Life on the Edge: A Perilous RU Encounter

Life on the Edge
A perilous RU encounter

Hello everyone. This is a first warstory from me. I'll don't want to dwell too long on an intro except to say that I have always loved reading them and I'm really excited to be sharing this one with you!

The battle had a little bit of everything: two strategies wrestling for control, a constant battle for momentum, some gut wrenching decisions and maybe a sprinkling of hax. It was an exciting and enjoyable battle for both players, and I hope you enjoy it too!

The battle is long but I hope it is action packed and exciting for you to read. My match commentry will be in navy blue. Let's get straight to it!

Battle between No Luck Involved and MMF test1 started!

Tier: BW RU
Variation: +9, -23
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

No Luck Involved's team:

A defensive core of Munchlax, Claydol and Ferroseed counters most of the common heavy hitters in RU. Entei is the standard CB revenge killer while a Taunt BU Gallade can break walls. If Gallade doesn't finish the enemy off, then Scarf Moxie Krookodile usually gets the job done. The team is well versed in breaking stall, and can even stall itself if the need arises. I try to end most matches with an Entei, Gallade or Krookodile sweep, which is helped in no small part by an abundance of entry hazards.

MMF test1's Team:

I immediately notice familiar faces in Munchlax and Cresselia, a core that I have used many times before and one that is extremely hard to break. Then I see Blastoise, a common spinner. But my gaze is drawn towards Scyther, Magmortar and Torterra - three Pokemon that I have rarely faced. They are all versatile, capable of defensive, offensive or Choice sets so that immediately raises my suspicion. I react by sending out defensive Ferroseed. He walls four of his six Pokemon and only has real trouble against Magmortar, which I doubt he will lead with.

MMF test1 sent out Cresselia!
No Luck Involved sent out Ferroseed!

100% vs

When I see Cresselia, I am jumping for joy. It is easy set up fodder for Ferroseed and any CM variants can be thrown around by Munchlax, who would love a bit of hazards to spice up his job. Even if Blastoise comes in, Ferroseed can easily annoy it and win one on one. Spikes is the natural option.

Start of turn 1
The foe's Cresselia used Thunder Wave!
Ferroseed is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Ferroseed used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of MMF test1's team!

100%; Paralysed vs

The first turn went well. Ferroseed is now afflicted with the only status condition it couldn't give two nickels about and has already set up Spikes. Now that Cresselia has revealed Thunder Wave, I can be sure it is a support or wall variant which means it will probably set up screens now. I don't want to get greedy with Spikes when Blastoise is on his team, Leech Seed seems like a good option at this early stage to scout and to annoy with.

Start of turn 2
MMF test1 called Cresselia back!
MMF test1 sent out Magmortar!
The foe's Magmortar is hurt by spikes!

Ferroseed used Leech Seed!
The foe's Magmortar was seeded!

The foe's Magmortar's health is sapped by leech seed.

100%; Paralysed vs
75%; Seeded

Magmortar comes in looking for a tasty treat, but it's Ferroseed who is doing a little ingesting of its own. Of course little Ferroseed has no business hanging around. I don't want to risk sending Gallade in yet, and I'm cautious with Munchlax too. Right now Entei looks like the main 'mon (geddit!?
) to stand up to Magmortar.

Start of turn 3
No Luck Involved called Ferroseed back!
No Luck Involved sent out Entei!

Entei is exerting its Pressure!
The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!
It's not very effective...
Entei lost 132 HP! (35% of its health)

The foe's Magmortar's health is sapped by leech seed.

74% vs
63%; Seeded

Entei shrugs off the blast of fire with a little help from Leech Seed and stares menacingly at the enemy. With the pressure rising, I doubt Magmortar wants to stay in; it certainly won't be threatening any OHKOs while Entei can unleash a powerful Stone Edge. He has plenty of options to switch to: Blastoise, Munchlax and Cresselia can all shrug off a hit from Entei and they all hate becoming Poisoned. Toxic is a safe option for now even if Magmortar stays in.

Start of turn 4
MMF test1 called Magmortar back!
MMF test1 sent out Cresselia!

Entei used Toxic!
The foe's Cresselia was poisoned!

The foe's Cresselia is hurt by poison!

76% vs
94%; Toxic Poisoned

I was kind of disappointed that Blastoise didn't come out. Its spinning skills and good sense of balance can clear the hazards that I desperately need to tame his walls; not to mention the deadly Scyther that is still lurking; so I was hoping that Entei could nail it with a Toxic to shorten its long turtle life a bit... Hitting Cresselia is still good though. Cresselia is almost definitely going to set up screens now so I will capitalise by walling it and setting up some more with Ferroseed!

Start of turn 5
No Luck Involved called Entei back!
No Luck Involved sent out Ferroseed!

MMF test1 called Cresselia back!
MMF test1 sent out Magmortar!
The foe's Magmortar is hurt by spikes!

100%; Paralysed vs

A double switch! It looks like Magmortar wants his dinner early; this is not a good situation. Something will have to tank an attack and this time they won't have Leech Seed to help them. I look through my team and figure he will probably predict the Entei switch, he'll not be pulling the Fire Blast trigger again. I do not want to send Munchlax in yet because he's reserved for emergencies, so that leaves Gallade. With high special defence investment, he should be able to face down Magmortar.

Start of turn 6
No Luck Involved called Ferroseed back!
No Luck Involved sent out Gallade!

