Smoochum (Analysis)

QC Stamps [1(macle)/2(ShinyAzelf)]

GP Stamps [1(Fatecrashers)/2(Chou Toshio)]



Psychic-Ice Type


<p>With a high base Special Attack stat and decent Speed, Smoochum fits the role of a Choice Scarf user nicely. Her wide movepool provides access to a variety of support and offensive moves. A lot of weaknesses to common priority moves and Stealth Rock combined with terrible defenses makes one think twice about using Smoochum on a hail team. Nonetheless, our little beauty queen keeps up with other Pokemon by applying a lot of make-up and a strict diet.</p>

name: Choice
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Psycho Shock / Psychic
move 4: Trick / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Forewarn
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 156 HP / 236 SpA / 76 Spe


<p>A Choice set is probably the best set Smoochum can run. With large Special Attack and Speed stats as well as a great movepool, she poses as a nice threat. With access to Trick, Smoochum has the ability to cripple potential setup sweepers such as Dragon Dance Scraggy, and with Ice Beam getting a STAB boost, no Gligar will want to switch in on her. Hidden Power Fire is useful for preventing Steel-types such as Magnemite and Komatana from setting up all over her. Hidden Power Fighting is a second option allowing Smoochum to come and revenge kill Dark- and Normal-types. Psycho Shock is a great move Smoochum gets from this generation, allowing it to use its Special Attack to deal physical damage, which is terrific for hitting the more specially bulky Pokemon such as Munchlax. Shadow Ball gives Smoochum coverage on Ghost-type Pokemon such as Misdreavus or Frillish, hitting them for super effective damage.</p>


<p>Forewarn is the preferred ability here as moves like Captivate and Attract are not too common. Smoochum's Special Attack is its dominant stat so running a Modest Choice Scarf set is recommended. With the Speed EVs given, Smoochum hits 21 with a Choice Scarf, allowing it to outspeed all non-scarf Pokemon. If you want you can run a higher Speed stat, switch the HP and Speed EVs around. This will allow her to outspeed most Scarf Pokemon who usually invest until 14 Speed is reached. The HP EVs will help Smoochum survive the common priority moves she will face.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>When Snover is on the team to set up permanent hail, change Ice Beam to Blizzard, as never-missing accuracy and 120 Base Power will tear apart unprepared teams. A Mean Look + Perish Song set can be run, forcing opponents to stay in as they inch closer and closer to death, where Smoochum will switch on the last turn. Smoochum also has the potential to be a Lead or Dual Screener, but note that the latter is outclassed by Natu. Smoochum gets the moves to run a support set with Wish, Toxic, and Protect, but due to its terrible defenses, this is not recommended.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Smoochum has terrible defense and many common weaknesses, making it easy to counter. She has to fear every common priority move in the game from Bullet Punch Meditite to Sucker Punch Diglett. Wynaut can trap Smoochum with Shadow Tag then use Mirror Coat until Smoochum faints. Houndour is Dark- and Fire-type, so it resists Ice Beam and is immune to Psychic, making it a main counter. It can then checkmate Smoochum with Pursuit, making her unable to switch without taking massive damage. Ferroseed can switch in on a Psychic or Shadow Ball and start setting up Spikes or Stealth Rock. Other Steel-types such as Pawniard or Magnemite make good checks as they resist both of Smoochum's STAB moves. Thick Fat Munchlax poses a large threat by resisting Ice Beam and Blizzard, and bolstering massive Special Defense. It can come in and start setting up Curse, trap Smoochum with Pursuit or just KO her.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Hydration is pretty useless on Smoochum for three main reasons: no permanent rain in Little Cup, lack of bulk, and the fact that it would be smarter to just KO her rather than giving her a status. There is a possibility of using a Hydration, Flame Orb, and Trick but it is more a gimmick than anything.</p>
I ran a really effective scarf set in the hail with Blizzard, HP Fighting, Psychic and Shadow Ball. I think that should be mentioned. Water Pulse isn't that good; Psychic generally does the same amount more Fire-types (135 vs 120)
I ran a really effective scarf set in the hail with Blizzard, HP Fighting, Psychic and Shadow Ball. I think that should be mentioned. Water Pulse isn't that good; Psychic generally does the same amount more Fire-types (135 vs 120)

