Serperior Discussion


Overview: Serperior, the one starter that is perhaps hyped too much for its own good. Contrary is indeed one beastly ability, combined with leaf storm to abuse it. Too bad its dream world ability is yet to be released, and thus relegating the serpentine overlord down the tiers into RU. Although it's offensive presence is lackluster without contrary, it is still quite capable defensively and can function as a fast subseeder, the second fastest in RU. It also gets the new boosting move Coil, which helps it bolster its admittedly mediocre defenses and boost its attack, with leaf blade and dragon tail to augment its offensive options.

Type: Grass

Overgrow : Raises the power of grass moves when in low HP

Dream World Ability:
Contrary : Reverses stat changes

HP 75
Atk 75
Def 90
SpA 75
SpD 90
Spe 113

coming soon

Item: Leftovers
Nature: Careful
EVs: 244 HP / 180 Def / 84 SpD
~Leech Seed
~Dragon Tail / Leaf Blade / Giga Drain
~Protect / Dragon Tail / Glare / Toxic

A bulkier but slower version of Sceptile. 113 speed is quite amazing in RU, and not many will be able to out-speed you without a scarf or a boost. Switch into something that can't hurt you, most likely a ground type, sub up in their face and start seeding. Dragon Tail is to force out stuff that you can't seed, leaf blade and giga drain for damage, and in giga drain's case, recovery. For the last slot you have a few options. Protect can help rack up even more seed damage/recovery, Dragon tail if you run leaf blade or giga drain, the new and improved 90 accuracy glare for unresisted paralysis, and toxic for even more residual damage.

Offensive Coil
Item: Leftovers/Life Orb
Nature: Careful
EVs: 244 HP / 12 Atk / 252 SpD
~Leaf Blade
~Dragon Tail

Serperior has a great boosting move in the form of Coil which adds to his attack, defense, and even accuracy. And that defense boost is much needed as well, since Serperior will need to take at least one hit before he can reach +2, where his offensive presence can finally start to be felt. Leaf Blade is for STAB as usual, with high power and high crit ratio. Dragon tail to force out anything that you cannot hit for massive damage with leaf blade. Substitute is a must so that you can Dragon Tail things that threaten you without getting killed first.

Team Support

Item: Light Clay
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
~Light Screen
~Glare / Toxic / Leech Seed / Safeguard
~Glare / Toxic / Leech Seed / Safeguard

Serperior is one of the fastest Dual Screener in RU, and its bulk helps it to get the job done. Not only does it set up screens, it also spreads a status effect of your choice (or even 2), seeds the opponent, or protect your team from status effects. Quite handy, isn't it? Also let's not forget that it's a complete taunt bait.

Other Options
lolGrowth with Sun Support and Hidden Power Fire and Return might be a little bit decent. Might. At least it does have neutral coverage this time.
Serp IMO is SO BAD without Contrary that the only thing you can really do is SubSeed. I suppose that's cool though, since Sceptile now has better toys to abuse like Acrobatics.

also, how bulky is this compared to Eviolite Cottonee? Just askin.
Serperior isn't that great. Coil is an interesting move but it's not like Eelektross where it can really abuse it. Contrary Leaf Storm is its main selling point, sadly it isn't released but even then it's move-pool is lacking to support a set.
Dragon Tail on the Coil set is just weird. Yh, Entei, you may outspeed me to kill me while i try to phaze you out. That just doesn't work, and SubCM Entei can actually beat that i think.
I think you're forgetting to mention dual screens. The only things in RU with faster dual screens are Alakazam and Swoobat, both of which have terrible defenses unlike Serperior.
I think you're forgetting to mention dual screens. The only things in RU with faster dual screens are Alakazam and Swoobat, both of which have terrible defenses unlike Serperior.
SubSeed DualScreens
Item: Light Clay
Nature: Timid
EVs: 240 HP / 8 Def / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
~Leech Seed
~Light Screen
righto I was at school

I'll put dual screen up and should I take the coil set down / change it?

Righto, I added Team Support after seeing it's decent support movepool, and added a single measly other option which might just work with a bit of prediction and lots of boosting. Also removed Glare from coil set since it absolutely needs sub up to survive.
Serperior should be trying to abuse Glare on as many sets as possible. Its huge Speed is a huge selling point too. It's not completely useless, it is actually quite a good support Pokemon with recovery in Leech Seed.
No mention of Taunt anywhere? It was a tad unorthodox, but I found him to be a fair anti-lead, considering his moderate bulk, access to Taunt+Dual Screens and ability to outspeed Scolipede down. But maybe that's just me.
No mention of Taunt anywhere? It was a tad unorthodox, but I found him to be a fair anti-lead, considering his moderate bulk, access to Taunt+Dual Screens and ability to outspeed Scolipede down. But maybe that's just me.

Serperior doesn't have much left to invest in his bulk as he needs max Speed to outspeed Scolipede. Or more specifically, Jolly Scolipede's Megahorn does 89.8% - 105.6% to 252/4 Serperior...
I realize that all too well (well, you know, not the exact numbers :P), but would that not lead the opponent into using Spikes/TSpikes/EQ/Rock Slide, anticipating the switch? Noted that a bad prediction in such a match-up is no less than catastrophic, but it's still a neat option to play around with. On a side note, that same Megahorn would only deal 44.6-53.1% behind a Reflect, which still isn't a whole lot of fun to receive, but it puts him at a level where he can safely switch out and come in later without too much worry.