The foe's Magmortar used Substitute!
The foe's Magmortar made a substitute!

100% vs
25%; Behind Substitute

The noble Gallade comes in to find Magmortar hiding behind a cardboard cut out of itself. This is an alarming twist of events as I was hoping Gallade could try setting up on a sweeping special Magmortar but now horrific visions of Will-O-Wisps are haunting me. I don't have anything else that I can afford to risk, and I calm myself with thoughts of happy kittens. I need that Substitute to go down so here goes...

Start of turn 7
The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!
The attack of the foe's Magmortar missed!

Gallade used Drain Punch!
The foe's Magmortar's substitute faded!
The foe's Magmortar had its energy drained!

100% vs

What a fortunate turn of events. Looks like all Magmortar can do is Fire Blast, this is excellent news as Gallade has the bulk to set up on puny special attackers like these. I prep Gallade for a sweep by choosing Bulk Up and begin recounting tales of Gallade's previous heroic adventures as part of his '6-0' series... (Now available in Hardback)

Start of turn 8
MMF test1 called Magmortar back!
MMF test1 sent out Scyther!

Gallade used Bulk Up!
Gallade's Attack rose!
Gallade's Defense rose!

100%; +1 Atk, +1 Def vs

How foolish and premature my sweet hallucinations had been. While Gallade sat around jerking itself off, the vicious Scyther has finally decided to show its face. I know that a Choiced variant will outspeed and OHKO. I know that a Swords Dance variant will outspeed and dance and then OHKO to a bloody pulp. I also know that Gallade has no hope of an OHKO especially if the enemy is carrying an Eviolite. It's definitely time for Gallade to pack up; I decide to send out Ferroseed to punish (read: tickle) Scyther with its Iron Barbs.

Start of turn 9
No Luck Involved called Gallade back!
No Luck Involved sent out Ferroseed!

The foe's Scyther used U-turn!
Ferroseed lost 82 HP! (28% of its health)
Ferroseed's Iron Barbs hurts the foe's Scyther
MMF test1 called Scyther back!
MMF test1 sent out Magmortar!
The foe's Magmortar is hurt by spikes!

72%; Paralysed vs
88%; U-turn ->

Showing off all the tricks of its ugly cousin, Scizor; Scyther decides to scratch the incoming Ferroseed somewhat and retreat. Magmortar comes out and I am on the back foot once again. In just two quick turns, any semblance of offensive momentum has slipped utterly from my grasp. It looks like I'll need Ferroseed to keep Scyther at bay so Ferroseed needs to get out of there fast; however there is one more Pokemon that can tank a Fire Blast. It's time to bring out... THE ROCK! I mean Munchlax.

Start of turn 10
No Luck Involved called Ferroseed back!
No Luck Involved sent out Munchlax!

The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!
Munchlax lost 60 HP! (13% of its health)

87% vs

120 Base Power STAB? 125 Base Special Attack? Pain? Munchlax knows not of these foreign ideas. As he palms away the flames, I am contemplating what to do next. Whirlwind is an option to punish a switch; but Body Slam is a KO if he decides to stay in, and I can fish for a Paralysis on the switch. Since a lot of the team appreciates Paralysis support, Body Slam seems like a safe option at this stage especially if it can get Scyther.

Start of turn 11
MMF test1 called Magmortar back!
MMF test1 sent out Blastoise!
The foe's Blastoise is hurt by spikes!

Munchlax used Body Slam!
The foe's Blastoise lost 16% of its health!
The foe's Blastoise is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The foe's Blastoise restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

87% vs
78%; Paralysed

Fishing for Paralysis gave mixed results. While I should be happy that an enemy is Paralysed, it really is not the ideal status to afflict Blastoise with. For one, it's immune to Toxic now and will need to be taken down the old-fashioned way, which is not easy when the enemy is a big lug of a turtle. Also Blastoise does not mind the drop in speed at all because it's job is simply to spin and to survive. Blastoise's bulk means that Munchlax is barely scratching it and it will almost definitely use Rapid Spin now. I try to leverage this opportunity to get a free switch to Gallade.

Start of turn 12
No Luck Involved called Munchlax back!
No Luck Involved sent out Gallade!

The foe's Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
Gallade lost 19 HP! (5% of its health)
The foe's Blastoise blew away Spikes!

Gallade restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Blastoise restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

100% vs
84%; Paralysed

Just as expected, Blastoise has removed the Spikes but Gallade is back to threaten. Looking at my team, I notice that they are all pretty healthy so I can afford to scout a little bit. Gallade preps a Drain Punch to test the waters, knowing that if Scyther switches in again then Ferroseed can come in anytime.

Start of turn 13
Gallade used Drain Punch!
The foe's Blastoise lost 22% of its health!
The foe's Blastoise had its energy drained!

The foe's Blastoise used Roar!
Krookodile was dragged out!

The foe's Blastoise restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

100% vs
68%; Paralysed

Drain Punch did nothing! This Blastoise is physically bulky and is a phazer too, not good news for any of my Pokemon. It's a bad time for Krookodile to come out. His job is to finish up late game with the help of hazards and right now there are no hazards and he has no chance against this bulky Blastoise. I feel safe in switching to Ferroseed even if Blastoise Roars again, as it has no hazards to abuse.

Start of turn 14
No Luck Involved called Krookodile back!
No Luck Involved sent out Ferroseed!