Hmm, I'll mention it after I test it a bit. I totally forgot about Hidden Power so I'll change Water Pulse sometime soon
Psychic/Ice is one of the most ass defensive typings in the entire game, but Smoochum isn't weak to many priority attacks. You left out quick attack, extremespeed, and ice shard (resistance!) Smoochum is only weak to priority in that it can't take a physical hit worth shit regardless of type effectiveness, and the fact that sucker punch/meditite's bullet punch are pretty common. It won't make much sense to say "weak to priority moves except for [the majority of priority moves]" so maybe just mention that it sucks to be weak to such common priority.
Psychic/Ice is one of the most ass defensive typings in the entire game, but Smoochum isn't weak to many priority attacks. You left out quick attack, extremespeed, and ice shard (resistance!) Smoochum is only weak to priority in that it can't take a physical hit worth shit regardless of type effectiveness, and the fact that sucker punch/meditite's bullet punch are pretty common. It won't make much sense to say "weak to priority moves except for [the majority of priority moves]" so maybe just mention that it sucks to be weak to such common priority.
Weak to Shadow Sneak too :p
Also neutral to mach punch vacuum wave and aqua jet.

I can't say i've ever seen Shadow Sneak in my year of Little Cup.

I cant remember but I think I stated its shit defense will make it fail to most Physical priority.

EDIT: Ready for QC stamps I think.
You should list more counters, other than just priority users. Name some Pokemon who can take a hit and retaliate with a OHKO move. Ferroseed does well, Wynaut can trap it, Houndour resists / is immune to Smoochum's STABs and can checkmate it with Sucker Punch / Pursuit.

Mention that Magnemite can trap Ferroseed with Magnet Pull, and KO it with Hidden Power Fire. Substitute Diglett can be used to defeat Houndour if Smoochum is to get KOed, as it can set up a Substitute while Houndour uses Sucker Punch, and take it out with Earthquake.

You also have too many slashes. The last moveslot should just be Trick / Shadow Ball. Signal Beam hits Grass-, Psychic- and Dark-types, and with it's over coverage move, it's only missing out on Dark-type Pokemon, in which Smoochum still loses unless it predicts perfectly.

I'll stamp this once these changes are made.
You should list more counters, other than just priority users. Name some Pokemon who can take a hit and retaliate with a OHKO move. Ferroseed does well, Wynaut can trap it, Houndour resists / is immune to Smoochum's STABs and can checkmate it with Sucker Punch / Pursuit.

Added with credit to you for counters (Ferroseed added)

Mention that Magnemite can trap Ferroseed with Magnet Pull, and KO it with Hidden Power Fire. Substitute Diglett can be used to defeat Houndour if Smoochum is to get KOed, as it can set up a Substitute while Houndour uses Sucker Punch, and take it out with Earthquake.

Added with credit to you

You also have too many slashes. The last moveslot should just be Trick / Shadow Ball. Signal Beam hits Grass-, Psychic- and Dark-types, and with it's over coverage move, it's only missing out on Dark-type Pokemon, in which Smoochum still loses unless it predicts perfectly.

I'll stamp this once these changes are made.

All changes implemented.
Mention Munchlax in counters for Pursuit, ice-resist, and great special bulk.

I think Blizzard should actually be on the set. Unlike in Standard, Snover's a good and common pokemon in LC, and scarf Blizzards are a big reason why people would use Smoochum.

Also, mention Lovely Kiss because sleep is good.

Water Absorb Pururiru to take all priority moves aside from Sucker Punch+Bullet Punch

Bullet Punch? You mean Shadow Sneak?

Weak to 6/16 Types


Mention some SRers in Team Options, as they hurt Fire-typea, who Smoochum doesn't like much.

