
QC Approved: [3/3] [Snunch, Oglemi, PK Gaming]

GP Approved [2/2] [Chou Toshio, jc104]


Name: The Lawnmower

<p>Rotom-C is one of the Rotom forms introduced in DPP. With the dawn of BW, each of those forms lost their Ghost typing in exchange for the type of their respective signature attack. In Rotom-C's case, it gained the Grass-type. With a unique typing, giving it resistances to Water-, Grass- and Electric-type attacks as well as an immunity to Ground-type attacks, Rotom-C has a lot of advantages as far as typing is concerned.</p>

<p>Rotom-C has an impressive stat distribution which it shares with the other Rotom forms, boasting respectable bulk and Special Attack. Even its Speed is above average for a Pokemon intended for tanking. It has a very diverse movepool, which includes some moves very unconventional to Pokemon of similar typing, such as Trick and Will-o-Wisp. Its unique move, Leaf Storm, is very powerful. These various traits allow it to employ a wide variety of offensive and defensive strategies succesfully.</p>

name: Choice
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Leaf Storm
move 3: Hidden Power Ice / Thunderbolt
move 4: Trick / Thunderbolt
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Levitate
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 Atk / 30 Def


<p>Rotom-C has a lot going for it as a Choice Item user. Its immunity to Spikes and Toxic Spikes allows it to switch in and out a lot, Which is an invaluable ability of a Choice item user, as this is its only method to switch between attacks. Volt Switch is very effective with a Choice Item, because it allows Rotom-C to switch out while attacking, avoiding being locked into an ineffectual move. Volt Switch and Leaf Storm function as main STAB attacks. Hidden Power Ice grants it super effective coverage against Ground- and Grass-types, notably destroying Flygon, and giving Rotom-C almost flawless coverage. Trick is used in the last slot to potentially incapacitate walls and counters such as Chansey, Snorlax and Registeel. Thunderbolt has power far superior to Volt Switch, doesn't force Rotom to switch out, and is much more reliable than Leaf Storm. It is a great attack, so Rotom-C could forgo Hidden Power or Trick in order to utilize it. The EVs simply maximize Speed and Special Attack. Modest is recommended, for the highest possible damage output.</p>


<p>Life Orb can be run instead of a Choice Item, though Rotom-C's mediocre Speed stat severely limits its sweeping capabilities. It can also use Expert Belt to feign a Choice item, letting it surprise an opponent with a super effective hit. Thunderbolt can be run over Volt Switch, though losing the ability to attack and switch simultaneously is a significant loss for a Choice item user. Will-O-Wisp or Toxic can be run over Trick or Hidden Power to status foes. It's not common to run a direct status move on a Choice Item user, which can add the element of surprise to the set.</p>

<p>The choice between Choice Scarf and Choice Specs depends solely on Rotom-C's teammates. When there's need for a fast scouter, Choice Scarf is obviously the item of choice. Choice Specs should be used when there is need of raw power.</p>

<p>Choice Rotom-C works very well on a team with physical scouts such as Flygon, Scyther and Victini. It can also clear the way for huge special threats like Raikou, Mismagius, Mew and other set-up sweepers.</p>


name: Defensive
move 1: Will-O-Wisp
move 2: Pain Split
move 3: Leaf Storm
move 4: Discharge / Thunderbolt
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


<p>Rotom-C can run a defensive set very effectively. It boasts very good defenses coupled with respectable Speed for a defensive Pokemon. Will-O-Wisp works very well with the given EV spread, granting Rotom greater survivability by disabling physical threats. Pain Split is used to regain health and to cut Chansey's HP significantly. Leaf Storm and Discharge are used as STAB attacks. Discharge has a higher chance of paralyzing the opponent while Thunderbolt is more powerful. If you are concerned with the risk of accidentally paralyzing foes that would be better off burned, use Thunderbolt. The EVs and nature max out HP and Special Defense, relying on Will-O-Wisp to cover the physical side. Being immune to grounded entry hazards is also a big plus. This means that Rotom-C has many more opportunities to switch in and out. In a switching game of cat and mouse between Rotom-C and the foes it checks, Rotom-C will almost always come out on top thanks to its great resilience against passive damage.<p>

