5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

Is anyone around to help me with PID%6 please, I don't understand it at all
It's not all that hard, just looks it at first.

%6 is for finding the characteristic a PID will generate for a pokemon with 2 or more IV stats tying for the highest. Using this you can eliminate many PIDs from the list when trying to find where you are on the list of frames you have generated from the seed in the main Reporter window.

First, just for practice, find the PIDs of a few pokemon you have, (using ir-GTS or Pokecheck,) open Windows calculator and follow these steps.

Using Windows calculator, under View, choose Programmer.
Set it to hexadecimal.
Paste in a full seed.
Set it to decimal and seed is converted. Copy the converted seed.
Next, under View, choose Scientific.
Paste in the converted seed, key in Mod, 6.
The calculator will display the remainder.

Loop clockwise: HP(0) - Attack(1) - Defence(2) - Speed(3) - Sp.Attack(4) - Sp.Defence(5) to make a hexagon.

Mark on the loop which IVs are perfect on the pokemon you've caught.

The number of the remainder is the number of the stat which the characteristic will refer to, unless that stat is not perfect. In that case, travel clockwise around the loop to the first perfect stat you come across, and that one will determine the characteristic.

Don't sit there reading this. Do It! :p
Hey, i'm trying to rng kyurem right now.

from the instructions, i deducted that i have to do 0 advances but the instructions said that if my min/max frame is 1 then i should bring no more than 5 pokemon

i currently have 3 pokemon on me and i'm saved in front of kyurem already since i was trying to find my ds parameters earlier. do i really have to get 2 more pokemon in my party or am i fine without them?
Hey, i'm trying to rng kyurem right now.

from the instructions, i deducted that i have to do 0 advances but the instructions said that if my min/max frame is 1 then i should bring no more than 5 pokemon

i currently have 3 pokemon on me and i'm saved in front of kyurem already since i was trying to find my ds parameters earlier. do i really have to get 2 more pokemon in my party or am i fine without them?
If your IV Frame is 1, then as long as you have 5 or less Pokemon in your party, you're fine. :]
all right so this is my first time rng'ing in fifth gen. i've run into some problems obviously

i don't know what i missed but i'll tell you what i did and see if you guys can help me

first of all i'm following this guide

i am rng'ing for kyurem so i've only gone as far as step 2
i've set my ds parameters correctly, or at least i'd like to think so
this is my target seed (full seed) - 1CE24C8BEE4BD604
target frame - 4
mac address - 001DBCDD0115

i verified this seed because at first i didn't get the IVs i wanted so i tried again, and i got the same kyurem from my first try. same nature, characteristic, and IVs

the ivs i'm going for are these 31 31 30 30 31 30 (hp fire 70)

i got this though 12 / 3 / 11 / 3 / 23 / 16

i changed the date and time accordingly. for the time it said 06:53:51
since my actual seconds was 1 (ds parameters) i resetted the game at 50 seconds
i have no keypresses. my target frame is 4 and i have 3 pokemon in my party so i walked 128 steps which should've advanced the frame to 4 right?
That all seems correct, more than likely you have hit the other of your timer0.

EDIT: You should be starting your game up at 06.53.50 seconds
I read it as you were resetting your game, you shouldn't be resetting in game, should just be starting up, thats what you are doing right (starting up)
yea i did it like i did in my previous tries. i press start game at the time i mentioned and you mentioned

i just did it again and i got the one i wanted except this time it had a quirky nature
it had the IVs i wanted i mean
Hey, i'm trying to rng kyurem right now.

from the instructions, i deducted that i have to do 0 advances but the instructions said that if my min/max frame is 1 then i should bring no more than 5 pokemon.
i have no keypresses. my target frame is 4 and i have 3 pokemon in my party so i walked 128 steps which should've advanced the frame to 4 right?
I'm confused. Is your target frame 1 or 4?

You do know the difference between IV frames and PID frames, right?

And you know to put your seed into the main reporter window to find your initial PIDRNG frame?

And you realise that walking will advance both the IV-RNG and the PID-RNG, which is why it's recommended you use a seed with an IV frame of 1, and do no walking?

i have no idea what you're talking about. i just followed the guide. since i couldn't find a frame for frame 1 i changed it to max frame 10 and found a frame of 4
this is my target frame -> 4

i caught the kyrurem once with the hp fire IVs i listed earlier. it had a quirky nature so i didn't save the same. i tried it again but i got a lax nature (no saves either) and the wrong IVs. what did i do correctly to get the IVs i wanted?
You hit the correct timer0. It fluctuates between two.