Also, mention the option of running more speed on the choiced set to outspeed more shit. 65 base is pretty good.

In addition to Tessy, most steel-types like Magnemite, Komatana, Bronzor, Aron, etc make good checks, due to inherently resisting both of Smoochum's STABs (except Tessy, which is kinda funny). Komatans is cool for actually having Sucker Punch to take it down, and Pursuit to catch it fleeing, although it rarely runs the latter.

Also, mention spinners in TO, because Smoochum is SR weak.
Mention Munchlax in counters for Pursuit, ice-resist, and great special bulk.

I think Blizzard should actually be on the set. Unlike in Standard, Snover's a good and common pokemon in LC, and scarf Blizzards are a big reason why people would use Smoochum.
I'll keep it in OC because not everyone will want to run a Hail team.
Also, mention Lovely Kiss because sleep is good.
That is an egg move of Gold&Silver

Bullet Punch? You mean Shadow Sneak?
Yeah thanks :P

lol I forgot to count Normal

Mention some SRers in Team Options, as they hurt Fire-typea, who Smoochum doesn't like much.
Also, mention the option of running more speed on the choiced set to outspeed more shit. 65 base is pretty good.
In addition to Tessy, most steel-types like Magnemite, Komatana, Bronzor, Aron, etc make good checks, due to inherently resisting both of Smoochum's STABs (except Tessy, which is kinda funny). Komatans is cool for actually having Sucker Punch to take it down, and Pursuit to catch it fleeing, although it rarely runs the latter.
Also, mention spinners in TO, because Smoochum is SR weak.

Added changes
Fuck really? No Lovely Kiss? Greedy Jynx, nobody loves the lot of ye

Also, mention of Calm Mind and Nasty Plot because they'r good boosting moves. Smoochum is one of the few with access to them and STAB Blizzard.

Mention also how it sucks, too slow to sweep, priority weak, few resistances, etc.

Mention Fake Out. And Wish. And Magic Coat. And Toxic.

QC Stamps [1(macle)/2(ShinyAzelf)]

GP Stamps [0/2]

Credit to ShinyAzelf for Counters and Team Options



Psychic-Ice Type


<p>(no space)Smoochum is a basic Special sweeper. With a high base Special Attack and decent Speed it fits the role of a Choice Scarf user nicely. Has a wide movepool with access to a variety of support and offensive moves. Sharing this unique typing of Ice and Psychic boasts no benefits. A lot of weakness, terrible Defense, and weak to a lot of common priority makes Smoochum a second choice in Hail team. Nonetheless our little beauty queen keeps up with other Pokemon by applying a lot of make-up and a strict diet.</p>

name: Choice
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Psycho Shock / Psychic
move 4: Trick / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Forewarn
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 156 HP / 236 SpA / 76 Spe


<p>(no space)A Choice set is probably the best Smoochum can run. With a large Special Attack, Speed stat that hits the magic number 14, and a great movepool. Not many things can stop her when she gets going (this sentence isn't need imo). With access to Trick, she has the ability to cripple potential set-up Pokemon like Murkrow or Dragon Dance Scraggy. With Ice Beam getting a STAB boost, no Gligar will want to switch in on you. Hidden Power Fire is useful for preventing Steel-types like Magnemite and Komatana from setting up all over you. Hidden Power Fighting is a second option allowing you to come and revenge kill Dark- and Normal-types. Psycho Shock is a great move Smoochum got from this generation. Using your Special Attack but dealing Physical Damage is terrific for hitting the more Specially bulky Pokemon such as Munchlax. Shadow Ball gives you coverage on Ghost-type Pokemon such as Misdreavus or Frillish hitting them super-effectively. </p>


<p>(no space)Forewarn is the preferred ability here as moves like Captivate ad Attract are not too common. Your Special Attack is your dominant stat so running a Modest, Choice Scarf set is recommended. With the Speed EVs you hit 21 with a scarf allowing you to outspeed all non-scarf Pokemon. If you want you can run a higher Speed stat switching the HP and Speed EVs around. This will allow you to outspeed most Scarf Pokemon who usually invest until 14 Speed is reached. The HP EVs will help you live the common priority you will face.</p>

