RU Threat List

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@ ThiS2Vi: It certainly is easy to switch in with a Ground immunity, 4x Fighting resistance and decent defence. It is easily revenged and it's stopped by Paralysis... which can be argued on any sweeper. The only thing holding it back really is its SR weakness.

What makes Yanmega broken is not its sweeping potential or its wall breaking potential because it can't do both at once and either will be walled or revenge killed easily. It's the fact that you don't know which one it is. When you see an SB Yanmega, a Scarf resist can easily come in, outspeed and KO or you can send in your special wall. But if it turns out to be a Specs TL variant then you've just lost your scarfer or wall not named Munchlax. If you think it's a Specs TL variant and send in a death fodder only for it to turn out to be a SB variant then you've just given it a free SB and your scarfed Pokemon is now useless and it proceeds to sweep. The two sets Yanmega can use effectively require completely different strategies and counters, and the Pokemon as a whole only has one true counter in this tier which is Munchlax. This is why I think it is broken, and I am usually really reluctant to call anything broken or want anything banned.

@ Dragontamerchris: I agree with Venomoth but it's is gone in the next tier update thank goodness so we don't have to worry about that anymore. However I disagree with Honchkrow, Porygon-Z and Sharpedo.

Honchkrow's poor speed makes it rely on Sucker Punch, which is really not an ideal sweeping move and is easily played around. Moxie Krow needs much more team support than other sweepers because of its poor coverage and poor speed. Mixed LO is an amazing wall breaker but its reliance on Superpower for coverage hinders its sweeping potential and is easily forced out. If played well then Honchkrow is nearly unstoppable but it will have to be properly supported just like any good sweeper.

Porygon-Z is powerful but its lack of useful resistances means its not going to enjoy coming in at all and Choiced variants are easily played around (notice the difference between TL Yanmega here). It does have Trick which is amazing but really, I'm not convinced at all that it's anywhere near the wall breaker Specs Yanmega is.

Sharpedo is frail, doesn't hit hard enough, lacks offensive boosting moves, and only causes problems if it's up against a super frail hyper offence team. Like all good sweepers, Sharpedo needs a lot of team support to shine and having problems with it is likely down to an opponent's excellent execution of strategy rather than any inherent 'broken-ness' in the Pokemon imo.
How exactly do you play around Choice Specs Porygon-Z? Even resisted Tri Attacks do incredible amounts of damage. (Thanks to adaptability boosted Tri Attacks.) He has dark pulse for ghosts and hidden power fire for steels. He practically doesn't even have to worry about rock types because a lot of them are rock-ground (which he can have ice beam for) or they have low enough special defense they'll be 2HKO'd anyways by Tri Attack. Yanmega doesn't even have a lot of resistances, and the fact that he takes 50% damage whenever he switches in when ever Stealth Rock is up makes it a lot harder to switch him in, and it's easy enough to get past the spinners with something like Rotom. (Rotom is incredibly underrated, it's an amazing spin blocker and pokemon in general in this tier) And once Porygon-Z is in, it's hard to get it out. (Which is usually mid-late game)

Porygon-Z is probably the best wall breaker in the tier, Choice Varients are also not the only ones, I've seen sub nasty plot ones which are suprsingly good as well. (though I think choice specs are better) Porygon-Z also has enough bulk to survive an attack or two unlike Yanmega who has pitiful special bulk and not so amazing physical bulk and a ton of common weaknesses like fire, rock, and electric. I do agree however that it's hard to switch in Porygon-Z into attacks.

And I also agree with you that part of what makes Yanmega broken is it has two threatening sets that have different counters.

(Also about Sharpedo, I agree with you there. Honchkrow I still need to test more so I can't really argue much about him.)
Porygon-Z's moves, Tri Attack, Dark Pulse and HP [Fight], can all be resisted by common threats and thus get forced out. If you predict incorrectly and Pory-Z nails your Ghost type with a Dark Pulse then it can be easily forced out by whatever you switch in next. Yanmega on the other hand does not give you this luxury because it is not resisted by any common threats and thus must be forced out by being outsped and threatened with an OHKO. Imagine how much more devastating Porygon-Z would be with Tinted Lens. While not as powerful, that is more or less where Yanmega is at.