<p>On an interesting note, if Rotom-C somehow gets burned, therefore becoming immune to Toxic, it can stall out Chansey by abusing Pain Split and burn damage. </p>


<p>An alternative spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD is possible if you want to wall physical attackers better. Speed investment really isn't necessary, as this set should concentrate on bulk mainly. Substitute can be used to protect Rotom-C from status, and works fantastically with Pain Split. Toxic can be used in the last slot to cripple specially offensive Pokemon that don't mind the attack cut a burn provides.</p>

<p>Bulky Grass-type Pokemon such as Celebi, Roserade and Shaymin counter this set. They can all outspeed Rotom-C and resist its STAB attacks. They also have Natural Cure, which allows them to come in on any attack Rotom-C throws at them, possibly sponging status, and then proceed to set up. This said, Rotom-C works well in conjunction with physically frail sweepers like Sharpedo, Heracross and Scyther. Rotom-C also cripples opposing physical attackers to help the team finding opportunities to set up.</p>


<p>A SubCharge set can be run, but Rotom-C is rather outclassed by other Electric-type Pokemon for that set. Leaf Storm's Special Attack drops work against the goal of sweeping.</p>

<p>Rotom-C has access to both Reflect and Light Screen, so a support set consisting of Reflect / Light Screen / Leaf Storm / Volt Switch or Discharge with an EV spread of 252 HP / 68 Def / 188 Spe can be used. Light Clay would be the item of choice. A RestTalk set is viable on Rotom-C as well, though due to the new Sleep mechanics it has lost a lot of effectiveness. The set works best in conjunction with Leaf Storm and Thunderbolt or Discharge, but Will-O-Wisp is also an option. The EVs and nature should be similar to the Defensive set.</p>

<p>On the offensive side, options are fairly limited. It can use Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball, which are the only notable coverage attacks Rotom-C can learn. It has access to Ominous Wind, but the mere 10% chance of boosting your stats shouldn't be relied on.</p>


<p>Ice-type Pokemon such as Mamoswine, Weavile, and Froslass can OHKO Rotom-C with strong Ice-type STAB attacks. Mamoswine and Froslass can also revenge kill weakened Rotom-C with STAB Ice Shard, even taking down Choice Scarf variants. Some bulky Dragons, such as Druddigon and Shelgon, can switch into Rotom-C's STAB moves and laugh at Hidden Power Ice, although Toxic can force them out.</p>

<p>Bulky Grass-types resist both of Rotom-C's STAB attacks and have a relatively easy job beating it. Most notably Roserade, Celebi, and Shaymin can switch into any move Rotom-C can throw at them except Hidden Power Ice. They can then proceed to set up entry hazards or boost stats, and in Roserade's case severely damage Rotom-C with STAB Poison-type moves.</p>

<p>Fire-type Pokemon such as Houndoom, Rotom-H and Victini can possibly outspeed and OHKO Rotom-C with powerful Fire-type STAB attacks, as well as resisting Rotom-C's signature move Leaf Storm. Rotom-H and Victini are also known for carrying a Choice item most of the time, which make them "immune" to Trick as well. They also are immune to Will-O-Wisp, which allows them to switch in without being crippled, except being perhaps by Thunderbolt. Even then, only Houndoom takes serious damage.</p>

<p>Of course, Chansey can take pretty much any move Rotom-C is going to throw at her, and sheds status by simply switching thanks to Natural Cure. Chansey has to be wary of Trick though.</p>
i think rotomC is better suited to counter special threats with resists to water and electric and grass moves, which are primarily special, while also letting it take weaker ice beams from bulky waters. physically, it doesnt have any notable resistances that would let it take physical attacks
I could also make a SubCharge set, but I think it has lost its shine with the reign of fast and strong sweeper batch this gen.

