Super Smash Bros 64, Melee, and Brawl thread

yeah meleefags, brawl is the best and you can SUCK IT

although this is coming from someone who plays with items on and with a wiimote (although in my defense i'm pretty good considering)

EDIT: also i main toon link, lucario, and falco but i like to kick ass with bowser sometimes
Yeah, I agree, after getting deeply involved in Brawl, I have come to like it more then Melee, I also like how you can texture hack it with homebrew and an SD card. :nerd:
best website for Brawl textures btw.
Um, what?

Melee is much more in depth, difficult, and fun to play considering half the time you won't be playing against 1 character.
I highly prefer Melee to every other game in the series. I got really into competitive Melee in 2009/2010 and learned all the common ATs of most characters (SHFFL, wavedash, heck I even got pretty good at powershielding lasers for a time). I main CF, secondary Marth. I'd like to get Fox up there too but I need to get better at landing his shine and following up afterwards. Also SHFFL with him hurts my thumbs a lot >_>

Brawl is just annoying. They took out all the fun ATs from Melee and all the new ATs just look completely bogus and piss people off. The reason why Melee endured for a decade is because its gameplay was engaging enough to keep people coming back long after they've grown overly familiar with the stages and music and whatnot...that is absolutely not the case with Brawl. I'm sick of Brawl already and it's only been out for three years. Sure, your mileage may vary if you hack it but that kinda defeats the purpose...
I main Snake and Ice Climbers.

I only started playing smash64 recently but I learned some 0-death combos with Kirby and CF. I like it but I can never get people to play most of the time...
ok i take part of my melee insult back, the music in melee was amazing (also i have the orchestra disk that you got free with nintendo power) dr mario's theme was THE BEST, but that's about it on melee. i just didn't like it for some reason, but i love brawl @_@

also melee wore down the grippers on my wireless controller's grey toggle stick >:(
In Melee, SHFFLing is not too hard with Fox. SHFFL daring freakin' hurts though.

Anyone else worried the next smash bros game will suck worse than Brawl?
i'm not putting my hopes too high on that one; that controller seems too... large. sometimes bigger isn't better, nintendo!!!!
Better then those hella small wild catz gamecube controllers.

Edit: and I still don't know why you guys knock Brawl so hard, seriously, its really not that bad! :P

Yoshi forever. Even though he blows chunks in Brawl I will continue to use him.

Though I yearn for the days of 64 when his eggs were easier to aim and had a juicy blast radius... I became the bane of my college dorm for my mastery over eggs in the 64 version. They just aren't as potent though in Melee and Brawl...
If hacking is no boundary, then just plain playing Project M or Brawl- would be better than Barwl.

Project Ms for all those people who like Brawl chars and Melee physics, Brawl- is for people that like Brawl's mechanics, but find the game to be getting stale as all games do.
Edit: and I still don't know why you guys knock Brawl so hard, seriously, its really not that bad! :P

Probably because

1. I walked into a tournament after 3 months of not playing, picked up a controller, played 10 friendlies, got 2nd in the tournament. Brawl is too easy with MK and it's just stupid. ICies are also crazy broken too.

2. It's too slow, there are no combos, and you're not as worried about getting punished. in 64, you getting punished = -1 Stock. In melee, you'd get about a 30% combo maybe. In Brawl, it's like, oh, Shieldgrab Dthrow.

there are other reasons, but those are the main ones for me.
Brawl is more fun to play than Melee. Melee is the better competitive game.

That said, my favorite to play is SSB64. If I learned to Z-Cancel, I'd be really up there in terms of skill as I can do most other stuff (except taunt cancelling grr). Unfortunately the people I know aren't good enough for me to justify putting time into the game for that. Kirby rocks them all anyway.

I played Brawl "competitively" sorta a couple years back. My friend would organize local tourneys 'cause he's really into it (7th in the state power rankings or something), but I really sorta lost interest once I started to get into traditional fighting games. I wasn't that good in the first place anyway.