Porygon-Z is a powerful special attacker and can use boosting or Choiced sets just like any powerful Pokemon. It may eventually be found to be too powerful for the tier, I don't know about that. Yanmega on the other hand is a broken Pokemon because of its two completely different and both immensely powerful sets. It has an almost complete lack of safe counters because of this.
The problem is those resists aren't as common as you think. Out of the top 20 (In june's statistics) there is only 2 pokemon that resists Normal, one gets defeated by ice beam and takes a ton of damage from Tri Attack anyways and Durant who gets OHKO'd by Tri attack because of his terrible hp and special defense. Further down to 20 there are 3 other resists/immunity to normal, all of those are easily beaten by Hidden Power [Fighting] or Dark Pulse. And playing around a choice pokemon isn't exactly the most reliable way to kill it, unless of course it's the only pokemon left. It's easy enough for it to switch out to a resist and then come back in later after something dies and wreck havoc. Plus, how many resists are really going to be on your team? 1 or 2 at the most. Ghost types are fairly uncommon in this tier and so as Steel. Rock is a tad more common but not much more.
The usage list is from the first month of RU and I wouldn't count on it too much. It was still very early and it's not very accurate of what really works and doesn't yet as the top 20 has quite a few questionable Pokemon. I agree that Porygon-Z is very powerful and is hard to deal with, what I'm saying is that it works just like any powerful Specs user or special sweeper and the way to deal with them is the same. That's why I'm reluctant to call it broken yet. Yanmega is broken because there's no complete way to deal with it outside of Munchlax whereas Porygon-Z at least has resists that can capitalise on a Choice-locked move just like any other Specs user. I'm sure Pory-Z can break walls and even sweep resists but that requires support like any sweeper. I love using Porygon-Z too since Gen 4 and it may well prove to be broken in RU but I'm not convinced right now. Not when it is being suggested that it is more broken than Yanmega ;)
Excuse me, I meant that (imo) the Specs Adaptability Porygon-Z set was a little bit more broken then Specs Tinted lens Yanmega, not more broken then Yanmega as a whole. Adaptibility Boosted Resisted Tri Attacks do nearly as much as Tinted Lens Resisted Bug Buzzes thanks to Porygon-Z's base special attack that is 19 points higher then Yanmega. (Resisted adaptability Tri Attacks have 80 power while Yanmega's Bug buzzes have 120 power.)

I agree with you that the list isn't really accurate, the RU tier was brand new and we didn't discover that some things were really good until Late June/Early July. Like Munchlax and Crawdaunt got very popular a lot later on in June but they were barley used earlier so they were a lot further down in the usage stats. (Apparently on PO's Smogon RU Munchlax is number 5 and Crawdaunt is number 15. Although there were only about 74 battles in that tier so...)
Wow lol that's amazing. Where did you find those stats? I'm glad Munchlax is no.5 because it really is a great wall. Man that has made me so happy, considering Munchlax was way down in NU at the first stats and even Steelix was shitting on it in terms of usage. Go Munchlax and Crawdaunt!

edit: Oh on PO's Smogon ladder lol! OK yeah can't get too excited about that... I thought you meant on Smogon's new Standard RU tier... doh
Wow lol that's amazing. Where did you find those stats? I'm glad Munchlax is no.5 because it really is a great wall. Man that has made me so happy, considering Munchlax was way down in NU at the first stats and even Steelix was shitting on it in terms of usage. Go Munchlax and Crawdaunt!

edit: Oh on PO's Smogon ladder lol! OK yeah can't get too excited about that... I thought you meant on Smogon's new Standard RU tier... doh

Even so, the stats could potentially have been more useful if there were more than 76 battles in them. However, with a sample size that low and Electivire and Gastrodon in the 90's, that's data that looks pretty useless for the most part. Anyway, the links here ( RU/index.html) if you're still interested.
hmm sorry if this has been posted, but Eviolite Duosion is an amazing tank. that typing is unkind but it doesn't fear much with CM, Recover, Psyshock, and HP fighting. He's an awesome pokemon to use if you have problems with toxic and need a fighting resist. Great in hail is what I'm mostly getting at.
Guts Hariyama is awesome. 144 Base HP makes it super bulky, and it has a great 120 base attack. I run Fake Out (to activate Toxic Orb), Close Combat, Payback, and Bullet Punch. With all the fast and frail pokemon in RU (hey Sharpedo, Yanmega), the priority is extremely useful. And Close Combat does 25% to even Cresselia o-o.
Funny you should mention rain.... Recently ive been using a swift swim armaldo which has been utterly destroying anyting it sees. Eelektross loves the boosted thunder, and ludicolo...... Well you get the point.
hmm sorry if this has been posted, but Eviolite Duosion is an amazing tank. that typing is unkind but it doesn't fear much with CM, Recover, Psyshock, and HP fighting. He's an awesome pokemon to use if you have problems with toxic and need a fighting resist. Great in hail is what I'm mostly getting at.

