---Gen 5 Dream World Pokemon For Trade---

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[Razgriz's And Co's Shop]
Note *For those that do not know the purpose of this thread*
Each of the pokemon I have listed are female, have their respective dream world ability and is bred by me or a friend.
The IV's and natures have not been listed due to them being random as I am not breeding flawless pokemon (I do not RNG hack abuse). The main reason i have created this thread is to allow you to breed the perfect dream world pokemon 'yourself'.

----------------------- All pokemon I have to offer are Legit, Female, English, have Random IV's and Natures -----------------------
Interested In Legit Pokemon Only

Trading the following Dream World Female Pokemon:

High demand Dream World Pokemon [High Stock]

- Slowpoke (Regenerator)
- Exeggcute (Harvest)
- Vulpix (Drought)
- Carvanha (Swift Swim)
- Gligar (Immunity becomes Poison Heal Gliscor)
- Tangela (Regenerator)
- Lapras (Hydration)
- Poliwag (Drizzle Politoad)
- Tentacool (Rain Dish)
- Corphish (Adaptation)
- Nidoran (Hustle becomes Sheer Force Nidoqueen)
- Dratini (Marvel Scale becomes Multi-Scale Dragonite)
- Darumaka (Inner Focus becomes Zen Mode Darmanitan)
- Natu (Magic Bounce)
- Drifloon (Flare Boost)
- Psyduck (Swift Swim)
- Murkrow (Prankster becomes Moxie Honchkrow)
- Lickitung (Cloud Nine)
- Swablu (Cloud Nine)

Low demand Dream World Pokemon [May have to breed some]
- Shinx (Guts)
- Bidoof (Moody)
- Stantler (Sap sipper)
- Khangaskhan (Inner focus)
- Igglybuff (Friend Guard)
- Farfetch'd (Defiant)
- Rattata (Hustle)
- Sunkern (Early Bird)
- Oddish (Becomes Effect spore Vileplume or Healer Bellossom)
- Doduo (Tangled Feet)
- Ponyta (Flame Body)
- Mareep (Plus)
- Hoppip (Infiltrator)
- Tailow (Scrappy)
- Poochyena (Rattle becomes Moxie Mightyena)
- Surskit (Rain Dish)
- Munna (Telepathy)
- Lotad (Own tempo)

Newly received Dream World pokemon [x0 at the moment, will breed if in demand]
- Remoraid (Moody)
- Marill (Sap Sipper)
- Elekid (Vital Spirit)
- Sentret (Frisk)
- Ladyba (Rattled becomes Iron Fist Ledian)
- Bellsprout (Gluttony)
- Zubat (Infiltrator)

- Any Shiny pokemon (Especially lvl 1 starter pokemon)
- Flawless or near flawless IV pokemon
- Masterballs
- Any Dream World pokemon I do not have
- Event Pokemon
- UT Adamant/Jolly Zekrom
- UT Modest/Timid Reshiram

Really want:

- Dream World pokemon (except the ones I have)
- Near flawless IV Shaymin with earth power and HP ice 70
- Max IV Modest/Adamant Japenese Ditto
- Ditto with IV 30/30/30/30/30/30
- Near flawless IV Snivy with HP fire 70
- Flawless Buizel/Floatzel with Ice punch
- Flawless Feebas/Milotic with Sleep talk
- Flawless Gible/Gabite/Garchomp with Sleep talk

"All pokemon are legitimately bred by me and will be restocked periodically."

Post any offer, you never know I might say yes! Ill try to trade with you as soon as possible.
Ill trade you my Reshiram level 71 knowing moves: Dragon pulse, crunch, extrasensory and fusion flare for the Snivy with contrary. Let me know!
CMT for:

Drifloon (Flare boost)
Lapras (Hydration)
Tentacool (Rain Dish)
Ralts (Either Telepathy Gardevoir or Justified Gallade)
Aerodactyl (Unnerve)

- Ponyta
- Mareep
- Hoppip
You have to list IV's, gender, and the OT of your pokemon...
But I am very interested in some of your pokes...
I have a shop, but I am updating it atm
Hey guys im just about to go to sleep, ill consider your offers lab and alex. Ill be back tomorrow in about 16hours due to work and send you guys messages if your still interested.

And btw labrinth you want all those 8 DW pokemon? (im pressuming its 1 for 1 trades?)
also does any1 who just posted have a near flawless snivy with HP fire 70..

Well good night guys and hopefully we can trade tomorrow :)
Red the OT is me or my friend, they are all legitament except for snivy and torchic which is explained above. The gender is 100% all females and IVs and nature is random. Im really just trading the female so you guys can breed them yourself. Sry if this was unclear

Edit* labarith ill make sure to trade with you tomorow xD so many good pokemon :D
I really like your Gligar :) And these:
- Snivy (Contrary)
- Torchic (Speed Boost)
- Bulbasaur (Chlorophyll)
- Charmander (Solar Power)
- Eevee (Anticipation)

I don't have much to offer, though. I have:
(All Flawless EV Trained)
Krabs gimme a sec to breed ralts. I can trade both for your almost flawless admamant zekrom if your interested, and yes they are for breeding purposes
and steph sry the event female pokemon ill only trade for something really good, very hard to breed :s i can trade the dw gligar though, what are you offering for that
What exactly do you consider "good"? I wouldn't think the torchic would be that hard to breed as it is from a hacked pokemon originally.

As for the gligar, maybe I can offer a shiny adamant EV'd gallade?
its a 1 in 8 for a female torchic (seems like 1 in 20.. ), its not 100% for DW ability.. And just because the original female torchic was hacked for does not change the odds for breeding as I don't hack nor do i use any third party system to change the odds.

Yes i can trade the gligar for your gallade, whats your fc. i can meet you there
its a 1 in 8 for a female torchic (seems like 1 in 20.. ), its not 100% for DW ability.. And just because the original female torchic was hacked for does not change the odds for breeding as I don't hack nor do i use any third party system to change the odds.

Yes i can trade the gligar for your gallade, whats your fc. i can meet you there

About the torchic- You are right, I forgot about the 1 in 8 female chance. My bad. Although I still really want it :)

My FC is 2795 0985 9530. I'm assuming the gligar doesn't have great IVs, correct?
The special DW Pokemon are still technically hacked, as females for those have not been released. Therefore, every single bred one is a hack.

Also, you can't have a female Nidoran evolve into Nidoking. Might want to change that. Nidoqueen still gets Sheer Force though.
steph for you ill get you a special gligar, was hatching for my real gligar.. Jolly with max hp, def and speed/ immunity of course
im in the wifi room steph

and ive also got adamant torchic males with speedboost (above average IVs only). Those can be traded for anything really. The female torchics um do you happen to have a flawless japenese ditto lol, im also looking for a near flawless snivy with HP fire 70
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