Mains for 64 - Kirby, Falcon, Ness
Melee - Marth
Brawl - Game and Watch, Dedede, MK
i played brawl really competitively for about 2 years, i was alright on a competitive level. i traveled around the region with my friends.

my main was pokemon trainer.

ended up being one of the most frustrating experiences of my life. what an awfully flawed game, what an awfully flawed character.

i switched to mainly wario later on, but my favorite pokemon (and probably favorite game character) is squirtle. to have the whole stamina/switching thing to deal with was almost like a cruel joke when you think about how unlikely it was that squirtle would be playable.

i still play for fun sometimes

i never owned 64 but i played melee casually until brawl came out.
Probably because

1. I walked into a tournament after 3 months of not playing, picked up a controller, played 10 friendlies, got 2nd in the tournament. Brawl is too easy with MK and it's just stupid. ICies are also crazy broken too.

2. It's too slow, there are no combos, and you're not as worried about getting punished. in 64, you getting punished = -1 Stock. In melee, you'd get about a 30% combo maybe. In Brawl, it's like, oh, Shieldgrab Dthrow.

there are other reasons, but those are the main ones for me.
Oh come on, the metagame isn't that fucked, and when you break it down, Mk can be countered, it all depends on match ups. And not having infinites makes brawl less enjoyable? Just because you can't combo the living hell out of somebody doesn't make it less fun, if anything it makes you a smarter player. I don't know, there are alot of points I can argue, but I don't really feel like defending it that much. I love Melee just as much as I love Brawl, I just don't think that Brawl should be put down just because it doesn't play or feel just like Melee. :toast:
phil sucks at brawl, asked roommate to aid him in defeating me

more at 11

ALSO damn steeler you reminded me of pokemon trainer, i definitely enjoy playing him, although i tend to only use bulbasaur. i always fuck myself over with squirtle, and charizard is the happy medium for how well i use all three mons i guess. ROCK SMASH
Melee is pretty much the game I spent most hours of my life ever, I mean, considering videogames overall. Brawl is a good game overall, but the way Melee improved the way of playing Smash Bros is just incomparable.

Also not sure whether my wifi is sucking or not, but I'm kinda bored recently, if anyone wanna brawl...
I am a huge fan of Melee and Brawl (I have not ever played the original). Melee was the best game ever back in the day. The controls are flawless; I feel very much in control of my character, unlike in Brawl sometimes. I can say in all honestly that Melee is the only game I own I play competitively with people that are in the same room as me. I normally play as Marth or Falco, but I value being good with all characters just as much as the next guy. I deliberately choose characters I am bad with, like Roy, Kirby, Peach, etc., but one of my cousins, who is like seven years younger than me, is a freakin' monster with Luigi. Against him, I can go all out, and boy is that satisfying!

As for Brawl, the controls can be a little iffy for me (falling down on your own is the worst mechanic ever). This is more frustrating factoring in the significant lag on my television. Regardless, Brawl easily has the best soundtrack of any video game I have played. Sometimes, I even just turn the game on to listen to the Sound Test while doing other things. Some of my favorite tracks have to be Jungle Level Ver.2 (the fast one), Luigi's Mansion, Dialga / Palkia Battle, Crimean Armie Sortie, and The Roost (all depending on my mood).

I could talk on and on about Melee and Brawl, but that would take a long time, and I am getting sleepy. Also, for the record, I have been in only one actual tournament for Melee. I lost in the first round to the guy who would eventually win the whole thing. Oh well...
I love Super Smash Bros!

I've played all three games. I am shit at Smash 64 (give me a break, I was like 11), I played semi-competitively in Melee, and I am very good at Brawl, although I don't give a shit about Brawl's competitive scene.

I like Brawl the best. I've heard lots of bitching about its floatiness, about how it's a campfest, about how much meta knight rapes everything, about tripping. Well, I don't care about all that. Melee, even at the height of its competitive fervor, will never compare to the sheer fun of Brawl's expanded cast/stages/MUSIC.
I also really like that Brawl essentially forces you to play casual because it means I can't take it too seriously and alienate all my friends!
Mk can be countered, it all depends on match ups.
MK either destroys or comfortably wins every match up if he is allowed to camp the ledge repeatedly with a lead. i won't go into the specifics, but it's very hard to hit MK from this position if he does it in a particular way. even if this isn't abused repeatedly, it's a very powerful tactic he can use to 'escape' on-stage pressure to force the other guy to leave him alone for a bit.

