Rotom-W (Analysis)

The standard set has a bad ev spread. You should put the 2 "leftovers" in speed, as with this set they will result in a boost (at least that is what the teambuilder says)

The two "leftovers" do not change anything:
128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe is the exact same thing as 128 HP / 252 SpA / 130 Spe.
Why does the first set run 240 speed instead of 245? I'm under the impression that 244 is the speed tier (tyranitar) not 240.

128 HP / 232 SpA / 148 Spe

Is what I'd run. For such an offensively oriented defensive pokemon it would be outsped by a lot of stuff in this tier. Examples are base 100s with minimal investment (36 speed jirachi) and dragon dancers that aim to outpace base 115s at +1.

What exactly is 240 for? DDscrafty?
Why does the first set run 240 speed instead of 245? I'm under the impression that 244 is the speed tier (tyranitar) not 240.

128 HP / 232 SpA / 148 Spe

Is what I'd run. For such an offensively oriented defensive pokemon it would be outsped by a lot of stuff in this tier. Examples are base 100s with minimal investment (36 speed jirachi) and dragon dancers that aim to outpace base 115s at +1.

What exactly is 240 for? DDscrafty?

It says in the analysis - Max Speed Adamant Scizor and Breloom, along with most variants of Gliscor.
It says in the analysis - Max Speed Adamant Scizor and Breloom, along with most variants of Gliscor.
Actually, pretty much all Gliscor go for 244 Speed. So do almost all Jirachi. And the (rare) Sigilyph.

Given that it only takes 16 more EVs to beat T-Tar (even if max speed is rare nowadays), I don't see why you wouldn't.
Does it really help that much to have 4 more HP points? Not as far as I can tell.

<p>The transition to Generation V was a very strange one for Rotom-W, as its typing changed from Electric / Ghost to Electric / Water. Although this means Rotom-W has lost its job as the go-to spinblocker in standard play, its fantastic typing means it has found a new niche as a premier bulky Water. Thanks to Levitate, Rotom-W has only a single weakness to Grass-type attacks, and it can effectively counter some of the game's most prominent threats, such as Gliscor and Landorus. New toys like Volt Change further bolster Rotom-W's abilities as a Choice Scarf or Choice Specs user

Volt Switch plz.

I would use dark pulse over the hidden power in the choice scarf set. It saved me from Latios and it has higher base with chance to flinch.
Modest natured Rotom-W can't Trick as effective? shud tha preferred option b Modest, Choice Specs, w Trick to stop set-ups and boast Special power while Specs is max SpA and Spe acceptable?
I just realised that this analysis mentions neither Politoed nor Thunder anywhere. As I am sure you are all aware, rotom-w is stunningly powerful in rain, with both the choice and "standard" sets, and makes a great addition to almost any rain team. If you do choose to add it in, try to make it clear that you do not advise both Politoed and tyranitar at the same time.
I want to retract my earlier statement about Volt Switch. Having used it a lot, I now think it deserves a slash with (probably over) Thunderbolt on the first set. Its perks are fairly self-explanatory, I think - it helps preserve momentum, just like U-turn, but one specifically cool thing you can do is Volt Switch to Tyranitar on Lati@s switch-ins.
Shadow Ball may seem like it sucks now and all without STAB, but it actually has some nice things going for it. It hits some its common counters hard, namely Celebi, Latios, Latias, and has also a chance of getting a SpD drop. The latter lets it outstall Gastrodon as Gastrodon can't hurt Rotom-W either as all of its attacks are NVE.

I actually used a Shadow Ball Rotom-W alongside a Calm Mind Virizion to lure in and KO Celebi, Latias and Latios so Virizion had an easier time sweeping and it worked, so you should consider it.
You're not going to outstall Gastrodon when it can just Toxic you. Signal Beam, if anything, is better since it hits Celebi significantly harder, although in my opinion, Rotom's other moves are of more use -- it can just Volt Switch to Tyranitar to trap Lati@s (and Celebi if scarfed/high on health), anyway. I feel it only deserves an AC mention at best.
Modest at least deserves a mention on the Choice Specs set, because in the rain you can 2hko Bold Blissey after Stealth Rock damage. Even if it has Protect 2 decently high rolls pulls it out on max HP versions. Thats some serious grunt in general too.
Is there any possibility of running a bulky dual screens set? Espeon may have stolen the spotlight for that niche this gen with magic bounce, but rotom has far better bulk and is much more powerful offensively
It can also Volt Switch to get the appropriate sweeper in safely, where Espeon would have to waste a moveslot on Baton Pass to do the same, which leaves it to rely on Psychic as its only form of offense.
i think you might be referring to barrier and amnesia SJ, cuz screens stay in on regular switches (and espeon does not need baton pass to keep them active on another pokemon) but espeon nonetheless has much smaller offensive presence than rotom
i think you might be referring to barrier and amnesia SJ, cuz screens stay in on regular switches (and espeon does not need baton pass to keep them active on another pokemon) but espeon nonetheless has much smaller offensive presence than rotom

SJC was not referring to the mechanic you suggested. Baton Pass means that Espeon can switch out freely from Pursuit users, and is oftentimes a generally more reliable way of scouting switch-ins and switching out. Espeon is rarely required to use moves outside of Calm Mind anyways.

And yes, a dual screens Rotom-W sounds decent. Any Ground-type attempting to switch into Volt Change is answered with Will-o-Wisp or Hydro Pump, and Rotom-W generally has the good bulk to utilize this strategy without failing. Worthy of a mention, perhaps.
A dual screen Rotom-W is able to set up screens, in addition to being able to severely threaten offensively as well. Some dual screeners like Xatu and Claydol can set up dual screens, but they really can't do anything else. Xatu can Magic Bounce, of course, but it can't really threaten offensively. But a Rotom-W, or any of the Rotom formes, can dual screen up and still threaten with their 105 base Sp. Attk and decent support movepool.