The foe's Blastoise used Scald!
It's not very effective...
Ferroseed lost 33 HP! (11% of its health)

The foe's Blastoise restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

61%; Paralysed vs
74%; Paralysed

That went very well. Now Ferroseed is in safely, Blastoise can't do much to it while it can begin setting up whatever it wants. Leech Seed can hit Blastoise or whatever comes in but there's nothing stopping Ferroseed from just Spiking up. Blastoise takes a chunk of damage if it tries to spin and the worst it can do is Roar so I decide to use Spikes.

Start of turn 15
MMF test1 called Blastoise back!
MMF test1 sent out Magmortar!

Ferroseed used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of MMF test1's team!

61%; Paralysed vs

Blastoise wisely turns tail and runs, and in comes Magmortar. But this time a thought occurs to me. I know Tobes posted a wall-breaking Magmortar set in the RU thread... So I am thinking that maybe this is the same Magmortar. The worst thing he can do is cripple Munchlax with a well-timed Focus Punch, and I cannot let that happen. I could send in Gallade or Entei which would be the safe option, but his Magmortar has been annoying me all match. I am certain that he will predict a switch and not use Fire Blast, so I choose Thunder Wave.

Start of turn 16
The foe's Magmortar is tightening its focus!
Ferroseed used Thunder Wave!
The foe's Magmortar is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The foe's Magmortar used Focus Punch!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Ferroseed lost 177 HP! (60% of its health)
Ferroseed fainted!
Ferroseed's Iron Barbs hurts the foe's Magmortar

0%; Fainted vs
1%; Paralysed

Yay I predicted righ.... oh, damn. Focus Punch would usually not have KOed but this was no ordinary Focus Punch. I was a little foolish to stay in with Ferroseed... In fact, what the hell was I thinking?? How could anything good ever come of Ferroseed staying in on Magmortar! I vow to pay for my horrible misplay but first there is a battle to finish.

It's time to capitalise on this Paralysed opponent with noble Gallade.

No Luck Involved sent out Gallade!

100% vs
1%; Paralysed

Gallade knows the drill, he's been here many times before. Paralysed opponents close to death never want to switch out! Time to pile on the protein shakes.

Start of turn 17
Gallade used Bulk Up!
Gallade's Attack rose!
Gallade's Defense rose!

The foe's Magmortar is paralyzed! It can't move!

100%; +1 Atk, +1 Def vs
1%; Paralysed

And Gallade watches as the pathetic Magmortar writhes helplessly on the ground. Serves him right for picking on poor little Ferroseed. More weight!

Start of turn 18
Gallade used Bulk Up!
Gallade's Attack rose!
Gallade's Defense rose!

The foe's Magmortar is paralyzed! It can't move!

100%; +2 Atk, +2 Def vs
1%; Paralysed

Wow this is going even better than planned! At this rate, Gallade might be benching 130kg by this time next week! Gallade does it for his own strength and good health though, he doesn't do it for the looks. He's too cool for that crowd.

Start of turn 19
MMF test1 called Magmortar back!
MMF test1 sent out Cresselia!

Gallade used Bulk Up!
Gallade's Attack rose!
Gallade's Defense rose!

The foe's Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Cresselia is hurt by poison!

100%; +3 Atk, +3 Def vs
94%; Toxic Poisoned

Finally realising the folly of his ways, Magmortar is dragged back to his Pokeball and Cresselia is sent out. Normally Cresselia would wall Gallade pretty well, but this Gallade has a mean streak. His martial arts teacher taught him otherwise but he picked up some skills from the streets too. He fears no wall because he can deny them their healing power with a nasty Taunt! I am rubbing my hands in glee!

Start of turn 20
MMF test1 called Cresselia back!
MMF test1 sent out Magmortar!
The foe's Magmortar is hurt by spikes!
The foe's Magmortar fainted!

Gallade used Taunt!
But there was no target...

MMF test1 sent out Scyther!

100% vs
0%; Fainted ->

Did he predict the Taunt? Maybe Magmortar was just foddered so Scyther could come in for free. Whatever the reason, Scyther is a problem but I am confident Gallade at +3 can take anything. Scyther could just attack outright with Aerial Ace or something, but he will be OHKOed by Psycho Cut. I am sure he will not want that to happen since a look at the opposing team reveals nothing that can take on +3 Gallade. I predict that he'll want to avoid Psycho Cut and U-turn to Cresselia, then switch to Scyther on the Drain Punch or Taunt and KO with Aerial Ace... So I decide to read this move and use Drain Punch to hit whatever comes in and heal the U-turn damage so Scyther can't try to pull the same trick again. Complicated? Nah...

Start of turn 21
The foe's Scyther used Aerial Ace!
It's super effective!
Gallade lost 258 HP! (76% of its health)

Gallade used Drain Punch!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Scyther lost 31% of its health!
The foe's Scyther had its energy drained!

Gallade restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

43%; +3 Atk, +3 Def vs

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. Scyther went straight for the kill with Aerial Ace and now I look like a fool. The scenario I played out in my head the previous turn was completely pointless. I'm kicking myself for not just using Psycho Cut and getting the sweep started.

Gallade is on the verge of being KOed and has done nothing with the +3 that was practically given to him. While contemplating what this episode will do to the state of my mental health, I notice that his Scyther is most likely a Choice Band variant because that Aerial Ace hurt. I have no Ferroseed to tank hits now and must switch to my back up physical tank, Claydol. I sure hope he is choiced...