[Team Options]

<p>(no space)Smoochum is a weak Pokemon defensively and will in-return to its large Special Attack need some teammates to take the hits it will not be able to. Some Flash Fire Pokemon such as Litwick are great absorbing Fire-type attacks and receiving a boost in return, but to do this it will require some prediction. Ferroseed may not seem that great when its more weaker to fire than you but it provides a useful teammate setting up Stealth Rocks and Spikes to hurt to Fire-types and help you KO them. Water Absorb Frillish takes most of the priority moves that will come at you aside from Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak. Magnemite can trap Steel-type Pokemon using Magnet Pull then KO them with Hidden power Fire. Diglett can set up a substitute on Houndour's Sucker Punch then KO with Earthquake. Tentacool is very useful for Smoochum as a Rapid Spinner getting rid of those nasty Stealth Rocks and such that will hurt Smoochum a lot.</p>

[Optional Changes]

<p>(no space)When Snover is on our team to set up permanent Hail, change Ice Beam to Blizzard, getting 100% accuracy and a 120 Base Power not to mention STAB on it will tear apart unprepared teams. A Mean Look, Perish Song set can be run forcing opponents to say in as they inch closer and closer to death, where you switch on the last turn. Smoochum has the potential to be a Lead, Dual Screener setting up on Pokemon such as Dwebble who will Stealth Rock but is very outclassed by Natu. Smoochum gets the moves to run a support set such as Wish, Toxic, and Protect but due to its terrible defenses, this is not recommended. On the Choice set, if you are running a Choice Scarf, feel free to invest some of those HP EVs into Speed. As many scarfers usually aim for the 21 Speed allowing them to outspeed every other non-scarf Pokemon, you can run a little faster allowing you to outspeed them.</p>


<p>(no space)Smoochum has terrible defense and many common weakness's making it easy to counter. She has to fear every common priority move in the game. From Bullet Punch Meditite to Sucker Punch Diglett. Wynaut can trap Smoochum with Shadow Tag then Mirror Move stall you to death. Houndour is Dark and Fire so it resists Ice Beam and is immune to Psychic making it a main counter. It can then checkmate you with Pursuit making you unable to switch without taking massive damage. Ferroseed can switch in on a Psychic or Shadow Ball and start setting up Spikes and Stealth Rocks. Other Steel-types such as Pawniard or Magnemite make good checks resisting both Smoochum's STAB moves. Thick Fat Munchlax poses as a large threat, resisting Ice Beam / Blizzard and bolstering massive Special Defense, it can come in and start setting up Curses, trap you with Pursuit or just KO you.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>(no space)Hydration is pretty useless on Smoochum for three main reasons; no permanent rain in Little Cup, Smoochum doesn't have enough bulk to run a RestSet or anything of the sort and on the topic of bulk, it would be smarter to just KO her rather than giving a status.</p>


<p>Smoochum is a basic Special sweeper. With a high base Special Attack stat and decent Speed it, Smoochum fits the role of a Choice Scarf user nicely. Has aer wide movepool withprovides access to a variety of support and offensive moves. Sharing this unique typing of Ice and Psychic boasts no benefits. A lot of weakness,A lot of weaknesses to common priority moves and Stealth Rock combine with terrible Ddefense, and weak to a lot of common priority makes Smoochum a second choice in Hs to make one think twice about using Smoochum on a hail team. Nonetheless, our little beauty queen keeps up with other Pokemon by applying a lot of make-up and a strict diet.</p>

name: Choice
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Psycho Shock / Psychic
move 4: Trick / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Forewarn
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 156 HP / 236 SpA / 76 Spe