About the physically defensive aspect, I think it could work pretty good. With access to WoW, high physical bulk, an immunity or resist to Fighting and Flying moves and other support moves, it can be very useful imo. It could be combined with a double status set.
rotom has no resist to fighting moves, and is neutral to flying. grass/electric resists water, electric, grass, steel, and he has an immunity to ground. he is weak to bug, ice, fire, and poison. generally he is a great counter to water types, but loses to the most common phyiscal attacker, heracross.

also on the specially defensive set, you can run WoW to tank physical hits, outside of heracross better
rotom has no resist to fighting moves, and is neutral to flying. grass/electric resists water, electric, grass, steel, and he has an immunity to ground. he is weak to bug, ice, fire, and poison. generally he is a great counter to water types, but loses to the most common phyiscal attacker, heracross.

also on the specially defensive set, you can run WoW to tank physical hits, outside of heracross better

I'm sorry, i meant to type Ground and water moves. Anyways, I agree that it loses to Heracross. I will still mention it in AC, because it can check other physical threats with WoW.
SubCharge doesn't work any more since the reason 4th gen Rotom-A was able to pull it off was because it was a Ghost type. That allowed it to set up on Blissey. Can't do that any more.
I think dual screens is more suitable for something with more useful resists like Mew, Deoxys-D, Cresselia and the likes of that. Rotom-C should be used for a more offensive approach or abuse WoW considering its typing.

It's still viable though, so I'll put it up too.
SubChargeSplit is good with LO as it support's Rotom-C's STAB, Leaf Storm. As long as you get to +2, you'll be firing off huge BP Leaf Storms.
I don't really think Dual Screens is that viable on Rotom-C you are better off utilizing its decent offensive prowess with Choice Specs / Scarf, or abusing its natural bulk with Pain Split and Will-o-wisp. I wasn't even aware that Rotom got Dual Screens lol but anyways, I would relegate Dual Screens to the OO.
I don't really think Dual Screens is that viable on Rotom-C you are better off utilizing its decent offensive prowess with Choice Specs / Scarf, or abusing its natural bulk with Pain Split and Will-o-wisp. I wasn't even aware that Rotom got Dual Screens lol but anyways, I would relegate Dual Screens to the OO.

You're right, updated.
What does substitute do for Rotom, especially defensively? All of Rotom's typical counters (chansey, roserade, arcanine, etc) dont care about subs. Here's what should be done:
  • Remove the subsplit set entirely
  • Remove substitute from the spdef and replace it with pain split, which is mandatory on that set
  • Move toxic to AC on the spdef set. In almost all cases its inferior to will-o-wisp
  • Switch the 4 speed evs on the spdef set to def to avoid speed creep
  • Resttalk isn't outclassed, but new sleep mechanics really hurt it. Move it to AC of the spdef set
  • Revamp the checks and counters section. Steelix is non-existant (and nobody uses fire fang), Crobat definitely should not be mentioned, changes in trick mechanics mean that switching a choice user into trick does not lock Rotom-C into trick, and add mentions of bulky grass types and specially defensive fire types.

Not stamping this yet, but make the changes and it'll probably get stamped pretty quickly.
  • Slash thunderbolt next to hp ice on the first set
  • Move resttalk to AC of the second set instead of OO

  • Slash thunderbolt next to hp ice on the first set
  • Move resttalk to AC of the second set instead of OO

Why in AC of a set when it's played completely different. In fact, it deserves a complete different set in theory. So I'll not do it for now unless the next QC checker agrees with you.
RestTalk is kind of a well-known strategy, and not at all difficult to use. Mentioning that you can use it in the AC of the second set is perfectly fine.

Most of the time, if a set like RestTalk is OK but not good enough to warrant a whole entire set by itself, it'll get an AC mention on a defensive oriented set. And if it isn't really OK, it'll go in OO.

So, yeah mention RestTalk in the AC of the second set.
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<p>Rotom-C is one of the Rotom forms introduced in the previous generation. With the dawn of generation 5, each of those forms lost their Ghost typing for the type of their respective machine. In Rotom-C's case, it gained the Grass/Electric typing. Having an a unique typing with resists to Water, Grass, (comma) and Electric as well as an immunity to Ground, Rotom-C is certainly not the least of the Rotom Formes. </p>

