List of Released Dream World Pokemon Mark II

Cotton Guard Banette eh? I like the idea. Could make for a decent physical tank, especially with WoW and Cursed Body.

Banette @ Leftovers
Cursed Body
252 HP / 212 Atk / 44 Spe

Cotton Guard
WoW / Pain Split
Shadow Sneak / Shadow Claw

Outspeeds minimum speed Skarmory and Taunts it. After one Cotton Guard, Banette's Defense reaches 415, which is just shy of Skarmory's defenses. Might be good in UU?

This might work (or at least make Banette somewhat useful with its new move). However, if you're attempting to outspeed Skarmory, you might want to take into account that the fifth gen analysis recommends running 24 spd ev's on it.
Banette will appear at japanese global link, and will have cotton guard, move that it doesn't learn normally


ok, I have a japanese account, I won't be banned from this event. I can get a famitsu too...
Finally, they start giving Dream World Pokémon moves they can't have by any other means. Why they couldn't start this by giving Flareon Flare Blitz is beyond me... Can someone crack the password already?

Anyway, I have high hopes for the mansion. I'm guessing the Pokémon we haven't been told about yet include Mr. Mime, Sableye, Abra and Ditto.
It's the same Banette.

After getting generally pissed off at Excadrill on Smogon OU, I headed to PO's DW OU for a while and gave Sableye a whirl. Man that thing is the final nail in Stall's coffin. Like jesus this thing just walls stall entirely. The only time I needed to switch-out from Stall was to heal a Scald Burn using Aromatherapy. I don't really like the DW tier, but I gotta admit that playing with it's toys is really fun.

I'm so pro-Sableye now.
I am oddly excited about Cotton Guard Banette and I have no real clue why.

At best it's an okay gimmick combined with Cursed Body, but here I am all "omg"
details about Banette event from famitsu:

The Pokémon will be FEMALE, will be received at Level 37, with the dream ability cursed body and will have the moves: Cotton Guard, Faint Attack, Hex e Shadow ball. The photo shows a male one, but they explain that the pokémon from event is female.

Yay for it being female and all as that is obviously a good sign, but of course the only reason to use Cursed Body Banette is for Cotton Guard as otherwise it has better abilities, so it still for all intents and purposes won't be able to use its egg moves. It's a good sign and all, and Banette wouldn't really be using any of those moves on a Cotton Guard set anyway, but it does just seem typical of Gamefreak to find some way to keep the useful part of it being female from being fully useful.
details about Banette event from famitsu:

The Pokémon will be FEMALE, will be received at Level 37, with the dream ability cursed body and will have the moves: Cotton Guard, Faint Attack, Hex e Shadow ball. The photo shows a male one, but they explain that the pokémon from event is female.

YESSSSS. we are so lucky, BTW how much do you bet it wil have a hasty nature?
Well, tomorrow's the big event.

I'm calling Trick Wobbuffet (ahaha Telepathy!) & Withdraw Spiritomb right now. I can't think of any other good GF troll moves to give the rest.
Ok it has opened, i can't access it yet, but we should have info soon

On serebii's forum we can see people having lots of pokes.

Spinarak, smoochum, mr mime, mawile.
I would have hoped for a wishmur, but heh, maybe the next update.

Aguy claimed to have found a shuppet and a sableye.

Apperently this is not an extension, this is a new area where you are sent at random.

Maybe new pokemon in other area are available and want to play the candle game.
I found Mr. Mime and Drowzee (previously unknown afaik) as well as the known Misdreavus...

It seems like Sableye is confirmed! (According to Serebii Forums)

Smoochum!!!! Thank god!!! My Dry Skin Jynx from my DW OU Team is gonna troll you so hard, Politoed!

Time to get my Black account going since I've only played it 3 times and all that should be unlocked is Pleasant Forest so I "should" have a 50-50 shot of getting the Manor? *shrugs* I'll use my White account afterward. I'll post screens of my finds.
It seems like Sableye is confirmed! (According to Serebii Forums)

Smoochum!!!! Thank god!!! My Dry Skin Jynx from my DW OU Team is gonna troll you so hard, Politoed!

Wait a minute, Sableye is RU right now right? And, at least for the time being (by which in all likelihood I mean RU's first Suspect Test if this is true) it's going to stay that way. This shall be glorious.
Ok, added in Eep's post. Keep them coming guys and remember to Please take a screenshot , especially if it's something unlisted.
I've seen the following so far: smeargle, meditite, volbeat, snubull. hopefully I'll see more that I preferably like.
Still an incomplete list but
Meowth (Scratch, Secret Power)
Abra (Teleport, Gravity, Skill Swap)
Gastly (Sludge Wave)
Drowzee (Hypnosis)
Mr Mime (Teeter Dance, Skill Swap)
Spinarak (Bug Bite, Poison Sting)
Houndour (Dark Pulse)
Smeargle (Captivate)
Misdreavus (Destiny Bond, Psywave, Inferno)
Wobbuffet (Charm. Also I found Encore)
Snubbull (Charm, Close Combat)
Volbeat (Trick, Tailwind)
Illumise (Tailwind, Fake Tears)
Sableye (Foresight)
Mawile (Fire Fang, Ice Punch)
Spoink (Recycle)
Duskull (Disable)
Meditite (Drain Punch, Endure)
Shuppet (Night Shade, Pain Split)
Chimecho (Wrap, Hyper Voice)
Stunky (Sucker Punch, Foul Play)
Bronzor (Hypnosis, Gravity, Skill Swap)
Spiritomb (Spite, Icy Wind)
Rotom (Thunder Wave)

Also confirming Smeargle.
Yay for abra if it's true!

I'll be going on in a couple of hours when uni finishes so I'll see what I find.
Ignore Pontya. Decided to snag it on one of the FOUR times I got Pleasant Forest.

Stunky - Keen Eye - Screech
Drowzee - Inner Focus - Psycho Cut

VERY disappointing 1st go. Even though I had a 50-50 chance of getting the Manor, I only got it 1/5 times.

I got a Bluk Berry, a Razz Berry, and an Iron from the Manor.

Well time to switch to my alt account for my White version and pray I get the Manor at least once.

Edit: Nevermind. My White version's Game Sync is being dumb. Have to wait a day...even though I haven't touched DW in months with it.