Rain Dance Discussion Thread

I have recently been messing around with Rain in UU, with the drop of Tornadus and the prevalence of sand thanks to Hippo dropping. This is the thread to discuss mons that work well in a Rain setting, or help on Rain teams.

First of all...
Rain Dance Users


Tornadus @ Damp Rock
Modest, Prankster
8 HP/248 SpA/252 Spe
-Rain Dance
-Focus Blast/Hidden Power Ice

He can go mixed, but I have not tested that variant. I figured for Rain, he should be very concise with his moveslots. This obviously makes a great lead, but I don't carry him at the beginning. He stops entry hazards with priority taunt, and I run Focus Blast for Steels who can shake off Hurricanes easily. Hurricane is obvious, as its accuracy is increased in the rain and it hits extremely hard with that great Flying STAB and Confusion hax just like Machamp. Hidden Power Ice can be used as the other coverage move if you want to counter Sand even more, nailing annoying Gligars and Rhyperiors for 4x damage. Rain Dance and Damp Rock are more helpful in this playstyle, imo.

Sableye also gets Prankster and Rain Dance, but otherwise does not benefit from Rain much, but obv has no weaknesses so not much of a liability, unlike Tornadobro.

Mew @ Damp Rock
Bold, Synchronize
252 HP/224 Def/32 Spe
-Rain Dance
-Heal Bell/Will O Wisp
-Seismic Toss/Psychic

Mew just gives up something like Will O Wisp or some other support move in order to use Rain Dance. She can heal bell for you, and is sturdy enough to act as a dedicated back up dancer. :p Psychic can be used as the attacking option, and might help with new threats like Machamp but I usually use Seismic Toss to break subs and do consistent damage.

In a similar vein, many other pixies like Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, and Cresselia get Rain Dance and are quite sturdy. Cresselia gets decent recovery but it gets hindered by rain, but if you plan it right you can heal when rain stops and then set up another wave of destruction. >:D

Kingdra @ Life Orb/Damp Rock
Mild, Swift Swim
92 Atk/252 SpA/164 Spe
-Rain Dance
-Hydro Pump/Scald
-Draco Meteor

You would probably change EVs if you ran damp rock and tried to use her as a dedicated dancer, but this set allows Kingdra to double his speed in a single turn, or counter sand that much easier, and her attacks will keep Hippowdon from coming in. She works in Physical and Special, but this set allows her to hit from both sides, and Rain Boosted Waterfalls Win. (see: http://pokemon.aesoft.org/replay-GTS-vs-HerbieTG--2011-10-14 ) This set works well because you can nail something with a fast HPump/Scald/Surf and then use Draco Meteor to maybe take out their wall or just nail pokemon for hevvy damage and then she can switch straight to Waterfall and continue to wreak havoc. You could theoretically go all Physical with Outrage/Waterfall or all Special. The speed EVs make it outspeed pretty much anything in the rain.


Other notable Rain Dancers include Blastoise who offers Rapid Spin support and has access to Rain Dish to heal which allows him to forgo Lefties for a Rock, and can hit decently with Rain STAB HPumps. Crobat is fast and has access to RD as well as Roost/U Turn for further utility. Electrode is the classic RD lead from past eras, and can also abuse Thunder.

...and now everyones favorite part of rain,
Swift Swim Abusers!
Already mentioned was Kingdra who actually benefits from her own drizzle, but there are plenty of other viable SSers this time around.


Kabutops @ Choice Band/Life Orb
Adamant, Swift Swim
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
-Stone Edge
-Aqua Jet

In the rain, his waterfalls hit like a truck and just one flinch hax can spell doom for your opponent. His other STAB attack Stone Edge hits insanely hard and almost always goes first in the rain, but most always watch for priority attacks. I rarely use Superpower, but its there just for the prevalent weakness to Fighting attacks, and Aqua Jet makes him more effective outside of rain and allows him to revenge kill effectively.


Omastar @ White Herb
Modest, Swift Swim
252 SpA/252 Spe/4 Def
-Shell Smash
-Hydro Pump/Surf
-Ice Beam
-HP Grass/HP Electric/Earth Power

With Rain up and the STAB, you could use Surf for reliability. IB and SS are obvious. The last move is used to support the team. Both Hidden Powers hit the water types that would love to switch in on your water or ice moves, while Earth Power hits Electrics.


Ludicolo @ Life Orb
Modest, Swift Swim
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
-Hydro Pump
-Giga Drain
-Ice Beam
-Rain Dance

Great SSer with access to 2 good STABs and Ice Beam which is also helpful. He is able to set up his own rain if he wants, and he doesn't really get any other viable coverage moves, so its helpful just incase yr main dancers go down or something. Alternatively, he could use Rain Dish too and gain some recovery, but 8-turn-rain really doesn't like wasting turns.

