
Hmm, Unaware Clefable also walls Nidoking, not only Chansey. You could use an "less effective" combination of Focus Blast/Shadow Ball/Earth Power/Sludge Bomb to deal with Clefable and to have a slight chance of taking Chansey down.
It is also overall more powerful than the standard set... but then you won't have the very VERY nice coverage, and Fail Blast is fail, we all know that.

I might use that for... sweeping Nidoqueen! (i wonder if she's strong).

Nidoking doesn't need QD passing that much: it can still hit very hard. It just won't be able to sweep, but can certainly open a few hooles on someone's team. That isn't stall.
I've used Earth Power/BoltBeam/Sub to some success. I can't think of anything that can resist this besides Shedinja...

Shedinja is the major reason I always have Flamethrower. That and I hate things that resist all of my moves except Fire.

Hmm, Unaware Clefable also walls Nidoking, not only Chansey. You could use an "less effective" combination of Focus Blast/Shadow Ball/Earth Power/Sludge Bomb to deal with Clefable and to have a slight chance of taking Chansey down.
It is also overall more powerful than the standard set... but then you won't have the very VERY nice coverage, and Fail Blast is fail, we all know that.

I might use that for... sweeping Nidoqueen! (i wonder if she's strong).

Nidoking doesn't need QD passing that much: it can still hit very hard. It just won't be able to sweep, but can certainly open a few hooles on someone's team. That isn't stall.

Well anything with Unaware or a Priority move makes Nidoking unhappy. The QD Pass is to make Nidoking faster mostly. He is already pretty strong with the Sheer Force + LO giving a 1.69 boost to all of his moves.

Since Quiver Dance increases Special Defense as well as Special Attack and Speed you could try running Nidoking with more defense EVs rather than all in Spatk or Speed. This way he might be able to withstand a Banded Mamoswine Ice Shard or possibly anything from an Azumarill (but i doubt it).

How well would Nidoking fare on a hail team? It has blizzard to abuse, not to also mention the Bolt Beam Coverage.

Other than the fact that Nidoking takes damage in Hail I think it would do pretty well.
Does anyone here run Superpower for Chanseys?
Or perhaps Sucker Punch for revenge killing?
..Or Megahorn for Psychic coverage..
Heck, does anyone use physical Nidokings? :(
(I do seriously love mixsets)
I, being myself, use my Nidoking as a RD Co-lead in doubles with a Timid nature, investment in Specials and Speed, and I run a Thunder, Flamethrower, Surf, and Earth Power, giving that it out-speeds its sub-ordinate (Blastoise) in time to take out potential Roserade leads. Thunder is obvious, as Water-Types are an imminent threat (none of my other Pokemon carry Surf) to Nidoking, Earth Power for STAB, and Surf for the Rain Boost.
Does anyone here run Superpower for Chanseys?
Or perhaps Sucker Punch for revenge killing?
..Or Megahorn for Psychic coverage..
Heck, does anyone use physical Nidokings? :(
(I do seriously love mixsets)

the thing is, Nidoking has an excellent special movepool, a decent Special Attack stat, and the perfect ability to make use of his movepool.
If you're running Flamethrower for Roserade, why not run Ice Beam instead? That way you can still use it afterwords without rain screwing it over.
But still, I DO love the reactions of my opponents when they see their once healthy Chansey get massacred by a Superpower from Nidoking :)
Not to mention the Sucker Punch on Alakazam or Espeon is an additional surprise factor
Nidoking in Standard environment FTW :DD
Nidoking is my fave pokemon, and it is great to see it's amazing coverage. However, I wish he had a larger physical movepool capable of taking advantage of Sheer force. With B/W2, he gets the elemental punches again, as well as superpower. Maybe a Hone claws set With Earthquake/Megahorn/Ice Punch/Superpower?
Nidoking is my fave pokemon, and it is great to see it's amazing coverage. However, I wish he had a larger physical movepool capable of taking advantage of Sheer force. With B/W2, he gets the elemental punches again, as well as superpower. Maybe a Hone claws set With Earthquake/Megahorn/Ice Punch/Superpower?

Your Hone Claws set might be better if it actually had Hone Claws on it. But anyway, physical sets aren't very good on Nidoking because the majority of its switch-ins have a higher defense than special defense. Nidoking doesn't have a very good physical movepool to take advantage of Sheer Force, either. Its strongest options (Earthquake, Megahorn) are unboosted by Sheer Force and the moves that are boosted have really low base power. (the Punches)
Your Hone Claws set might be better if it actually had Hone Claws on it. But anyway, physical sets aren't very good on Nidoking because the majority of its switch-ins have a higher defense than special defense. Nidoking doesn't have a very good physical movepool to take advantage of Sheer Force, either. Its strongest options (Earthquake, Megahorn) are unboosted by Sheer Force and the moves that are boosted have really low base power. (the Punches)
Yeah, Hone Claws might really help there. Anywho, I was thinking if you got a DD or SS or something passed to him, and then used HC, or maybe even not use HC, whatever, you would have what you need for a sweep, though more SF-able options would be nice.
What about the possibility of a Sheer Force Life Orb set with the elemental punches? It seems like it would be as viable as the special set, as the difference in Base Power is outweighed by the difference in his Atk/SpA.

Nidoking@Life Orb
Trait- Sheer Force
Nature- Jolly/Adamant
252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe

~Ice Punch
~Fire Punch
~Thunder Punch

Would this be at all viable? I can't see why it wouldn't seeing as how it would also come wit a minor surprise factor. I can understand that Earthquake is kind of a letdown because of the lack of a Sheer Force boost. And the only other ground option is Bulldoze (lol). What do you guys think?
There is absolutely no point in using that set over the standard special attacker--every single one of its attacks does less damage than its special counterpart...
The only physical thing I would toy with really would just to slap on Superpower if you don't need a coverage move. Snorlax always wants to come in on you and I am sure Superpower does more than Focus Blast and would probably KO after an Earth Power. Thats assuming Superpower is legal with Sheer Force of course.
Superpower is legal. However, it don't do good damage against other special walls, who are physically bulky as well (Umbreon, Porygon-2).
There is absolutely no point in using that set over the standard special attacker--every single one of its attacks does less damage than its special counterpart...

Yeah I guess you're right, after running some calcs on some of the common special walls that would switch in on Nidoking, the physical set just doesn't deal enough damage, so the surprise factor doesn't matter. That's too bad. I was really excited when he got the elemental punches from BW2.

For example, Earthquake does 43.3%-51% to the standard Snorlax. I thought it would do more than that. While it is almost always a 2HKO after Stealth Rock, by that time, the opponent will know you are physical and send out an appropriate counter. Not to mention that because Earthquake isn't boosted by Sheer Force, you take Life Orb damage for each attack.
So, I have been trying out the semi-standard Earth Power/Ice beam/Thunderbolt/Focus Miss, and I have to say that while his natural power is great, you really want to have a BP Venomoth send him a QD or 2, they really help.