Start of turn 22
No Luck Involved called Gallade back!
No Luck Involved sent out Claydol!

The foe's Scyther used Aerial Ace!
Claydol lost 153 HP! (47% of its health)

Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

59% vs

I should be safe for now. Claydol is the team's Stealth Rock setter and spinner, with added Toxic annoyance. Right now my priority is to get Stealth Rock up because if Scyther decides to stay in for the 2HKO then I may not have another chance; and Stealth Rock is so crucial in helping Krookodile sweep. If he does switch then no harm done. Stealth Rock is the only thing on my mind.

Start of turn 23
MMF test1 called Scyther back!
MMF test1 sent out Blastoise!
The foe's Blastoise is hurt by spikes!

Claydol used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around MMF test1's team!

Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Blastoise restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

66% vs
61%; Paralysed

Scyther decided to make way for Blastoise instead of the option of 2HKOing Claydol. I guess he really wants to keep those rocks away. This is good news because Claydol is still a good physical tank even at his health level and preserving a spinner is always useful. Blastoise will probably spin away the rocks now though so it's time to get another free switch to Gallade.

Start of turn 24
No Luck Involved called Claydol back!
No Luck Involved sent out Gallade!

The foe's Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
Gallade lost 17 HP! (5% of its health)
The foe's Blastoise blew away Spikes!
The foe's Blastoise blew away Stealth Rock!

Gallade restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Blastoise restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

44% vs
67%; Paralysed

As Gallade and Blastoise size each other up, it's a good time to assess the state of play:

No Luck Involved's Team:
Ferroseed (Fainted);
Claydol 66%; Munchlax 87%; Entei 74%; Gallade 44%; Krookodile 100%

MMF test1's Team:
Magmortar (Fainted);
Cresselia 94%, Toxic; Blastoise 67%, Paralysed; Scyther 57%; Munchlax (unrevealed); Torterra (unrevealed)

The teams are balanced precariously. Neither of us are able build up any sort of momentum; and his Scyther is getting me more and more worried. To be able to win, I need to wear Blastoise down, because hazards are so important; even more so against an opponent with Scyther.

After everything is said and done, Gallade plays it safe with Drain Punch.

Start of turn 25
Gallade used Drain Punch!
The foe's Blastoise lost 23% of its health!
The foe's Blastoise had its energy drained!

The foe's Blastoise used Scald!
Gallade lost 67 HP! (19% of its health)

Gallade restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Blastoise restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

37% vs
50%; Paralysed

Blastoise didn't predict the set up this time and went for the Burn. I cannot risk that happening, not to Gallade. I look through my team and notice that with Ferroseed gone, I don't have anything that can force Blastoise out. However Munchlax doesn't mind status because of RestTalk so I'll have to use him to try to wear Blastoise down. I really wish I didn't make that inexplicablely stupid move with Ferroseed earlier.

Start of turn 26
No Luck Involved called Gallade back!
No Luck Involved sent out Munchlax!

MMF test1 called Blastoise back!
MMF test1 sent out Cresselia!

The foe's Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Cresselia is hurt by poison!

87% vs
94%; Toxic Poisoned

Cresselia coming out is strange... Was it hoping to Psychic or Ice Beam Gallade to death? Or was my switch read once again? It doesn't matter, what matters is that Blastoise has wriggled away yet another time and Munchlax vs support Cresselia is not a good match up for me. It is free to set up support while Munchlax is powerless to do anything. I switch to Claydol in the hope of stalling for turns and maybe even get some hazards back up.

Start of turn 27
No Luck Involved called Munchlax back!
No Luck Involved sent out Claydol!

The foe's Cresselia used Reflect!
Reflect raised MMF test1's team defense!

The foe's Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Cresselia is hurt by poison!
Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

72% vs
88%; Toxic Poisoned

A Reflect will really help his team take hits from my almost exclusively physical team. I am becoming more and more resigned to losing this frustrating tug of war. Claydol is tired of Blastoise coming to spin whatever rocks it may lay, so an Earth Power should teach it a lesson.

Start of turn 28
MMF test1 called Cresselia back!
MMF test1 sent out Scyther!

Claydol used Earth Power!
It had no effect!

Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

79% vs

Scyther has come back to bring pain and plague. What's more, IT CAME IN COMPLETELY SCOT FREE!!! My moves were read like a book. This turn of events could not be more devastating.

The tide of the battle is surging against me now and I must scramble fast to come up with an answer to this onslaught. What will Scyther do? He will U-turn. I look at my team. Entei can take one of them and he is pretty menacing for anything that may switch in. Yeah. Entei it is.

Start of turn 29
No Luck Involved called Claydol back!
No Luck Involved sent out Entei!

Entei is exerting its Pressure!
The foe's Scyther used Bug Bite!
It's not very effective...
Entei lost 127 HP! (33% of its health)

41% vs

Interesting! Scyther wanted to kill off Claydol once and for all. Well this leaves Entei in a rather good position. I can't imagine anything would like to take a Flare Blitz right now. If Blastoise switches in it might even be a 2HKO! Thoughts of taking out Blastoise fill me with happiness, now is your time Entei!

Start of turn 30
MMF test1 called Scyther back!
MMF test1 sent out Munchlax!

Entei used Flare Blitz!
The foe's Munchlax lost 22% of its health!
Entei is hit with recoil!