<p>A Choice set is probably the best Smoochum can run. With a large Special Attack, and Speed stat that hits the magic number 14, ands as well as a great movepool, she poses as a nice threat. With access to Trick, sheSmoochum has the ability to cripple potential set-up Pokemon likesweepers such as Murkrow or Dragon Dance Scraggy. With Ice Beam getting a STAB boost, no Gligar will want to switch in on youher. Hidden Power Fire is useful for preventing Steel-types likesuch as Magnemite and Komatana from setting up all over youher. Hidden Power Fighting is a second option allowing youSmoochum to come and revenge kill Dark- and Normal-types. Psycho Shock is a great move Smoochum got from this generation. Using your Special Attack but dealing P, allowing it to use its Special Attack to deal physical Ddamage is terrific for hitting the more Specially bulky Pokemon such as Munchlax. Shadow Ball gives youSmoochum coverage on Ghost-type Pokemon such as Misdreavus or Frillish, hitting them super-effectively.</p>


<p>Forewarn is the preferred ability here as moves like Captivate and Attract are not too common. YourSmoochum's Special Attack is yourits dominant stat so running a Modest, Choice Scarf set is recommended. With the Speed EVs yougiven, Smoochum hits 21 with a sChoice Scarf, allowing youit to outspeed all non-scarf Pokemon. If you want you can run a higher Speed stat, switching the HP and Speed EVs around. This will allow youher to outspeed most Scarf Pokemon who usually invest until 14 Speed is reached. The HP EVs will help youSmoochum live the common priority youshe will face.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>When Snover is on ourthe team to set up permanent Hhail, change Ice Beam to Blizzard, getting 100%never-missinng accuracy and a 120 Base Power not to mention STAB on it will tear apart unprepared teams. A Mean Look, + Perish Song set can be run, forcing opponents to say in as they inch closer and closer to death, where youSmoochum will switch on the last turn. Smoochum has the potential to be a Lead, or Dual Screener setting up on Pokemon such as Dwebble who will Stealth Rock but is very, but note that the ladder is outclassed by Natu. Smoochum gets the moves to run a support set such aswith Wish, Toxic, and Protect, but due to its terrible defenses, this is not recommended. On the Choice set, if you are running a Choice Scarf, feel free to invest some of those HP EVs into Speed. As many sScarfers usually aim for the 21 Speed allowing themmark to outspeed every other non-scarf Pokemon, youSmoochum can run a little faster allowing you to outspeedmore Speed EVs to outpace them.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Smoochum has terrible defense and many common weakness'ses, making it easy to counter. She has to fear every common priority move in the game. F from Bullet Punch Meditite to Sucker Punch Diglett. Wynaut can trap Smoochum with Shadow Tag then use Mirror Move stall you to deathCoat until Smoochum faints. Houndour is Dark- and Fire-types, so it resists Ice Beam and is immune to Psychic, making it a main counter. It can then checkmate youSmoochum with Pursuit, making youher unable to switch without taking massive damage. Ferroseed can switch in on a Psychic or Shadow Ball and start setting up Spikes andor Stealth Rocks. Other Steel-types such as Pawniard or Magnemite make good checks as they resisting both Smoochum's STAB moves. Thick Fat Munchlax poses as a large threat, by resisting Ice Beam /and Blizzard, and bolstering massive Special Defense, it can come in and start setting up Curses, trap youSmoochum with Pursuit or just KO youher.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Hydration is pretty useless on Smoochum for three main reasons; no permanent rain in Little Cup, Smoochum doesn't have enough bulk to run a RestSet or anything of the sort and on the topic of bulk, it would be smarter to just KO her rather than giving a status. There is a possibility of using a Hydration, Flame Orb and Trick but is more a gimmick than anything.</p>[/box]


<p>With a high base Special Attack stat and decent Speed, Smoochum fits the role of a Choice Scarf user nicely. Her wide movepool provides access to a variety of support and offensive moves. A lot of weaknesses to common priority moves and Stealth Rock combine with terrible defenses to make one think twice about using Smoochum on a hail team. Nonetheless, our little beauty queen keeps up with other Pokemon by applying a lot of make-up and a strict diet.</p>

name: Choice
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Psycho Shock / Psychic
move 4: Trick / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Forewarn
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 156 HP / 236 SpA / 76 Spe