Before you battle Kyruem, save the gave, this will advance the PIDRNG by one and should change the nature. Just keep doing this until the nature you desire appears.

i have no idea what you're talking about. i just followed the guide. since i couldn't find a frame for frame 1 i changed it to max frame 10 and found a frame of 4
this is my target frame -> 4

i caught the kyrurem once with the hp fire IVs i listed earlier. it had a quirky nature so i didn't save the same. i tried it again but i got a lax nature (no saves either) and the wrong IVs. what did i do correctly to get the IVs i wanted?
To RNG you need to understand there are 2 random number generators which give a pokemon its attributes. The IV RNG gives the IVs. The PID RNG gives everything else.

If you enter the game at the correct time, with C-Gear turned off, and advance the IV frame correctly, you will get the correct IVs. If you only care about IVs and nature, as about half the PID frames are synchronisable, you can just put the appropriate synchroniser in front of your party and try using 1, 2 or 3 saves after you've entered the game, and one of those should get you the right nature. However, as it seems it's too late for you to do that, you need to hit a PID frame with the correct nature. This will be complicated by the fact that the walking you have done advances the PID frame.

Copy the full seed you have chosen from Time Finder, and paste it into the box labelled Seed(hex) in the main Reporter window.

Set it to Method 5 PIDRNG, encounter type: Stationary Pokemon, Synch Nature: none, Max Results: 1000, Nature: the nature you want, Ability: any, Encounter Slot: any. Don't tick anything unless you're looking for a shiny.

Oh, tick Roamer Released if it is released and uncaught.

Now press "Calculate Initial PIDRNG Frame", and then "Generate".

You will need to find a PID frame in this window high enough to allow for the advancement from walking. To calculate this advancement:

PID Frame ˜ steps * (377/170) + turns * 2 + Calculated Initial PIDRNG Frame <--For walking in grass/caves/buildings (where wild Pokemon can be encountered) if you have 2 Pokemon in the daycare

PID Frame ˜ steps * (21/10) + turns * 2 + calculated Initial PIDRNG Frame <-- Same as above but this is approximation when you have no Pokemon in the daycare. I believe this approximation also works if you only have 1 Pokemon in the daycare.

(Thanks Stud from Serebii.)

Turns don't count if you are running when you do them.

To advance the PIDRNG frame people usually use two Chatots with freshly recorded chatters, flipping between their summaries. However you can also advance the PID frame by one with each save you make, which might be more convenient for you right now.

Once you've got this far, you will most likely not get the pokemon you want straight off. You might then want to uncheck the nature box and click generate again, so you can see what frame you have it, and adjust your saves accordingly.

Or you might want to use the blunt instrument approach, and just keep trying, using one extra save each time, until you just happen to hit the nature you want.
I'm trying id/sid abuse on black and white and I was wondering what should i put in the time finder for my seed. And Like the encounter slots, nature, ability, and stuff. Should i tick the shiny only box? and i need to search under frame 1 right?
I'm trying id/sid abuse on black and white and I was wondering what should i put in the time finder for my seed. And Like the encounter slots, nature, ability, and stuff. Should i tick the shiny only box? and i need to search under frame 1 right?
You don't need to do anything that has to do with the PID (So, don't check the shiny box, don't pick a nature, ability, etc.). Just pick your IVs and month and make the encounter type wild pokemon (I'm pretty sure), and generate. And, the frame doesn't have to be 1, but if you want a starter it does (And frame 1 IV seeds are always nice anyways :D).

After you find your seed, paste it into the main window of RNG Reporter, and make the method "Method 5 PIDRNG." Then click "Calculate initial PIDRNG Frame" and generate. Look through the list of PID frames and pick one that has the Nature, encounter slot, ability, etc. that you want.

If you want a starter, the frame that you pick should be close to your starting PID (Since the only way to advance the PID would be by saving and it would take a while...). If you don't want a starter, pick a PID frame you're comfortable with hitting. From there you'll have to go to Pandora's box.

Edit; Ninja'd, sort of. Lol that's the same guide I gave you except with pictures! xD
Ok did everything, and in the search by and search parameters box i put all frames to 40 to match my starting frame at the main window. I hit find Id seeds. Then I pick a seed which has a true under the starter column and advance accordingly, but its not shiny.

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