28% vs

That huggable ball of evil, lardy softness! I should have seen that coming from a mile away. Munchlax is a perfect counter to Entei, but this one had a Reflect to make his job even easier. Entei has no business staying in now. Nothing likes Paralysis, so Claydol will have to tank a hit and see what happens.

Start of turn 31
No Luck Involved called Entei back!
No Luck Involved sent out Claydol!

The foe's Munchlax used Whirlwind!
Entei was dragged out!
Entei is exerting its Pressure!

MMF test1's reflect wore off!


He predicted the switch and Entei is facing Munchlax again. However I'm still not going to stay in because there are no hazards to deter me from switching and despite his diminuative stature, Munchlax will win any scrap with Entei. We're going straight to Claydol once again.

Start of turn 32
No Luck Involved called Entei back!
No Luck Involved sent out Claydol!

The foe's Munchlax used Body Slam!
Claydol lost 63 HP! (19% of its health)

Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!


That's more like it. I know Blastoise may come in but screw it, it'll have to waste a turn using Rapid Spin anyway. Make with the rocks Claydol!

Start of turn 33
MMF test1 called Munchlax back!
MMF test1 sent out Blastoise!

Claydol used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around MMF test1's team!

Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Blastoise restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

72% vs
56%; Paralysed

Scyther came in last time so it's Blastoise's turn this time. I think he will Rapid Spin now so I'm going to punish him with Earth Power. The strategy now is to hit Blastoise with whatever I've got and Claydol is on the front line.

Start of turn 34
Claydol used Earth Power!
The foe's Blastoise lost 22% of its health!

The foe's Blastoise is paralyzed! It can't move!

Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Blastoise restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

79% vs
40%; Paralysed

Excellent. Despite my disappointment at getting Paralysis onto Blastoise, I'll admit it does come in handy sometimes. There's no reason not to chip away at it some more.

Start of turn 35
Claydol used Earth Power!
The foe's Blastoise lost 22% of its health!

The foe's Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
Claydol lost 9 HP! (2% of its health)
The foe's Blastoise blew away Stealth Rock!

Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Blastoise restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

83% vs
24%; Paralysed

I'm happy that Claydol has managed to regain a good bit of HP in these turns but Blastoise has gotten rid of Stealth Rock once again. Right now I want to get them back up but something tells me I can do better. Scyther happily came in on Claydol for free last time and with rocks gone, I am sure he will want to do the same again. I doubt Blastoise wants to stay in to risk more damage. Besides, a little bit of over-prediction never hurt nobody. Claydol, let loose with your Toxic.

Start of turn 36
MMF test1 called Blastoise back!
MMF test1 sent out Scyther!

Claydol used Toxic!
The foe's Scyther was poisoned!

The foe's Scyther is hurt by poison!
Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

89% vs
51%; Toxic Poisoned

And I've nailed it! With Toxic on Scyther, it's days will be numbered. But I am still in a bit of a pickle. I don't want to risk Entei again because I like to keep him until end-game for his Extremespeed, just in case. Again I am thinking Scyther's best option is to U-turn. Munchlax looks healthy enough to take one of them.

Start of turn 37
No Luck Involved called Claydol back!
No Luck Involved sent out Munchlax!

The foe's Scyther used U-turn!
Munchlax lost 178 HP! (39% of its health)
MMF test1 called Scyther back!
MMF test1 sent out Torterra!

51%; Toxic Poisoned; U-turn ->

OK this is new. I almost forgot about Torterra! I've met some Curse variants, all of which were terrible so this one doesn't particularly scare me. Even if it is a Rock Polish variant, I can bet that it will try to set up on the first turn. Looking through my team, there is nothing that would want to switch into a Torterra right now. I have confidence in Munchlax's bulk and if it decides to set up, I have Whirlwind and can always Sleep Talk. Rest is the easy choice.

Start of turn 38
The foe's Torterra used Earthquake!
Munchlax lost 208 HP! (46% of its health)
Munchlax fainted!
The foe's Torterra is hurt by its Life Orb!

0%; Fainted vs

That was a massacre. I did not expect it to come out guns blazing and Munchlax paid the price. Should I have risked switching to Claydol? I don't know but there's no point crying now. Revenge for killing Munchlax will be served hot and fiery.

No Luck Involved sent out Entei!

Entei is exerting its Pressure!


No Torterra would consider staying in on an Entei and I feel a switch is imminent. But to what? Blastoise is heavily damaged now and Cresselia isn't looking too well either. He does have Munchlax waiting in the wings, but I'm quite confident that it will be a 2HKO whatever he switches in. That Choice Band isn't there just to look pretty.

Start of turn 39
MMF test1 called Torterra back!
MMF test1 sent out Cresselia!

Entei used Flare Blitz!
The foe's Cresselia lost 47% of its health!
Entei is hit with recoil!

The foe's Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Cresselia is hurt by poison!

13% vs
40%; Toxic Poisoned

Ouch, that hurt both of us. Not to fret, Entei is about to land the sweet, sweet KO. Goodbye Cresselia! You were always overhyped anyway.
Start of turn 40
MMF test1 called Cresselia back!
MMF test1 sent out Munchlax!

Entei used Flare Blitz!
The foe's Munchlax lost 47% of its health!
Entei is hit with recoil!
Entei fainted!