I tested Eviolite Duosion on my first team :D, but I gotta say that is not that great, is decent at least, even with max/max bold and eviolite it keep taking chunks of damage before using cm and even with its great spA (same as Reuniclus) it can't OHKO that many things, and I think that Shadow Ball is better that hp fighting considering that Cresselia and Gallade are very common on this tier, Psyshock covers Munchlax already and Ferroseed can't even touch you, yeah I swept teams at late game with it but I wasn't impressed, probably Trick Room is better on it, I mean its hp is bad but not THAT bad and with its monstrous spA and Life Orb it will make a fine sweeper (I guess, just theorymoning here)
Anyway that's what I think, probably just me, people have different results with mons, some says that a mon sucks other says that the same mon is amazing, probably need to test Duosion a little more, but on my team I'm happy now with the job that Mr.Mime is doing :D
lol. Yea, Shadow Ball might be better but Sharpedo will be a problem whereas nothing really resists FIghting + Psychic. Gallade isn't much of a problem unless it's a bulk up set, but Cressy can't do anything to you with 6 calm minds, and you can't really do much to her either. but eventually she'll run out of moonlights which has less PP than Recover :p

Mr. Mime seems like a fun pokemon with Filter though so I'd be interested in how well he performs.
I quite honestly don't understand the lack of love for Lickilicky. He can take yanmega's bug buzzes as well as an SDef Jirachi and has a higher HP wish, and Knock off, etc.
I personally prefer Clefable because of magic guard and it also gets softboiled which Licklicky doesn't get so I'm not stuck with 2 move slots with wish and protect. Sometimes you need 3 move slot for other jobs which 2 doesn't cut it. Lickylicky is still very good though.
Emm, needs moar Mandibuzz. This is a set that is capable fo stalling out LO speed boost yanmega and Speed boost Sharpedo as well, not to mention that it can stall out many other pokemon as well, even if they carry something like stone edge.

Mandibuzz @ Leftovers
Trait: Overcoat
Carefull Nature (+ SpDef , -SpAtk)
Ev's: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 SpDef
Brave Bird

248 Hp to get 423 which is not dividable by 4 (252 HP gives 424, that is dividable by 4) so you can live 4 Stealth Rocks.
Even though most mandibuzz carry Taunt, this set is effective at stopping sweeps by phazing pokemon out and Toxic/LO stall other sweepers. Only pokemon like Kabutops and Rhyperior can threaten to KO without any boosts and of course a Shell Smash ice beam from omastar will take it out but still. One really bulky mon right there.
Excuse me, I meant that (imo) the Specs Adaptability Porygon-Z set was a little bit more broken then Specs Tinted lens Yanmega, not more broken then Yanmega as a whole. Adaptibility Boosted Resisted Tri Attacks do nearly as much as Tinted Lens Resisted Bug Buzzes thanks to Porygon-Z's base special attack that is 19 points higher then Yanmega. (Resisted adaptability Tri Attacks have 80 power while Yanmega's Bug buzzes have 120 power.)

I agree with you that the list isn't really accurate, the RU tier was brand new and we didn't discover that some things were really good until Late June/Early July. Like Munchlax and Crawdaunt got very popular a lot later on in June but they were barley used earlier so they were a lot further down in the usage stats. (Apparently on PO's Smogon RU Munchlax is number 5 and Crawdaunt is number 15. Although there were only about 74 battles in that tier so...)

Thing is that Porygon-Z is alot more frail than yanmega and got alot less switch in oppertunities. Coming from a person who runs both yanmega and Porygon - Z on a team i find yanmega alot easier to switch in, due to 4x fighting resist, ground immunity. Where as porygon -Z gets switched in after one of my poke's died
I think that Togetic should be added to the list. I don't know who says that Munchlax is the best counter to Yanmega, but Togetic is. She can be a defensive pivot, a cleric, or a Nasty Plot tank all in run set. I run

move 1: Hidden Power Flying
move 2: Nasty Plot
move 3: Roost
move 4: Heal Bell
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Nature: Calm
item: Eviolite
ability: Serene Grace (Doesn't really matter here, but Hustle reduces accuracy and you can't have 3 of those moves with Super Luck)

This thing takes hits like a CHAMP, here is the argument for Togetic on the UU analyses page, though it did get rejected, I still think Togetic should be added to the list.
Thing is that Porygon-Z is alot more frail than yanmega and got alot less switch in oppertunities. Coming from a person who runs both yanmega and Porygon - Z on a team i find yanmega alot easier to switch in, due to 4x fighting resist, ground immunity. Where as porygon -Z gets switched in after one of my poke's died

what about the 4x stealth rock weakness? you can switch in porygon-z in on ghost type moves and the bulk difference isn't as major as you think, porygon-z has more special bulk than yanmega in fact.
The move "substitute" needs a special mention in OP... it's fucking broken in this tier >.>

also how is golurk not on that list. Its subpunch is great.
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