Floatzel, Gorebyss and Huntail also get SS, but I don't think they are that great. Floatzel is a wannabe Kabutops and the other 2 weirdos never seem to hit hard enough to me.

Another great role for Rain Teams is the
Thunder Destroyer
the almighty electric type.


Jolteon @ Life Orb/ Choice Specs
Modest, Volt Absorb
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
-Shadow Ball
-HP Ice
-Volt Switch

Jolteon assists a Rain team by absorbing enemy electric attacks tossed at you. She hits incredibly hard, and once the ground type is eliminated (rain makes this much easier) her thunders can ravage the countryside. Even Calm Minders like Suicune and Slowbro will fall to Thunder, no more than 2 even with boosts. Shadow Ball helps with Chandelures and other psychics, etc. HP Ice gets little use but can be used on a predicted ground switch for some damage.


Other electrics include Zapdos and Raikou. Zapdos has the benefit of floating, but that makes him fear Ice and Rock, while Raikou only has the ground weak. Much like Jolteon, Raikou can pack Thunder/Shadow Ball, and also gets access to Aura Sphere.

I'm sure there are plenty more viable mons, but what do you guys think about this playstyle? This thread is for all discussion of this style. Get to it!
Qwilfish is awesome. Absorbs toxic spikes, which could cripple you if your not careful, and after a swords dance and kill pretty much everything with waterfall/Poison Jab. Plus its not that frail, which I exploit by using leftovers as opposed too life orb. How people dont use him is beyond me. plus against other rain teams he has a mean poison jab.

Volbeat has prankster rain dance, so you could mention that, using it as a lead pretty much garuntee you 8 turns of rain, after a U turn. and then later in the match it gives you another 8 turns of rain just because it can.

Specs tornadus isnt a bad idea either.

Snorlax can pose a problem too rain if all your physical attackers are gone. CB returns hurt, whilst he doesnt take much from boosted hydro pumps/thunders.

Abomasnow (lol) changes the weather and has a nice grass STAB too abuse, but qwilfish can sort him out with a well timed poison jab. Apart from that he;s rare xD.

Running a fighting type (such as machamp) for hail or chansey isnt an unwise decision. He cant directly exploit the rain but who cares its friggin machamp!!! 100% accurate dynamicpunches should be good enough for anyone.
Totes agree with Machamp, i run him most of the time, and you can play mind games as to who you lead with.

I will look into Qwilfish too, i love poison types.

Abomasnow can be a problem if you cant manage to get rain up on him, but sometimes you get lucky and punch him out wit Machamp.
Even with Tornadus + Kingdra rain isn't really that dangerous in UU with Abomasnow and Hippowdon running around. Not to mentioned UU's wide array of bulky grass type like Ferroseed, Roserade, Shaymin, Rotom-C etc.

Also maybe a mention of Electrode as a rain inducer? One of the quickest Rain Dances in the tier + STAB 100% acc. Thunders are pretty cool.

Edit: there is also already a rain thread


it kind of sucks and it's not updated, so I don't know what the mods will do with your thread...
Even with Tornadus + Kingdra rain isn't really that dangerous in UU with Abomasnow and Hippowdon running around. Not to mentioned UU's wide array of bulky grass type like Ferroseed, Roserade, Shaymin, Rotom-C etc.

Also maybe a mention of Electrode as a rain inducer? One of the quickest Rain Dances in the tier + STAB 100% acc. Thunders are pretty cool.

Edit: there is also already a rain thread


it kind of sucks and it's not updated, so I don't know what the mods will do with your thread...

I can tell you haven't been using rain. Use it and you can see that this shit is awesome. Kabutops can destroy Roserade, Shaymin, Rotom-C, with +2 Stone Edge and no one really uses Ferroseed.
Where is crobat? Hands down one of the best rain inducers, able to U turn to the abuser of your choice.

In addition raikou should be added for sure as he can single handedly tear teams apart with stab thunder.

I have used rain and find it to be very anti meta this round. Once you lure in and kill Hippo the onslaught begins. The primary problem I had was deciding what the best set for tornadus was. In addition I strongly recommend max speed on Kingdra. Unfortunately without one is almost guaranteed to to be 6-0ed by opposing Kingdra.
I can tell you haven't been using rain. Use it and you can see that this shit is awesome. Kabutops can destroy Roserade, Shaymin, Rotom-C, with +2 Stone Edge and no one really uses Ferroseed.

basically this. Kabutops gives two shits about Roserade. That Rain STAB Waterfall is deadly, too. The only things that really get him are like, Sturdy Donphans.

