Foongus (Analysis) [GP 2/2]

Thanks guys, I didn't really think that through, i just went by whoever said that blindly.
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<p>Foongus's not the curly one older brother, Amoonguss, is a prominent force in the VGC 2011 metagame. It The former optional is only useful when combined used together with Amoonguss, but as a back up. To set up Trick Room successfully, players will often sacrifice Amoonguss with by using Rage Powder. Using both Foongus and Amoonguss allows players to continue to have Spore support after Amoonguss sacrifices himself. Due to his lower Speed stat, Foongus can out-speed everything in Trick Room with a slower faster since Trick Room is already in effect, Foongus is 'faster' Spore than Amoonguss.</p>

name: Support
move 1: Spore
move 2: Rage Powder
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Protect
item: Eviolite spelt this way :)
ability: Effect Spore
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpDef
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>This set is meant to be brought into the game after Trick Room has been set up, alongside an effective attacker or sweeper?. After Foongus takes enters the field, he can render almost not all any opposing Pokemon useless with his slow Spore. While your opponent's Pokemon is sleeping, Your attacker or sweeper? can knock the other out one of your opponent's Pokemon while the other one sleeps and to prevent your opponent from attacking entirely just varying sentence structure here. Foongus is slower than Musharna, Gigalith, Escavalier, Ferrothorn, and doesn't have to Speed tie with Reuniclus, Cofagrigus, and other opposing Amoonguss. Most importantly, this allows Foongus to put Musharna and Reuniclus to sleep before they can hit him with a Psychic, and put also Amoonguss to sleep before Amoonguss he puts any of your pokemon to sleep. This provides it Foongus with a small advantage over Amoongus while still being able to assisting a sweept in Trick Room. Protect can guard Foongus for a turn, and is just a good move in general. Protect can be used to scout for the opponent's moves and Rage Powder can be used to draw moves away from your teammate, comma instead of ; possibly saving them and wasting an the opponent's turn. For example, if you have a Reuniclus beside or alongside of your Foongus, you can draw Bisharps's Sucker Punch away from Reuniclus, and while taking no damage. Giga Drain prevents allows Foongus from being not to be a complete Taunt bait, and can hit Jellicent and Terrakion for decent damage. Here are some calculations against Jellicent and Terrakion. Foogus deals 24%-30% to a 252 HP / 4 SpDef Jellicent, 28%-35% to a 4 HP / 0 SpDef Jellicent, and 35%-40% to a 4 HP / 0 SpDef Terrakion.
<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>Giga Drain vs. 252/4 Jellicent 24% - 30%</li>
<li>Giga Drain vs. 4/0 Jellicent 28% - 35%</li>
<li>Giga Drain vs. 4/0 Terrakion 35% - 40%</li>

<p>The EV spread maximizes his defenses to take the most advantage of out of Evolite. The best Trick Room partners for Foongus are Reuniclus and Jellicent. Both hold the offensive presence needed to attack sleeping foes, and Jellicent enjoys Foongus taking Grass- and Electric-type attacks with Rage Powder. As previously stated, Amoonguss is necessary to justify the use of Foongus on your team in the first place. Gigalith is a another great partner in Trick Room, as Foongus can draw away Grass- and Fighting-type moves that Gigalith hates while taking almost no damage,. and This allows Gigalith to scores many OHKOs with Rock Slide, while Foongus can put sleep whichever of your opponent's Pokemon which you can't OHKO to sleep.</p>

[Other Options]
<p>Focus Sash can be used to ensure it he survives a hit, but it is generally an inferior option to Eviolite. Mental Herb can protect Foongus from priority Taunts only used once, but the absence of Eviolite really hurts Foongus's bulk.</p>

[Checks AND Counters]
<p>Conkeldurr is immune to Foongus's Spores thanks to the Flame Orb he generally holds, but his Mach Punches and Drain Punches can easily be pulled from their proper intended target by with Rage Powder. The move Safeguard protects the opponent's apostrophePokemon from Spore. Pokemon that holding the optional Lum Berry can shrug off a Spore and fire back an attack. Prankster Taunts can prevent Foongus from using Spore, Rage Powder, or Protect; and Prankster Substitutes can block Foongus's Spore before he can use it.</p>

I'm still learning! Pardon me if I made any mistakes :)

EDIT: Oh dear. Just realised that the last post on this thread was months ago... Hope this check isn't 'illegal'.

That's fine, don't worry. There's no rule against posting in old threads in C&C, we'll get to them eventually.

Your check is pretty good! A few things though:

Please don't use bright colors. Your check should be as easy to read as possible, so dark colors are best, and bolding helps point out changes that might be hard to see (a lone comma, for example)

SpDef is correct, not SpD.

Outspeed is one word.

