Competitors' Corner (mods, please lock)

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Hello, I am going to the ATL VGC and I am in the Master's Division. I would like your brave tortuga. Please CMT for it. I feel you need to be rewarded for all of your hard work.
Hi I'm competing in the Southern (Arlington Tx) regional in Master's.

Not 100% sure I'll be using the pokemon, but I think I might use Whimsiscott and one of the two litwicks (I think I'm going to prefer male, but either one works).
Hello iambaney, I'm going to be in the VGC 2011 Tournament in Newark New Jersey on June 18th, and I will be competing in the Masters division. I have been looking for these pokemon to fill my team for this tournament. I would also like to say thank you in advance for doing this. I also am very excited to be competing this year in the VGC's.

May I have one of these please? :)

Is that in replacement of the Timid Thundurus you requested? Timid is what I've been aiming for, but the PIDs are totally unpredictable for me. So if Naive will suffice for you, I'll just give you that and stop trying to RNG more Thundurus.

I could use this, since I don't have a means of breeding sucker punch onto him myself.

Perhaps more importantly, I love how each pokemon is layed out. Did you make each image yourself or is there some sort of script that does it? It's very, very neat and organized and offers a lot of information.

EDIT: Oh, I'm playing the LCQ in Indy.
Perhaps more importantly, I love how each pokemon is layed out. Did you make each image yourself or is there some sort of script that does it? It's very, very neat and organized and offers a lot of information.

Hey, thanks! XD
I actually custom-make the images, though it doesn't take nearly as much time as you may think. Since Smogon doesn't allow HTML formatting (and my suggestion to do so wasn't well-received), I wrote up some HTML on Google Sites that puts each Pokemon into its own individual table which I then just export as an image that I (and those redistributing my pokemon) can embed in threads. I think it's way cleaner than standard trade thread formatting, and makes adding new Pokemon to a thread way easier since there's less text and IMG code to sift through. It also prevents people from making typos or leaving info out when they host my Pokemon on their own threads - having an image makes sure all the info I want attached to a pokemon stays attached to it. Unfortunately, I doubt this formatting will catch on and I'll have to continue to deal with the eyesores that are standard trade threads... -_-
Hey, thanks! XD
I actually custom-make the images, though it doesn't take nearly as much time as you may think. Since Smogon doesn't allow HTML formatting (and my suggestion to do so wasn't well-received), I wrote up some HTML on Google Sites that puts each Pokemon into its own individual table which I then just export as an image that I (and those redistributing my pokemon) can embed in threads. I think it's way cleaner than standard trade thread formatting, and makes adding new Pokemon to a thread way easier since there's less text and IMG code to sift through. It also prevents people from making typos or leaving info out when they host my Pokemon on their own threads - having an image makes sure all the info I want attached to a pokemon stays attached to it. Unfortunately, I doubt this formatting will catch on and I'll have to continue to deal with the eyesores that are standard trade threads... -_-

Nice. I might see if I can write a script that will automatically parse a given URL from pokecheck and output an image so that I can reorganize my own thread. Thanks for the idea. :P

And btw, if you happen to have a Chople Berry to throw on that Druddigon... I don't have one yet, so it would be appreciated. Thanks. :)
Is that in replacement of the Timid Thundurus you requested? Timid is what I've been aiming for, but the PIDs are totally unpredictable for me. So if Naive will suffice for you, I'll just give you that and stop trying to RNG more Thundurus.

Naive would work fine xD Thanks for trying to get timid lol.
Hi, I'm pretty new to this whole thing but I figure I might as well give it a shot. ^_^

Could I please have the following so I can start training my team:


Also, do you happen to have a Thundurus that is Timid natured and has the same or similar IV spread as the one you have available for distribution?

The same question applies to Deino with Timid and Terrakion with Jolly. All help is appreciated and I understand if this can't be done, but I figured I'd ask anyway. :toast:
Also, do you happen to have a Thundurus that is Timid natured and has the same or similar IV spread as the one you have available for distribution?