Even with Tornadus + Kingdra rain isn't really that dangerous in UU with Abomasnow and Hippowdon running around. Not to mentioned UU's wide array of bulky grass type like Ferroseed, Roserade, Shaymin, Rotom-C etc.

Also maybe a mention of Electrode as a rain inducer? One of the quickest Rain Dances in the tier + STAB 100% acc. Thunders are pretty cool.

Edit: there is also already a rain thread


it kind of sucks and it's not updated, so I don't know what the mods will do with your thread...

That thread sucks... I would hope this one gets the nod as a more official thread. He doesn't even have an OP really.

But, i forgot about Electrode, but he really doesn't do much outside of Rain, but I guess you could use him as yr rain dancer and thunder abuser.

Where is crobat? Hands down one of the best rain inducers, able to U turn to the abuser of your choice.

In addition raikou should be added for sure as he can single handedly tear teams apart with stab thunder.

I have used rain and find it to be very anti meta this round. Once you lure in and kill Hippo the onslaught begins. The primary problem I had was deciding what the best set for tornadus was. In addition I strongly recommend max speed on Kingdra. Unfortunately without one is almost guaranteed to to be 6-0ed by opposing Kingdra.

Yeah, I will add Raikou with Jolteon, and Crobat is a beast in every way and i didnt check him for RD, so I will add him too.

And I def agree. People arguing rain isn't viable due to the perma weathers running around, it really makes it that much more viable. Stoutland is a piece of poop without his glorious sandstorm, and Hippo really doesn't want to get smacked with a STAB Waterfall or Hydro Pump. Abomasnow is a little harder to deal with due to his grass typing, but he can be dealt with, and in general hail abusers have a lot of common weaknesses that can be exploited. Froslass is frail, and without hail, has little chance of being a real problem for you.
iv actually found carrying RD on tornadus (just randomly, im not running a rain team) is really helpful. people get careless with their hippo and abomb when they see that ur not running a weather team and thus, u can just move in, and PRIORITY RAIN DANCE! and as a nice boost, ur hurricane is now 100% accurate.
iv actually found carrying RD on tornadus (just randomly, im not running a rain team) is really helpful. people get careless with their hippo and abomb when they see that ur not running a weather team and thus, u can just move in, and PRIORITY RAIN DANCE! and as a nice boost, ur hurricane is now 100% accurate.

Definitely. I used to run Thundurus with it in OU and they hate not having their weather up. In UU especially, this makes rain a great anti-weather.

Registeel and Seismatoad works well as well.

I have yet to try Seismitoad but it did cross my mind, but I can vouch for Regi. He's a great defensive pivot for any rain team.
I think that Parasect and Jynx should both be mentioned here. Dry Skin is a wonderful ability to have in the Rain. Even though Parasect isn't as effective as it is in OU, it has incredible SubSeeding abilities in the Rain. It's a shame that it doesn't personally get Rain Dance. Also, Jynx can run a Sub + NP set and easily recover the lost HP from Substitute. She can also handle many of the pesky Grass-types that Rain Dance teams don't generally like.
Rain Dance in UU is great simply because Hippowdon can't switch into most Rain abusers. Against Hail the hippo can just wear down Abomasnow, but Rain teams have three to four enablers that all will probably beat Hippo one-on-one. Tornadus is a bit underwhelming because of the 70% Hurricanes outside of Rain, but good ole Kingdra is as threatening as ever.
I think that Parasect and Jynx should both be mentioned here. Dry Skin is a wonderful ability to have in the Rain. Even though Parasect isn't as effective as it is in OU, it has incredible SubSeeding abilities in the Rain. It's a shame that it doesn't personally get Rain Dance. Also, Jynx can run a Sub + NP set and easily recover the lost HP from Substitute. She can also handle many of the pesky Grass-types that Rain Dance teams don't generally like.

Jynx has worked wonders mainly due to the fact that people don't know she has Dry Skin ;D
I don't really see Jynx as a great Dry Skin abuser. Toxicroak is so good because it's got good typing, moderate defenses, and a a set-up move that boosts its attack and defense, meaning its Substitutes can stay up for even longer. Plus, Sucker Punch. I'm just not really feeling Jynx, especially with how hazards-weak it is. Weak to SR, vulnerable to Spikes and TS, while Croak is only hurt by Spikes. A SubPlot set could work, I guess.