everyone agrees that MK is absolutely the best character REGARDLESS, and when you consider that the above strategy allows MK to run from and neutralize almost any situation or just make it quite risky to even land a hit on him...yea......

someone made the comparison to shin akuma earlier in thread. there is a clear distinction that must be made between the two characters (and traditional fighters and brawl in general) but i believe the two characters DO share a common thread, so to speak.

shin akuma is a very overt kind of broken. dude was just doing stuff that was impossible to respond to; it was like shin could attack at will. most characters had literally no chance at winning, and shin was doing stuff that characters, and the game itself, were simply not meant to handle.

MK is not quite like that... but brawl isn't about attacking at will. there is a much lower reward for landing a hit than in pretty much any traditional fighter. combos are usually limited to like... 20% of your lifebar, and only work at the start of the lifebar. out of 3 lifebars, or stocks.

and the damage doesn't even win the match by itself! but it does make it much, much easier to take a stock, which is the true objective of (competitive) brawl. so imagine emptying the opponent's health bar in street fighter... now you have to hit them with a strong enough move to send them on their way.

so basically, the conditions for winning are a bit more complicated than in street fighter.

so first of all, MK is an amazing character in his own right. an unparalleled recovery that allows him to move around off stage almost at will. very quick attacks with great range which cannot trade or 'clash' with normal attacks (transcends normal priority). a special move, tornado, that is very difficult to beat straight up for most characters due to its mobility and high priority. and difficult to punish for most characters due to its safeness on shield and, again, mobility. excellent 'dragon punch' move with shuttle loop that, when grounded:

is invincible on start-up, can be used instantly out of shield (shielding is very powerful in brawl due to an almost complete lack of stun when it is attacked, the lack of chip damage, and assortment of defensive maneuvers that are available instantly), doesn't even have any true 'cooldown' or vulnerability afterward since it cancels into glide (still punishable sometimes), and is capable of taking a stock at higher percents (140%+).

o, and when used aerially on someone recovering off stage, it becomes an absolute monster of a gimping move. which means you take the stock by preventing recovery on stage instead of outright knocking them out (but it can do that too!!). it loses the invincibility but becomes even harder to punish due to defensive measures being severely restricted (no shield, air dodging requires a lengthy commitment, movement is limited). did i mention the move is really fast?

anyway, MK can excel playing defensively or aggressively. he's that fuckin flexible. whatever a matchup demands, MK can do it. now consider that he is all kinds of good, but there are some characters that can go toe to toe with MK (depending on the stage lol)... Falco and Diddy are generally agreed to be the best bets.

well. MK can just decide to... not fight. yep. just camp the ledge, as i previously stated. performed well, this tactic makes even landing one attack a risky venture. he can hit you off-stage and cost YOU a stock. or even run/fly/tornado/whatever over to the other ledge and start it again!! characters are simply NOT meant to handle that. and why would they? MK is hanging over the edge of an endless fucking abyss!!!! and falling into it means a lost stock. but MK has 5 air jumps, 4 fucking special recovery moves, a command glide in addition to the one after shuttle loop, and very quick aerial moves with great range to protect himself with. what the fuck does he care?

it's kind of like how in traditional fighters, you want to stay in the middle of the stage and out of the corner because it limits your options and puts your opponent at an advantage. in smash, you wanna stay ON stage and away from the edges. except, not only is MK the best character everywhere else, he actually gets BETTER when he's put in the corner!!! WTF.

the best bets are items that can be created on command (grenades, bananas, etc.) since throwing them down is safer than going down there yourself. yet MK has so many mobility options that he always has some way to avoid it. and most of these items are pretty weak, grenades notwithstanding. so, you hit MK once...great. is he still ahead by percent or stock? go do it again... and again. and he can still beat your ass if you do manage to bring it back!

i think it's hilarious that even MK himself struggles to beat his own strategy.

did i mention MK becomes invincible for a bit whenever he grabs the ledge?

sorry to 'tourneyfag' the shit out of this post, but it is what it is. gave me a good excuse to listen to my pandora station for the first time in a while. c:

alison you can't even call ivysaur by its real name, which is IVYSAUR NOT BULBASAUR hopy shit dude are you serious
To all those who either got bored of Brawl, don't like its floatiness, its campiness or liked Melee's gameplay better, you should try out Project M, even if you don't play competitively or don't take it seriously. Wired review. All you need is a SD card : you don't have to hack your wii, it won't modify anything and it won't void your warranty (as Nintendo has no way of knowing you played it anyway). By the way, such modding is completely legal, especially since it doesn't enable any kind of piracy (the developpers' names are publicly known). Even jailbreaking, mostly used for illegal purposes, is officially recognized as legal.