If you haven't already, familiarize yourself with Smogon's Spelling and Grammar Standards.
OK! :D Yep, I have seen that Announcement thread. Just that I occasionally miss out some things :o

Thanks to all those who helped :)

Oh and should the EV spread be changed? I think it needs QC to weigh in though.

edit: oh yea, updated the check!
Being an idiot I forgot about this after hiatus + end of VGC 2011. Will continue updating and finish this thing.

Edit: Think I got all sandshrewz edits, time to seek out some other GP checks.
Em... You still missed out the hyphens after each type name in the AC. For example it should be Electric-type instead of Electric type. Actually it's better to implement changes after you get an offical check, but never mind since you already did so. :)
My first analysis, so please point out any formating errors.




<p>Foongus's older brother, Amoonguss, is a prominent force in the VGC 2011 metagame. The former is only useful when used together with Amoonguss as a back up. To set up Trick Room successfully, players will often sacrifice Amoonguss by using Rage Powder. Using both Foongus and Amoonguss allows players to continue to have Spore support after Amoonguss sacrifices himself. Due to his lower Speed stat, Foongus can outspeed everything in Trick Room with a faster Spore than Amoonguss.</p>

name: Support
move 1: Spore
move 2: Rage Powder
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Protect
item: Eviolite
ability: Effect Spore
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>This set is meant to be brought into the game after used with Trick Room in play has been set up, alongside an effective attacker. After Foongus enters the field, he can render almost any opposing Pokemon useless with Spore. Your attacker can knock out one of your opponent's Pokemon while the other one sleeps to prevent your opponent from attacking. Foongus is slower than Musharna, Gigalith, Escavalier, Ferrothorn, and doesn't have to Speed tie with Reuniclus, Cofagrigus, and opposing Amoonguss. Most importantly, this allows Foongus to put Musharna and Reuniclus to sleep before they can hit him with Psychic, and also Amoonguss before he puts any of your pokemon to sleep. This provides Foongus with a small advantage over Amoongus while still being able to assist a sweep in Trick Room. Protect can be used to scout for the opponent's moves and Rage Powder draw moves away from your teammate, possibly saving them and wasting your opponent's turn. For example, if you have a Reuniclus beside your Foongus, you can draw Bisharps's Sucker Punch away from Reuniclus, while taking no damage. Giga Drain allows Foongus to not be complete Taunt bait, and can hit Jellicent and Terrakion for decent damage. Here are some calculations against Jellicent and Terrakion.</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>Giga Drain vs. 252/4 Jellicent 24% - 30%</li>
<li>Giga Drain vs. 4/0 Jellicent 28% - 35%</li>
<li>Giga Drain vs. 4/0 Terrakion 35% - 40%</li>


<p>The EV spread maximizes his defenses to take the most advantage out of Eviolite. The best Trick Room partners for Foongus are Reuniclus and Jellicent. Both hold the offensive presence needed to attack sleeping foes, and Jellicent enjoys Foongus taking Grass- and Electric-type attacks with Rage Powder. As previously stated, Amoonguss is necessary to justify the use of Foongus on your team in the first place. Gigalith is a another great partner in Trick Room, as Foongus can draw away Grass- and Fighting-type moves that Gigalith hates while taking almost no damage. This allows Gigalith to score many OHKOs with Rock Slide, while Foongus can put whichever of your opponent's Pokemon you can't OHKO to sleep.</p>

[Other Options]
<p>Focus Sash can be used to ensure he survives a hit, but it is generally an inferior option to Eviolite. Mental Herb can protect Foongus from priority Taunt, but the absence of Eviolite really hurts Foongus's bulk.</p>

[Checks and Counters]
<p>Conkeldurr is immune to Foongus's Spore thanks to the Flame Orb he generally holds, but his Mach Punch and Drain Punch can easily be pulled from their intended target with Rage Powder. Safeguard protects the opponent's Pokemon from Spore. Pokemon holding Lum Berry can shrug off a Spore and fire back an attack. Prankster Taunts can prevent Foongus from using Spore, Rage Powder, or Protect; and Prankster Substitutes can block Foongus's Spore before he can use it.</p>


I think the amateur checks have caught almost everything, this is good.

My first analysis, so please point out any formating errors.




<p>Foongus's older brother, Amoonguss, is a prominent force in the VGC 2011 metagame. The former is only useful when used together with Amoonguss as a back up. To set up Trick Room successfully, players will often sacrifice Amoonguss by using Rage Powder. Using both Foongus and Amoonguss on the same team allows players to continue to have Spore support even after Amoonguss sacrifices himself. Due to his lower Speed stat, Foongus can outspeed everything in Trick Room with has a "faster" <-you're not really faster, you just move first, put quotations around it Spore than Amoonguss in Trick Room.</p>

name: Support
move 1: Spore
move 2: Rage Powder
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Protect
item: Eviolite
ability: Effect Spore
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe

[Set Comments]