0%; Fainted vs

No! This can't be! Entei is dead and along with it my best insurance against any potential Scyther sweeps. But a quick glance at the opponent's team reveals something terrifically convenient.

No Luck Involved's Team:
Ferroseed (Fainted); Munchlax (Fainted); Entei (Fainted);
Claydol 66%; Gallade 44%; Krookodile 100%

MMF test1's Team:
Magmortar (Fainted);
Cresselia 40%, Toxic; Blastoise 24%, Paralysed; Scyther 51%; Munchlax 31%; Torterra 90%

All of the walls are low on health. This is an ominous sign: it's time for Krookodile to come out to play.

No Luck Involved sent out Krookodile!


Hear that Mr Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability. So some guy from some film said... Anyway where was I. Ah yes, thanks to Choice Scarf, Mr Krook here will outspeed everything. Thanks to Munchlax's low health, Krookodile can obtain an easy +1 boost to his attack. The numbers are finally adding up. Krookodile is licking his lips hungrily.

Start of turn 41
MMF test1 called Munchlax back!
MMF test1 sent out Blastoise!

Krookodile used Crunch!
The foe's Blastoise lost 28% of its health!
The foe's Blastoise fainted!
Krookodile's Attack rose!

MMF test1 sent out Torterra!

100%; +1 Atk vs
0%; Fainted ->

That went completely according to plan; Krookodile has nabbed an easy kill and is strutting around fearsomely with +1 in Atk. Except... What was the plan again if Torterra came in? <... secretary; yes dear; cancel all of my appointments>

Can Krookodile OHKO at +1? It would be a gross understatment to say that I'm having doubts. Can Torterra OHKO Krookodile? I'm willing to bet my jacket, my boots and my motorcycle he can. But I need Krookodile to sweep. With Entei gone and Gallade severely weakened, he remains my only chance. I have to weaken Torterra somehow. My celebrations have come prematurely yet again!

Claydol looks healthy enough to tank a hit and can hopefully outspeed and Toxic. Then it can be stalled with Gallade until Krook is ready again. That sounds like a plan.

Start of turn 42
No Luck Involved called Krookodile back!
No Luck Involved sent out Claydol!

The foe's Torterra used Rock Polish!
The foe's Torterra's Speed sharply rose!

Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

90%; +2 Spe

What in the name of Spongebob Squarepants is this... Reading my obvious switch, he's now prepping himself for a sweep! This can't be. If he carries Wood Hammer, Claydol is going to be in serious trouble. He may or may not outspeed Scarf Krookodile but he'll surely tank a Crunch... and Gallade is finished for sure. In the space of one turn the game has been turned on its head. My hopes are shattering by the second and the easy Moxie sweep is already looking like a distant memory. I am now really staring down the barrel of defeat and I cannot think of a way back.

A desperate plan is emerging. Maybe if Claydol can survive an attack, and he might, then I can Toxic Torterra. Then fodder Gallade. Then, maybe then, Krookodile might outspeed and OHKO... There are a lot of ifs and maybes but this is the only way. With all fingers crossed, I send Claydol forth with Toxic venom on his hands (floating limbs, you get the idea).

Start of turn 43
MMF test1 called Torterra back!
MMF test1 sent out Scyther!

Claydol used Toxic!
The foe's Scyther is already poisoned.

The foe's Scyther is hurt by poison!
Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

100% vs
45%; Toxic Poisoned

This is turning into a rollercoaster ride now and I do not like it one bit. I guess Torterra realised it couldn't OHKO Claydol and didn't want to risk getting a Toxic. No matter, the bottom line is he predicted that Toxic like some kind of super sleuth. And I have no idea what a sleuth is.

The game changing decisions are coming in thick and fast. Scyther will use either U-turn or Bug Bite, no reason for it not to. Claydol is also healthy enough to tank a hit. Yes I have faith in Claydol's bulk. Now if Claydol survives, then what? It can't do anything to Scyther, it can only set Stealth Rock. Then Krookodile can come in and attempt a sweep again. Stealth Rock will make sure his Scyther doesn't want to switch out. I don't exactly have much of a choice.

Start of turn 44
The foe's Scyther used U-turn!
It's super effective!
Claydol lost 242 HP! (74% of its health)
MMF test1 called Scyther back!
MMF test1 sent out Cresselia!

Claydol used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around MMF test1's team!

The foe's Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Cresselia is hurt by poison!
Claydol restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

32% vs
45%; Toxic Poisoned; U-turn ->
40%; Toxic Poisoned

My head is spinning in 370 directions now as I try to fathom what just happened. Scyther used U-turn, so far so good, Claydol sets Stealth Rock, excellent, and Cresselia comes in? What has be got plann... Oh my god it's going to set up Reflect! I'm doomed! This is finally the end. He's playing with his food. And I'm toast. What can I possible do? Hope for desperate hax? You bet, I never hoped so hard in my life. Claydol is completely useless against Cresselia so I may as well use this opportunity to switch to Gallade. I'm bracing myself for the worst.

Start of turn 45
No Luck Involved called Claydol back!
No Luck Involved sent out Gallade!

The foe's Cresselia used Ice Beam!
Gallade lost 47 HP! (13% of its health)

The foe's Cresselia restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Cresselia is hurt by poison!
Gallade restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

34%; Toxic Poisoned

What is this? Did Cresselia get greedy? Wanted to take out Claydol there and then? I don't know but I don't just fodder my Pokemon out that easily. Even if Claydol is at low health and I'm on the verge of defeat. Now how can I possibly take advantage of this situation?