I, for one, play this both competitively and for fun with friends and items turned on as we really enjoy the much faster pace. It should also be noted that this is NOT a recreation of Melee, which is not treated as a sacred cow : brawl AT's were kept as well as rever ledge-grabbing during special fall and every non-top tier character received buffs and modifications, achieving remarkable balance. Even though the demo doesn't have as many characters as Brawl did, they are all tourney-viable, so you actually end up with more diversity. Some of these buffs are very creative, for exemple, Zelda's side B now acts as a time bomb and Lucas' neutral B powers up its next Smash attack (with Super Up Smash being a shield breaker). Lucario is still in development, but this character received a massive overhaul and looks really interesting. Keep in mind that all of this is subject to change and these people know what they're doing (the latest P:M tournaments results show this game is really balanced).

As for Melee's faults, it was commonly criticized for its many clone characters, but this issue is dealt with for the most part.*As a Melee top tier, Falco couldn't be changed (but his ressemblance with Fox is purely aesthetic, they play completely differently), but Ganon kept all of his new Brawl moves, and he's actually as good (maybe even a little better) as Fox in the demo. Dr Mario is now fused with Mario. Link and Toon Link were low tiers, so they'll get a lot of changes. Lucas is actually much more different from Ness than in Brawl (new neutral B, PK fire has PK freeze graphics and can be angled in the latest build).

As for the "infinites" some people strangely complained about, there was only one in Melee, involving the ICs (who, btw, also have a Brawl infinite), and it will be removed. As for chaingrabs, the longest one (Sheik's) received the only nerf of the whole game, and chaingrabs are already much less potent in this than in Brawl. Obviously, Dedede's infinite is removed and Lucas/Ness can no longer be infinitely regrabbed out of grab release.

As a last note, you can also add custom stages and music, ending up with a stupidly large roster. This pack adds 36 additional stages for previous smash games and SSE, iirc.
I'm mostly a melee guy but unfortunately I can't play competitively, the toughest person around who I can play is my little brother and his goddamn Jigglypuff('s rest).

I usually play with either Luigi for epic wavedash games, Falcon for overall epicness or a little bit of Marth for his f-air and u-tilt plus grab games. As Captain Falcon, I refer to spamming d-air to tech chase and combo as "The Guido" because I'm not sure if it's got a name. I can moonwalk fairly well most of the time with Falcon so between it and wavedashing I can pull a bit of fancy footwork, particularly with the Knee or Falcon's n-air. Also, pissing people off by beating them with Ganon is always good for laughs.

For Melee Falco/Fox players, how the hell do you shinedash so efficiently and flawlessly? I've been trying for quite a long time, and I don't know if I just need more time or if there's an easy way I don't know about. I end up clawing the X button with my finger and trying to coordinate my fingers together after the shine, but the most I usually get is a shine-cancelled jump, much less comboing with it.
64: Kirby, Ness
Melee: Ness, C. Falcon, Marth (Ness in yellow suit, "Bee Ness" as I call it ftw :U)
Brawl: Toon Link, Snake, Big Boobs-I mean Zero Suit Samus

My gf was always Jiggly and Peach on Melee and Snake, Lucas on Brawl

I was never a competitive player, because it's stupid to be one in my location (the only other "competitive player" was my girlfriend) but I learned a lot of technics watching videos of Isai, Ken and those guys like L-Cancel, Wave Dashing and such

I don't like Brawl very much, I mean, is not bad, but is way too slow for my taste, I played almost everyday with my gf at Melee so I get accustomed to a fast paced game
Haven't played SMB64 for years now :I