<p>Boasting very good stat disctribution distribution, having above average bulk and Special Attack while sadly having quite low Attack. Acces Access to will-o-wisp Will-O-Wisp with this typing is also unique. It has a very diverse movepool, therefore it is quite versatile as well. It's Its unique move, Leaf Storm, is very powerful. It can abuse these aspects very well and combine them to not only use defensive sets but also heavy offensive sets. Sadly, Rotom-C lacks any reliable form of recovery except for Pain Split and Rest. Don-t Don't let that stop you from using the haunted lawnmower! </p>

name: Choice
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Leaf Storm
move 3: Hidden Power Ice * (space) / Thunderbolt
move 4: Trick / Thunderbolt
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Levitate
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
ivs: 30 Att Atk / 30 Def


<p>Volt Switch and Leaf Storm are your main STABS STABs on this set. Hidden Power Ice allows Rotom-C to heavily damage switch-ins such Flygon and others expecting an Electric-type attack, (comma) and it grants near flawless coverage. Trick is used in the last slot to potentially incapacitate walls and counters like such as Chansey, Snorlax and Registeel. Thunderbolt is an option over Trick to have another STAB attack which will not force you to switch out. The EVs give the highest possible Special Attack and Speed with the respective nature. Modest is recommended for highest damage output. </p>


<p>Life Orb can be run insteead of a Choice item, though it lacks proper speed for that. It can also use WiseGlasses Wise Glasses to feign a choice item. Thunderbolt can be run over Volt Switch instead of Trick, to not be forced out all the time to use your STAB, though Volt Switch gives possible momentum and it allows for scouting. </p>


name: Defensive
move 1: Will-O-Wisp
move 2: Pain Split
move 3: Leaf Storm
move 4: Discharge / Thunderbolt
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


<p>This set can be very effective if played well. Will-O-Wisp works very well with the given EV spread. Pain Split is used to regain health and to cut Chansey's HP to less than 1/3. Leaf Storm is a way to directly damage the opponent hard. Discharge is the main option in the last slot, as with a 30% chance for paralysis it can be run similar to a dual status set. Thunderbolt is also viable though, although Duscharge Discharge has a better higher chance to paralyze the opponent. (period) and Without proper investment, the difference in damage in neglectable anyways is negligible anyway. </p>


<p>An alternative spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD is possible if you want to wall physical attackers more and ToxicStall them. Toxic should be used over Will-O-Wisp then in this case, and Leaf Storm is the 3rd third move to be used. Speed investment really ins't isn't necessary, this set should concentrate on bulk mainly. Substitute can be used to protect from status, but there would be no way to recover the 25% HP cut. A ResTalk set can be used, but the new Sleep mechanics make such sets less effective. </p>


<p>A SubCharge set can be run, but that's also is rather outclassed by other Electrics Electric-type Pokemon. It can be dangerous though in combination with Leaf Storm. At +2, Leaf Storm will probably 2HKO most Pokemon that are not named Chansey, Snorlax or Registeel. </p>

<p>Rotom-C has access to both Reflect and Light Screen, so a Dual Screens dual screens set consisting of Reflect/Light Screen/Leaf Storm/Volt Switch Reflect / Light Screen / Leaf Storm / Volt Switch or Discharge with an EV spread of 252 HP / 68 Def / 188 Spe can be used. Light Clay is, (comma) of course, (comma) the item of choice.</p>


<p>Ice-type Pokemon such as Mamoswine, Weavile, and Froslass etc can OHKO with a strong Ice STAB move. These, among others, can also revenge weakened Rotom-C with STAB priority STAB. Soem Some bulky Dragons, (comma) like such as Dragonair and Shelgon, (comma) can come in on switch into Rotom-C's STABs moves and laugh at Hidden Power Ice, although Toxic can force them out. </p>

<p>Bulky Grass and Fire types Grass- and Fire-types can come in on Grass or Electric Stab switch into Rotom-C's Electric- and Grass-type STAB moves, respectively, (comma) and either force out Rotom-C with their STAB or set up on it. For example, (comma) Roserade and Exxegutor Exeggutor with Sludge Bomb, (comma) and Arcanine and Entei with their STABs moves. </p>

<p>Of course, (comma) Chansey can take pretty much any move Rotom-C is going to throw at her, as well as taking status by simply switching out. Chansey has to be wary of Trick though.</p>


<p>Rotom-C Doesn't get a Dream World ability. </p>