Gallade has revealed that he carries Taunt and Cresselia will be a sitting duck. No way will it risk trying to set up Reflect, or healing with Moonlight. It must switch out to avoid giving Gallade a free turn. What can it switch to? Well probably Torterra to take a hit and attempt a sweep again. After all, Scyther will die to Stealth Rock and none of the other Pokemon can stop Gallade if it uses Bulk Up. Torterra is the only safe option who can take anything Gallade might use. I'm placing all my marbles in the one basket and I'm tossing it all on the probability of Torterra coming in. If I don't choose Taunt and Cresselia stays in and uses Reflect, I will be finished. Who could have thought Pokemon would finally teach me the meaning of Caesar's famous words: alea iacta est. I choose Psycho Cut.

Start of turn 46
MMF test1 called Cresselia back!
MMF test1 sent out Torterra!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Torterra!

Gallade used Psycho Cut!
The foe's Torterra lost 32% of its health!

Gallade restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

36% vs

The gamble was a success. Cresselia couldn't risk being Taunted, so the only Pokemon that could take an attack and hit Gallade back was brought out. Torterra is hurt by that Psycho Cut and has a much more pleasing health stat for Krookodile to prey on. But I have a feeling that it is still not enough. I need to make sure that Torterra doesn't set up a Rock Polish, its health must also be lowered some more just to be safe. Gallade can accomplish the first with Taunt. Claydol can scratch Torterra and make it suffer more from Life Orb. The stage is set. Torterra can eat a Taunt!

Start of turn 47
The foe's Torterra used Earthquake!
Gallade lost 139 HP! (41% of its health)
Gallade fainted!
The foe's Torterra is hurt by its Life Orb!

0%; Fainted vs

That... was a surprise. I know Gallade doesn't have a lot of investment in speed but it does have some. For Torterra to outspeed it was unthinkable. It must have been a surprise for him too because he could have used Rock Polish! It doesn't matter now, I have failed to Taunt Torterra so Claydol cannot come in anymore or else it will have free set up turns. I'm fast-tracking the plan and bringing Krookodile in now. The time has finally come.

No Luck Involved sent out Krookodile!


This one will go right to the wire, no doubt about it. Fully invested 117 Base Attack vs uninvested 95 Base HP and 105 Base Defence. Outlaw Crocodile vs Bonsai Turtle. It's tight whatever way you look at it.

A damage calculator says Crunch is going to do 38.4% - 45.6%. Torterra has 41% health left. My heart is racing and the seconds are ticking down. This is the moment. Krook, let 'em have it!



Start of turn 48

Krookodile used Crunch!

The foe's Torterra lost 41% of its health!

The foe's Torterra fainted!

Krookodile's Attack rose!

100%; +1 Atk vs
0%; Fainted

Krookodile lets out a burp of satisfaction, and I nearly pass out. Who could have thought? Who could have possibly fathomed there would be light at the end of the tunnel? Like a runaway freight train, like an apocalytic asteroid; there is no stopping Krookodile's rampage now.

MMF test1 sent out Scyther!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Scyther!
The foe's Scyther fainted!

100%; +1 Atk vs
0%; Fainted

Krookodile looks on as they are dropping like flies.

MMF test1 sent out Cresselia!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Cresselia!

100%; +1 Atk vs
22%; Toxic Poisoned

With the casualty list piling up, we say our 'gg's as a formality.

Start of turn 49
Krookodile used Crunch!
It's super effective!
The foe's Cresselia lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Cresselia fainted!
Krookodile's Attack rose!

MMF test1 sent out Munchlax!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Munchlax!

100%; +2 Atk vs
0%; Fainted ->

And we discuss what part of our strategies went wrong in the battle; we both blame ourselves for over-predicting! We recount the pivotal moments in the match as we savour the feeling of a truly hard fought battle. I will definitely be going back to the drawing board after this one, and I'm sure he will do the same, in the hopes of improving our teams.

Start of turn 50
Krookodile used Crunch!
The foe's Munchlax lost 18% of its health!
The foe's Munchlax fainted!
Krookodile's Attack rose!
100%; +3 Atk vs
0%; Fainted

We bid farewells and go off on our separate ways, as Lady RNG smiles warmly upon Krookodile and his ragged team.

No Luck Involved won the battle!

Well that was the battle! It was a tight and cagey affair but I managed to pull a strategy together in the end and Krookodile came through when I needed him the most. We both made mistakes during the match but I thought the quality of moves and predictions was generally good!

A big shout out has to go out to my opponent MMF for a great battle and for proofreading the draft for this warstory! He is an immensely skilled battler and fought with a great team that had both of us on our toes the whole match. I definitely look forward to more battles in the future!


A battle wouldn't be complete without giving out some awards but I really cannot decide who was the standout performer. So instead of one MVP, I'll nominate two! One from each team. You can decide who the real MVP is!

First up, the nomination for No Luck Involved's team:



With Scyther keeping Gallade at bay and Entei being bitch slapped around by Munchlax, Krookodile was the only Pokemon tough enough to stand up to the enemy. Netting five KOs in a match is no small feat, even if other Pokemon had laid the groundwork for him; nobody can end a game with such spirit and swagger. Good job Krookodile!