The same question applies to Deino with Timid and Terrakion with Jolly. All help is appreciated and I understand if this can't be done, but I figured I'd ask anyway. :toast:

Hey, well, welcome!
The condition for getting free Pokemon from me is that you have to be competing in a VGC tournament. It sounds like you are though, so if you tell me where and in what division, you're entitled to whatever you want here. :)

A Timid Thundurus would be nice but has been nearly impossible for me to get so don't count on my having one for trade anytime soon. On the other hand, a Timid Deino and Jolly Terrakion are pretty quick projects for me, so I will gladly entertain your request for them. :) Do you mind if the Deino is shiny?
Hey, well, welcome!
The condition for getting free Pokemon from me is that you have to be competing in a VGC tournament. It sounds like you are though, so if you tell me where and in what division, you're entitled to whatever you want here. :)

A Timid Thundurus would be nice but has been nearly impossible for me to get so don't count on my having one for trade anytime soon. On the other hand, a Timid Deino and Jolly Terrakion are pretty quick projects for me, so I will gladly entertain your request for them. :) Do you mind if the Deino is shiny?

D'oh! I knew I was forgetting something! XD Sorry about that. I'm planning on competing in the Eastern region (in Chantilly, VA) under the Master's division.

As for the Thundurus situation, I suppose I'll opt for the Naive one. It's no big deal as when I was testing out my team on PO, I did fairly well even after I forgot to alter its nature from the default, haha. And I don't mind a shiny Deino ^_^

Also, as I stated earlier, I'm very much new to this, so should I expect the trades prepared by tomorrow night during your hours of operation, or will you contact me through VM/PM?
D'oh! I knew I was forgetting something! XD Sorry about that. I'm planning on competing in the Eastern region (forgot the city's name.. it's outside D.C.) under the Master's division.

As for the Thundurus situation, I suppose I'll opt for the Naive one. It's no big deal as when I was testing out my team on PO, I did fairly well even after I forgot to alter its nature from the default, haha. And I don't mind a shiny Deino ^_^

Also, as I stated earlier, I'm very much new to this, so should I expect the trades prepared by tomorrow night during your hours of operation, or will you contact me through VM/PM?

Since I'm giving everything away, I don't stand to gain anything by keeping track of so many pending trades and VMing everyone about them. So I figure the most time-efficient thing for me to do is to just let each person be responsible for completing their own trade by letting them contact me.

RNG-abuse projects take a bit of time though, so I may or not be ready to trade with you tomorrow. Just check back here occasionally and see if the thread has been updated to include the Deino and Terrakion and then VM me when you so me online. As a ball-park estimation though, I'll say that I will probably have your Pokemon on Thursday.
Since I'm giving everything away, I don't stand to gain anything by keeping track of so many pending trades and VMing everyone about them. So I figure the most time-efficient thing for me to do is to just let each person be responsible for completing their own trade by letting them contact me.

RNG-abuse projects take a bit of time though, so I may or not be ready to trade with you tomorrow. Just check back here occasionally and see if the thread has been updated to include the Deino and Terrakion and then VM me when you so me online. As a ball-park estimation though, I'll say that I will probably have your Pokemon on Thursday.
Alright, that sounds great! I know exactly what I can do in the mean time to further prepare myself too. I thank you for dedicating your time for this project. I'll be back on Thursday. :toast:
Hey there! Thanks for hosting such an amazing giveawy! I participated in the vgc last year and I plan to also do so again this year at the one in New Jersey, Masters division.

I would very much appreciate these pokemon:

- Jolly Landorus
- Adamant Terrakion
- Naive Zorua
- Brave Tortuga
- Brave Druddigon w/ Rough Skin
- Sassy Dwebble

Thanks in advance!
Hi, I'm planning to compete in the masters division in Atlanta. Could I have the following, please? Incredible giveaway, thank you very much!!


Pending trades older than 3 days are going to be deleted.

I've been posting my available trade hours, but it's no fun just sitting here clicking refresh if you guys aren't going to show up to pick up your pokemon... :(
Hi, I'm going to the VGC in Atlanta and would like to make a request. Could you RNG a Vanillite with Ice Shard and 31/31/31/31/31/1 IVs? I should be able to RNG the rest of my team but I don't have a parent to pass down Ice Shard.

Edit: Forgot to say Quiet natured. Also if you don't want to go through the hassle of breeding the Vanillite if you could get a Glalie with those IVs I could breed it myself. I'm not familiar with RNG breeding without perfect parents though...
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