<p>This set is meant to be used with Trick Room in play, alongside an effective attacker. After Foongus enters the field, he can render almost any opposing Pokemon useless with Spore. Your attacker can knock out one of your opponent's Pokemon while the other one sleeps Foongus puts the other to sleep to prevent your opponent from attacking. Foongus is slower than Musharna, Gigalith, Escavalier, Ferrothorn, and doesn't have to Speed tie with Reuniclus, Cofagrigus, and opposing Amoonguss. Most importantly, this allows Foongus to put Musharna and Reuniclus to sleep before they can hit him with Psychic, and also cripples Amoonguss before he puts any of your pokemon to sleep. This provides Foongus with a small advantage over Amoongus while still being able to assist a sweep in Trick Room. Protect can be used to scout for the opponent's moves and Rage Powder can be used to draw moves away from your teammate, possibly saving them and wasting your opponent's turn. For example, if you have a Reuniclus beside your Foongus, you can draw Bisharps's Sucker Punch away from Reuniclus, while taking no damage. Giga Drain allows Foongus to not be complete Taunt bait, and can hit Jellicent and Terrakion for decent damage. Here are some calculations against Jellicent and Terrakion.</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>Giga Drain vs. 252/4 Jellicent 24% - 30%</li>
<li>Giga Drain vs. 4/0 Jellicent 28% - 35%</li>
<li>Giga Drain vs. 4/0 Terrakion 35% - 40%</li>

[Additional Comments]

<p>The EV spread maximizes his defenses to take the most advantage out makes the most use of Eviolite. The best Trick Room partners for Foongus are Reuniclus and Jellicent. Both hold possess the offensive presence needed to attack sleeping foes, and Jellicent enjoys Foongus taking Grass- and Electric-type attacks with Rage Powder. As previously stated, Amoonguss is necessary to justify the use of Foongus on your team in the first place. Gigalith is a another great partner in Trick Room, as Foongus can draw away Grass- and Fighting-type moves that Gigalith hates while taking almost no damage. This allows Gigalith to score many OHKOs with Rock Slide, while Foongus can put whichever of your opponent's Pokemon you Gigalith can't OHKO to sleep.</p>

[Other Options]
<p>Focus Sash can be used to ensure he Foongus survives a hit, but it is generally an inferior option to Eviolite. Mental Herb can protect Foongus from priority Taunt, but the absence of Eviolite really hurts Foongus's bulk.</p>

[Checks and Counters]
<p>Conkeldurr is immune to Foongus's Spore thanks to the Flame Orb he it generally holds, but Mach Punch and Drain Punch can easily be pulled from their intended target with Rage Powder. Safeguard protects the opponent's Pokemon from Spore. Pokemon holding Lum Berry can shrug off a Spore and fire back an attack. Prankster Taunts can prevent Foongus from using Spore, Rage Powder, or Protect; and Prankster Substitutes can block Foongus's Spore before he can use it.</p>

GP Approved (2/2)

Protect can be used to scout for the opponent's moves and Rage Powder can be used to is useful to draw moves away from your Foonguss's teammate, possibly saving them it and wasting your opponent's turn. For example, if you have a Reuniclus beside your Foongus, you can draw Bisharps's Sucker Punch away from Reuniclus, while taking no damage. (I don't think you really need to explain rage powder, but this is up to you) Giga Drain allows Foongus to not be complete Taunt bait, (make sure to remove the comma) be able to do something if Taunt is used on it and can hits (make sure not to miss the added "s") Jellicent and Terrakion for decent damage. Here are some calculations against Jellicent and Terrakion.

Mental Herb can protects (make sure not to miss the added "s") Foongus from priority Taunt

Prankster Taunts can prevent Foongus from using Spore, Rage Powder, or Protect; and additionally, Prankster Substitutes can block Foongus's Spore

bold is remove, italics is add, underlined is comments
Protect can be used to scout for the opponent's moves and Rage Powder can be used to is useful to draw moves away from your Foonguss's teammate, possibly saving them it and wasting your opponent's turn. For example, if you have a Reuniclus beside your Foongus, you can draw Bisharps's Sucker Punch away from Reuniclus, while taking no damage. (I don't think you really need to explain rage powder, but this is up to you) Giga Drain allows Foongus to not be complete Taunt bait, (make sure to remove the comma) be able to do something if Taunt is used on it and can hits (make sure not to miss the added "s") Jellicent and Terrakion for decent damage. Here are some calculations against Jellicent and Terrakion.

Mental Herb can protects (make sure not to miss the added "s") Foongus from priority Taunt

Prankster Taunts can prevent Foongus from using Spore, Rage Powder, or Protect; and additionally, Prankster Substitutes can block Foongus's Spore

bold is remove, italics is add, underlined is comments
Not to shit on your amateur check, but I already have two full GP checks. At this point is more of what each person thinks sounds best, and I don't think thats worth changing.