Edit: On Kabutops, what KOs is Superpower getting that Low Kick can't manage?
I don't really see Jynx as a great Dry Skin abuser. Toxicroak is so good because it's got good typing, moderate defenses, and a a set-up move that boosts its attack and defense, meaning its Substitutes can stay up for even longer. Plus, Sucker Punch. I'm just not really feeling Jynx, especially with how hazards-weak it is. Weak to SR, vulnerable to Spikes and TS, while Croak is only hurt by Spikes. A SubPlot set could work, I guess.

Edit: On Kabutops, what KOs is Superpower getting that Low Kick can't manage?

Jynx isn't meant to stall lol. It's just a nice to have while it sweeps the enemy team. It completely walls Suicune, Milotic and other waters out there (due to dry skin). I run SubNasty Plot Ice Beam and Psychic lol. It still does a shit ton even when it's NVE
Jynx isn't meant to stall lol. It's just a nice to have while it sweeps the enemy team. It completely walls Suicune, Milotic and other waters out there (due to dry skin). I run SubNasty Plot Ice Beam and Psychic lol. It still does a shit ton even when it's NVE

Toxicroak isn't meant to stall either. What I'm saying is that Toxicroak can set up behind a sub and, using its good typing + stats, can continue to boost up. Jynx doesn't really have either of those two things. I'm not saying it's bad, just that I don't feel it's especially good either.
Floatzel has 115 speed, which is above 624 pokemons in the whole game. Floatzel doesn't really need swift swim. It's attack is pretty similar to kabutops but he can not be countered by other floatzel with brick break or focus blast. Plus Floatzel has acces to bulk up, baton pass, crunch, pursuit, ice fang and ice punch.
OK hi there apologies for bumping the thread but I feel this is really a significant issue now that the Christmas Brothers (AKA Snover/Abomasnow) have all been banned from UU, and the SwSw abusers have the ability to smash Hippopotas as well(Surf from Kingdra/Ludicolo/Omastar OHKOs Hippopotas while Tornadus and Sableye gets priority Rain Dance).

Firstly, on the subject of Omastar: Fucking amazing.

Nobody expects him. Really. I have no idea why, but Omastar can easily sweep unprepared teams. It's amazing really to come in on *insert physical sweeper that doesn't have Grass or Fighting physical or is locked into a resisted move*, like Darmanitan Flare Blitz, smash once, and start to KO stuff. The only things that outruns him after +2 are Scarfed 100+s (Flygon, Victini), Scarf Darmanitan (if you are not running Timid), Accelgor and Ninjask. A very simple Shell Smash set of Smash/Surf or Hydro Pump/Ice Beam/HP Grass can easily take out anything that does not have notable special bulk. Now add like 2 layers of spikes, and you pretty much have your game set.

This is the current set I'm using and its really fucking effective

Omastar @ White Herb
Swift Swim
252 SpA/252 Spe/4 whatever(i think i put in def but seriously who cares)

Shell Smash
Hydro Pump/Surf
Ice Beam
HP Grass/HP Electric/Earth Power

mostly a pick your poison type of stuff but its really hard to take him down once he sets up: he can shrug off priority like a boss while nabbing an OHKO in their faces. Heck, I could destroy without running spikes (or usually Oma just ends up sweeping without the spikes).

On the topic of Floatzel, I think he is that underwhelming. Kabutops gets a superior boosting move in Swords Dance while Floatzel has to do with Bulk Up. Kabutops also has a secondary STAB called Stone Edge, while being able to run Low Kick to secure Rock/Fighting coverage. Floatzel... yeah he gets fucking Brick Break. The only thing he has over Kabutops is the ability to go mixed while having better offenses and speed than Kingdra... and simultaenously lacking Draco Meteor. :/

Electrode is terrible btw its horribly outclassed by sableye and tornadus.
I tested Floatzel and Kabutops in the same spot, and Kabutops proved much more deadly on the team. In regards to that last line, Sableye didn't have Prankster when I made this thread, and Electrode is known to be mad fast. But, he's also dead weight.

Omastar has always been great, and he is still a force to be reckoned with.

Why would you apologize for bumping, anyway? What's the point of a thread that no one posts in?
:/ habitual i guess

also even if Sableye didn't have Prankster IMO Accelgor is still a better rain dancer due to some actual offensive presence, better speed, and Spikes.
Is Tornadus banned from UU? I heard people saying we lost him, but the site still shows him as UU.

Also, you are probably right about Accelgor. Electrode is only mentioned as an after thought, not a primary option. He was suggested in the thread, and is known as a rain inducer across generations.