<p>A Choice set is probably the best Smoochum can run. With a large Special Attack and Speed stats as well as a great movepool, she poses as a nice threat. With access to Trick, Smoochum has the ability to cripple potential setup sweepers such as Murkrow or Dragon Dance Scraggy. With Ice Beam getting a STAB boost, no Gligar will want to switch in on her. Hidden Power Fire is useful for preventing Steel-types such as Magnemite and Komatana from setting up all over her. Hidden Power Fighting is a second option allowing Smoochum to come and revenge kill Dark- and Normal-types. Psycho Shock is a great move Smoochum got from this generation, allowing it to use its Special Attack to deal physical damage is terrific for hitting the more Specially bulky Pokemon such as Munchlax. Shadow Ball gives Smoochum coverage on Ghost-type Pokemon such as Misdreavus or Frillish, hitting them super effectively.</p>


<p>Forewarn is the preferred ability here as moves like Captivate and Attract are not too common. Smoochum's Special Attack is its dominant stat so running a Modest Choice Scarf set is recommended. With the Speed EVs given, Smoochum hits 21 with a Choice Scarf, allowing it to outspeed all non-scarf Pokemon. If you want you can run a higher Speed stat, switch the HP and Speed EVs around. This will allow her to outspeed most Scarf Pokemon who usually invest until 14 Speed is reached. The HP EVs will help Smoochum live the common priority she will face.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>When Snover is on the team to set up permanent hail, change Ice Beam to Blizzard, getting never-missinng accuracy and 120 Base Power will tear apart unprepared teams. A Mean Look + Perish Song set can be run, forcing opponents to say in as they inch closer and closer to death, where Smoochum will switch on the last turn. Smoochum has the potential to be a Lead or Dual Screener, but note that the ladder is outclassed by Natu. Smoochum gets the moves to run a support set with Wish, Toxic, and Protect, but due to its terrible defenses, this is not recommended. As many Scarfers usually aim for the 21 Speed mark to outspeed every other non-scarf Pokemon, Smoochum can run a little more Speed EVs to outpace them.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Smoochum has terrible defense and many common weaknesses, making it easy to counter. She has to fear every common priority move in the game from Bullet Punch Meditite to Sucker Punch Diglett. Wynaut can trap Smoochum with Shadow Tag then use Mirror Coat until Smoochum faints. Houndour is Dark- and Fire-types, so it resists Ice Beam and is immune to Psychic, making it a main counter. It can then checkmate Smoochum with Pursuit, making her unable to switch without taking massive damage. Ferroseed can switch in on a Psychic or Shadow Ball and start setting up Spikes ot Stealth Rock. Other Steel-types such as Pawniard or Magnemite make good checks as they resist both Smoochum's STAB moves. Thick Fat Munchlax poses a large threat by resisting Ice Beam and Blizzard, and bolstering massive Special Defense, it can come in and start setting up Curse, trap Smoochum with Pursuit or just KO her.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Hydration is pretty useless on Smoochum for three main reasons; no permanent rain in Little Cup, Smoochum doesn't have enough bulk to run a Rest Set or anything of the sort and on the topic of bulk, it would be smarter to just KO her rather than giving a status. There is a possibility of using a Hydration, Flame Orb and Trick but is more a gimmick than anything.</p>

You're writing still has a lot of flaws. You need to remember that Smoochum isn't your audience, so you can't refer to Smoochum as "you"
Okay I just noticed some of the changes I made are wrong (like defense should be capitalized, I read it as "defenses" for some reason which stays lower case). Sorry about this. These are still going through two GP checks though so it shouldn't be a problem.
I'll try my hand at this

spelling correction

<p>With a high base Special Attack stat and decent Speed, Smoochum fits the role of a Choice Scarf user nicely. Her wide movepool provides access to a variety of support and offensive moves. A lot of weaknesses to common priority moves and Stealth Rock combined with terrible defenses to makes one think twice about using Smoochum on a hail team. Nonetheless, our little beauty queen keeps up with other Pokemon by applying a lot of make-up and a strict diet.</p>

name: Choice
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Psycho Shock / Psychic
move 4: Trick / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Forewarn
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 156 HP / 236 SpA / 76 Spe


