New DW ability release

According to the ticker that's above currently...

The list of allowed DW abilities has been updated (see here and here). Note that new DW moves (Superpower Spinda, Outrage Salamence, etc.) have not yet been programmed in. Don't expect anything on this front until PO releases a new version.

What exactly is the definition of new DW moves? Because I've been using a Mach Punch Unburden Hitmonlee for a few battles and it worked fine(i.e. I'm not put into Dream World), under normal circumstances it shouldn't have worked since Hitmonlee can't have egg moves with its DW ability, but in this case Hitmonlee has Mach Punch as a DW move...
Outrage Salamence will be destructive. Moxie throws Salamence into a huge rampage after a quick DragonDance. :D
Pokémon encountered in the Dream World may only have one special move at a time; therefore, Salamence can in no way have all three of Outrage, Dragon Dance, and Moxie at the same time. It's kinda like how Ferrothorn can have Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Leech Seed, but only two at a time.
I think that he means moxie+outrage.
i see

but outside of DW there is no way of getting Mach Punch on Unburden Hitmonlee (since the hitmons are all-male and hence cannot pass down DW abilities)...

I'm not sure currently which moves are allowed, or the problem is restricted to the Hitmons because they are all-male.