A special mention goes to Claydol for having the guts to stand up to Scyther when Ferroseed went down and for waging a solo war with the menacing Blastoise. He never shrank from the hard fights, arguably being the one who took down Scyther with Toxic and Stealth Rock! Hats off to Claydol!

Now for the nominations for MMF's team:



One of the coolest and most menacing Pokemon of all time, Scyther was a constant threat. Everytime it came in, it ripped holes in my team and gave the offensive advantage back to MMF in an instant. It was only tamed finally by the combination of Toxic and Stealth Rock! Scyther deserves the recognition!

A special mention goes to Blastoise for being the quiet rock the team relied on, shielding Scyther from Stealth Rock, soaking up hits at every opportunity and probably shifted momentum in MMF's favour just as much as Scyther. I can barely find a fault with how Blastoise performed its job, another top contender!

Thank You!

Well that's it for the warstory. If you have gotten to the end, I want to thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! I am still learning and I know this warstory probably has a few faults so I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have! If you find any grammar or spelling mistakes I would also appreciate it if you could point them out. I don't have a props/slops section, I'll add one if there's enough interest for it. Feel free to spam away because the floor is all yours now!
Pretty sure a Life orb Wood Hammer would have to have Koed your Claydol so your opponent choked hard. Awesome warstory though, definitely makes me wanna try my hand at RU.
Nice warstory. In my opinion, the warstory stayed interesting from beginning to end, and the loss of Ferroseed kept it entertaining. It was really interesting to see how you managed things after you lost your Ferroseed.

Your formatting was nice.

Your commentary was nice as well, like previously said, your commentary was full of personality.

So overall, nicely done.
Yeah I wondered that too! I asked him at the end and he said he only carried Seed Bomb because Wood Hammer took too much recoil out of him. He said he didn't want Toxic on Torterra and over-predicted a bit... I guess both of us made some bad mistakes with over-predictions when we knew what was coming. Ferroseed and Gallade for me, and Torterra and Cresselia for him! It turned out fine for me in the end though so I can't complain :D
The commentary was really fun to read and the battle was nicely formatted. I just wish there had been a bit of a better battle. Really great job though :D, and I seriously loved that commentary.
Yay, a really good warstory. Kept me interesting the whole time, and RU Battles are always cool. Really liked the commentary. +Luvdisc
Very exciting and thoroughly enjoyable. I almost stopped reading when Gallade got 3 Bulk Ups, since that was 100% hax, but you redeemed yourself afterward more than enough.

And whose secretary calls them "dear"? That was weird.
that was a pretty good read though imo it seemed to have alot fluff in it.

also this seemed kinda silly
I predict that he'll want to avoid Psycho Cut and U-turn to Cresselia, then switch to Scyther on the Drain Punch or Taunt and KO with Aerial Ace... So I decide to read this move and use Drain Punch to hit whatever comes in and heal the U-turn damage so Scyther can't try to pull the same trick again. Complicated? Nah...

yeah it was too complicated

other than that it was great 9.0
I predict that he'll want to avoid Psycho Cut and U-turn to Cresselia, then switch to Scyther on the Drain Punch or Taunt and KO with Aerial Ace... So I decide to read this move and use Drain Punch to hit whatever comes in and heal the U-turn damage so Scyther can't try to pull the same trick again. Complicated? Nah...

It's not really that complicated.
He's just going to Drain Punch no matter what in order to somewhat negate the damage he takes from U-turn.
Excellent warstory. My favorite part? The way that each time your plan needed to change or your opponent made a different move than expected you laid out a reassessment of your plan based on each move all going towards the single goal you had from the beginning: Krookodile cleaning his weakened team. The commentary was bursting with personality and flavor, and the Krook vs Torterra staredown images were a nice treat. Overall an excellent post and I am looking forward to more great battles! :)
finally a good warstory from somebody! This was excellent and had me on the edge of my seat from the beginning to end. very entertaining, and excellent commentary, overall one of the best wartories i've ever read and this makes me want to try RU
Thank you so much for your comments! MMF played really well and outpredicted me on several occasions. We were over-predicting like mad towards the end so I had to change my plan nearly every turn. The images were so you guys didn't get to see the outcome of that attack immediately, I wanted to savour that moment ;)
Same to you Luck. This was such a great battle and Im glad you guys are enjoying as much as we did. Thanks for all the comments!
Very nice story, NLI (:

Maybe this will make more people join RU... i hope so!

By the way, im Ephraim... I'm not sure if you remember me, though.
Of course I remember you lol! I watched a lot of your battles, how could I forget :P

You're doing really well on the ladder now, I hope your team is serving you well.

Oh and thank you to Oglemi and MMF too! I hope we never face each other on the ladder again because that battle alone ruined my nerves. Just friendlies from now on please!
golden commentary - cracked me up a couple of times. I need to play RU!

I was surprised to not see Venomoth and Yanmega, I thought that they owned RU. Your Taunt Gallade is cool - I was surprised it didn't have Night Slash, but Psycho Cut is the better choice for taking out Scyther. Didn't matter in the end, though xp
He had you in the palm of his hand when Torterra was in against your Claydol.... he chickened out and it cost him the game.
This warstory is really great... So many twists and predictions... but the battle would have been much shorter if you had chosen Psycho Cut instead of Drain Punch with Gallade when at +3. Apart from one or two misplays (and hax), it was really entertaining thanks to the godly comments. A Luvdisc for you.