<p>A Choice set is probably the best set Smoochum can run. With a large Special Attack and Speed stats as well as a great movepool, she poses as a nice threat. With access to Trick, Smoochum has the ability to cripple potential setup sweepers such as Murkrow or Dragon Dance Scraggy, and with Ice Beam getting a STAB boost, no Gligar will want to switch in on her. Hidden Power Fire is useful for preventing Steel-types such as Magnemite and Komatana from setting up all over her. Hidden Power Fighting is a second option allowing Smoochum to come and revenge kill Dark- and Normal-types. Psycho Shock is a great move Smoochum gets from this generation, allowing it to use its Special Attack to deal physical damage, which is terrific for hitting the more specially bulky Pokemon such as Munchlax. Shadow Ball gives Smoochum coverage on Ghost-type Pokemon such as Misdreavus or Frillish, hitting them for super effective damage.</p>


<p>Forewarn is the preferred ability here as moves like Captivate and Attract are not too common. Smoochum's Special Attack is its dominant stat so running a Modest Choice Scarf set is recommended. With the Speed EVs given, Smoochum hits 21 with a Choice Scarf, allowing it to outspeed all non-scarf Pokemon. If you want you can run a higher Speed stat, switch the HP and Speed EVs around. This will allow her to outspeed most Scarf Pokemon who usually invest until 14 Speed is reached. The HP EVs will help Smoochum live the common priority she will face.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>When Snover is on the team to set up permanent hail, change Ice Beam to Blizzard, gettingas never-missing accuracy and 120 Base Power will tear apart unprepared teams. A Mean Look + Perish Song set can be run, forcing opponents to stay in as they inch closer and closer to death, where Smoochum will switch on the last turn. Smoochum also has the potential to be a Lead or Dual Screener, but note that the latter is outclassed by Natu. Smoochum gets the moves to run a support set with Wish, Toxic, and Protect, but due to its terrible defenses, this is not recommended. As many Scarfers usually aim for the 21 Speed mark to outspeed every other non-scarf Pokemon, Smoochum can run a little more Speed EVs to outpace them.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Smoochum has terrible defense and many common weaknesses, making it easy to counter. She has to fear every common priority move in the game from Bullet Punch Meditite to Sucker Punch Diglett. Wynaut can trap Smoochum with Shadow Tag then use Mirror Coat until Smoochum faints. Houndour is Dark- and Fire-typed, so it resists Ice Beam and is immune to Psychic, making it a main counter. It can then checkmate Smoochum with Pursuit, making her unable to switch without taking massive damage. Ferroseed can switch in on a Psychic or Shadow Ball and start setting up Spikes or Stealth Rock. Other Steel-types such as Pawniard or Magnemite make good checks as they resist both Smoochum's STAB moves. Thick Fat Munchlax poses a large threat by resisting Ice Beam and Blizzard, and bolstering massive Special Defense, it can come in and start setting up Curse, trap Smoochum with Pursuit or just KO her.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Hydration is pretty useless on Smoochum for three main reasons; no permanent rain in Little Cup, Smoochum doesn't have enough bulk to run a Rest Set or anything of the sort and on the topic of bulk,lack of bulk, and the fact that it would be smarter to just KO her rather than giving a status. There is a possibility of using a Hydration, Flame Orb, and Trick but it is more a gimmick than anything.</p>

Also, when you say Hidden Power Fire is useful for Magnemite and Komatana, doesn't HP Fighting hit them for super-effective damage as well as hitting Carvanha? Not sure why HP Fighting isn't superior.