are expressly banned. Spell out "you" and "your" instead of typing "u" or "ur." Don't be lazy!

You're really not doing yourself any favors. I'm not sure what sites you frequent that allow for obnoxious behaviors but those habits are not going to find a home on Smogon.
So you're saying that typing backwards is against the rules?

.eciton t'ndid i ,yrros m'I

I'll try harder in the future to find invisible rules, continue on with your witty pokemon talk.

EDIT: Still do not see anything about typing backwards.

And to answer your unasked question about the site i frequent, PKZ.

EDIT #2: None of this matters, PO server isn't full anymore.
So you're saying that typing backwards is against the rules?

.eciton t'ndid i ,yrros m'I

I'll try harder in the future to find invisible rules, continue on with your witty pokemon talk.

EDIT: Still do not see anything about typing backwards.

And to answer your unasked question about the site i frequent, PKZ.

EDIT #2: None of this matters, PO server isn't full anymore.

And nothing valuable was lost, Moving on!
The rules may not say it, but it is implied to not be a moron. In other words, you shouldn't test them just because it isn't on there. Common sense, man.
I'm sorry did you pay to access pokemon online? Smogon?
Why should you have any rights? If a mod wants to, he can ban or kick you for no reason whatsoever. And there is nothing you can do about it. Because you have no right to be on this simulator that you payed no money for, on this server that you payed no money for. If he doesn't want you there, you're gone, and you can fuck off and not bitch about it on the forum.
Hauter has contributed to the tiering of the fourth gen, takes time out of his day (for no pay) to moderate the forum and the server. He has written countless posts ensuring that smogon has the highest quality team rating service available.
Now please tell me what the fuck you have done to help the smogon machine. Why you deserve to not be muted by a mod.
It's this sense of entitlement that always astounds me.
I'm sorry did you pay to access pokemon online? Smogon?
Why should you have any rights? If a mod wants to, he can ban or kick you for no reason whatsoever. And there is nothing you can do about it. Because you have no right to be on this simulator that you payed no money for, on this server that you payed no money for. If he doesn't want you there, you're gone, and you can fuck off and not bitch about it on the forum.
Hauter has contributed to the tiering of the fourth gen, takes time out of his day (for no pay) to moderate the forum and the server. He has written countless posts ensuring that smogon has the highest quality team rating service available.
Now please tell me what the fuck you have done to help the smogon machine. Why you deserve to not be muted by a mod.
It's this sense of entitlement that always astounds me.

This post made me laugh so hard. Your arrogance astounds me.

Oh, and you must be contributing to the "smogon machine" a lot, huh? Your post count is almost as high as mine.
This post made me laugh so hard. Your arrogance astounds me.

Oh, and you must be contributing to the "smogon machine" a lot, huh? Your post count is almost as high as mine.
I don't contribute to the "smogon machine" and I know that.
I'm okay with that.
I'm not the one bitching about being muted by a mod. I don't think I "deserve" anything from smogon, unlike our dear friend Skastope.
Don't talk about post count.
I don't contribute to smogon machine and I know that.
I'm okay with that.
I'm not the one bitching about being muted by a mod. I don't think I "deserve" anything from smogon, unlike our dear friend Skastope.
Don't talk about post count.

You talk about Smogon like it's your deity. This is sad and slightly disturbing. And I'm glad I had someone as high in stature as yourself tell me to not talk about post count. I apologize sincerely.
Jesus guys, quit it. Take it to a VM if you have to. But don't just sling insults at each other. It has gone a long way off topic and there isn't really anything more to say.
Cut it out. If you've been disciplined by a moderator, feel free to take it to the Discipline Appeals subforum, where your case will be fairly reviewed. Otherwise, cut it out. We don't need some horde of white-knighters running up and telling us how we're doing our job badly. It's not constructive, and just serves to cement why being a moderator sucks anyway. It's a ton of work just for us to get yelled at for doing our job, and it gets tiresome after a while.
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